MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 976

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The white wings slowly spread behind him.

[Tenth place, Zanke, charged with murder]

Compared with the previous few coquettish **** who have other side jobs besides killing people, Zanke's reason for being on the list is very simple. It's purely because he kills, and he kills enough.

Beheading Zanker, who was originally the executioner in charge of execution in the largest prison in the empire, became mad because he had been doing the same job for more than ten years, and finally killed the warden and took away his Teigu and escaped, because he was everywhere in the empire Flew and killed, and was known as Beheading Zanker.

The unlucky Zanke had just arrived in the empire, and was about to restart the late-night serial killing, but he encountered today's incident after just one day of work

Chen Luo also learned that Zanke had come to the imperial capital from the reports of several souls that suddenly appeared in the doll world.

Teigu: Five-sighted omnipotent "observer" - Teigu possesses five abilities: insight, farsightedness, clairvoyance, future vision, and hallucination. .

Well, you can see through clothes.

[The ten criminals stand here, and after the punishment is over, they can be disposed of freely. 】

The mercury lamp floated above the 10 crosses, and on top of the 10 crosses, ten of the most heinous sinners in the imperial capital were all crucified on the cross.

Obviously, the blood flowed continuously due to the nails being nailed into the flesh, and the flesh on their bodies was constantly being cut off, but under the blessing of the cross behind them with the power to break out of cocoons and become butterflies, they were still able to howl alive and be sensitive. Do you realize how your flesh was cut off?

Among the ten prisoners, only Ernest had 10 feathers in his heart, and the other 9 people had 9 feathers.

People with more feathers experience more pain each moment, exponentially.

There is a world of difference in the pain you feel with 9 vs. 10.

The sinners with nine roots were not limited to these few on the cross. In fact, the situation in God's City was beyond Chen Luo's expectations.

Chen Luo originally thought that the structure of the black feathers in this imperial capital should be normally distributed, the one with one feather should be the most, and the one with nine feathers should be the least.

But Chen Luo later found out that he was younger, which is why Mercury Lamp was often plucked with black feathers in the world of dolls for a day.

In addition to Ornest's privilege of 10 feathers, the one with one black feather is the least!

Yes, read that right!

The number of black feathers is not a **** shape, but a shape close to a pyramid.

Excluding 9 feathers and 10 feathers, it is a perfect pyramid shape, and the criminals with four or five feathers are the most. One and eight are the least.

The reason why 9 is also excluded is because there are even more nine feathers than four or five feathers.

This emperor is simply hopeless!

Sure enough, it was either no crime or great crime.

There are many sinners with 9 black feathers, far more than the above 10. The friends brought by Sheila this time all have 9 feathers, but their luck is a little bit better. The crimes they committed are smaller than the top ones. The last point, so it didn't make the list.

[God's kindness is not cheap. The black feathers on your body are the embodiment of your crimes. He will stick in your heart all the time and give you unspeakable pain. Only when you do good deeds will the pain be alleviated. When doing bad things, the pain will be multiplied in an instant. The greater the number of black feathers, the higher the pain. 】

[If the charity done is high enough, it can even fade the black feathers. When a black feather turns completely white, it will automatically fall off and disappear. 】

[People who wear black feathers are sinners, and those who wear more than three feathers will not be convicted. Hope everyone knows. 】

[If the sinner in black feather commits suicide, his soul will be tortured by the warriors in the flames. 】

【That’s all for now, let’s do it for ourselves. 】

After briefly explaining the common sense about Heiyu, the Mercury Lamp coldly glanced at everyone in the imperial capital, the wings behind him flickered for a moment, his figure gradually rose, and then disappeared into the clouds.

The screams of the sinner whose real name was crucified on the cross continued, and it took a full three minutes before this scene, which could be seen from anywhere, disappeared in front of everyone.

But at this moment, those curious people outside the place of public execution who want to find out the details of the place of execution, but are restricted by idlers dispelling the enchantment, can only wander around the edge and cannot get close, only to find that they can go to the execution platform to watch it for themselves up.

Chen Luo and Estes are the first wave of people.

The barriers dispelled by the idlers disappeared, and the temporary defensive barriers also disappeared. Chen Luo, Estes and the others approached the execution platform.

Now they can listen to the minister's wail at an extremely close distance.

And when Esdeth shot an ice pick in his hand at the minister, it was bounced back by the enchantment that suddenly appeared.

"Are you going to save the minister?" Chen Luo was curious.

"No, I just see if the angel will leave such a big loophole." Esdes shook his head.

Even without the minister, Estes is still the general of the empire.

Her recent achievements in quelling the rebellion in the north cannot be erased.

"Father, I always feel that he has bad intentions." The mercury lamp that reappeared on Chen Luo's shoulder, hugged Chen Luo and rubbed Chen Luo's face, while unabashedly expressing his love for Esthers accurate.

The indifferent and noble black-feathered angel Mercury Lamp just now made such a "little daughter" gesture. If Sai Liu, who had just started to believe in angels, saw it, his faith might collapse again.

But Chen Luo quite enjoyed the contrast.

Because it feels really good!

Is this why men like female emperors and goddesses?

Chen Luo realized it.

"Okay, although Estes is indeed not a good woman, she is violent and tough, she likes to study instruments of torture, shake her body, and likes war, so she can kill people naturally... But she is beautiful." Chen Luo said

Then, as Chen Luo expected, the Herrscher of Knowledge kicked Chen Luo's **** from behind.


"Hey, you're so big!" The Herrscher of Knowledge gave Chen Luo a blank look.

"Father, isn't it enough for me?" Mercury Lamp hugged Chen Luo's neck and said.

"Just kidding. But how to deal with Esdesh is indeed a problem." Chen Luo looked at Esdesh in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Killing cannot be killed, and regardless of the identity of the wronged species set by this world, it is the contribution made by Esdeth himself in resisting foreign races, so it is not appropriate to kill like this

Moreover, after cleaning out such a large number of people with black feathers, the empire itself is in a state of extreme shortage of talents, and it is inevitable that other forces and countries will have something in their minds, so Esdes, a war madman, is even more important.

In a sense, what Chen Luogan did was even more extreme than that of the Revolutionary Army

The revolutionary army only punished the chief culprit, and those nobles who had done a lot of bad things might still be their nobles, and corrupt officials could still be officials, but their behavior would be restrained.

And what Chen Luo did, almost wiped out all the nobles and high-ranking officials, leaving only a few fairly clean nobles and some officials of conscience.

But fortunately, they are only wearing black feathers, and they are not dead yet. If there is a war, they can be dragged to the front of the battlefield to die.

Therefore, in terms of force, the empire actually lost little, but the country will definitely be turbulent for a period of time, and it is very possible that other forces will take advantage of it.

Severe illness requires strong medicine. The empire has become so corrupt. If this sore is not uprooted, the imperial capital will rot sooner or later.

But leaving Esdesh in the empire like this is not enough.

Sooner or later, the empire will usher in peace, and after a period of turmoil, it may enter a situation without war. At that time, I dare not think about what Esdes will do.

"What are you thinking about?" Just as Chen Luo was deep in thought, Esdeth pressed the cold back of his hand to Chen Luo's forehead, which startled Chen Luo.

When Chen Luo was deep in thought, more and more people came to watch the ugly appearance of the ministers under the execution platform. People were all happy for this change in the imperial capital from the bottom of their hearts.

And everyone also noticed Estes standing at the forefront, and offered blessings to this general who brought victory to the country's borders.

Estes is very popular in the imperial capital.

And when everyone saw Chen Luo who was treated so intimately by Estes, they couldn't help casting envious and jealous eyes.

In the eyes of the public, Esdeth has a good figure, good looks, high strength, high position and weight, and is kind to others. He is simply the perfect partner.

But only those who really know Esdesh know that being bitten by Esdesh is not a wonderful thing.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering what the minister's final outcome will be. What will happen in ten days?" Chen Luo looked up at the minister who was hanging on the cross in the front

At this time, the minister seemed to have noticed Estes standing below.

"Esdes, save me, let me go! I will give you anything! Money, rights, and your favorite war!" The tortured and painful Ornest tried his best to get out of the gap between his teeth. Squeeze out a complete sentence.

Ernest is not reconciled, not reconciled!

Obviously just now he was a minister under one person and above ten thousand people, but now he has become a tortured person hanged on a cross and publicly executed, and he is still being stalked by a ghost-like existence.

If you can give a happy, the minister will not say anything, but this kind of pain is far beyond the minister's imagination.

At this time, there was an existence that he knew stood at the pinnacle of force in this world, standing under his execution platform, how could the minister not grasp the last straw?

"Ask me for help? A very wise choice." Esdeath nodded.

Coincidentally, even if it wasn't to save the minister, Esdeth was also very curious about the strength of this enchantment. How strong is the enchantment laid by the angel and his own ice?

However, just as the ice in Esdeath's hands was gathering, Chen Luo tugged on Esdece's sleeve.

After seeing Chen Luochong shaking his head by himself, Esdes could only helplessly say to the minister: "Although I don't mind trying to save you, my brother doesn't seem to like you very much, sorry."

"Esdes, you bastard! Without me, you... ah!" Halfway through the minister's words, a ball of flame shot from outside the barrier and hit the minister precisely, burning all over his body in an instant

Huo Huo and Hei Yu joined their bodies at the same time, and the minister was speechless for a moment.

Although he made a move, Chen Luo was not worried about revealing anything, because the person next to him who threw an egg at the minister also hit the minister with the egg.

This is an enchantment that detects maliciousness!

"Now the more you look at you, the cuter you are." Seeing Chen Luo's behavior, Esdeath couldn't help pinching Chen Luo's face on both sides with both hands and pulling.

Estes was very pleased that his clan brother gave him a head start.

But only Chen Luo knew that Chen Luo was afraid that Esdeth would break the barrier when he got angry, consuming the power of the barrier.

"Today, let's sleep in the same room and talk about your experiences over the past few years." Esdeth said happily.

"Crack!" Chen Luo's **** was kicked by the Herrscher of Knowledge again.

Rubbing his own face and rubbing his butt, Chen Luo took a hard look at Esdeth and Herrscher of Knowledge, and decided to make a decision that went against his ancestors.

"Hey, Yakumo Zi, is there any shortage of people in Gensokyo? I have a battle madman here..." Chen Luo sent a message to Yakumo Zi through the group network.

Chapter 972 Little Emperor: Give You a Marriage? Your Marriage to Luo Luo?

In the palace...

Silence, silence is the palace of today.

Not only for everyone in the palace, but for the entire imperial capital, today is too magical a day, and the little emperor is no exception.

Although the little emperor knew that Chen Luo would help him make the empire better, the little emperor didn't know the specific plan. Because of this, the little emperor's current silence, astonishment, anger, and annoyance were extremely real.

The impact of the incident of Black Feather's coming into the world and the angel's trial is not limited to punishing the villains in the imperial capital, but it will also bring about a major reshuffle and blood change in the imperial capital within the next three days.

And the most important thing is that the current little emperor can make changes quite legitimately, showing what he has learned and assimilated in the previous two days.

Minister Ornest's treason, treason charges and crimes have been announced in the public, and it is not an exaggeration to be executed a hundred times, especially the murder of the young emperor's biological parents is particularly prominent, and it is specially marked in red up.

It is self-evident what will happen when this crime is seen by the little emperor.

Even if the little emperor has not been puppetized now, seeing the impact of this crime and the influence of the Herrscher of Consciousness's ability, so he believes in him, he will definitely not continue to trust the minister.

Now that the minister appeared in front of the little emperor, if the little emperor hadn't cut him alive with his own hands, it would be considered that the little emperor was too weak to lift a knife.

The black feathers are still falling slowly, but the people who should be marked with feathers have already been inserted, such as a few people in the palace.

In addition to punishing these sinners and absorbing their negative emotions as food for demons, the more important role of the black feather is naturally to mark the good and the bad.

It is difficult to draw a dragon and a tiger, knowing people and faces but not knowing the heart, the emperor wants to work hard to manage the whole country, the most important thing is to distinguish between good and bad.

A good person does not necessarily mean that he is capable, but a bad person has a high probability of causing disaster for thousands of years.

"Your Majesty, what should these people do?" General Budde arrested all the people inside and outside the palace who had black feathers inserted into their bodies, and then detained them in the palace. There were at least two people next to each of them. keep watch.

General Bude's guards are the only elite troops recognized by Esdes that have the ability to compete with Esdes's army. His men never slack off.

Therefore, among the guards of General Bude, very few were stained with black feathers.

Not all people who have done wrong things will be infected with black feathers, such as petty theft, black feathers are not uncommon to talk to them, if you want to be infected with a black feather, at least one person must be full of malice and cause a major blow, The condition can only be met if the person has suffered severe trauma physically and mentally, or even caused the person to die.

The two black feathers have definitely caused death.

The number of black feathers in General Bude's army is very small, and it is elite enough and strong enough. Coupled with General Bude's ability to suppress everything, those ministers and factions who are still in the palace and Some scum can only be caught without a fight.

In fact, even if the Guards were not elite enough, they could still do it to this level, because the people with the black feathers couldn't fight back because of the severe pain. Before they got used to the pain, they couldn't do anything on their own.

When good and evil can be quantified and seen with the naked eye, everything will change

Especially the sentence that the black-feathered angel Mercury Lamp said before leaving [People who wear black feathers are sinners, and those who wear more than three feathers will not be convicted if judged. Hope everyone knows. 】

It is lore!

This is equivalent to bluntly telling people who understand that those who have more than three feathers, just treat them as dead people.

"Order the guards without black feathers to search the entire city, and immediately seal the city gates, and don't let anyone with black feathers leave the city! Then arrest everyone with feathers, giving priority to those with three or more feathers. Regardless of nobles or officials!" The little emperor ordered through gritted teeth.

Read The Duke's Passion