MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 619 funeral

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  The eighth day of the Lunar New Year.


  It's past seven o'clock.

  Lin Yao finally arrived in Pengcheng, and came downstairs to the apartment where Mu Wanqing lived.

   And one get off the car.

  Lin Yao saw Mu Wanqing standing downstairs, who seemed to be independent from the world.

  She still wears the professional suit she usually wears to work.

  While wearing a skirt, black silk and high heels, Mu Wanqing is like wearing armor.

   Although viewed from a distance, it still has a feminine softness.

  But for some reason, Lin Yao always had the feeling of looking at a cold machine wearing steel armor.


  Lin Yao thanked Xu Huan who was driving, and then walked towards Mu Wanqing.

  Mu Wanqing, who was standing still downstairs, finally reacted.

"sorry to bother you."

  Mu Wanqing greeted Lin Yao, walked up to her, and smiled gently.

   There is nothing unusual about the expression.

   Just like seeing it at work.

  Lin Yao looked up and down the girl in black silk glasses before showing a suspicious expression.

"What's wrong?"

  Mu Wanqing stroked the wind-blown hair from her temples, and asked in a low voice.

   "I really wear black silk..."

  Lin Yao smiled lightly: "You don't think it's cold, it's only twelve degrees in Pengcheng today."

   "No way, in order to let you accompany me, I can only do this."

  Mu Wanqing burst out laughing.

  Yesterday she sent a message to Lin Yao, but before she had time to regret it, Lin Yao's reply came.

  Lin Yao agreed to accompany her, the only requirement is to wear black silk.

   And Mu Wanqing also agreed.

   "Now that I have seen it, and the price has been charged, do you want to change into more comfortable clothes?"

  Lin Yao withdrew her gaze and looked at Mu Wanqing's face.

   "...No, this is fine." Mu Wanqing immediately shook her head.

   "That's a great sacrifice... let's go."

  Lin Yao didn't force Mu Wanqing to change her clothes, she showed a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, and pulled her up: "I will accompany you home."

  Mu Wanqing was pulled forward, looked at Lin Yao's ponytail that swayed slightly as she moved forward, and smiled gently.


  The two sat in the car.

  Xu Huan started the car.

  Mu Wanqing is officially on her way home.

  Her hometown is not far from Pengcheng, it can even be said to be very close, just over two hours' drive away.

  It is a small inland city located in the northeast, which belongs to the same province as Pengcheng.

  Lin Yao only heard it once.

   That city is called Yicheng.

  Two hours.


  In the car.

  Mu Wanqing remained silent, mainly because she fell asleep as soon as she got in the car.

   Leaning on Lin Yao's shoulder, she fell into a deep sleep.

  Lin Yao didn't call her, but with a little curiosity, she admired the scenery along the way.

   It was okay at first.

   After all, small fifth-tier cities are also cities, but as time goes by, the closer you get to Mu Wanqing's hometown, the more desolate the scenery outside the window.

  Lin Yao took a few photos along the way, and then told Lin Xi that she was safe, so she didn't have to worry.

  After half an hour of driving without any smoke.

   Finally, a figure appeared outside the window.

  The destination is here.

  It was a small mountain village backed by towering mountains.

   Far away from the town, there are only a dozen families in total, and Lin Yao didn't even see a canteen.

  The car stops.

  Xu Huan didn't know where to go.

   And at this moment.

  Mu Wanqing suddenly opened her eyes, and pointed to a muddy path next to her that could barely allow a car to pass.

   "Turn right and go straight down."

"…it is good."

  Xu Huan nodded, and then drove the car extremely steadily into the side road.

  The faint sound of firecrackers came to the ears through the car window.

  The wheels ran over the debris of firecrackers all over the place, and finally saw a large drying yard and two small two-story buildings that were close to each other.

  In front of the door of the small building, the couplets are very new and have just been pasted up.

   It shows the fact that New Year's Eve has just passed.

   At the same time, it also forms a strong contrast with the shed on the drying yard.

  The pale white shed is full of white cloth, and a bed is placed in the middle, and the white gauze separates the inside and outside of the bed.

  But the wind outside was very strong, and the white gauze was frequently blown up, revealing a corpse lying on the bed with its mouth covered by an egg.

  In front of the shed, a huge white candle was burning.

  In the huge brazier, paper money was constantly thrown into it.

  Cigarette smoke.

  Xu Huan drove the car into the drying yard.

  The seven or eight middle-aged men with arms tied in white cloth standing in front of the shed all turned their heads.

  The car stopped.

   Through the front windshield, Mu Wanqing looked at the scene outside and the faces looking back, and fell silent.

   "Wait for me in the car."

   Mu Wanqing looked ahead, and after a long time, she turned her head and looked at Lin Yao, smiling.

   Laughing is not forced.

   On the contrary, it looks very relaxed.

   Say it.

  She was going to open the car door and leave.

  But just as she was about to get up, Lin Yao held her hand.

  Mu Wanqing turned around.

   "I'm with you."

  Lin Yao flicked her ponytail.

   "..." Mu Wanqing shook her head, not agreeing.

  But Lin Yao firmly held her hand, not letting go.

  Mu Wanqing was silent for a moment, then turned around and firmly held her hand, and pushed open the car door with the other hand.

  The sound of the wind and noisy voices filled the ears.

  Seeing Mu Wanqing in business attire.

  The middle-aged people standing in front of the temporary mourning hall showed annoyed expressions.

  Mu Wanqing met their eyes with a blank expression on her face.

   After getting off the car.

  She let go of Lin Yao's hand, and walked to the temporary mourning hall.

  Lin Yao put on a ponytail and quietly followed beside her.



  A middle-aged man greeted him, and then talked to Mu Wanqing in his native dialect.

  Of course Lin Yao didn’t understand.

   Mu Wanqing could understand, but she just looked at the other party coldly, and then said something after the other party stopped.

  Calm, straightforward, merciless.

   Just like when facing work in Linmu Studio.

  The tone of the middle-aged man gradually became agitated.

  Lin Yao finally understood a word.


  But Mu Wanqing no longer paid attention to the other party, and walked directly to the front of the shed, and then looked at the motionless person inside through the screen window.

  The wind blows the white gauze again.

   The pale man inside was revealed again.

  The middle-aged man seemed very angry at Mu Wanqing's ignorance, he shook his hand, turned around and walked towards the small building.

  Mu Wanqing didn't respond, but just looked at the gauze blowing in the wind.

   Lin Yao next to her took a look, then took out three sticks of incense from the small table, lit them on a white candle, and handed them to Mu Wanqing.

   Several other relatives looked at Lin Yao strangely, but they didn't know who she was, and they couldn't talk for a while.

  Mu Wanqing finally came to her senses. She looked at Lin Yao who handed the incense to her, and said thank you in a low voice, then reached out to take the incense, and bowed towards the mourning hall.

  Put the incense on.


  She casually grabbed a stack of paper money and threw it into the fire tray, then walked aside.

   There were no tears, no expressions, and if Lin Yao hadn't reminded her, she would have even forgotten to offer incense.

   And finally.

  She just did the bare minimum.

  Even if the one lying in the shed is her biological father.

   Several middle-aged men couldn't help shaking their heads.

   But they didn't seem to be as close as the first middle-aged man with Mu Wanqing, and they didn't say anything.


  The middle-aged man who left angrily reappeared, handed a posthumous photo to Mu Wanqing, and said something.

   Then, without waiting for Mu Wanqing to react.

  He turned around, greeted the others, lifted the white cloth, and moved the corpse into the coffin.

  At the same time, Lin Yao was behind him.

   A pickup truck drives in...

  Mu Wanqing held the posthumous photo, didn't look at the person in the photo, just mechanically turned the photo over, and then looked into the distance.


   Cremation, burial, and banquet for guests.

  The vigil is exempted.

   Keep it simple.

  Mu Wanqing participated in the first two sessions.

  Holding the photo of the deceased, she sent the body to be cremated.

   Then followed the team and buried his father's ashes deep in the mountains.

   And Lin Yao was always by his side.

  Xu Huan wanted to speak several times, but Lin Yao stopped them.

  Lin Yao has been standing next to Mu Wanqing, accompanying her to complete all the steps.

   Come down from the mountain.

   A group of people are going back to eat.

  But after Mu Wanqing came down from the mountain, she didn't go back with the flow of people, but grabbed Lin Yao's wrist, let the others leave first, and took Lin Yao to another direction.

  Lin Yao glanced at the flow of people, then followed Mu Wanqing and walked forward.

  The two walked through the ridges of the field, and then came to a small stream.

  Mu Wanqing took Lin Yao for a distance by the creek, then stopped suddenly, picked off unknown vegetation similar to grapefruit leaves, and walked around Lin Yao while sweeping her body.

   There are still words in his mouth.

   "The bad luck fades away."

  Lin Yao: "..."

  She looked at the serious Mu Wanqing, she didn't struggle, but let her complete the ceremony.

  Mu Wanqing circled around Lin Yao, scanned carefully, and then swept her limbs.

At last.

  She looked at Xu Huan who was on the side.

  Xu Huan shook his head: "I don't believe this."

  Mu Wanqing didn't force it either.

  Xu Huan glanced at the two of them and thought for a while: "I'll go for a walk in front, if you need anything, just call me."

"it is good."

  Lin Yao smiled at her, and continued: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

  Xu Huan nodded, then walked forward, and quickly disappeared from sight.

   And Mu Wanqing also dropped the branch, and turned to look across the creek.

   "Lin Yao."

   Mu Wanqing looked at the scenery across the creek for a while, and suddenly called out to Lin Yao who was beside her.


   "I let cattle go here, do you believe it?"

  Mu Wanqing turned her head, with a faint smile on her face, and asked.

   "Huh?" Lin Yao was stunned.

   "It's just across the street. I can't see it in winter now, but there are quite a lot of grass there in spring and summer."

Mu Wanqing said softly: "When I was in elementary school, the first thing I did after school every day was to pull out my cows with other peers, and then let them graze on the opposite side, while I sat on the grass and played. Stone…"

   “…it’s hard to imagine.”

  Lin Yao glanced at Mu Wanqing who was wearing a professional suit beside her, and said from the bottom of her heart.

   "It's actually quite happy."

  Muwan smiled and said: "No one cares about me, as long as the cow is not lost, then the time belongs to me. Although it sounds bad, this is indeed my happiest time."


  Lin Yao looked at Mu Wanqing's fair side face, then nodded slightly.

   "Unfortunately, this kind of time didn't last long. I was in the sixth grade, probably in the sixth grade."

  Mu Wanqing whispered: "The cow was sold, it seems to be sold for two thousand yuan, and I can't come out, after all, I can't let myself go. At that time, I can only stay at home after school..."

Speaking of which.

Mu Wan paused for a moment, then said with a gentle smile: "It's hard to be happy at home...but I can see Quan Wu Xing, one accuses the other party of gambling, and gave away the 2,000 yuan that the cow sold before it was warmed up. , and the other accuses the other party of stealing, and is vague about who he is with... Then he pulls his hair and punches the other party's face, which is really lively."

  Lin Yao: "..."

   "Of course, after all, they are husband and wife, and sometimes they can reach a consensus."

Mu Wanqing looked across Xiaoxi again: "For example, when facing me, both of them thought it was useless for a girl to study, and they were ready to let me go to work a long time ago. Even when they graduated from junior high school, they even found a husband for me. up.

  Small mountain village, it doesn’t matter if you say it’s ignorant or it’s really poor. In short, the matter is settled like this.

  Of course, I disagreed, and then the two of them began to talk to each other... One said I had no conscience and cried, and the other punched me hard. At that time, my face was so swollen that I didn’t dare to go out. "

"…never mind."

  Lin Yao suddenly walked around in front of Mu Wanqing, held her face in her hands, and said sullenly, "You better stop talking, I don't really want to hear it."

  Mu Wanqing looked at the serious expression on the girl's face in front of her, and smiled lightly: "Although it sounds uncomfortable, it's actually okay after it's over, and I don't mind long ago."

"I mind."

  Lin Yao pursed her red lips, and then repeated: "I mind."

  “…Actually, my story in my hometown ends here.”

Mu Wanqing was stunned for a moment, then took Lin Yao's hand holding her face, pulled her to sit on the grass, and said with a gentle smile: "The next thing is the story of my life in another place, but speaking of it It's really uncomfortable, sorry, I was negligent."

   "It's all over, isn't it?"

  Lin Yao clasped her fingers tightly and said in a low voice.


Mu Wanqing nodded lightly: "It's all over... I'm just feeling a little bit emotional. The one who talked to me just now is my father's brother. I should call him uncle. You can see that he is very dissatisfied with me. Because I didn't even care about my father's death.

  Of course, it may also be because my mother died last time, and I didn't pay much attention to it, so he was a little bit resentful.

  After all, in the traditional concept, no matter what, the deceased is the greatest, and the other party raised me. Even if I am hypocritical, my attitude needs to be beyond reproach.

   But I really can't do it... Don't talk about tears, I didn't even feel sad just now. "

   "After all, a gambling dog and a vitriolic shrew, neither of them brought me anything."

Mu Wanqing calmly commented on her parents: "I don't agree to get married, so the two of them asked me to work part-time. They asked me to send money to them every month. In order to make up enough tuition and money for them, I'm almost at my wit's end.

At that time, they didn't say that I was working too hard, so I didn't have to send money. Not only that, but the two of them asked for more and more... My uncle probably knew about it, but he didn't say anything at the time. Now how can I say that the other party has at least raised me. "

  “When I was a freshman, my bitter mother passed away, and my father who gambled with dogs even asked me to pay for the burial. Why didn’t he mention these things? Instead, he remembered that I came back one day late.

   I wonder, is it true that as long as people die, everything they do will disappear? "


  Lin Yao sighed.

"I really thought about it at the time. When my bitter and mean mother passed away, I thought about what the couple brought me. I thought about it carefully... The final conclusion is that in addition to giving me Life, let me know that poverty, marriage and men are all original sins, let me only want to make money, nothing else."

Mu Wanqing shook her head lightly, then turned her head away, looked at Lin Yao next to her again, and asked, "Lin Yao, you should still remember? When we first met, you asked if you could push forward with the plan At that time, I asked you if you could let me climb up again... At that time, I really wanted to make money, a lot of money, so much that I didn't have to worry about it anymore, so much that I could feel at ease...

   And the project failed, I was really not reconciled, very reconciled, I was probably already sick at that time. "

   "I don't think it's necessary to be sick. Your tone at the time... It didn't look like you were sick, but it seemed to be a posturing, trying to explain the risks to me clearly."

  Lin Yao disagreed with her statement.

  Mu Wanqing smiled softly: "Only you would think so, and only you would think so... I was really extreme at the time. When I was kicked out of the second development department, I really thought about dying with Chen Nuo."

   "...?" Lin Yao looked at Mu Wanqing in surprise.


Mu Wanqing nodded, and said quite seriously: "If you hadn't come to me, I would have really considered it. After all, I really want to make money, and I am afraid of losing what I got at the time...Of course, this is all in the past, just As you just said, everything is over."

   "Then it was the days we spent together."

   "I finally got the money and status I dreamed of."

   "The general manager of Linmu Studio, the annual salary is in the tens of millions."

   "And after I have these, slowly, I no longer only think about making money, and I am no longer extreme. I only think about one thing... To a certain extent, Linmu Studio is indeed magical."

Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Yao's side face, and smiled again: "Since last year, perhaps because of the time I was in Linmu Studio, I slowly let go of my obsessions, and I began to rethink family The significance of thinking about what my parents brought me...

Of course, I still feel that they did not bring me many useful things, but I admit that they did give birth to me... I thought at the time, in a few years, when I don't mind so much, I will return home once, let They took a look at how well the girl who couldn't wait to send her away was living now.

  But all this was over before it happened... I actually died outside because I was drunk, ha, this is too ugly. "

  Mu Wanqing slowly put away the smile on her face, looked forward again, and tightened her red lips: "It's really... so ugly."

  Sorry, post it first and change it later... It's too late to get off work

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