MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 1032

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No matter how stupid Joan of Arc is, she knows that she can't be distracted during the battle, but no matter how stupid Joan of Arc is, she knows that she can't even remember her own family now. This matter is outrageous.

Therefore, the answer was almost in front of him, but Joan of Arc was not very willing to believe it.

"Then who are you? Why did I appear in your bar?" After being at a loss, Joan of Arc seemed to have realized that she appeared here together with these shadow followers. Since it wasn't her own problem, it must be the other party's problem. ah.

Could it be that magical girl Teriri?

No, this is a boy.

Or is he a companion of the magical girl Teriri?

But in the bar, among the existing 4 women, there seems to be no girl who fits the temperament of a profiteer in the impression of Joan of Arc.

Mebius who is asleep, Herrscher who looks silly, Abi who is listening to a song, and Penglai Mountain Huiye who is lying on the edge of the table and occasionally looking at the time and river and occasionally looking at Chen Luo

"Break into someone's house rashly, and then ask who are you and how did I get here? Your question is very strange."

"But, but I don't know what's going on?"

Joan of Arc, who was being hit by her belief in being Joan of Arc, now encountered this strange thing again—not only did she not die after closing her eyes, but was pulled into a special room instead, and My body has become smaller, and there are still many shadow followers beside me...

Black Joan's heart was very tired.

I'm going black! Oh no, I was originally blackened.

Then I'm going to collapse!

"Don't worry, don't worry, if you have any problems, tell the big brother, I will help you solve it, look at you, you don't know how you got here, right? Tell me what happened? Right Do you want a lollipop?" Chen Luo beckoned Black Joan over and gave him a lollipop.

Anyway, Joan of Arc was originally a child's mind, and now his body has become a child, so it is completely no problem to coax Joan of Arc in the way of coaxing a child.

Everything remains the same.

"I'm not a child!" Although her body was only about the size of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, Black Jeanne knew what was going on with her.

"Yes, yes, but let's fix the problem first, shall we?"

"Where do we start?" Joan Hei accidentally removed the peeled lollipop, and sat next to Chen Luo.

Although the Herrscher of Knowledge complained about Hei Joan taking his position, but seeing Penglai Shanhuiye who turned back into a child after not holding on for a long time beside him gave him a headache

Obviously, this kind of job of coaxing children should belong to Chen Luo, why should it fall on him?

Damn Mebius!

old hag!

Abby, on the other hand, became curious about the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of him, so he took off his earphones, lay down on the table, and began to watch the conversation between his brother and little Joan of Arc.

Abby would like to see how his brother can make this little Joan limping.

"Abi, you go home and finish the three-page math problem before you come back." Chen Luo suddenly said to Abi.


"What follows is a conversation between adults, it's better for children not to listen to it." Chen Luo said solemnly.

After all, the next time is not suitable for children to fool around, even Chen Luo wants to keep a bit of dignity in the eyes of his sister...

Although it was almost gone.

Chen Luo probably won't be able to walk the path of the majestic big brother.

"Hmm..." Abi reprimanded Chen Luo for his behavior, which obviously didn't want him to watch the show, but under the pressure of homework, Abi could only obediently go home.

But it's not a big problem, Abby is confident that he can finish those exercises in 10 minutes and come back.

Don't say whether the answers to these exercises are correct or not, just say whether it is fast or not?

After seeing Abby leaving with high spirits, Chen Luo looked at Joan of Arc who started to eat the lollipop again.

"Little friend, didn't anyone tell you not to eat anything given by strangers?" Chen Luo asked.

"I'm not a child! This lollipop shouldn't be..." Hei Jean Arc subconsciously retorted, looking at the lollipop just taken out of his mouth with some guard

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of despicable adult. I'm a minor just like you. I just want to remind you of this. Don't trust anyone who looks suspicious or even makes people feel friendly." Chen Luo reminded.

"Thank you." Little Joan, who was in a period of confusion when she felt that she might not be Joan of Arc and her body suddenly became smaller, felt that the big brother in front of her was more cordial.

A bad person never says he is a bad person. Similarly, a person who makes others guard against everyone should be considered a good person.

What a simple value ah?

"Let's start with what happened before you crossed over. Don't feel scared. This bar is originally a bar that communicates with every world, so although people like you from different worlds appear in a strange way, they are not Not uncommon." Chen Luo comforted.

"The thing is like this..." Under Chen Luo's comfort, little Joan began to calmly talk about what happened before her death.

"Magic girl Teriri..." Chen Luo felt very heavy when he heard this name.

"You know him?"


"Very familiar?"

"Very familiar."


"I almost understand that the problem should be in that contract. Because you have used a lot of magic power from the Holy Grail, not a single drop of the magic power in your body now belongs to you, so in the judgment of the contract, you also belong to the contract." Creatures created by the Holy Grail."

"Is that okay?" Little Jeanne was startled.

"Why not? Just tell me how much magic power you used from the Holy Grail?"

"Uh, a lot..." Little Joan hesitated and said.

Just kidding, who owns the Holy Grail and doesn't use the magic power in the Holy Grail? Do not use the Holy Grail as a decoration at home?

Thinking about it carefully, Little Jeanne found that according to this theory, it seems that there is really not a drop of magic power in her body that belongs to her...

No, or the servant itself cannot produce magic power independently. If Joan of Arc has a master, then Joan of Arc’s master is the [Holy Grail], and the master provides his own magic power, so the natural flow of magic power in Joan of Arc’s body That is the master's magic power.

"Then why am I here?" Little Jeanne then asked.

"Oh, that's probably because the contract you signed was made by me, and the magical girl Teriri also bought things for me."

"Wait, you mean..."

"That's right, I was actually the one who bought these followers. I originally wanted to use them for research, but who knew you would appear?" Chen Luo said.

"You also pressed the fingerprint on the contract?"

"Yeah." Chen Luo nodded

"You also gave the silver Command Seal?"

"Ah, silver Command Seals? I remember I gave one gold and one silver?" Chen Luo took out two Command Seal stickers, one gold and one silver were placed in front of Hei Jean.

"That profiteer!" Little Joan was furious!

It turns out that the middleman makes the difference!

What traveling merchant? Don't let me see you again! Otherwise, I will give you a [Picture Poor Dagger See], [Dry Lake and Fishing] for you!

"A profiteer is not counted as a middleman. Anyway, I think it is worth it to exchange one gold, one silver and two Command Spells for these shadow followers, plus a gift of such a cute little lolita." Chen Luo stroked Xiaozhen De white hair.

"I told you I'm not a little lolita, I'm just getting smaller now!" Little Jeanne shook her head and shook Chen Luo's hand off.

"By the way, since you know the magical girl Teriri, can you help me go back?"

"Back to the singularity?"

"That's right, didn't you say that your bar can travel through different worlds?"

"But... Among the countless doors in the bar, there is no door that belongs to your world." Chen Luo shook his head.

Chen Luo's words really did not lie.

Chen Luo went to the first place and never went through the main entrance.

So there is no door connecting the bars in the first singularity.

"Is it really not possible?" Little Joan looked at Chen Luo beggingly.

Perhaps it was because of Chen Luo's affinity, Chen Luo's friendly science popularization and help, and the fact that Hei Joan had undergone drastic changes and her body had shrunk, so Hei Joan had no choice but to ask Chen Luo for help.

Black Joan really wants to go back to her own world.

Even if they die, they must be destroyed together.

In other words, I am the dregs of despair, why should I live here?

Signing the deed of sale, being someone else's servant or something... It's better to be destroyed together with his own glory.

"No." Chen Luo shook his head.

【Ding! You have a new commission! 】

[Return]: Little Joan of Arc wants to go back to the first singularity for another look, it is her only home. Even though this home may be unreal, it may be about to shatter...

Reward: 444 rough stones + Joan of Arc favorability 44

Difficulty: Samsung

Chen Luo's eyes changed.

"Although it's impossible in principle. And after signing the contract, you now belong to me. But since your desire is so strong, no matter what, I will help you!" Chen Luo said very firmly.

"Thank you!" Black Jeanne looked at Chen Luo with softer eyes.

This big brother... this teenager is a good guy.

Chapter 1024 Chen Luo: No one can accept being prostituted for nothing! But if you give the original stone...

"Let me think about how to transfer you to the first singularity..." Although Chen Luo agreed to this commission from Joan of Arc, Chen Luo still felt a bit of a headache. After all, it is really troublesome to teleport there without using the bar door.

To open the door is to definitely not open the door, because there is no door to open.

Then... you can only use the teleportation anchor.

"But I suddenly discovered that we are now facing the biggest, greatest, greatest problem." Chen Luo said to Little Jeanne with some worry.

"Ah, what's the problem? Is there no channel?" Black Joan was surprised.

Is it possible to ask for help from that **** profiteer again?

"It's really impossible, you call that magical girl Teriri, I promise I won't beat him today." Black Jeanne gritted her teeth and said.

That profiteer doesn't say anything else, but there are really many channels.

"...May I ask, what would you do if you were allowed to meet that profiteer?" Chen Luo asked tentatively.

"Poke her twice with the flag." Little Jeanne said angrily.

"Let her be the middleman to make the difference!"

Perhaps due to her injuries and smaller size, little Joan is now more emotional.

The reason why those shadow followers were not affected was because they could not be called followers at all, they could only be regarded as props, no matter how seriously injured they were, it would be good to have magic power supply, regardless of their life or death.

"That's it?"

"Do you mean she should be stabbed more times? I will take your opinion selectively."

"Ah, no, I mean you got revenge on her because he made the difference as a middleman?"

"Well, what else? Although it's quite uncomfortable for this profiteer to do both Chaldea's business and my business, as long as he is a normal person, he will definitely help Chaldea and the others? I don't mind my identity as a villain. Still conscious." Little Joan said while hugging her chest.

Thinking about the good and evil in this world as a child will come to an obvious conclusion that cannot be fully understood as an adult.

"Although that profiteer helped Chaldea a lot, in the final analysis, I was finally defeated by the other me and Chaldea, and I still had a silver command seal..."

"The reason why I want to stab that profiteer a few times is because if she also gives me the golden Command Seal, maybe I can fight back."

Chen Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, because Chen Luo didn't intend to give Black Joan the golden Command Seal, so this one is not valid.

"Besides that, I don't have any big disputes with her. After all, it's just a relationship between a businessman and a buyer." Black Joan still understands it now.

"Of course, having said that, but when she really appears in front of me, I will definitely stab her a few more times. Hmph, profiteer!"

Seeing that Joan of Arc didn't have much of an opinion about her profiteer... the identity of the magical girl Teriri, Chen Luo felt relieved.

Chen Luo thought for a while, and realized that she had never cheated Joan of Arc.

Anyway, even without Chen Luo, Joan of Arc would lose.