MTL - Their Commission Pay is Not Right-Chapter 995

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"Oh, I see. You want to go to the first singularity through that puppet communicator?" Merlin instantly understood.

Mei Lin has been a follower of Chen Luo, and he also knows some things that others don't.

For example, Chen Luo can teleport to the puppet.

"But now that the communicator is in someone's hands, what should I do? Could it be that Joan of Arc? Are you going to kill someone?" Merlin drew out the long sword in his staff

Sword Master of Avalon, here we go.

"You guessed the method correctly, but you didn't guess the result correctly. But it was Joan of Arc who got the communicator. I can see it through the puppet's camera." Chen Luo said.

"Then can you observe things within a radius of ten kilometers from her?" Merlin asked excitedly.

"No. This live broadcast ability is quite strange. To achieve that kind of live broadcast that can be called an invasion of privacy, two conditions must be met. First, you must have a device that can communicate, and you must have logged in to that Magic☆Meili website. Now that The communicator has met this condition."

"What about the second one?"

"Secondly, users need to know that this is the Magic☆Merry website, such as seeing the website page."

"Didn't you log in to that website interface before taking this communicator?"

"I logged in, and even now the cover after unlocking the screen is the website name and webpage." Chen Luo said

"Then you can control the communicator to turn it on. After turning it on, Black Joan can monitor it after seeing the website?"

"Actually, Joan of Arc has already seen it."

"Then why..." Merlin was about to complain, but stopped abruptly.

"Could it be because Joan of Arc doesn't know the name on the website?" Merlin asked tentatively.

"..." Chen Luo nodded.

Perhaps it is because the authority of the deputy editor of this website is loaded on the talent panel, so the website linked to has general knowledge.

That is to say, no matter who sees the website, they will automatically translate the website name into their native language.

But the problem is that Joan of Arc doesn't even know her mother tongue.

"Hahahaha!" Merlin finally couldn't help laughing.

Although this did cause Chen Luo to be unable to monitor Black Joan's every move, but the result caused by this reason made Merlin really not hold back.

"Stop laughing." Artoria next to her knocked Merlin's head with a knife.

Probably only Arturia can take care of Merlin a little bit.

Even Chen Luo could only take out the sword of whoever gave who was stabbed to make Meilin feel physically uncomfortable, but could not stop any actions of Meilin.

Artoria is different, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, Merlin can't refute it even if he knocks on the head.

This is the relationship between the king and the military division.

"Merlin, you are not allowed to laugh at others. This is impolite behavior." Artoria said quite leading

If you can ignore the chicken leg on Arturia's right hand when she said this sentence, perhaps this sentence will be more convincing.

"It's also impolite to talk and touch hands while eating." Merlin pressed in a low voice.

"In short, now is the time. It's time to go to the first singularity." Chen Luo said.

"How?" Merlin was curious about this unknown method

"Rely on it." Chen Luo took out a storage ring

Immediately afterwards, the storage ring disappeared.

[Puppetized puppet has a chance to return to the original place through the puppet world after coming to the puppeteer from other places]

This is an old rule.

"Then, see you in half a minute." After Chen Luo and Mei Lin waved their hands, they disappeared in place.

[Puppeteer can transfer to the vicinity of the puppet through the puppet world. 】

Appearing in a forest with spiritual veins, Chen Luo easily inserted a teleportation anchor.

This place is where Matthew and the others fought against the saint Martha yesterday.

Traces of the destruction of the earth can still be vaguely seen around.

Immediately afterwards, a handbook appeared in Chen Luo's hand—【Friend's Account】

From the account of friends, Chen Luo picked out two names—Meilin and Artoria.

【A friend's account can summon a friend recorded in the friend's account by tearing up the name. The recovery speed of the name is closely related to the degree of discount. 】

Chen Luo didn't intend to use the bar to open the door directly.

Because the particularity of the bar is that every time a world is connected, it is equivalent to opening a hole in that world.

It is not entirely accurate to say that after a guest from a new world comes to the bar, the probability of new guests appearing in this world will increase.

To be precise, if bar gates appeared in this world, the probability of bar gates appearing again in this world will greatly increase.

Because the bar door appeared, new guests can enter the bar through the bar door.

Although Chen Luo opened a bar in Xingyue World, it is not the same parallel world.

In order to prevent [the villainous big boss in the singularity suddenly appearing in the bar] such a completely unexpected situation, Chen Luo felt that he should be more cautious.


"Where's that **** Chen Luo? He put such a large dose of sleeping potion! Do you know how much game time I lost?"

Arturia and Merlin, who waited quietly for Chen Luo to come up with some moths, turned their heads to look at Penglai Shan Huiye who entered through the No. 2 gate.

Door No. 1 was always open, leading to the operating room where Chen Luo, the former civilization, was working.

"Where's Chen Luo?" Penglai Mountain Huiye patrolled around and didn't see Chen Luo, so he asked the insider who might know.

Chen Luo did abide by the agreement, and did not secretly drug Penglai Shanhuiye, but threw the sleeping potion into the cola openly.

Penglaishanhuiye didn't want to drink that cup of cola, but Chen Luo soaked it in the long river of time for 10 minutes, and it was still golden cola.

Gold Coke + Time Breath.

Laughing to death, Penglai Shanhuiye didn't resist the temptation at all.

"Chen Luo..." Mei Lin was about to speak, but suddenly found that his body had fallen into a strange state.

Before Merlin finished speaking, Penglai Shanhuiye could only watch helplessly as Merlin and Artoria disappeared under her nose.

Penglai Shanhuiye was a little at a loss for this situation.

Penglai Shan Huiye looked at the only one left in the bar who was watching the online class, the devastated flower of the motherland.

After feeling the gaze of Mount Horai Kaguya, Abby shook his head, expressing that he didn't know anything.

Although Chen Luo didn't take Abi away this time, in the bar, Abi's condition was extremely stable.

"Don't look, Chen Luo seems to have gone to another world, and then summoned the two of them by special means." The mature Cang Xuan who was undergoing fusion surgery said casually.

"That's it..." After Penglai Shan Huiye confirmed that Chen Luo was really not in the bar, he quietly approached the door of No. 1 bar, and then took advantage of the bar door [not paying attention] to suddenly rush towards the mature Cangxuan .

"Bang!" Penglai Shanhuiye's face was almost flattened by Penglai Shanhuiye himself.

"Damn the air wall." Penglai Shan Huiye kicked the air wall in front of Gate 1 and returned to Chen Luo's living room from Gate 2.

Even if Chen Luo wasn't in the bar, the bar's rules of [no one is allowed to travel to other worlds at will] are still operating normally.

"Welcome to the first singularity." As the two notes in Chen Luo's hand turned into fly ash, Merlin and Artoria also came to Chen Luo's location.

"Let's say it first, don't open the bar door." Chen Luo reminded.

"How to go back then?"

"Just repatriate directly. Now, it's time to go to Lancelot."

Chen Luo's live broadcast function was still effective after Chen Luo came to the singularity, so Chen Luo accurately positioned Matthew and the others.


The power of the Herrscher of the Sky directly created a space wormhole.

"Let's go." Chen Luo motioned to the two of them.

Chapter 990 Xuanyuan Sword: Sea of ​​Imaginary Numbers? Look at Nima, die to me!

"It's rare that Alaya didn't cheat on me this time." Chen Luo stretched out his head and looked around, and after confirming that there was no problem, he greeted Artoria and Merlin and walked over through the hole in the space.

Since the essence of the live broadcast capability is clairvoyance, spatial positioning can be directly performed. As long as Chen Luo's ability has not reached the limit, Chen Luo can reach Matthew and the others as quickly as possible.

The farthest range of the live broadcast is 10 kilometers, so Chen Luo and the others chose a remote corner with no one to come out.

"You already have your own household registration in the Moon World, what are you afraid of being targeted? My crowned puppet master." Merlin said angrily.

"Don't worry. Who knows if the identity certificate from the parallel world will work in this world? Fortunately, there was no sudden ringing of a bell, and then an assassin with a big sword jumped out to chop me." Chen Luo said relaxedly.

"Why do you say you are so careful? Even if your crowned puppeteer's identity is not universal, who wouldn't be frightened by the root aura of your body?" Merlin patted Chen Luo on the shoulder, and then felt weird. He glanced at Chen Luo.

If it wasn't for Mei Lin who really knew Chen Luo, looking at Chen Luo's strong root aura, Mei Lin would have believed that Chen Luo was Gen Gen's own son.

Even Gaia and Alaya have to sell their roots a little bit of face.

"But if we appear at the first singularity like this, won't it really attract Solomon's attention?" Arturia asked.

Arturia didn't know everything about Solomon, but she still knew something about it.

"Don't worry, I have never been afraid of anyone when it comes to covering up secrets." Chen Luo assured, patting his chest.

"If he can really see us, maybe I can cut him into a fool with one sword." Chen Luo patted the limited edition Xuanyuan Sword in his hand.

"Crack!" Since Chen Luo used a little more force, Xuanyuanjian directly chose to die for Chen Luo to see.


Looking at the ancient sword that broke into three sections with just a pat, Merlin and Artoria looked at each other, feeling that it seemed unreliable.

"You take this tortoise shell, you take this bib, Dumb Mao Wang." Chen Luo gave Merlin and Arturia two special props just to be on the safe side.

The tortoise shell is Luoshu, and the scarf is a special disguised form of Hetu.

If Solomon could still find something strange after reaching this level, Chen Luo would just...just flip the table over!

On a plain, Chen Luo and Merlin Artoria were moving with an invisibility cloth borrowed from Jill, and gradually approached the human troops and servants who were besieged by countless Wyverns

As we all know, there are many treasures in Young Gil's treasure house of the king.

It shouldn't be a problem for Chen Luo to borrow some useful props from Young Jill's King's Treasure, right?

And it's not that Chen Luo didn't pay for nothing, Chen Luo only wanted the golden props, and the silver belonged to Jill himself.

Chen Luo had thought of pouring all the contents of the King's Treasure into the River of Time before, to use it to drain the power of the river god.

The King's Treasure contains all the treasures in the world, and the quantity and quality of the items can't be said.

Facts have proved that this is indeed feasible, but Chen Luo has not brushed the river god's divine power to unlock the SS level of the river god's ability, mainly because Chen Luo found that if a person repeatedly drops a large number of items in the same time period, it is difficult to pick up The river god's power gained after the item will be reduced. And the reduction is huge.

After all, the amount of divine power obtained by the river **** depends on the quality of the item on the one hand, and the desire for the item on the other hand.

Repetitive work will always give Jill the idea of: [Don't forget this thing]

It's okay to use the power of the river god, but it's a pity that you can't finish it in one day.

The invisibility cloth was one of the golden props that fell into Chen Luo's hands.

Cloth of Invisibility: Objects covered or enclosed by this cloth cannot be observed by magic and optical methods. It is used to deal with objects that rely entirely on magic to search for enemies, etc., and sometimes it will exert excellent results. It's just that the sound, smell, body temperature, and movement will be clearly exposed, and it may not be useful depending on the situation.

This piece of cloth adopts an extremely complicated weaving method, and it is speculated that the weaving position has reached at least five dimensions, and it is absolutely impossible for human beings to completely reproduce this piece of cloth.

The golden version of the invisibility cloth can greatly erase even sound, smell, body temperature, and movement. Although it cannot achieve complete invisibility, it is also extremely precious.

"Obviously I came here to do business, but I suddenly felt like sneaking into a lady's boudoir." Merlin's words directly destroyed the mysterious atmosphere of the entire team.

"And it's still a gang." Merlin might be worried that he would not die, so he added another sentence.

"Meilin, I heard that you will not die, is it true?" Chen Luo asked suddenly.

"..." Merlin shut up instantly.

If Meilin remembered correctly, among the thirty times he was stabbed to death, Chen Luo occasionally used this kind of farewell words to send Meilin to see the Holy Grail.

"It's really strong enough." Songsang, the mad swordsman who used to be the executioner of Queen Mary, looked annoyed at Mash holding a large shield.

"Can I kill him?" Arturia eagerly tried.