MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 971

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In addition, there are many decorations related to angels in this imperial capital, which existed before the palace of the imperial palace.

Therefore, when an angel with black wings suddenly appeared in the sky, it was undoubtedly extremely shocking.

Especially the angel floating in the air, far away from the ground, but within the entire imperial capital, no matter where it is, the reflection of the angel can be clearly shown in the eyes.

This miraculous scene made people involuntarily increase their recognition of the identity of this angel.

Maybe it's really an angel and not some weird Tegushi.

Just don't know why the wings are black.

"Teigushi? No, it doesn't look like it." Sitting next to Chen Luo, Estes frowned and looked at the one man and one dragon in the sky.

In front of the Dragon of the East China Sea, the Mercury Lamp looked extremely small, but her sense of presence was higher than that of the Dragon of the East China Sea, and everyone's attention could not help but gather towards the Mercury Lamp.

"I remember that among the Teigu there is a Teigu called Wanli Flying Mostima, which is also a wing-shaped Teigu." Although Esdes has not yet established the "Hunter" organization, but for the existing Teigu Have a lot of understanding.

"But if the above is a Teigu envoy, doesn't it mean that she has at least three Teigu? Using two Teigu at the same time is already breaking through the limit, and using three Teigu that I have never seen at the same time... I would rather believe that she is a real angel." Lubbock said in a daze.

To achieve the current effect of the Mercury Lamp, three Teigu are needed, one is a winged Teigu similar to Flying Thousand Miles Mostima, one is a Teigu that can condense a huge light hammer, and the other is a Teigu that can appear in front of everyone's eyes Teigu of her figure.

Although Teigu has been scattered all over the world due to the civil war, it is not enough that people have not even heard their names.

It is impossible for three strange Teigu to appear as soon as they appear!

And I don't know why, when the reflection of the mercury lamp appears in everyone's eyes, the first impression is that of an angel, and as the time of staring at the reflection increases, this impression becomes more profound.

"Good job." Chen Luo praised the Herrscher of Knowledge sitting behind him.

"Do you need to say that?" Although there was some disdain in the words of the Herrscher of Knowledge, the smile that gradually became wider on the face of the Herrscher of Knowledge did not match what the Herrscher of Knowledge said.

"Using the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge to create images of consciousness for them, and at the same time strengthen the hint in their hearts that the Mercury Lamp is an angel, although it is hard work, at least it is much easier than controlling the sinful emotions of the entire imperial capital." The Herrscher of Knowledge also relieved.

Logically speaking, the consumption of controlling and suppressing consciousness should not compare to the consumption of creating consciousness images and deepening psychological suggestions, but this is the imperial capital, and it is not too much to say that this is the capital of crime.

"But those ordinary people are okay. Under this level of psychological suggestion, they have gradually begun to believe that Mercury Lamp is a real angel. It is relatively slow to rise, even if it is gradually deepening, it will take a certain amount of time." The Herrscher of Knowledge reminded.

"Especially this Estes next to you, simple psychological hints have little effect on it."

Ordinary people now believe that Mercury Lamp is an angel, and ordinary Tegushi also believe that the other party seems to be an angel, but they still have some doubts

Estes, on the other hand, didn't believe it at all.

Demon God revealed that the essence of demon is a blood-type Teigu, which is filled with all kinds of killing intent and negative emotions. Ordinary people may not be able to survive if they drink a drop, but Estes drank the whole bottle directly.

In addition to making this Teigu completely extinct in this world, it can also reflect the mental tenacity of this guy Esdes.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if Esdeath believes it or not. After all, even if Esdece believed it, she would not have any respect for angels. She is such a person. But if possible, the psychological hint to her It’s okay to increase the level a little more.” Chen Luo hinted.

"I know, I know, I'm going to trouble me again. Oh, but who made me my sister?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge snapped his fingers and began to deepen his psychological hint to Esdeth, who was sitting right in front of him.

The Herrscher of Knowledge can naturally modify Esdeth's meaning, but after distributing the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge to the entire imperial capital, the Herrscher of Knowledge really doesn't have much leeway.

"..." Although the Herrscher of Knowing was willing to help Chen Luo, Chen Luo was very happy, but Chen Luo didn't quite accept the name of the Herrscher of Knowing, the sister.

But Chen Luo was not so stupid as to refute directly now.

"After the appearance of the angel and the psychological suggestion, the crime rate in the entire imperial capital began to plummet. In the face of the angel, which symbolizes holiness and judgment, their small minds also began to gradually converge. According to this trend, the crime control that could have been maintained for 10 minutes , Now I can last for an hour. Angels are really useful. Now let’s see how the mercury lamp wins this game beautifully." The Herrscher of Knowledge looked up at the mercury lamp in the sky.

While Chen Luo and the Herrscher of Knowledge were talking, the game in the sky continued.

The dragon of the East China Sea was quite surprised by the sudden appearance of the mercury lamp, and the hammer of the mercury lamp really stunned the dragon of the East China Sea for a while.

But after a short period of ignorance, there was greater anger and deeper vigilance.

Under the infection of the blood moon, although the dragon of the East China Sea was berserk, it was a rational berserk. The Dragon of the East China Sea can't wait to kill all the ants that are contaminated with the breath of the blood moon, but he can also remain vigilant in danger, just like when facing Esdeth, he first used constant teasing to lure him to use his hole card, rather than a direct attack.

The Dragon of the East China Sea is indeed resistant to freezing time and space, but it cannot break free immediately, and it takes 1 to 2 seconds.

Therefore, the Dragon of the East China Sea needs to incapacitate Esdeth before killing, otherwise the Dragon of the East China Sea cannot be completely relieved.

This is the combat wisdom of the intelligent species that has lived for thousands of years.

For the mercury lamp that suddenly appeared and whose life level was no longer at the level of ants in his own perception, the dragon of the East China Sea chose to test it.

Countless gusts of wind blades swept towards the mercury lamp, but they were easily scattered by the hammer of the holy light.

In the hands of the Mercury Lamp, the Hammer of Light, which is nearly 100 meters long, is like a child's toy, extremely light and easy to use.

"Who taught her to use a hammer?" Chen Luo said with a dark face, looking at the not elegant mercury lamp.

"Probably... Morgan." The Herrscher of Knowledge said uncertainly.

"She used the power of an angel, not the Holy Light. Although the Hammer of Holy Light is a very useful skill, she looks weird when using it. Gabriel also used a sword when he chased me down. Ah." Chen Luo fell into some memories for a while.

At the beginning, the sense of oppression Gabriel brought to Chen Luo was really high, he flew extremely fast, and he could also attack Chen Luo who was in a virtual stealth state, fiercely.

The state of virtual stealth is not invincible. Chen Luo has only dived into the gap between the two worlds. As Yakumozi said, when Chen Luo dives himself into another world, then the world's Naturally, the attack was completely ineffective against Chen Luo.

Chen Luo had some clues about this, but not much.

"But can the Mercury Lamp really beat the Dragon of the East China Sea? I always feel that the Dragon of the East China Sea seems very fierce." The Herrscher of Knowledge lay on Chen Luo's back, with his chin resting on Chen Luo's shoulder, Face to face.

Feeling the softness coming from the back, Chen Luo said: "If you only talk about the upper limit of strength, it's okay. The Dragon of the East China Sea does seem to be strong, but it's not too beyond imagination. And the upper limit of Mercury Lamp's strength is Gabriel in the world of the Index of Magical Forbidden Books, an existence capable of destroying the surface of the earth."

"But the Mercury Lamp may be a bit irritating, because she was born only a few days ago, and she is not yet familiar with power. This world does not have the concept of Gabriel, so she cannot borrow Gabriel's power, but even so, the body of the Mercury Lamp The power of an angel can still allow it to perform at least to the extent of an S-level talent. But the mercury lamp won't work."

Even if Gabriel cannot be linked, the power of the mercury lamp can be fully exerted, and the dragon of the East China Sea can be defeated, but the mercury lamp is not very good at using it.

"However... Mercury Lamp doesn't actually need to defeat the Dragon of the East China Sea. She just needs to get involved and gain the upper hand in everyone's eyes. There is no need to really cause much damage to the Dragon of the East China Sea, as long as the Dragon of the East China Sea It's good to look embarrassed. Let the mercury lamp have the upper hand in the eyes of others in this battle. From this perspective, it seems that there is nothing wrong with her using the hammer." Chen Luo looked at the battle in the sky and analyzed.

The fighting method of the Mercury Lamp is simple and rough. The Hammer of Holy Light in his hand can be used as a hammer or a shield.

Although the precise control of the power of the mercury lamp is not high, the power of the mercury lamp itself is high enough.

A bullet fired from a gun in the hands of a child is as powerful as a bullet fired from a gun in the hands of an adult.

This is the first time the Dragon of the East China Sea has encountered this kind of enemy. It starts with a hammer and ends with a hammer. The whole battle process has been hammering itself without any temptation at all.

And the key is that the hammer still hurts.

If it is an attack with a sharp weapon, the dragon of the East China Sea, which is blocked by tough hair and has thick skin, is not afraid, but the hammer is a blunt blow, and it is really easy to stun people when hit on the head.

"Roar!" The Dragon of the East China Sea let out a dragon roar, and the sound exploded in the ears of everyone in the imperial capital, which also meant that the Dragon of the East China Sea was about to launch an attack.

The giant dragon could tell that the winged ant in front of him could only use a hammer, but nothing else.

Thunder and lightning were still accumulating in the sky that was turning red under the reflection of the blood moon, but countless black feathers were also constantly pouring into the blood cloud, making it impossible for the thunder and lightning to take shape.

Seeing that the other party seemed not very good at using his own power, the Dragon of the East China Sea stopped probing and rushed straight towards the mercury lamp.

The huge and slender body adds more variety to the attacks of the Dragon of the East China Sea.

Sharp claws and fangs have extremely high attack power, but if blocked by a giant hammer, the tail can also cause a huge offensive against the mercury lamp.

Not to mention that after the dragon of the East China Sea moved, countless wind blades began to shoot towards the mercury lamp with strange and unpredictable trajectories.

"Oh." Mercury Lamp sighed.

"Crack!" The Mercury Lamp snapped its fingers, and the bright red blood moon hanging high in the sky was instantly replaced by a bright moon.

Gabriel also has the ability to change the scene, and coincidentally, he also summons the moon and the night.

Although without borrowing Gabriel's power, the Mercury Lamp can use very little Gabriel's power, and it should have been unable to compete with the Blood Moon, which spent a lot of magic power on Chen Luo, but Chen Luo couldn't hold back and closed the umbrella.

The moment the umbrella was closed, the blood moon began to dissipate, and the mercury lamp also summoned a moon of normal color at the right time. It looked as if the power of the mercury lamp covered the blood moon.

Therefore, the ultimate goal of this battle is not to require the Mercury Lamp to win at all. The Mercury Lamp only needs to have an absolute upper hand on the bright side. The winner of this battle has already been determined by default.

Ordinary people can't see too much. In their cognition, whoever suffers more and who is beaten more times is weaker.

At the moment when the blood moon disappeared, the eyes of the Dragon of the East China Sea, whose eyes had turned blood red under the influence of the blood moon, slowly became clearer.

This blood moon was aimed at the dragon of the East China Sea. After the blood moon dissipated, the dragon of the East China Sea gradually returned to its rationality, and this also made the dragon of the East China Sea stagnate the rhythm of its attack.

This is the moment Mercury Lamp has been waiting for.

But when the Mercury Lamp was about to launch an offensive, the eyes of the Mercury Lamp were suddenly confused, but they regained their clarity faster than the Dragon of the East China Sea.

"Taixu...Sword God!" Time and space seemed to have fallen into a stillness, and a huge golden sword suddenly appeared and fell from the sky.

Chen Luo can control the body of any puppet, so naturally he can also go online to fight on behalf of him.

The Taixu Sword God used with the power of an angel feels even more sacred.

The dragon of the East China Sea has regained his sanity, and the giant sword in the sky is still some distance away from the dragon of the East China Sea, but the dragon of the East China Sea feels that he cannot avoid it.

The dragon of the East China Sea had no choice but to use his hardest part to face Taixu Sword God, and let the tougher hair (broken line) protecting his deadly part gather in one place to help him under the sweeping wind Resist damage.


"Roar!" After the dragon of the East China Sea wailed, the body hovering in the sky stopped for half a second, and then fell to the ground as if losing consciousness.

Taixu Sword God cannot be defended, and he specializes in the mind.

The Dragon of the East China Sea is not dead. He has lived for an unknown number of years, and has a strong enough spirit. Coupled with Chen Luo's holding hands, he will not die if he dies, but he will also lose consciousness for a period of time.

This battle needs a grand ending, and Taixu Sword God just meets this requirement.

Chapter 967 Judgment Arrives: The Black Feather Angel Mercury Lamp

"Run!" Watching the huge body of the Dragon of the East China Sea fall from the sky, Princess Esther picked up Chen Luo who was sitting next to him, and ran out of the martial arts arena.

The battlefield between the Dragon of the East China Sea and the Mercury Lantern is above the Martial Arts Field, and the Dragon of the East China Sea falls freely after being stunned, so it will naturally fall into the Martial Arts Field, but the dragon of the East China Sea is too big to hit it. It is also reasonable to destroy the entire martial arts arena.

"Huh?" Chen Luo, who had finished the fight and returned to his body, found himself being hugged.

After Chen Luorong mastered Taixu Sword God, he was no longer limited to using the Honkai Energy, but Taixu Sword God needed to concentrate on it, which required a high level of thinking.

But because Chen Luo was sitting quietly below at that time, behind him was the Herrscher of Knowledge, Abi was on the left, and Estes was on the right. It was very safe, so Chen Luo put all his consciousness on the agent. .

Even in case of death, resurrection is very simple.

Esdesh's shot and reaction were too fast, which caught Chen Luo off guard.

Sitting next to Chen Luo, the Herrscher of Consciousness who had his chin resting on Chen Luo's shoulder subconsciously wanted to stop him, but recalled his current position like a ghost person, and withdrew his hand depressedly.

However, after seeing Chen Luo being taken away by other princesses, the Herrscher of Knowledge was quite upset.

Herrscher of Knowledge: ■■■■

Apart from Estes, a small number of elite soldiers stationed at the Martial Arts Field, Leonai, and Tazmi also chose to escape.

It's not that you can't beat and run away. Although you can't beat it, but if a meteorite falls from the sky, will you run away?

Originally, the height of the Dragon of the East China Sea and Mercury Lantern just got higher and higher as they fought, and the Dragon of the East China Sea was still so huge that if it fell, the impact would be unbearable for ordinary people.

And Sha You, who was about to escape, suddenly caught a glimpse of Abi who was still obediently sitting next to Chen Luo's original seat, and subconsciously wanted to come over and take Abi along with her.

But after Shayou's eyes were dazed for a moment, she suddenly stopped, gave up on rescuing Abi, and ran to the outside of the martial arts arena as fast as she could.

Others also turned a blind eye to the fact that a little girl was sitting alone in the martial arts arena.

It's not invisible, but someone doesn't want others to notice Abby.

"Oh, your brother doesn't want us anymore." The Herrscher of Knowledge jumped from above to Chen Luo's original seat and said while stroking Abi's head.

"Ah, brother doesn't want me anymore?" Abi, who came back to his senses, was a little flustered.

And the Herrscher of Knowledge also saw a gleam of colorful light flashing in the hollow of Abi's forehead.

"Ahem, I'm joking, I'm joking. Don't worry. Don't you think your brother is back?" Realizing that his joke almost had a [bad] effect, the Herrscher of Knowledge said hastily.

Abi turned his head, followed the finger of the Herrscher of Knowledge, and saw Chen Luo who was returning to the martial arts arena, and Esdeth who followed behind Chen Luo with a helpless expression.

Estes originally wanted to take his brother in his arms and leave, but he didn't expect his brother to go back for a little girl.

Can't stop it.

Just when Esdeath was thinking about how many ice cubes should be used to create a shape to avoid being crushed, Esdeth looked up but was stunned.

The dragon of the East China Sea did not fall from the sky as everyone imagined, and then crush everything under it.

The dragon of the East China Sea did lose consciousness, and his body was indeed falling freely at the beginning, but not long after falling, a big hand made of black feathers protruded from the swirling clouds in the sky and grabbed it directly. The Dragon of the East China Sea, and then forcefully dragged the Dragon of the East China Sea into the clouds.

"It looks like this angel is very powerful." Chen Luo took Abby's hand and came to the vicinity of Estes, then took out a piece of paper to wipe the seat, and found a clean place for Abby to sit down .

"Who is he? You look like you care about her." Estes asked after glancing at Abby.

"Abigail, you can also call her Abi, she is my adopted sister now." Chen Luo introduced.

To be precise, it is called the temporary experience version sister.

"It doesn't look like it's over yet. At least the angel hasn't disappeared yet." Esdeath looked up at the angel mercury lamp standing alone in the air.

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