MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1027

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"Tell me, what's the deal?"

"But... not as good as the monthly watch."

"What does this have to do with the monthly clock?"

"The effect of the monthly timepiece is that as the number, frequency, and time of using the monthly timepiece increase, the consumption of using the monthly timepiece will become less and less. In fact, in this process, I am increasing or developing my Adaptability to time ability. Drinking a sip of the river of time is not even as friendly as I use the monthly timepiece to pause for a while to increase the time, and it is better to sell the river of time for money." Chen Luo said.

The more Chen Luo used the monthly timepiece, he could indeed feel the obvious reduction in the consumption of the power of time.

Moreover, Chen Luo inexplicably felt that the time river water was no better than ordinary water.

It can't even be used to make tea!

What's so good about just drinking water?

"..." The Herrscher of Knowledge, who didn't expect Chen Luo to give such a reason, froze there.

"Doesn't that mean that you are more suitable for the Dao of Time than the Emperor of Heaven? Why don't you try hard and see if you can surpass the Emperor of Heaven on the Dao of Time?" the Herrscher of Knowledge suggested.

"Why does my one month's hard work exceed the achievements of others in tens of thousands of years? Although it is quite distressing for the time clone of the Emperor of Heaven to take out a glass of the River of Time, it seems that the acquisition of the River of Time is so simple, and the Emperor of Heaven is so stingy. Maybe it's just pure pettiness."

"Although I don't know much about the practitioners of the Avenue of Time series, it's impossible for them to obtain the river of time at a slower rate than me, right?" cup.

"...Maybe they are really slower than you?"

"How is it possible? The river of time that I poured into the river of time yesterday even dislikes the river of time. Maybe it is a diluted product. He is the emperor of heaven. How can it be possible that he usually uses this kind of stuff?"

If it is not the Emperor of Heaven but an ordinary practitioner of the time system, it may be very difficult to obtain the time river, but the Emperor of Heaven should be a little different.

"I think a big man like the Emperor of Heaven should be the kind of powerful person who takes advantage of the long river of time and doesn't pay attention to get a lot of time river water. It's not the kind of flattery who goes to brush up the favorability of the long river of time, and then just wastes time to drink water. Type player." Chen Luo said.

"That's true..." The Herrscher of Knowledge nodded.

After all, the Emperor of Heaven sounds so powerful...

No matter how you think about it, it should be the kind of arbitrary character, right?

"Dingling." The wind chimes rang, and a barefoot figure ran into the bar, and then moved to the table in front of Chen Luo and the others.

"Is there any time for the river?" Penglai Shanhuiye grabbed the table and looked at the sapphire cup that was constantly sinking and floating in the long river of time.

"No." Chen Luo shook his head.

"Oh, then I'll come over and take a look later." After Penglai Shanhuiye finished speaking, he wanted to run towards the open bar door.

"You have come three times in 20 minutes, don't you find it troublesome?" Chen Luo complained.

"But it's been 20 minutes, and you don't have a drop of time in this cup, isn't it slow? And don't you know how to put more cups in it?" Penglai Shan Huiye complained after stopping.

"I put it away, I put all 23 cups in." Chen Luo pointed in the direction of the bar, and above the bar was a bigger river of time, with 17 cups floating inside.

And the small piece of time in front of Chen Luo is not only the sapphire cup, but also the silver cup and the gold cup.

In order to improve efficiency, Chen Luo threw all the cups given by the Emperor of Heaven into the river, summoned the gold and silver and threw them into the river of time.

The reason for the number of 23 is that at least one of the 8 sapphire cups must be kept in full bloom, that is, 7/32 cups of time river water.

The three cups next to Chen Luo were indeed used to watch the progress.

"Then can't you put more other items? Isn't it more efficient?"

"What are you thinking about? I don't know what material these sapphire cups are made of. They gather the breath of time many times faster than other things. So these 23 cups are enough."

"Then you can copy a few more sapphire cups, don't you have void and ten thousand possessions?"

"Doesn't it cost money to copy? You're a loser, why wait a little longer?" Chen Luo said angrily.

This sapphire cup is too laborious to copy with Void Wanzang. The key is that it is expensive and requires a lot of Honkai crystals.

You can make several one-off Honkai crystals of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order to make a one-time sapphire cup. Was Chen Luo kicked in the head by a donkey?

"But it's really slow, when will I drink the time river water." Penglai Shan Huiye sighed.

"If you want a drink, you can have it now."


"What are you doing lying to you?" Chen Luo stretched out his hand to hook, and countless cups flew out of the illusory river of time, and then floated in front of Chen Luo

Penglai Shan Huiye glanced curiously, but didn't see any drop of water in any of the cups.

But as all the cups gathered together, Chen Luo stretched out his finger, as if countless water vapor slowly rose from these cups and gathered in the air.

"Tick tock!"

"Tick tock!"

Under Penglai Shan Huiye's expectant eyes, four and a half drops of water fell into the cup below.

"Obviously it doesn't look like there's any moisture coming..." The Herrscher of Knowledge tilted his head.

"I used water vapor to describe the river of time, not really water vapor." Chen Luo rolled her eyes at the Herrscher of Knowledge.

"Do you think that if you throw these cups into the river and soak them for 10 days and a half months, the cups will be full of water? Compared with water vapor, the current situation is more like squeezing juice, and the breath of the long-term river is released from the water. Draw it from the cup. Fortunately, I am also a river god, otherwise Penglai Shanhuiye would really have to lick cup by cup if he wanted to drink the river water."

Maybe even keep the cup in your mouth for a while.

Ordinary people can't condense the water vapor of such a long river into water droplets, but who made Chen Luo the **** of the river?

The river of time is also a river.

【Ding! mission completed】

Looking at Penglai Shanhuiye's eager eyes, Chen Luo didn't even have the nerve to complete another quest, so he threw half a drop of the river of time into Penglai Shanhuiye's already opened mouth.

"A little more, it's less than yesterday's. Yesterday's lick is good or bad...cough cough. I mean collect the time and river water on your clothes, but there is less than 1/2 cup." Penglai Shan Huiye complained

It was really refreshing to drink yesterday.

Let alone half a drop, lick at least three drops!

So much moisture!

"By the way, do you want to see the real long river of time?" Chen Luo didn't respond to Penglai Shan Huiye, but took out a drop of water from the cup and asked.

"Think!" Penglai Shanhuiye nodded hastily.

The water droplets hovering over Chen Luo's finger jumped out and flew into a relatively large illusory river of time that Chen Luo had just cut open.

After that drop of water poured into the illusory long river of time, the long river of time began to surge, and the originally revealing vicissitudes of life became more and more unfathomable.

Looking at the intercepted section of the river, Penglai Shan Huiye's eyes flashed countless fragments of time.

After seeing that section of the river, Mount Penglai Huiye seemed to be re-examining his life, examining the time fragments that are closely related to him

There was nothing to talk about before, and it was only after he and Yayi Yonglin decided to study Penglai medicine that Penglaishan Huiye became interested.

And the last one that represents the turning point in Penglai Shanhuiye's life is the door that Yakumozi showed in front of Penglaishan Huiye.

When the scale of time was pulled back to the present, Mount Penglai Huiye suddenly woke up, as if in a lifetime.

The next moment Penglai Shan Huiye couldn't help but rushed towards the long river of time that was already real and could no longer be real


Spicy so much water!

Who can bear this?

"Don't be impulsive." Looking at the impulsive Penglai Shanhui Ye Chen Luo wanted to get up, but after lowering his head, he was helpless.

Chen Luo is not worried about the long time, Chen Luo, but worried about Penglai Mountain Huiye

What can there be to worry about in the long run?

"Crack!" Penglai Shan Huiye, who was rushing towards the long river of time, hadn't touched the long river of time, a turbulent wave directly jumped out of the long river of time.

It was obviously just a wave, seemingly flashy, but after splashing on Penglai Shanhuiye's face, it directly sent Penglaishan Huiye's fan flying out.

3600-degree swivel landing!

"Bang!" His face fell to the ground.

Chen Luo hurts just looking at it

Fortunately, there is no way to hurt each other in the bar.

Then Chen Luo watched with his own eyes that the waves flying out of the long river of time turned into a puddle of water and fell to the side of Mount Huiye of Penglai, and then jumped back into the long river of time again.

Chen Luo was taken aback by this scene.

Although Penglaishan Huiye was a little dizzy, he still struggled to get up, and then perseveredly launched a charge towards the long river of time.

"Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai!"

Instead, a huge wave hit Penglai Shanhuiye directly. While sending Penglaishan Huiye flying, it almost flooded the bar with water.

"Bang!" This time, Penglai Shanhuiye flew even further, directly out of the bar.

Because Penglai Shanhuiye happened to be photographed by the huge waves in the bar door where Penglaishan Huiye entered, so Penglai Shanhuiye was not blocked by the air wall of the bar.

Due to the angle, Penglai Shanhuiye fell directly on the bed, but it seemed that he was not injured.

And Penglai Shanhuiye's goal seems to have been achieved. When the huge wave sent Penglaishan Huiye flying, some river water flew directly out of the bar.

Although the river water in the bar quickly converged and then returned to the river, and even the river became unreal, but the river water did not seem to be recovered during the time outside the bar.

"Wuhu! Take off!" Penglai Shanhuiye, who was very resistant to fighting, exclaimed as he watched the river flying out.

But those rivers also seemed to have heard Penglai Shanhuiye's cheers and the ridicule contained in it, directly took off from the ground with an unreasonable posture, and then smeared Penglai Shanhuiye's face.

Immediately afterwards, under the watchful eyes of Chen Luo and the Herrscher of Knowledge, Penglai Shan Huiye's figure gradually became smaller until he turned into a child.

"Wow!" Wearing ill-fitting clothes that were several times bigger than his own body, Penglai Shanhuiye looked blankly at Chen Luo who was facing him and the Herrscher of Knowledge next to Chen Luo, and then cried out. come out

"Who? It's so noisy!" Because of Penglai Shan Huiye's crying, Chen Luo, who had been terrified to move, woke up.

Mebius, who was lying on Chen Luo's lap wearing earplugs and trying to catch up on sleep, got up annoyed, took off the earplugs and looked for the **** who woke him up.

"Hey, keep sleeping, I've only been asleep for 20 minutes now," Chen Luo looked at Mebius who sat up, held Mebius's shoulders with both hands, and pushed her down on the side-by-side bunks again. On a chair with thick cushions, rest your head on your lap

Following Chen Luo's gentle massage and the renewed tiredness, Mebius fell into a deep sleep again enjoying Chen Luo's knee pillow.

In the morning, Mebius was a little sluggish due to the all-night experiment yesterday, so Chen Luo involuntarily brought him to participate in the long-lost fusion operation.

Then he was pulled into the bar by Chen Luo to catch up on sleep.

Although Chen Luo recommended that Mebius go up to the third floor to have a good sleep, but Mebius insisted on sleeping on Chen Luo's lap for some reason.

And when Mebius made this decision, there was still a Herrscher of Knowledge standing beside him who dared not speak out.

Although the Herrscher of Knowledge wanted to say something, but whenever he saw Mebius, the Herrscher of Knowledge could always recall some bad memories.

Such as being arrested for experimentation, being arrested for experimentation and being arrested for experimentation...

In short, every time the Herrscher of Knowledge saw Mebius, he would be subconsciously afraid.

The timeline of the Herrscher of Knowledge at the beginning was the timeline in which Chen Luo did not appear, and the number of times Hua was pulled to do experiments was no less.

Even in Chen Luo's current timeline, Hua was still pulled to do many experiments.

But at least the frequency was less, perhaps it was for Chen Luo's sake...

But don't panic, the law of knowledge is not panic at all.

Just kidding, just a knee pillow...

Chen Luo and I are friends who sleep on the same bed, just knee pillows... Heh.

When the Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Mebius who was lying on Chen Luo's lap with his eyes closed again, there was a little smugness in his eyes.

Do you know what is the gold content of being together all the time?

So the Herrscher of Knowledge is sure that Mebius has never experienced what he has enjoyed!

Chapter 1020 Chen Luo: Mom! Someone Bullied Me!

"[The Curse of Time]..." Chen Luo felt a headache looking at the status bar of Penglai Shan Huiye.

Penglai Shan Huiye had already been dragged into the bar by Chen Luo with a giant hand of silk thread, and now she was running around the bar with bare feet dragging clothes several times her own size.

The Herrscher of Knowledge chased after this guy with too much experience, and occasionally looked back at Chen Luo and Mebius whose head was resting on Chen Luo's lap.

The reason why Chen Luo was able to see what happened to Penglai Shanhuiye was also because in a sense this [Curse of Time] was also a time ability, so Chen Luo could find it in the purchase list on Penglaishan Huiye. it.