MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 3

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After clicking to accept, Chen Luo took a deep breath and walked in front of Little Loli.

"Brother Chen Luo, do you want some candy?" Little Loli asked while holding the candy and handing it to Chen Luo.

The reason why Little Loli dared to do this was because she knew that Chen Luo would not accept it.

After all, brother Chen Luo is a good person, unlike his mother, who is a bad adult.

Seeing Xiao Loli's behavior, Chen Luo was deeply touched.

Ah, what a sweet boy.

"Then I'll accept it reluctantly." Chen Luo nodded, and while Little Loli was still in a daze, she grabbed the lollipop and stuffed it into her mouth, and then ran to her house in a hurry.

【Ding! mission completed】

"?!" Little Loli's eyes widened instantly, as if she saw something unbelievable.

this, this, this...

Tears began to brew in Little Loli's eyes.

"Wow!! That's the last...the last candy! The limited!!" Little Loli cried out with a wow.

This time, the young woman was even more in a hurry.

Chapter 4 The Herrscher of Consciousness Planted in the Vegetable Garden

I don't know if it was Chen Luo's delusion, but Chen Luo always felt that after completing the task of [Grab Little Loli's Lollipop], a warm current flowed through his body, as if he had become a little stronger.

But the problem is that when Chen Luo opened his character interface, he didn't find anything, or it seems that his current talent has not developed a statistical function yet?

Is my talent still a growth talent?

Or is it impossible to count combat power at all?

Fighting five scumbags?

But no matter what, now Chen Luo runs more vigorously.

Thank you Little Loli for the lollipop.

and 5 rough stones.

Go back and buy her two more lollipops.

Then... see if the delegate can be triggered again.

Chen Luo now seems to find that his talent does not seem to make him a tool person.

Facts have proved that the so-called helping others, no matter how you help others, as long as the goal is achieved, it doesn't matter whether he is happy or not.

Are you saying that you have done your tasks the wrong way before?

Chen Luo couldn't help falling into deep thought.

Of course, when he was thinking about it, Chen Luo didn't forget to jump directly over the railings in front of the guard booth.

This railing really stops the gentleman but not the villain.

Contemplation is contemplation, but the Herrscher of Consciousness still has to be saved.

Chen Luo always felt that the name seemed familiar, but Chen Luo just couldn't remember where he heard it.

And the traveler and the rough.

Chen Luo has also heard of it, but it seems to be something in the game.

As we all know, high school students don't have time to play games, especially someone like Chen Luo who needs to help others in every spare time, even less time.

This made Chen Luo suspect that he seemed to be more social than social animals.

However, the difference between Chen Luo and Shezhu is that the social animal is for money, while Chen Luo is for the progress bar.

And when Chen Luo was thinking about it, Chen Luo finally passed through countless single-family villas and ran to his door.

The first thing Chen Luo confirmed when he came to his house was to open the entrustment interface and click Track.

Then, a light blue beam of light that only Chen Luo could see rose into the sky.

"This direction... it seems to be the backyard." Chen Luo looked at the beam of light and immediately ran towards the backyard of his house.

"I hope the vegetables I grow are all right." Chen Luo muttered while running.

Although other residents in the villa area like to plant some flowers in the backyard to cultivate their sentiments, Chen Luo obviously does not take the usual path.

But it is a pity that his planting skills are really not good, and few of them can survive successfully.

When Chen Luo ran to the small backyard that was supposed to be used to grow flowers and cultivate his sentiments, a big pit had already appeared there.

A face-down humanoid was lying in the big pit, and the vegetables next to the big pit that had a low survival rate were swept away.

"Okay, you don't have to think about growing vegetables anymore. No, I remember who was commissioned to grow vegetables? Forget it, don't care, since I have awakened my talent, I won't take jobs like growing vegetables in the future. already."

Chen Luo also forgot who said that he wanted to eat the vegetables grown at home, but it was clear that the commission absolutely failed, because not a single vegetable was left, and all of them were swept away.

"Hey, just say something while you're still alive." Chen Luo picked up the dead branch beside him and poked the humanoid creature carefully.

When Chen Luo arrived at Caiyuanzi, he found out that he could accept the task, and immediately accepted the task.

And looking at the task does not show failure, it means that the other party should not be dead.

Although Chen Luo poked the other party, but the other party did not respond.

Looking at the task with extremely low difficulty and extremely high reward in the commission column, Chen Luo felt that this person should not be dangerous, so he slowly squatted down and lightly touched the opponent's arm with his fingers.

"It's hot, it means she's not dead, at least she's not dead. But the other party seems to have suffered such a serious injury. How should I treat her? Yunnan Baiyao... Probably not." Chen Luo suddenly had a headache.

However, this person can be saved even if he has a headache. After all, this person is worth 600 rough stones.

Thinking like this, Chen Luo gathered up his courage to approach the figure, then stepped over the other's body, with his feet on either side of the other's body, his hands passed under the other's armpits, and then lifted him up.

"It's unexpectedly light. Or is my strength getting stronger?" Chen Luo didn't understand, but it didn't affect Chen Luo's pulling the other party out of the pit.

After pulling it out, Chen Luo realized that the other party seemed to be a girl. Although he couldn't see the muddy face, he could still tell if it was a man or a woman.

Although you could see from the back that the other party was wearing a skirt, you couldn't deny the possibility that the other party might be a pervert in women's clothing.

"Should a girl be hugged by a princess? But..."

But this girl is really dirty.

Between his clothes and his tenderness towards girls, Chen Luo finally chose tenderness towards girls.

This is not to say that Chen Luo doesn't care about his clothes anymore, the main thing is that Chen Luo is afraid of dragging the other party's words and causing some irreversible effects on the other party.

After looking around like a thief to see if anyone was coming, it took five minutes before Chen Luo moved the other party to the house.

The reason why it took so long was because when Chen Luo had just dragged the other party halfway, a person passed by in his backyard.

"Alo, why is there such a big hole in your backyard?" The old man who walked around the corner looked at the big hole and asked in surprise.

"Master Li, you may not believe it when you say it. I want to plant a tree, shouldn't I dig a big hole?" Chen Luo said seriously.

"Children talk nonsense about planting trees, not to dig a big pit, but to dig a deep pit. Your pit is big enough but not deep enough," said Li Ye, who had gray hair.

"You're right, but you're tired. Let's do it tomorrow, Master Li, walk slowly." Chen Luo waved at the other party and asked the other party to forcefully [walk slowly]

It's all said and done, and the other party can't do it if he doesn't leave.

And Chen Luo also knows why this is a time-limited commission, because if Chen Luo is not quicker, this uncle might find this Herrscher of Consciousness.

As a good law-abiding citizen, you will definitely call the police when you encounter such a situation. Once you call the police, this commission can basically be said to be cool.

"How can I predict the future with my talent? How awesome!" Chen Luo thought while hugging the Herrscher of Consciousness who had been hurriedly placed in the dead corner.

The result of this is that there are a few more vegetable leaves on the other party's head, but it is not a big problem, it is already very dirty anyway.

Chapter 5 The Herrscher of Knowledge does not understand the heart

I'm not a tool person: The beautiful girl fell from the sky, but she fell a bit miserably, what should I do? Online wait, urgent!

Sanjiu My Wife: There's no help, just wait to die.

. . . : The landlord is at least 10 years old, otherwise he would not be able to say such dreamy words.

Love to eat sweet and sour pork: No, in my opinion, it should be 10 years of cerebral thrombosis.

Xijing is not too hot: whoever has diabetes, wake him up.

I'm not a tool person: so does anyone have an answer to this question?

I'm really a good person: Lord, looking at my years of experience watching anime, in general, this kind of beauty, no matter how seriously injured the other party is, she will recover after a while.

I'm not a tool guy: uh, what if it doesn't work out?

I'm really a good person: then let's stop cooking, what else can I do?

I'm not a tool man:…

Making dumplings with vinegar: No, I think you can give each other a bath first, but it is the most important thing to see if they are beautiful.

Earth Meow Teaching: The brother upstairs is right.

BB: Contact lens potion can wash away visible blood stains, and then wash with bleach and then splash pig blood, which can hide people's eyes and ears. In addition, high-concentration lye can treat pig skin, pork, and pig bones. Hair is recommended to be burnt...

Earth Meow Teaching: What the hell, think about it very carefully.

"You are joking, but I am serious." Chen Luo put down the phone and sighed.

Chen Luo originally wanted to ask for help from the omnipotent netizens, but Chen Luo forgot that the netizens were omnipotent and also took into account the sand sculpture.

"However, what the other party said is very correct, that is, it seems that this beautiful beauty who fell from the sky didn't seem to be seriously injured, but she just didn't wake up." Chen Luo sighed and looked at the girl who was placed on his bed by Chen Luo. .

"Also, I hope that the other party can help wash the quilt after waking up." Chen Luo sighed again.

Later, Chen Luo picked up the wet towel in the water basin next to him and began to wipe the other party's body.

The way the opponent appeared was face down, and he was still planted in a dirt pit, or the kind of wet dirt pit that had just been watered two days ago, and his body was really dirty.

Fortunately, Chen Luo had previously applied for volunteer work at the hospital in order to brush up on the progress of the task.

Originally, it was a one-time help activity organized by the school, saying that it had some educational significance, but later Chen Luo saw this brushing task and quickly continued to do it.

After all, it has to be said that this score is too fast.

However, what made Chen Luo a little uncomfortable was that the strange patients in the hospital were more difficult to handle than the other, which made people head.

Of course, it's not that there is no easy service. There is a girl in the hospital who is about the same age as Chen Luo. She has lived in a single ward for a long time. She does not ask Chen Luo to do anything else, but only asks Chen Luo to accompany her to study, and the extra points are still very high. , so Chen Luo especially likes to find her.

"Huh, it's almost done." The Herrscher of Consciousness's arms and thighs had already been wiped clean by Chen Luo, and even Chen Luo gave him a massage technique for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. learned in the hospital.

Now only the most difficult to manage hair is left.

The other party's hair was as dirty as the husky who rolled into the mud, and it made his heart aching just looking at it.

But when Chen Luogang flipped the towel over and wiped the clean side of the towel from the other's hair, his gaze swept across the other's eyes.

In an instant, the eyes meet...

"That, that, you, you're awake..." Chen Luo instantly took back the towel in his hand.

"When did you wake up?" Chen Luo asked awkwardly.

Does this person wake up without knowing what to say?

"Crack!" The other party didn't answer, but snapped his fingers lightly.



In the air, several beautiful feathers appeared in an instant. This gorgeous and beautiful scene made Chen Luo a little ecstatic.

But then, those feathers instantly turned into several sharp swords, which were placed on various parts of Chen Luo's body, making Chen Luo unable to move.

Chen Luo lightly touched the tip of the sword with his finger.

Gan! It's the real thing! !

Moved, dare not move.jpg

"Alas, it really hurts everywhere to sleep this night. It's really unfortunate." The other party stretched his back after holding Chen Luo hostage.

Read The Duke's Passion