MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 622 One fish and three meals

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  Chapter 622 One fish and three meals

   "If we follow the setting you gave, we need a bunch of anime and game easter eggs if we want to give the audience happiness and a knowing smile."

   "Even, most of the pop culture elements around the 1980s are needed. This is not only games, but also many film and television works."

   "In addition, considering the villain, we may have to negotiate with the largest film and television company in Europe and the United States to negotiate the authorization of some heavyweight American comic characters."

  Lin Yao sorted out the context of the whole story.

   Include the nodes of the story.

   What kind of roles are needed during the period.

   and this part of the plot, how should it be interpreted.

   After reading it, Mu Wanqing began to think about what kind of work is needed to complete such a project...

   As for the conclusion...

  Don't say it's Mu Wanqing.

  Even if Lin Yao was listening beside her, she still found it quite difficult...

  The reason why Spielberg was able to make "Ready Player One" is because the distributor of this movie is the famous Warner Bros.

  Warner Bros. has a bunch of well-known IP in its own hands.

  In addition, Spielberg is not an unknown person, but a T0-level director, which makes the process of obtaining IP relatively easy for him.


   Now change the world.

  What does Forest Studio have in hand?

  There is no need to worry about the popular game IP in recent years.

   Because it is basically in the hands of Linmu Studio.


  Most pop culture elements, as well as some ancient anime and game easter eggs, are more troublesome.

  Linmu Studio is a game company after all.

  Now it can be regarded as a game company and a technology company at best, and there is no advantage in this regard.

  The only advantage is probably having money.

  But this kind of IP authorization with a wide range of coverage, sometimes has money, far less than a relationship.

   Of course you can spend money.

   But think about it from another angle, if there is a company that wants to spend money in exchange for the IP of Linmu Studio, will Lin Yao agree casually?

  Especially if you don’t know the background of the other party, or if you are cross-disciplinary.

  The answer is definitely not.

  Lin Yao will also consider carefully.

  This has been confirmed in the previous film adaptation authorization.

in addition.

  Each company has different restrictions on its own IP.

  Some are loose, while others are very strict.

  Even if authorization can be obtained.

   Negotiating with each other is probably a big challenge for the business team.

  You are like Ren Hell in Lin Yao’s previous life. He meow people make movies, but the two male protagonists are dressed like Mario and Luigi, they have to buy out the’s hard to do.


   Nintendo still has the rights to two movies...

As for the other strongest lawyer, it is even more outrageous. The protagonist of Kingdom Hearts landed in Super Smash Bros. In the end, Mickey Mouse was nowhere to be seen, leaving only a pendant. It is estimated that this was obtained after a long negotiation. Arrived...

   Not to mention their achievements in attacking everywhere...

  This type of company is extremely strict with authorization.

   Not only Lin Yao had it in her previous life, but also here.

   This is really not something that can be done with money. Many times, people need to know the world...

   So go ahead.

  It is really troublesome.

   "Let's work hard first."

  Lin Yao felt a little embarrassed when facing Mu Wanqing's gaze.

  After all, the moment she opened her mouth, for the entire Linmu Studio, it meant that a hard work had begun...

   "This is just an idea, if it doesn't work, we can reduce the number of easter eggs."

Lin Yao thought for a while, and said with relief: "For example, it is feasible to cut off the ancient popular elements, some movies and the authorization of American comics, and then focus on the game eggs, and make a multimedia project specifically for gamers. , although the effect may not be so good."

"in addition."

   "The copyright negotiated can not only serve the multimedia planning, and even not only serve the "Super Smash Bros." game, but also serve our mobile game... to achieve the goal of eating three meals for one fish."

  Lin Yao talked a little bit about her thoughts.

  Mu Wanqing was a little puzzled when she heard the words: "Mobile games? IP can also serve mobile games?"

   She just watched the multimedia project.

   She also knows about the project of the "Super Smash Bros." game.

   But she really doesn't know about mobile games.

Lin Yao explained with a smile: "Do you still remember what I told you before the holiday? Yes, it's the sentence 'We may be able to work **** the linkage next year, and maybe we can make the "Day of Reincarnation" come true." It might not be possible to raise the grades even higher."

   "The so-called linkage, in addition to our own internal IP, can also be linked with external IP."

   "For example, for the recently popular comics, if the IP can be negotiated, can we make the popular characters in the comics into cards of "Day of Reincarnation", and then make them a limited card pool..."

  Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Yao, slightly widening her beautiful eyes.

Lin Yao continued: "This will not only attract more players, but also serve as a cover for the subsequent multimedia planning. If our Linmu Studio negotiates copyright on a large scale, it will definitely attract attention. This is inevitable. After all We are too bright now.

  By that time, if someone is interested, they will easily know what our Linmu Studio wants to do. The current scale of Linmu Studio is too large.

  If the other two plans are leaked in advance, the surprise announced at that time will be greatly reduced, but now there is a mobile game linkage as a shield, which is enough to dispel the doubts of many people.

  This can preserve the mystery for the other two projects, reaching the level of surprising everyone as soon as they are announced.

  It can also bring benefits to subsequent negotiations. After all, there is a reason, and it is better than letting the staff of the business department go to other companies excitedly, and then conduct business negotiations without boundaries.

   This is one fish and three meals. "

  Mu Wanqing: "..."

Lin Yao didn't notice Mu Wanqing's expression, thought for a moment, and then said: "In addition, besides the current "Samsara Day" mobile game, there are two other games that can also be used as shields, I don't think you have mentioned it yet. ?

  One is our MOBA mobile game. I chatted with Kang Yi, and he and I both felt that the idea of ​​Time-Space Nexus is more interesting than simply transplanting the existing MOBA online game...

   As for the setting of Time-Space Nexus, although the main purpose of our Linmu Studio's own characters is to compete on the same stage, after the game is released, one or two other characters can also be added... Of course, not too many, otherwise it will be overwhelming. "

   "As for the other one, it is "Death by Daylight" currently in charge of Conglong Studio. However, if this game wants to be linked, the restrictions are relatively large. You can only find some dark characters, otherwise it is not suitable."

  Lin Yao frowned slightly, and said everything she said.

  Mu Wanqing listened in a daze the whole time: "..."

  After Lin Yao finished speaking her thoughts, she frowned, and finally noticed Mu Wanqing's expression.

  She asked a little strangely: "What's wrong with you, Miss Mu?"


  Mu Wanqing came back to her senses, and put down the proposal in her hand: "So you think so far... You are really a genius."

  Lin Yao glared at her: "I won't give you a salary increase if you are like this, not only will I not give you a salary increase, but in the next few days I will eat and live with you..."


  Mu Wanqing spat softly.

   "Hey, what do you mean?" Lin Yao got anxious and leaned out from behind the table.

Mu Wanqing hurriedly took a step back, then picked up the project about "Ready Player One" in her hand again, and after looking at it, she said gently: "Lin Yao, everyone will work hard to realize this dream together, believe me, everyone will contribute 100% Two hundred efforts to achieve this goal..."

   "Actually, it doesn't need 200 percent."

  Lin Yao supported the table with both hands, after a moment of stupefaction, she smiled lightly and said, "It only needs to be 100%."

  Mu Wanqing smiled, didn't speak, just shook her head slightly.

  Lin Yao no longer struggled, sat down again, and shook her braids: "Then, while nothing else is going on, let's plan what IPs are needed in each stage, and what are the alternative IPs!"

"it is good."

  Mu Wanqing nodded.


  The next few days.

  Weixin's red envelope gameplay is still killing people...

   After all, the Spring Festival is not over yet.

  After the New Year's Eve passed, the popularity of the red envelope game has not only not diminished, but has also become higher and higher!

  And other third-party payment institutions in China are really battered in the face of this situation.

  Seeing that the lethality of WeChat red envelopes has been proven time and again.

  Several larger third-party payment institutions also became ruthless, calling staff to work early on a larger scale.

  It looks like it is going to seize the end of the Spring Festival and launch the red envelope game...which caused complaints from the staff of various major factories.


   All of the above.

   It has nothing to do with Lin Yao.

  In the few days before Linmu Studio officially resumed work, Lin Yao and Mu Wanqing would go to Linmu Studio every day.

   The two of them don't need to do anything, the main thing is to watch animated movies and play games.

   Then confirm the popularity of some IPs, confirm which IP authorizations are required for the two main plans, and which IP authorizations are required for several other shield projects.

  The two of them have made a long list in the past few days.

  Here is a reference list for the business unit…

   And in life.

  The two also lived together.

  The main reason is that Mu Wanqing is alone, but Lin Xi hasn't come yet, and Lin Yao is also alone when she returns home.

  Since we live alone.

  It would be better to live together, so that there is a care.

   This is also the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, after Lin Yao subconsciously followed Mu Wanqing back, the two came to the same conclusion.


  Everything becomes a matter of course.

   Tell the truth.

   The two actually got along pretty well. They lived together for a few days, and there was no friction. On the contrary, they were very happy.

  Lin Yao didn't feel any discomfort.


  How slowly time flies.

  The Spring Festival will always be over.


  The Lantern Festival is approaching quietly.

  Lin Xi will also return to Pengcheng tomorrow.

   "So, you're going home tomorrow?"

  Mu Wanqing sat in the porch, took off her high heels, and looked at Lin Yao next to her. Although she tried her best to hide her disappointment, she couldn't hide it.

   "Well, although I have gone back, I can still see each other every day."

  Lin Yao smiled, stood up from the entrance, and stretched out her hand.

  Mu Wanqing put her hand on Lin Yao's, stood up with strength, took a deep breath, and suppressed her disappointment: "Well... then what do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you."

   "It's all right."

  Lin Yao untied the ponytail, and replied casually: "Don't do so much, you don't need a sense of ritual, and you haven't finished eating the meals you cooked a few days ago."

"it is good."

  Mu Wanqing responded, then turned sideways, supported Lin Yao's shoulders, and began to change the OL suit.

   "You really don't think I'm an outsider."

  Lin Yao looked narrowly at Mu Wanqing: "This is all changing clothes in front of me."

   "..." Mu Wanqing raised her head and gave her a blank look.

   "The figure is really good, although I have seen it many times."

  Lin Yao flicked her long, soft hair that was untied, then looked at her, and teased again.

  Mu Wanqing didn't speak, but just held her hand.

After a few minutes.

  She raised her head again, looked at Lin Yao who was still fussing, and smiled gently.

   Then, he showed a disappointed expression again...

  Time flies so fast...


  Manwanqing changed into yoga pants and played with the fitness ring in the living room for a while.

  Lin Yao sat on the sofa, cheered her up, and helped her correct her training posture by the way.

   After consuming today's calories, Mu Wanqing went to cook.

  Although Lin Yao specifically said not to cook too much, the dinner is still very rich.

   After dinner.

  The two chatted for a while, and then snuggled up on the sofa and watched an ancient classic movie.

  Barely counted as work.

   It's past eleven o'clock.

   After taking a shower, the two of them put on their pajamas and got ready to go to bed.

  Turn off the bedside lamp.

  The room was plunged into darkness.

   I can't see my fingers.

   "I will officially go to work tomorrow."

  Lin Yao turned sideways, adjusted her posture, and said while yawning.


  Mu Wanqing responded softly.

   "Then, see you tomorrow, Miss Mu,"

   It's pitch black.

  Of course Lin Yao couldn't see Mu Wanqing's expression, she yawned again, feeling drowsy, she couldn't hold on any longer, and closed her eyes: "Good night, Miss Mu."

   "Good night." Mu Wanqing replied softly.


  The two stopped talking.

  The room fell into silence for an instant, so quiet that they could hear each other's breathing.

  Lin Yao seemed to be asleep, breathing evenly.

  But Mu Wanqing hasn't slept yet.

  She couldn't sleep.

   It was okay at first, but she couldn't sleep...

  Lin Yao was also affected.

   Soon, a sigh came faintly.

   "Miss Mu."

  Mu Wanqing suddenly came back to her senses, and then apologized: "Did I wake you up?"

   "What do you think? I just finished praising you..."

  Lin Yao struggled a bit.

  Mu Wanqing blushed a little.

  Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief, moved back, then opened her eyes, looking at Mu Wanqing's blurred face: "So what are you doing? Can't sleep?"

   "...Mmm." Mu Wanqing nodded slightly, and responded softly.

  Lin Yao asked: "Why?"

  Mu Wanqing was silent and did not speak.

   "Didn't you say we would meet tomorrow? Ah... Forget it."

  Lin Yao was silent for a moment, then sat up suddenly.

  Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Yao who was sitting up.

   "How about... watching another classic movie?"

  Lin Yao knelt on the bed and made a suggestion.

  Mu Wanqing: "..."


  The sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

  Linmu Studio has resumed work.

  Although Lin Yao had already gone to work, she still felt the atmosphere of returning to work.


  The staff who just arrived at Linmu Studio thought she had just arrived, and greeted her frequently.

  Lin Yao responded to everyone who greeted her as usual.

   Then go back to your office.

   "Miss Mu, are the red envelopes ready?" Lin Yao closed the door, saw Mu Wanqing, and immediately asked.

   "Ready... Do you want to post together later?"

  Mu Wanqing nodded, and then asked.

   "Well... first go to send red envelopes, and then go to someone for a meeting, let's give them a surprise!"

  Lin Yao took Mu Wanqing out together, and went to distribute red envelopes to various departments.


   During the period, it is inevitable to chat with the staff.

  Most of the staff are in pretty good condition after more than ten days of rest.

   It took most of the day, after running through all the departments of Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao went to her office to prepare materials.

  Mu Wanqing started calling people to the conference room for a meeting.

   Time came to the afternoon.

  The news of the start of construction of Linmu Studio spread throughout the IT circle...

no way.

   During this period of time, the limelight of Linmu Studio is really too strong...

  The "Day of Reincarnation" a few years ago, suddenly emerged, disturbing the entire mobile game market at the end of the year.

  The colleagues of Linmu Studio were forced to work overtime at the end of the year to study this game.

  If it's just like this, forget it.

Lunar New Year's eve!

  tm's New Year's Eve, they threw out another red envelope game.

   directly detonated the entire Spring Festival.

  The relevant person in charge also revealed that the possibility of permanent red envelopes cannot be ruled out.

to this end.

  Several competitors have been working overtime for nearly ten days!

   They just went to work!

  But no matter how big the grievance is.

   They also had to pay attention to Linmu Studio.

  Because they want to know too.

  What will Forest Studio do next.

  Wechat announced that the red envelope game is permanent? Or is "Day of Reincarnation" announcing new events? Or is there any new product, new game coming out?

  These are the news that colleagues think are worthy of attention.

  Don't care whether Linmu Studio is a game company or a technology company now.

   In short.

  Whether it is Jiaming Alliance, Tianhu, or several other leaders, they are all staring at Linmu Studio.

  Pay attention to their every move.

   Just waiting for them to announce what they want to do in the next stage.

   This point is really important!


  Woodworks let them down. On the first day, they didn't announce anything.

  In the first meeting of the new year in Linmu Studio, there was no chat about WeChat red envelopes, games, or new products.

   Instead chatting about IP…

  Linmu Studio.

  Large meeting room.

   "Have you heard of these IPs?"

  Lin Yao cast the data on the computer to the projector, and then signaled everyone to look at the screen.

   And wait until you see clearly the... exaggerated list on the screen.

  Whether it was Xi Qianyu from the marketing department, the person in charge of the business department, or Zhong Xiu, Qi Jianhua and others who had just returned from their hometown, they all took a deep breath.

   "This is the result of the efforts of Miss Mu and I during this period of time."

  Lin Yao explained: "This will also become the focus of our work in Linmu Studio this year..."

   "Damn, what is this for?"

  Before Lin Yao finished speaking, Zhong Xiu suddenly turned his head and said in surprise: "Games, movies, comics, songs, and a bunch of popular elements, Lin Yao, are you going to rule the world?"

   "Go, let's control you."

  Lin Yao said unhappily: "After listening."

She stood up, pulled the whiteboard behind her, picked up the marker pen, and explained: "This is just a list. The works listed above are the IPs that need to be authorized for the next planning of Linmu Studio. I know there are a lot of them, they are complicated, and it is very difficult, but it is not mandatory."

  Lin Yao shook the marker pen in her hand: "This is just for reference. Next, I will list all the works that use these IPs, and then explain to you how I will use these IPs.

   Then everyone will discuss together whether the IPs listed above are necessary or not, and how to make trade-offs. Even if you think it is too difficult, you can cancel the entire project. Do you understand? "


  Zhong Xiu and the others looked at each other, then nodded.

  Lin Yao pulled out the cap of the marker pen: "Okay, then I'll start talking."

  She turned around and began to write two main projects, as well as several projects that needed to be linked.

   Ideas, applications, and the final desired effect.

  No matter how big or small.

  In the meeting room, Lin Yao's voice kept ringing.

   Two hours later.

  Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief, put the cap on the marker pen again, then clapped her hands, and after attracting the stupefied crowd, said: "I'm done talking, what do you think?"


  Everyone was silent for a while.


   Just when Lin Yao thought they didn't understand.

  Zhong Xiu took a deep breath and said, "I think...there are too few IPs!"

  Lin Yao: "?"

   And his voice just fell.

Qi Jianhua stood up and echoed excitedly: "Yes! I think more things can be added! Such a cool project!! More than a hundred easter eggs! How can it be enough! Add another hundred! Come again a hundred!"

  The words of the two of them are like some kind of signal.

  Other staff were also excited, and began to chatter about their own ideas.

   "Yes, yes, that's cool!!"

   "Oasis! VR! Smash! This will definitely amaze everyone!"

   "It turned out to be such a project! I feel exciting even thinking about it!"

   "What are you waiting for! Miss Xi, hurry up and talk to me about authorization!"


  Lin Yao: "..."

No matter how.

  The linkage era of games has begun.

  (end of this chapter)

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