MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 598 Pure and innocent species

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  Chapter 598 Pure and innocent species

  Lin Yao's previous life.

   The starting point of mobile payment is hardly controversial.

   is brought up by shopping websites.

  The initial set of virtual account mechanism similar to supermarket prepaid cards is actually mainly aimed at user refunds.

  Later, it developed slowly.

  It turned into the appearance of Lin Yao before crossing.


   This slowly, is easy to say.

  But at that time, in order to allow users to improve the success rate of online banking payment.

  Lin Yao remembers that there have been at least three changes during this period.

  The first change is what Tianhu is doing.

  Take the initiative to contact the bank and cooperate to issue a new card.

  Then the user, the bank, and the third-party payment institution sign the relevant agreement.

  Finally complete the operation of direct deduction by bank card.

  This method really makes mobile payment a lot more convenient.

  At the same time, this is also a signal that a third-party organization is officially on the stage.

  Because if it’s just recharging.

   No matter how you play it, it is still a prepaid card.

  The money is paid to the operator, and then the operator is responsible for settlement with the merchant.

  But mobile payment is bound to a bank card, and the money in the bank card is directly deducted, which is already undertaking the remittance business that originally belonged to the bank.

   At this time, it is not a prepaid card.

  So Tianhu took the initiative to take this step, and cooperated with banks to launch new cards to solve the problem of cumbersome online banking payments.

   I have to say, it is indeed very bold and thoughtful.

  However, this solution still has a lot of flaws.

  Yes, it is indeed convenient for users to apply for a bank card.

  But the process of applying for this bank card is also extremely cumbersome. You have to apply for the card first, then sign a contract with the bank, and sign a contract with a third-party payment institution...

   This set of procedures will greatly limit players' desire to apply for cooperation cards.

in addition.

  This kind of new card, even if the user applies for it, probably won't transfer much money into it.

   After all, it is not a commonly used card.

  And this will lead to the embarrassing situation of 'insufficient balance in the card'.

  So this method was promoted in Lin Yao's previous life, but it didn't make much waves.

   And Lin Yao chose to ask Mu Wanqing to discuss the "cartoon-like business", which is mobile payment 2.0.

  The so-called "cartoon-like business" is actually a withholding payment service that users bind once through online banking and activate.

  The main application scenario is generally withholding of utility bills.

  Essentially, it is a one-time contract and multiple uses.

  Lin Yao has checked, this business is available in almost every bank here.

  What Lin Yao wants to do is to cooperate with the bank through WeChat, so that the bank can add the function of WeChat to withhold bank cards.

  Like withholding utility bills.

  After signing the contract and binding the WeChat account, the user can initiate a debit to the bank card through WeChat.

  The advantage of this solution is that users do not need to apply for a new card, but can directly choose their commonly used bank cards.

  This type of bank card is commonly used by users, and generally there will be no embarrassing situation of 'insufficient balance in the card', and it can also simplify the handling process.

  Lin Yao remembers.

  There was a time in the previous life, and this was the most mainstream withholding method for mobile payment.

   Thanks to the rise of Linmu Studio, the pan-entertainment industry is on fire here.

  Mainstream Internet users.

  After several years of baptism, almost all of them have opened online banking.

  Even users who are not interested in games have opened online banking because of FutureStore.

  So the implementation of this plan here should be very smooth...

  Because this solution has shortcomings, users must have online banking to complete the binding.

  This is the security mechanism of the bank. The bank must ask the user to prove that the operator is himself.

   It is not something that can be changed in a few words.


  Although mainstream Internet users have opened online banking, if mobile payment really wants to penetrate into all aspects of society and completely become a national payment application, this is not enough.

  So in Lin Yao's previous life, this model evolved after running for a period of time.

  Because there are still many users with existing bank cards, the online banking function has not been activated.

   What about these users?

  This is about the mobile payment 3.0 era...

   That is, let the user's old card bind the third-party payment account through the mobile phone number.

   This is the ultimate fast payment method.

  In essence, it is a combination of MOTOpay mode and cartoon-like business.

   But this stuff.

  At the current stage, Lin Yao finds it too difficult to implement.

  Although it can be done once and for all.

  But from the perspective of security, at this stage, we want to fix the bank and let all users accept it.

  That is completely a fantasy.

  This is not something that can be done overnight.

  Anything needs a process of acceptance, and solving problems also requires a process.

   rashly proceed to the last step.

  Don't talk about banks.

  Lin Yao panicked.

   This is not a joke, because this kind of catch-all approach, if you make a wrong step, you may face huge risks.

  So she didn't aim too high, but planned to use mobile payment 2.0 as the entry point.

   As long as this model is accepted by mainstream users.

  WeChat can be accepted by more users.

   And after this mode is proven safe and feasible.

  Whether it is the bank or the user, the degree of acceptance will be higher.


No matter how.

  User acceptance.

   Still have to wait for the function to go online before making a conclusion.

  And Linmu Studio, under the leadership of Mu Wanqing, started the second business negotiation with the bank again.

  Because there was foreshadowing before.

  In addition, there has been a lot of noise about mobile payment recently.

  So the business negotiations went very smoothly.

   This may also have something to do with the scale of Linmu Studio.

  After all, everyone knows that Linmu Studio makes money.

  In the eyes of any bank, Linmu Studio is the best user.

  Cash flow is too strong.

   Several top online games are all owned by their family, and there will be a wave of stand-alone games every few months.

  Almost all models are explosive models.

  Now add YouMedia...

  Who doesn’t want such customers.

   This even sets off WeChat, which is far more reliable than other mobile payments.

   After all, Weixin is backed by Linmu Studio.


  For the "cartoon-like business" proposed by Linmu Studio.

   Banks are generally quite surprised.

   Can still play like this! ?


   During the second business negotiation with the bank, Linmu Studio also issued an announcement, announcing the last batch of third-party applications that support WeChat payment.

  That means.


  Whether it’s FutureStore, Vaporwave, or the app store on Switch.

  Whether it is the first-party application of Linmu Studio or the third-party application of other developers, you can use WeChat to purchase it directly!

in addition.

  Because the account number of Linmu Studio is universal.

  So WeChat payment is almost full of convenience in the ecology of Linmu Studio.

  But... not many peers pay attention to the WeChat payment of Linmu Studio.

   After all, for competitors, WeChat payment is in their own ecology, so what’s more convenient?

  We don't have such foundation.

   There is no reference meaning at all!

   Instead of referring to WeChat, a big dog, it is better to refer to Tianhu Pay.

  They also have a weak foundation, but relying on continuous iteration of payment methods and adding more functions, they have completed the curve overtaking of WeChat.

  This is a role model, okay?

  For example, the cooperative card issuing model recently launched by Tianhu.

   stimulated a large number of competitors, and made them sigh that they can still play like this! ?

  On the one hand, it can use its own traffic to allow banks to increase users and make them cooperate willingly.

  On the one hand, it can also bind the user's bank card to their own mobile payment, cultivate habits, and give them convenience.

   What a genius idea!


   Although Tianhu moves fast.

  But soon... Other companies that entered the market in different forms also began to follow suit.

   This even directly set off a wave of cooperation cards.

  Facing these third-party payment institutions that want to cooperate.

  Mainstream commercial banks.

  Basically, all comers are welcome.

  The larger banks are relatively cautious, but they are still willing to negotiate with large-scale companies like Tianhu.

   After all, there are usually business contacts, and now mobile payment is booming again.

   This is not the core interest of Mobile Bank.

   It can also increase users for the bank.

   Banks certainly would.

  Even some commercial banks have actively asked to cooperate with mobile payment companies.

  Because customers are their life!

   And it is precisely because of this.

   Time came to November.

   There are more and more cooperation cards.

  Every enterprise entering mobile payment has launched a similar cooperation card.

   And in this case, of course there will be competition.


   Now in the mobile payment market, Tianhu, the de facto big brother, has set off a publicity war!

  They invested a lot of resources and began to promote their cooperation cards on their own channels.

   Games are of course the main event.

  ‘Applying for Tianhu Card, you will enjoy a 30% discount on recharging. '

   This slogan.

   Appeared in Tianhu's large and small games.

   Their game official website is also full of similar content.


  They were still in Tianhu Chat and pushed an announcement to all users.

  Promote the Tianhu Card launched in cooperation with major banks.

in addition.

  They also put a huge amount of resources into the banking.

  The scale of Tianhu is not small.

  So the bank also gave face.

  Now when users go to their main bank to apply for a new card, the counter will recommend the user to apply for a Tianhu card.


   Tianhu is not without opponents.

  The largest search engines in China, Jiaming Alliance and these two.

   During this period of time, I have thoroughly seen what third-party payment institutions can bring to the company.

   Also began to pay attention to this aspect of investment.

   It is not as simple as drilling the air outlet.

  Even if it is the Jiaming Alliance.

  Although we have reached a cooperation with Tianhu, but seeing the situation on WeChat, I think that I also have the same conditions as Linmu Studio.

  They already faintly have the idea of ​​kicking away Tianhu and doing it themselves.

on the one hand.

  They want to make a mobile payment software that is similar to WeChat and can fully connect its ecology.

at the same time.

  They also want to be like Tianhu, not limited to their own ecology, but applicable to more applications.

  In short, I just want to become a big brother in the field of mobile payment!

   And want to realize such ambition.

   Tianhu payment becomes a stumbling block.

  So their attitude towards Tianhu payment has become colder during this time.

Not only that.

   They also joined the battlefield of cooperative card promotion.

  They also have channels to announce, and the number of users of Jiaming Alliance is there.

  So they did a better job.

  Directly through the existing Jiaming alliance system, it directly pushes advertisements to all users who use Jiaming alliance mobile phones...

   In addition to these two.

  The largest search engine in China.

   also joined the battlefield.

  They have nothing to do with Jiaming Alliance or Tianhu.

  They are simply optimistic about the future of mobile payment and want to get a piece of the pie.

   And now.

   Tianhu has found such a good model, of course they are not willing to lag behind.

   Their channels are bigger.

  The largest domestic search engine is in their hands.

  In order to promote the bank cards that their own mobile payment platform cooperates with, they highlight the advertisement directly at the top of all search results.

  Three companies.

   During this period of time, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers.

   Then, jointly opened the first battle in the mobile payment market.

   This period of time.

  Users can really see the news of the cooperation card everywhere.

  Everywhere...A card?

   Extremely exaggerated.

   It even became a hot topic...

   "Damn it, the searcher asked me if I could get a card, if I played games, if I could get a card, and tm's mobile phone also asked me if I could get a card... I'm sick, I'll do it for your size!"

   "It's really an exaggeration. Although I understand that the three companies are now grabbing the mobile payment market, the experience is really poor..."

   "You can use FutureS1 to play the games of Linmu Studio, they are still a pure land. [Eat melon]"

   "That's true. Linmu Studio did not push relevant advertisements. In fact, the impact on the game level is minimal, but it can't stand the relevant publicity everywhere except for the products of Linmu Studio."

   "Yeah, I want to apply for a card, but it's really too much trouble, and I'm getting annoyed with advertisements every day."

"Doesn't Linmu Studio also do mobile payment? Why don't they promote cards? I want to get a card jointly launched by Linmu Studio and the bank. In fact, their games are much more attractive as cards than Tianhu Cards. , it’s really not possible, it’s okay to print Lin Yao on the card..."

   "No, I don't want it, I'm really fed up with the card bombing, I want to keep this piece of pure land."

   "Linmu Studio is really slow... Maybe they don't want to get involved."


  Users are generally not too impressed with this card application battle.

   And Linmu Studio has naturally become the pure land in their hearts.

   This situation.

  The three parties that are currently competing, of course know it.

  But knowing is knowing.

  They are not going to change.

  If you want to seize the market, high-frequency advertising bombing will always be one of the most effective means.

   Now mobile payment has clearly reached an important point.

  No one wants to admit defeat or be the one behind.

At this moment.

  For the sake of word of mouth, reduce advertising, that is to give the other two opportunities.

  Who would be foolish to do such a stupid thing that hurts one thousand for oneself and one hundred for the enemy?

   Only WeChat can do this.

   Really blinded them such a good starting point...


   Now the industry generally believes that Weixin is too conservative and cherishes feathers.

   "How many users have bound cooperation cards now?"

  Sky fox.

  As the person who promotes the mobile payment project, Mou Feng should also be the person in charge of Tianhu Payment.

  Li Guangsheng sat aside and replied, "More than 600,000."

   "So few?" Mou Feng frowned upon hearing this.

   "That's not enough?" Li Guangsheng laughed and said, "That's 600,000 users. Compared with us, the other two users are at least half less. We are the highest, and our growth rate is much higher than them."

   "I know, but it's still too little."

  Mou Feng is not as optimistic as Li Guangsheng: "We have invested so many resources in publicizing and distributing, and the contribution and harvest are completely unequal..."

  Li Guangsheng comforted: "This is the way to open up new markets, not to mention there are two competitors eyeing us. As long as we are faster than the other two competitors, the market will eventually belong to us."

  Mou Feng rubbed the center of his brows.

   Did not speak.

  In fact, the first time I thought of ‘Tianhu Card’ was when I cooperated with the bank to launch a bank card plan.

  He was very excited.

  Because it finally solved the troublesome situation of online banking payment, Tianhu finally went faster than WeChat.


   With the advancement of the "Tianhu Cartoon" plan.

  Shortcomings are slowly revealed.

  Although the cumbersome problem on the payment side has been solved.

  But getting a card is also troublesome...

  Although it is troublesome once, users will benefit for life.

  But users don't seem to be very convinced about it...

   This is a bit embarrassing.

   Is there a better way?

  Mou Feng couldn't help thinking.

  This pattern, he is sure, must be correct.

   But there should be a better solution...

  Li Guangsheng saw Mou Feng lost in thought and stopped disturbing him.

  Mou Feng pondered for a long time.

   But I still haven't come up with a solution, and this is not something that can be thought of in a short time.

  He could only shake his head, and said helplessly: "Go ahead, I haven't thought of a better plan for the time being."

   "OK." Li Guangsheng stood up.

   "By the way, WeChat..."

  Mou Feng suddenly thought of something and stopped Li Guangsheng.

   "They haven't stepped out of their comfort zone so far, and they look like they don't want to make progress. We can't refer to them." Li Guangsheng shook his head.

   "Eh... that's right, then don't worry about them, we do our own thing and let them chase us!"

  Mou Feng was stunned for a moment before realizing it.

  I can’t cross the river by feeling the stones this time...

  This should be considered a good thing.

   Thinking of this, Mou Feng smiled casually, stopped asking more questions, but continued to think about how to solve the problems existing in the existing plan...


   This is the difficulty of the pioneers.

   Don't think it's so simple for Lin Yao to say "cartoon-like business".

   This is because she experienced a similar future firsthand.

  If you don’t have this experience, you need to review and think repeatedly if you want to notice the bank’s “cartoon-like business” and then associate it with mobile payment.

  It took a long time for the Zhifubao in the previous life to think of a "cartoon-like business".

  The same is true for the sky fox here.

it's the same.


  In fact, Mou Feng had the opportunity to know this in advance.

  If he pays more attention to the WeChat of Linmu Studio, especially WeChat's actions in the bank, he will always receive some rumors.

   After all, the bank is not a subsidiary of Linmu Studio.


  Wechat's "not thinking about making progress" during this period has obviously made him lose his patience.


  Linmu Studio really seems to be content with the status quo and cherish the feathers.

  Plus Tianhu is fighting back and forth with the other two.

   This makes me even more distracted.

   A certain moment.

  Mou Feng even felt that Linmu Studio might just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then wanted to find a way that suits him...

  So of course the attention is low.

   As for the bank.

  Do not take the initiative to inquire.

  Even if they realize that the plan proposed by Linmu Studio is more reasonable than the three companies that are fighting, they will not take the initiative to bring it up.

   Even some banks voluntarily asked their staff to keep silent.

after all.

   Launching bank cards together with mobile payment platforms will increase real users, without the need for banks to promote themselves.

   So opportunity.

   Before I knew it, I slipped away...



   The battle for mobile payment users between Tianhu, Jiaming Alliance, and search engines has intensified.

  The main banks they cooperate with are different.

  So if the user wants to apply for a card, he must choose one of the three.

  If you want convenience, you must choose a bank card to handle their cooperation.


   I really have too much time to spare, and I can do all three of them...

   But such users are really rare.

   Who has nothing to do with three bank cards, and deposit and transfer money in them one by one.

   Probably also noticed this sign.

  So the three companies competing for users became even crazier.

   More and more resources are being invested.

   Then send people to ask users one by one, whether they can apply for a card...

   In order to seize users, the bombardment of advertisements like mad dogs has also disturbed many users.

  Or not.

   Or online banking payment?

   Don't ask me to apply for a card!

select? Choose what to choose! I choose WeChat!

   At least they don't harass us!

  Because of the bombardment of advertisements, quite a few users started the topic of ‘I’ll use WeChat if I’m forced again’.

   But that doesn't make much sense.

  Because WeChat was struggling in its own ecology, it didn't join the battlefield.

   They are elsewhere and not used.

  That said everything is false.

  So the topic of "If you force me again, I will use WeChat" did not restrain the three parties in the melee, but made them even crazier.

  Wechat messing with eating and waiting to die.

  Although it broke down halfway.

  But it doesn't mean they won't restart, join the battlefield.

  So they want to take advantage of WeChat to eat and wait to die, and before they can react, quickly decide the winner!

   And time is like this.

   Slowly came to November 23rd...

   "Damn it! Why are you applying for a card again!"

this day.

  A certain apartment.

   Li Yu opened the search engine, and just entered a certain video website, wanting to find a movie for dinner.

   But the search results popped up.

   Most conspicuous.

   Still applying for a card...

  He was speechless.

  In fact, he is considered to be a group that is less affected by related issues. After all, he is a diehard fan of Linmu Studio games.

   But still feel unbearable.

  Because it is pervasive.

   "If you force me again, I will choose WeChat!"

   Li Yu looked at the screen, shook his head, and then complained, and immediately lost the mind to watch any movies.

  He closed the page, then picked up the FutureS1 next to him, ready to go to the game circle.

   Finish this lunch.


  Just as he was about to pick up his phone, he picked up chopsticks with his other hand.

   Ding Dong.

   A beep sounded.

  At the same time, the phone vibrated slightly.

   Li Yu froze for a moment, then pulled down the notification bar.

   It was found that it was a message from WeChat.

  He was a little curious, so he opened his eyes.

   This is an announcement made by the WeChat team for all WeChat users.

   Click to enter.

   Jumped directly to the text.

   "Isn't this also a card application?"

   Li Yu looked at the jump page and was shocked.


  When the announcement came out, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

   It is not an announcement for Amway users to apply for a card.

   It is the update announcement of the new version of WeChat.

  The main purpose is to tell users what the new version of WeChat has updated.


  Li Yu still finds it quite strange.

  What is this general announcement about to update?

  He picked up the chopsticks again, and then looked at the announcement while chopping rice into his mouth.

   But I just took a bite of rice.

  He couldn't eat anymore.

  Because of the first item in the announcement, he froze in place.

  【Weixin Payment ushers in a comprehensive update! 】

[1. Wechat Pay officially launched the cartoon mode. Users can bind their existing bank cards to their Wechat account by signing a contract, and activate the withholding payment. The deduction of it! (For supporting banks, please refer to the attachment or detailed announcement)]

[2. WeChat payment officially opens the external interface. If an enterprise or individual developer needs to realize third-party payment, they can apply for an account on the WeChat platform and sign an agreement. After the agreement takes effect, WeChat will open the online payment function for you. The program integrates the interface into the website...]

   Li Yu finished reading the first two.

   I was stunned in place, and after a long time, I muttered: "Now... I really have to choose WeChat."

  Time moves forward slightly.

  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng is looking for information.

  He is still thinking about whether there is a better alternative to the current cartoon solution.


   Haven’t had any thoughts.

  But just now, through his online banking page, he suddenly noticed a banking business called 'Yifutong'.

  The role is to help users pay electricity and water bills.

   See this business.


  In Mou Feng's mind, countless thoughts exploded.


  He hasn't had time to clear his mind.

  The mobile phone at hand rang, interrupting him.

  He glanced at the phone impatiently, and was about to turn it off and continue to organize his thoughts.

  But as soon as he pressed the shutdown button, he saw that the notification was sent by WeChat...

  Mou Feng paused.

   Then, a bad thought inexplicably rose in my heart...

  He hesitated for a moment, then picked up the phone.

   Click on the announcement...

   After a few seconds.

  In the office.

  Mou Feng's breathing became obviously heavy...

   And his expression was even more exaggerated.

   Unbelievably twisted.

  With three points of disbelief, two points of astonishment, and five points of eating shit... an indescribable feeling of aggrieved.

   Next second.

  Mou Feng dropped the phone directly and hugged his head.

   All emotions.

   All turned into one word.


at the same time.

   Jiaming Alliance.

  The largest search engine in China.

  Including major companies that have entered the mobile payment market in different forms.

  The office building where they are located.

   All of them resounded with the same voice.


   And this also foreshadows.

   The first battle of mobile payment.

   This is the end.


  This battle is known as the most meaningless battle in the mobile payment market...


   It all came later, and became a well-known big injustice...

  Pure and innocent kind.

  (end of this chapter)

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