MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 595 daily

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  Chapter 595 Daily life

   Qi Jianhua was dug up.

  Lin Yao didn't know about it.


   Film and television companies waved money to buy IP adaptation rights.

  She had heard about it.

   Faced with this matter, she was actually quite helpless.

  Game can it be so easy.

   It's really that easy, Lin Mu Studio has already set up its own film and television company to do it.

  Compared to others, Lin Yao also understands the current IP of Linmu Studio better, and also has her previous life as a reference.

   But what was the result?

  Linmu Studio's current multimedia project is "Resident Evil".

   In the next short time, neither Lin Yao nor Qi Jianhua plans to open any more multimedia projects.

  Because it is really too difficult...

  The audience may only see one movie and just feel awesome.

   But for the interior of Linmu Studio, it was simply a torture.

   "Resident Evil" is not bad.

  The adaptation has a clear story line, and the character setting of the Resident Evil 0 generation is quite pleasing in itself.

   Just focus on Billy and Rebecca, the two well-matched protagonists, and then describe the story of them encountering a crisis and then escaping from the sky.

That's it.

   In order for the rhythm of the story to be smooth.

  Qi Jianhua still scratched a lot of hair.

  How to connect the plot of the train and the cadre training center, how to make the whole movie have no urine points, how to insert Billy and Rebecca's literary drama in a limited time, how to balance the relationship between the movie itself and the foreshadowing game...

   These are all questions.

   For this movie.

   Even many game CGs are affected.

   But the progress has not been smooth.

Lin Yao didn’t get any better. In the end, there was nothing she could do. She directly moved out of “The Raid” filmed by an Indonesian director in her previous life, and then used her not-so-rich film experience to explain to Qi Jianhua how to shoot big action scenes. How to create dramatic tension.

   This is the dangerous way to pass.

   This is still the case for game adaptations such as "Resident Evil" 0th generation with a clear story line.

   Not to mention other games.

  Games and movies are completely different carriers.

  In some games, the plot that looks good may change to a real shot.

  In addition to the many plots of the game, it is supported by countless characters and branches.

  It is difficult to balance so many characters and plot lines when it is made into a movie.

   Not to mention, the game adaptation has to satisfy both ordinary audiences and players.

  This is **** difficulty.

  This is also the reason why many game adaptations of Lin Yao's previous life were unsuccessful.

In this situation.

  Seeing the popularity of "Resident Evil", these film and television companies turned around and waved money to buy the adaptation rights of Linmu Studio's IP.


  How many people really like the game and really want to adapt the game into a movie?

   How many people see that "Resident Evil" can make money, so many players want to collect IP first?

  The former is not estimated to be much.

  The latter Lin Yao can guarantee.

   Absolutely occupy the majority!

   This is why she feels helpless.

   Game adaptation is thankless, she knows this better than anyone else.

   Not only unfriendly to film and television companies, but also unfriendly to Linmu Studio.

  The filming is bad.

   It also affects the games of Forest Wood Studios.

  In her opinion, instead of seeing "Resident Evil" making money, film and television companies flocked to buy IP adaptation rights.

   It’s better to make original dramas.

  The probability of making money in this way is even greater.


   Lin Yao understands this truth.

  But it doesn’t mean that all film and television companies understand…

  They are also envious of the huge players of the games under Linmu Studio.

   This is the natural audience!

   So finally.

   There is still an endless stream of film and television companies coming to negotiate.

no way.

  Lin Yao simply asked the marketing department to ignore anyone.

   But even so.

   There are still many film and television companies who want to get the right to adapt by heresy.

  For example, Xi Qianyu from the marketing department of Linmu Studio received a lot of harassing calls.

  Even some senior executives of Linxi and Forest Financial Holdings received harassing calls.

   "It's just a movie, as for?"


  Lin Yao was wearing a T-shirt and hot pants, showing a pair of snowy long legs. While wiping her hair, she walked towards her sister who was sitting on the sofa.

   Tucao a sentence.

   Forest Financial Holdings can receive harassing calls. She just heard about it and tried to bribe...

   is outrageous.

   "Movies make money, don't they?"

Lin Xi was quite calm, and replied: "The box office seems to be a billion dollars. This is not a small sum. If other games are like "Resident Evil" and there are game bonuses in the follow-up, then the future will be even more limitless. .”

   "There is no limit to the number of ghosts."

  Lin Yao put down the towel and sat next to Lin Xi: "I'm crazy to make a game just to adapt the movie."

   "Then just ignore it."

Lin Xi smiled lightly and took the towel from his younger sister, then covered her head again, and helped her wipe her wet hair: "As for Linmu Financial Holdings, don't worry, since the senior management has received the salary, they have to bear the responsibility." The corresponding pressure, what happened to the harassing phone calls, someone who wants to be harassed hasn't had the chance yet.

   As for those who are really tempted and want to make a deal, my sister will solve it. Forest Financial Holdings will never interfere with the decision-making of Linmu Studio. "

   "Then you don't need to be so alien, aren't you also a member of Forest Financial Holdings?"

  Lin Yao giggled, supported Lin Xi's plump and snow-white legs with both hands, leaned half in her arms, and let her wipe her hair with her head down.

  Lin Xi smiled and shook his head, but did not speak.

   She doesn't know much about games.

   Of course, it is impossible to interfere with the decision-making of Linmu Studio.

   "Why don't you just blow dry it? It might catch a cold."

  Lin Xi wiped Lin Yao's wet long hair and changed the subject.

   "The weather is quite hot now, no need, I'm a natural wind party."

  Lin Yao completely leaned on Lin Xi's body.

  The whole person relaxed.

  Lin Xi said helplessly: "I've never heard of such a faction. You have long hair, not short hair."

  When Lin Yao heard the word short hair, she suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Speaking of short hair, do you think I'm suitable for short hair? Sister."

"Not suitable."

  Lin Xi had the same opinion as Mu Wanqing, but his reaction was slightly different from Mu Wanqing's: "It looks better this way, why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

   "Isn't it easy to be crushed when you sleep?"

  Lin Yao half leaned against Lin Xi, and yawned: "Every time I wake up, my scalp hurts..."

   "That's why you pressed my sister's hair."

   Speaking of this.

  Lin Xi immediately laughed and said: "Which time did you not press me when I woke up? Every time I wake up, you lie on top of me. If you want to press, you press my sister's hair. Sleeping or not..."

"Have it?"

  Lin Yao was very surprised.


  Lin Xi said categorically: "I just got up early, so I was the only one who found out every time. It was very difficult to move you down without waking you up every day."

   "...Don't talk nonsense without evidence."

  Lin Yao thought about it, and chose to be stubborn.

Lin Xi stopped to help her wipe her hair, and gently pinched her earlobe: "There is no evidence, right? Then I want to watch the video tonight, two people hugging to sleep, why are you lying on top of me. "

   "...just kidding, sister."

  Lin Yao struggled a bit, fell down, and directly lay her pillow on Lin Xi's round and slender snow-white thigh, and yawned again.

  Lin Xi held the towel and looked at his sister on his lap dumbfounded: "The hair is not dry yet!"

   "That's it, it's almost done."

  Lin Yao leaned against Lin Xi's flat belly again, then wrinkled her nose, smelling Lin Xi's good smell, and lowered her voice a bit: "Sister, you smell very good."

  Lin Xi saw that Lin Yao didn't want to get up, so he put away the towel and said casually, "It smells like shower gel."

   "And in good shape."

  Lin Yao rubbed Lin Xi's extremely elastic thigh, then looked in through the hem of her propped up T-shirt, and said in amazement, "I can see the neck directly from here..."

   "Why are you surprised, you can sit down, and I can see it when I lie down!"

  Lin Xi pinched his sister's soft face, and replied angrily.

  Lin Yao gave a silly laugh.

Lin Xi hesitated for a moment, gently hugged his sister's little head with one hand, and held her little hand that was naturally placed on the leg of the hot pants with the other hand, and suddenly said: "The lawyer said that he will come out in two years at most. "


   "Lin Bing."

   "Huh? That's a good thing!"

   Lin Yao, who was a little sleepy, opened her eyes and said in surprise, "Two years?"

  Lin Xi shook his head: "What a good thing."

  Lin Yao said earnestly, "Father and daughter didn't have an overnight feud, so please forgive him, sister, you are so arrogant, you are no longer popular..."


  Lin Xi raised his voice slightly, and immediately let go of Lin Yao's hand, wanting to scratch her.

   "Wrong, wrong, I'm so proud, ah..."

  Lin Yao immediately admitted her mistake.

   But it's too late.

   The two were making a fuss.

   Good for a while.

   before calm down.

  Lin Xi held Lin Yao's hand again.

  Lin Yao rubbed her sister's flat belly and closed her eyes again.

  The two enjoyed a rare moment of relaxation.

  Lin Xi was quiet for a while, raised Lin Yao's hand, looked at her slender fingers: "The nails seem to be too long, may I trim them for you?"

   Say it.

  She wanted to get up to get the nail clippers.

   But Lin Yao didn't reply her.

   Instead, he lay quietly, breathing evenly, and his chest rose and fell slightly.

Fell asleep.

  Lin Xi froze for a moment, then gave up the idea of ​​getting up.


   At this time.

  The puppet cat at home suddenly jumped onto the sofa, squatted next to Lin Xi, and called out to her.

   I don't know if I'm hungry or I want to play with Lin Xi.


  Lin Xi turned his head, put his index finger in front of his red lips, and made a booing gesture.


   The chubby Ragdoll cat didn’t know if he understood.

   After looking at Lin Xi for a while, he lowered his head.

   Licked his forelimbs and stopped barking.

  Lin Xi smiled, then looked away, and looked at Lin Yao who was curled up on her lap.

"Thanks for your hard work."

  Lin Xi stretched out his hand, gently brushed away the wet hair on Lin Yao's cheek, and murmured in a low voice.

  In fact, don’t look at the fact that Forest Financial Holdings and Youmedia are thriving now.

   But that's all.

   It's all because of Lin Yao.

   And this also means that Lin Yao bears the greatest pressure...

  Even if Lin Xi didn't see it with his own eyes.

  You can imagine Lin Yao's hard work.

   Actually Lin Bing came out.

  She is also happy. Being able to see her father is one aspect, but the most important thing is that if he comes out, Lin Yao should be able to breathe.

  Lin Xi knows better than anyone his shortcomings.

  She really has no talent in business.

  Can't help Lin Yao to the maximum extent, can only help her share some pressure and protect her well.

  Lin Bing is much better than him in this respect.

   Although she doesn't want to admit it...


  Lin Xi looked at the sleeping sister, and suddenly thought of the running plan she mentioned, and smiled slightly.

By the time.

   It is indeed possible to go out and have fun for a while.

   This can also prevent Lin Bing from talking about sensitive things on a whim.

  Lin Xi is not sure if he is a sister-con.

   But she really didn't think... there was a man worthy of her sister.

not a single one.


the next day.

   Early in the morning.

  When Lin Yao woke up, she was already on the bed.

  Because she went to bed earlier, it was rare for her to wake up earlier than Lin Xi.


   After being confused for a few seconds, she understood her situation.

   When she woke up, she was indeed lying on Lin Xi's body...

   And Lin Xi was holding her waist, frowning slightly, as if he was not breathing well.

  Lin Xi is indeed right...



  Lin Yao came to her senses... In a daze, she broke free from Lin Xi's embrace, rolled to the side, then wrapped her arms around Lin Xi's waist, exerting all her strength.

   Want to fake the scene...


  Lin Xi's sleep was extremely light.

  Lin Yaogang moved her into his arms with strength.

  Lin Xi woke up.

  So just after Lin Yao finished forging the scene, Lin Xi raised his head.

  The two sisters looked at each other and saw each other's eyes.

   "What are you doing?" Lin Xi questioned his soul.

   "...Look, isn't it your fault?"

  Lin Yao hesitated for a moment, and said confidently: "You are pressing me every day... Forget it, I forgive you, you should get up, it's so boring."


  Lin Xi bit Yingrun's red lips, laughed angrily, pressed Lin Yao's hand, then moved it up, and began to rub her cheek hard against her neck.

   "Wait, sister..."

  Lin Yao struggled while laughing.

  The two sisters in cool clothes hugged each other and made a fuss.


   A glint of sunlight passed through the curtains and fell on the floor.

   It's another day.


  Nine o'clock.

  Lin Yao came to Lin Mu Studio.

   Resurrected with full blood.

   Actually hard work is hard work.

  As the business of Linmu Studio becomes more and more extensive, sometimes Lin Yao really feels powerless.

   But her adjustment ability is very good.

   Almost a sleep.

   can be resurrected with full blood.

   Like today.

   "Miss Mu, don't worry about the movie, the adaptation rights are not considered for sale for the time being."

  Lin Yao combed her hair, tied her hair in a ponytail, and confessed: "Whether it's a sincere person or someone who wants to make a fortune, I don't care. Let's talk about it after everyone calms down."


  Mu Wanqing nodded slightly.

  Lin Yao tied her ponytail and shook it lightly: "Also, how many developers have agreed to access our WeChat payment?"

   "The first batch has already answered, and they all agree."

   "Then put the applications of this batch of developers into the support ranks first."

  Lin Yao smiled brilliantly: "It's time to start, after the popularity of "Resident Evil" has passed, in order to keep the frequency of users using the wallet, more weight is needed.

  At the same time, it is time to give more hints to other colleagues. "

   "Okay, I will explain to you."

  Mu Wanqing nodded slightly, and then asked: "Then when do you plan to fully support the full platform and online mobile official payment and QR code payment? I will give the technical department a date so that they can prepare."

   "During the year-end promotion period."

  Lin Yao pondered for a moment, then replied with a smile: "When the time comes, let's do a set of combined punches..."


  The time came to the end of September.

  The weather shows no sign of cooling at all.

  It seems that autumn has not come yet.

  The "Resident Evil" movie, just like the weather, is not only not cold, but is getting hotter and hotter.

  The predictions of many film and television companies did not go wrong.

  The "Resident Evil" game is officially unlocked.

   It really brought a second spring to the movie.

   It’s been a month since the movie was released.

  But because of the game, there are still about 15% of the filming.

   It can really be said that it is still hot!


   End of this month.

   What attracts the most attention is not games and movies.

  It's... the actions of WeChat.

   On this day.

  Linmu Studio issued an announcement, announcing one thing, that is—FutureStore and Vaporwave game platform, some third-party applications, will support WeChat purchases.

  The first batch of applications, a total of 700 models.

  Compared to the total number of applications of the FutureStore and Vaporwave platforms.

   Not much.

  But the first batch of apps are all well-known.

  Most of the first batch of developers contacted by Linmu Studio are big factories.

   Their games and apps.

   itself has a lot of audience.

   Now all support WeChat payment.


  The meaning of WeChat is different...

   Really became, more and more convenient!

   And WeChat has come to this point, completely out of the scope of only supporting the first party.

if we assume.

  Some time ago, Linmu Studio’s WeChat payment only supported first-party products. Most people just thought that Linmu Studio wanted to use WeChat as a traffic portal to connect its products and pave the way for ecology.

   That now.

   is the heart of Sima Zhao, everyone knows it!

  Everyone reacted.

  Linmu Studio.

   What exactly do you want to do.

   "See? See!?"

  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng pressed Li Guangsheng's shoulder and shook him excitedly: "This is their goal! Payment system, ecology, they all want it! And we are the closest opponent to them! Do we have to wait any longer!?"

   "Then why are they... making it so obvious?"

  Li Guangsheng looked at his hair, hesitant.

"I do not know."

  Mou Feng shook his head: "But now the opportunity is in front of us! We can finally stand on the same starting line with them! We also have communication software under our banner, this is what we have in common!"

   "Although our communication software has fewer registered users than WeChat! But there are still many retained users! We also have a lot of products! We can also be a payment system! This is our opportunity!"

   "A little later, other people will react, what are we waiting for!"

   "The most important thing we need to do now is to keep up with Linmu Studio! And be faster than Linmu Studio! They haven't connected to online banking yet, let's connect to online banking first!"

   "This will be our opportunity! After this battle, it is possible for us to surpass Linmu Studio!!"

  Mou Feng spoke passionately.

  After listening, Li Guangsheng was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, you have the final say."


  Mou Feng waited for the answer he wanted.

   And the next day.

  Tianhu, announced its entry in a high-profile manner!

  (end of this chapter)

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