MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 978

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And the two subordinates who were watched by Esdeth also bowed their heads in shame, not because they were ashamed that they had made a mistake, but because they were ashamed to show this embarrassment in front of Esdeth.

But they couldn't help it. Although it was ordinary elite guards who suppressed them, the pain caused by the black feathers was unbearable.

Before they get used to the pain completely, they probably won't be able to exert their full combat power

"Your Majesty, since they do have black feathers on their bodies, it seems feeble to justify them, but since the angel said that you can do good deeds to reduce the pain caused by feathers and reduce the number of feathers, let the two of them continue to live in our Do things with your subordinates, charge forward on the battlefield, and atone for your sins by serving the empire." Esdes turned his body and said to the little emperor.

"Well, it makes sense, and since they didn't intend to rebel, and they just followed General Esdes to put down the rebellion in the north, let them be spared." The little emperor nodded.

Those without black feathers are not necessarily loyal ministers, but those with black feathers do not necessarily want to overthrow the empire.

Take Heshen for example, needless to say whether he is good or bad, but he is really loyal to Emperor Qianlong.

Didn't He Shen cry so badly when Qianlong died? (fear death)

And this is one of the purposes why the black feathers falling from the sky will not kill people immediately, it is to give those sinful people a chance to shine.

If they were allowed to die quickly, that would be the reward, and death would be the punishment.

"Repay the debt? I feel like..." Chen Luo looked at the two three-beast warriors and shook his head.

Especially that Niu who has 6 feathers on her body, probably will never pay off her debts in this life.

After all, serving the empire and launching wars for the empire are not necessarily [good things].

So even if they fight for the empire, they may not be able to make atonement.

After all, these feathers were not issued by the empire.

The amount of killing an enemy on the battlefield may be worth as much as helping an old woman cross the road.

But these two three beast warriors do have use value.

Strictly speaking, although Chen Luo made a good deed for the black feathers, the white feathers can be washed and the feathers fall off. is a very important question.

According to calculations, if the frequency and number of good deeds Chen Luo performed during the awakening talent progress bar were used to calculate, the first black feather was worth 2 ex-level talents.

Don't underestimate the good deeds Chen Luo did in those two years.

Although Chen Luo was just an ordinary person at the time, and sometimes he would do some trivial things like helping the old lady cross the road, but he did do things to save lives, and he saved more than one person.

Chen Luo sometimes felt that his experience in those two years was a bit too bizarre, even from the current point of view.

Chen Luo's experience in those two years cannot be replicated, especially when saving lives is included.

If you can't do good deeds at the level of saving lives, but only at the level of helping others, it will take at least 5 to 10 years to achieve the goal.

To offset the second feather, you need 4 ex-level talents

The third root has 8 ex-level talents, and the fourth root has 16...

The most important thing is that these black feathers do not fall from the first one, but from the last one.

For example, Ernest, if he wants to lose a feather and return to the realm of nine feathers, he needs to do good deeds worth 1024 ex-level talents.

So as long as you have more than three black feathers on your body, you will probably have to suffer from black feathers for the rest of your life.

Niu and Daidas were also released after Estes promised to watch over the Beastmen.

The rest are those officials with a lot of feathers kneeling in the palace.

The handling of these people is very problematic.

House raids must be ransacked. The wealth plundered by these officials and nobles is absolutely incomparable to the country. If all the money is taken out, it can at least offset the country's taxes for several years.

In this way, there will be financial resources to relieve the victims and amnesty the world.

While the little emperor was thinking hard, Chen Luo also took a look at the progress bar of his task completion.

Rebirth of the Empire: 80%

Rise of the Revolutionary Army: 0%

Although the imperial capital, the source of the empire's corruption, has now been purified, it is not enough to punish the wicked. Instead, the little emperor will do more to deal with the aftermath, such as ransacking the house, stabilizing the situation, and so on.

Moreover, although the imperial capital is the source of corruption, there are also corruption problems in other cities and towns, which may have been deeply rooted, which requires severe medicine.

The last 20% may be more difficult to deal with, and Chen Luo is ready to wait for a while.

Freshmen of the Empire: 81%

Well, it looks like the mission may be completed sooner than expected.

When what happened in the imperial capital is publicized, no matter how hard-headed people are, they should choose to restrain themselves temporarily, right?

Chen Luo was actually thinking what would happen if he filled up these two progress bars?

The empire was reborn, and then the revolutionary army overthrew the empire again?

Double reward?

emmm, Chen Luo shook his head after fantasizing about what the double reward might give away, and threw the thought out of his mind

The task of rebirth of the empire is easy to complete, and it can be solved by violence, but the rise of the revolutionary army is very troublesome. At least it will take Chen Luo a month to grow the revolutionary army and successfully overthrow the empire.

If you want the revolutionary army to rise, force alone is not enough, you also need to win people's hearts

But the problem is, the empire has been reborn, who cares about the revolutionary army?

With this month's time, Chen Luo might as well complete some other tasks.

If this level is really achieved, at least hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people will die.

Chen Luo would not have to bear hundreds of thousands of lives just for the reward.

As long as there are new customers in the bar, Chen Luo will have constant commissions.

Now Chen Luo has not yet reached the point where there is an extreme lack of entrustment. Even if that time comes, Chen Luo can still continue to earn rough stones by directly applying for an identity task.

It didn't take long for General Budde to return to the palace with Interior Officer Sauer.

"Your Majesty!" Interior Officer Sauer saluted the little emperor respectfully. At the same time, Sauer also gratefully glanced at Chen Luo who was standing next to Esthers, but when his eyes passed by Esthers, , A trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

It can indeed be seen how fierce Esdece is!

Interior Officer Sauer knew that his chance had come when he saw Minister Ernest appearing on the execution platform, and when he saw Minister Ernest's last crime-murder of the current emperor's biological parents. Interior Officer Sauer knew that the empire might be saved.

After Interior Officer Sauer came to the palace, Chen Luo and Estes left.

Esdeth is a general, and Esdesh will not be able to intervene in the next thing to talk about, and Esdesh should not be interested, so Esdesh took the name of bringing Chen Luo to familiarize himself with the environment. withdrawn.

As for the Revolutionary Army... the Revolutionary Army has never been a danger in the eyes of the Empire.

Other aspects of the empire may be rotten, but only in terms of force is it still terribly strong.

If the empire changes from now on, even if the revolutionary army is several times stronger, it will not be able to shake the foundation of the empire at all.

"From today onwards, this is your room." Estes pointed to a room and said.

"I'm not suspicious, but just to be on the safe side, let me ask where is your room?" Chen Luo asked after hesitating

"What do you mean by asking this?" Esdeath's eyes turned cold.

"Just asking, your attitude makes me even more flustered." Looking at Esdesh's expression, Chen Luo felt even more suspicious.

"This room." Estes pointed to the room he pointed to Chen Luo just now

"I knew it! I said it all, give me a separate room!" Chen Luo emphasized quite excitedly.

"Tch." Estes curled his lips in displeasure, and casually pointed Chen Luo to the opposite room.

"Anyway, there are no people in my mansion, you can live in whichever room you want." Estes said

[My house is very big, you can live in it as you like. 】

As the youngest and most famous general in the empire, Esdesh has a mansion bestowed by the emperor even if Esdesh has no interest in enjoying this kind of thing.

Although Estes is not often in the imperial capital, things like the General's Mansion are indispensable.

"Give me the key." Chen Luo stretched out his hand to Estes.

"Which room is it? Is it my room? Don't worry, I don't lock the door at night." Estes patted Chen Luo on the shoulder and said.

Even if Esdeth didn't lock the door, no one would be foolish enough to sneak attack Esdeth, and those who can successfully attack Esdeth would not be stopped by a door at all.

"No, I'm talking about the key to my room." Chen Luo pointed to the door opposite Esdeath's room.

"It's in the room, you can get it yourself," Esdeath said.

"Let me ask first, you don't have any spare keys, do you?"

"Well, are you worried that I won't be able to rescue you immediately after danger occurs? Don't worry, I usually kick the door directly when I open it." Estes comforted.

"..." Then I was even more afraid.

Run away in a moment! This General Esdes' mansion really can't stay for a moment!

Chapter 974 Night Attack? No, Dongchang!

"Lolo?" Estes inserted the key into the lock and easily opened Chen Luo's room.

Yes, Estes did have a spare key.

When Chen Luo asked if he had a spare key just now, Estes only replied that he was used to breaking in directly, but he did not deny that he had a spare key.

Estes is not stupid, the movement of breaking into the door is too loud, what if the prey runs away?

This is the philosophy and wisdom of hunters.

And not breaking the cage is also to prepare for the next hunt.

In case the cage is broken, how can you enjoy the prey in the cage? What if the prey ran along the crack?

But Estes didn't see the prey in the cage, and the cage was clean.

"Huh?" Estes glanced at the empty room with some strangeness.

I just took a shower, why did everyone disappear?

But then, Estes found a piece of paper on the table... something similar to parchment.

Estes picked up the paper out of curiosity.

【Catch me, catch me, I'll let you, hehehe】

"Interesting." After seeing the content on the paper, an inexplicable smile appeared on Esdeth's face, but it seemed subconsciously scary.

Estes looked at the ancient parchment in front of him with a smile on his face.

The sentence just now is the first sentence written on this ancient parchment, and a detailed explanation of this sentence is written below.

(Limited at 6 o'clock in the evening, from the time you see this parchment and sign your name, the game begins. If you catch me before 6 o'clock, how to deal with it is up to you, and one of your wishes will be granted. But if you are not caught, then you grant me a wish.)

(Scope of activity: Imperial Capital)

(Activity time: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm today)

(ps: In order not to be said to bully you, I will take Abby to hide together. No way? No way? I took a child to play hide-and-seek with you, and you can lose?)

(If you agree to this bet, please sign this contract and set off an ice firework over the imperial capital as a signal.)

"An interesting idea and an interesting contract." Estes looked at the contract in front of him with a rather cheerful expression.

"Although this is obviously a provocative method, it has to be said to be very good. And the deliberate provocation really aroused my competitiveness. I signed this contract." Esdes directly picked up the The pen left by Chen Luo signed his name on the contract.

Watching the contract slowly disappear in the flames suddenly, Estes became more interested in Chen Luo's experience in the past few years and what secrets Chen Luo still had.

Estes is a competitive person who believes in the jungle and the strong. This kind of person generally cannot stand provocation.

But Esdes is not a reckless man, and he also knows what is called the aggressive method, but Esdes is very interested in this contract and the prizes of this contract.

In the Baluts tribe, Esdesi learned a lot, such as the concept of the strong preying on the weak, such as the method of hunting dangerous species, and... how to find the traces of prey.

Esdeath glanced at the time subconsciously, just as the contract said, the time was 3 pm, but a minute had passed.

The Martial Arts Competition starting at 1:30 p.m., plus the fight with the Dragon of the East China Sea, and the 10-minute live broadcast of the Imperial Capital's Criminal Trial, it's only 3 p.m. now.

Not too long before the deadline.

Even if it is not for this final prize, but just for the sake of being competitive, Esdeath will accept this contract.

Estes walked out of the house, and then sent someone to notify the three beast warriors and the soldiers he brought back this time.

Chen Luo didn't say that he couldn't find someone, nor did he say that only Chen Luo and Estes could participate in this game.

The entire imperial capital is so big, how can we guarantee a steady win without resorting to tricks?

Read The Duke's Passion