MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 629 Let him rest!

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  Chapter 629 Let him rest!

  Nishio Shengjun once again dropped the update.

  The reason is still the same as last time.

   Feeling unwell…

   But this time, it didn't cause as much trouble as last time.

  Because readers are already mentally prepared.


  The most important reason is that the new version of "Day of Reincarnation" is online.

Thanks to Nishio Seijun's tweet last time, even readers who don't follow the original author, most of them have seen the stalk of the original author's royalties handed over in the animation-related communities, and heard about "The Day of Reincarnation" It will be linked with the manga.

  And after the new version of "Day of Reincarnation" was launched.

  Not only are the independent dungeons and Lihui extremely sincere, but there are also two amazing hand-drawn animations before the dungeons start... really impressed the comic readers who came here for the name.

  When comic readers have actually played the game, they even feel that the original author Nishio Seijun is more understandable...

  And once readers have this kind of idea, Nishio Shengjun will stop changing again, of course, it will not cause too many waves.

  Most of the manga readers went to discuss the game, the linkage activities, and those two amazing animations.

   Praise the game in different ways.

   Then get stuck in it.

   directly performed a wave of what it means to be reluctant to leave.

   As for the manga, just cut it off...

  The domestic animation community is not alone.

  The grand occasion at the beginning is not the end.

   Even, this is just the beginning...

  On April 23, the new version of the linkage event was officially launched.

  The heat exploded that day.

   Players and comic readers, as well as most of the ordinary players who came here because of the comic linkage, are very satisfied with the content of the new version.

   Not skimping on compliments at all.

   Even when it was just launched, there were too many people recharging, which caused problems on the server.

  What's next?

   Anyone who has played games has probably heard a word called the long grass period.

  This is because of game operations, the time and energy invested by game companies in making a new version is far longer than the time it takes for players to fully understand a new version.

  Maybe the new version made by the staff for more than half a year, the players have experienced it in less than a week.

   But the next version will definitely not be produced in a week. During this period of time for players to experience the existing content and wait for the next wave of new content is the rough period.

  The games of Linmu Studio also have such problems.

   After all, playing and doing are two different things.

  Linmu Studio has been working **** the linkage event of "Day of Reincarnation", but it may only last for a month at most. Players who are faster may experience all the new content in a week.

   After all, the limitation of linkage is actually quite big.

  The manga readers who came here attracted by the name, after experiencing the content of the linkage, it is reasonable to say that they will gradually lose the desire to discuss.

   After all, no matter how amazing something is, there is always a moment when it is finished.

  The player gradually regained his composure.

  The heat gradually decreases.

   This is all very normal.


   Such a situation did not happen in "Day of Reincarnation"...

   A week later.

   On the day the new version was launched, it was swiped in various animation-related communities, and the highly acclaimed linkage gameplay has indeed reduced the heat of related discussions a lot.

  But... The original plot, original levels, and the most important original characters of "Samsara Day" began to take over the linkage activities and became a new hot spot in various animation communities.

  The game "Day of Reincarnation" has been gradually figured out with the linkage activities, and the popularity has not only not decreased.

   On the contrary, it is even more exaggerated!

   At the beginning [Damn, the secret engraving is so handsome! The hand-drawn animation is so handsome! The linkage activities are so attentive! 】.

   also became—【The shepherd is so cute! 】,【Hahaha, I got the Avenger Alice! One shot into the soul! 】,【A commander like An Ke+Xin+Shepherd, is there any success in the lineup? 】.

  This change is traceable and visible to the naked eye.


  In the beginning, people who played games for the linkage activities and for the comic "Dark Engrave".

   All became loyal players of the game "Day of Reincarnation"!

   As for why this is the case.

   Among them, the biggest reason.

   It is because "Day of Reincarnation" is not the kind of game that is only attractive with linkage elements.

   Rather, this game has engraved "Jing Er" in its DNA from the very beginning.

  Compared with the linked characters, the only difference between the original characters in the game is that they are less well-known.

   If you want to compare people, compare vertical paintings, and compare aesthetics.

  The original characters of the game are no worse than the four linked characters.

  So, after the manga readers who come here are amazed by the dungeons and standing pictures of the linkage, and even go one step further, after collecting all the four characters of the linkage, it does not mean that it is over.


  The manga readers who came here for the name discovered...the original characters in the game are also very cute!

  Especially 'The Arrogant Shepherd' and 'Alice the Avenger' who appeared in the PV.

  A beautiful blonde girl and an orc royal sister.

  The two are also five-star characters and have independent story lines.

  At the same time, because these two characters are original and not bound by the original work, there is no sense of "spoiler" of the original work.

   Whether it's their stories or their characters.

   are full of unknowns...

  Manga readers can slowly understand the character of this character just like reading comics at the beginning, and then... fall in love with this character.

   There are still a bunch of similar original characters in the game.

  The linkage between the game and the comic "Dark Engrave" is an accident that breaks out of the regular update for stock players, and it is a huge surprise...Of course, it is also an opportunity to understand the comic.

vice versa.

  For comic readers who come here for the name, this is a window to understand the game and get in touch with the game... When they download the game and are surprised by the linkage activities.

  It will inevitably come into contact with other original content of the game.


   And that's it.

   It can be said to be... win-win!

   And also in this win-win situation.

  The popularity of "Day of Reincarnation" once again ushered in a second explosion!

  Because this game was truly accepted by the animation circle.

  Related fan pictures began to spring up like mushrooms after rain, and the discussion group also began to increase rapidly.

  ACGN-related content on the Internet is a natural and common subcultural circle.

   Just like linkage, popular elements are extremely easy to communicate with each other.

   With the help of an event, "Day of Reincarnation" has truly opened up the circles related to games and animation that were originally separated.

   To some extent, it can be said that it really defines the concept of two-dimensional mobile games!

if we assume.

   Colleagues of Linmu Studio, at first, they were just amazed at the many ideas of Linmu Studio, and the popularity of the new version of "Samsara Day".

  The follow-up.

  When I saw that the new version of their game was launched for a week, not only did the popularity not decrease, but it became higher and higher. And it has also gradually stepped out of the scope of "Dark Engrave" linkage, making its own game content the main discussion object of new players, and related fan works at home and abroad have sprung up like mushrooms...

   I just feel enlightened.

"I see…"

  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng looked at his laptop screen, heaved a sigh of relief, and felt admiration from the bottom of his heart.

   while on the screen.

   It is a well-known animation community.

  At this moment, the community homepage is full of discussions about "Day of Reincarnation".

  Discussing linkage, discussing plot, discussing lineup collocation, discussing characters...

   And these discussion posts are mixed with some animation-related posts, which doesn't feel inconsistent at all.

   It even fits perfectly.

  The audience who like anime are also very willing to discuss games.

  Because they are all beautiful girls, they are all two-dimensional.

   "The linkage event is not only to surprise existing players, not only to attract comic readers, but also a springboard to break the circle, a window for new players to understand the game..."

  Mou Feng closed the lid of the laptop, and after summarizing, he said softly: "I learned it."

   really learned...

  At first, he felt that the linkage between games and comics was just a brand new way of playing, an update for existing players and comic readers.

   Sure to attract new users.

  But when the popularity of the linkage event passes, it is estimated that most of the new players will be lost.

   But now it depends.

  There is no loss...

  After the popularity of the linkage event passed, the players not only did not lose, but directly became loyal users of the game, and also produced many fan works for the game, helping the game to be released for free...

  Linkage activities can even become a catalyst!

  Really... too **** outrageous.

  Mou Feng couldn't help laughing bitterly.

  He thought of the words he said that he wanted to make a mobile game that rivaled Linmu Studio's "Day of Reincarnation".

  Yeah, the card drawing method has indeed been finalized, as he expected, it has come to an end.

   This is indeed the easiest type of peer-to-peer game to make.

  But Linmu Studio didn't start with the gameplay, it started to play tricks in other aspects...

  One linkage.

   gave him another lesson.

   How is this equivalent? Does anyone know if they have more work to do?

   Honestly, it's so frustrating...

  Mou Feng sighed again and shrugged.

  But soon, he straightened up, patted his face, and cheered up.

  No matter how popular "Day of Reincarnation" is, they will not be able to capture the entire mobile card game market. This is a fact.

  This market is still promising.

The more popular "Day of Reincarnation" is, the more popular the card-drawing mobile game is, and the easier it is to be accepted by players. However, a few days ago, because too many people recharged the game, there was a problem with the server. How much money does the game attract? , the entire industry is obvious to all.


   It is estimated that the peers who decide to imitate will have to work hard to make their own games of the same type...

   It would be funny if Tianhu couldn't compare to them.

   Mou Feng pondered for a moment, stood up, and decided to go to Li Guangsheng.

   If you break your promise, just break your promise.

  Looking at it now, linkage is still necessary, it’s not just a gimmick.

   is also the window for secondary propagation.

  He is going to persuade Li Guangsheng.

   Just do what you say.

  Mou Feng went out and came to Li Guangsheng's office.

   Then push the door and walk in.

  Li Guangsheng was also staring at the screen, heard the sound, raised his head, and said directly: "I agree."

   "Huh?" Mou Feng was a little surprised.

  He hasn't said anything yet.

   "It's about linkage, right?" Li Guangsheng let go of the mouse, asked a question, and then said, "I agree."


  Mou Feng showed a curious expression, and then couldn't help asking: "Why?"

Li Guangsheng glanced at the screen, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "You should have seen the reaction at the product level. I won't talk about the reasons for this. To be honest, I haven't fully figured it out yet, but... this time Linmu Studio and Comic linkage, the impact on the commercial level, I have seen it, and I understand it.

   Soon, other people will also see... Mou Feng, the wind is about to blow. "

  Mou Feng: "?"


at the same time.

  Japan, Tokyo.

  Xinji Society.

   Editorial Department.

  Editor Taiji Takeda stared straight at the editor in charge of docking with Seijun Nishio, and asked, "Are you sure Mr. Nishio has 'recovered'?"

   In front of him.

  The coordinating editor heard the words and immediately replied: "I have resumed work. The teacher has already drawn 10P. This week must be fine."

   "Are you sure?" Editor-in-chief Taiji Takeda reconfirmed worriedly.

   "Confirmed, I just came back from Hong Kong City, I saw the manuscript and saw him work with my own eyes, and I waited for him to pick up his phone to confirm that he didn't open the game!" The editor nodded seriously.

   "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

  Taiji Takeda finally breathed a sigh of relief and let his subordinates go.

   The other party took his leave immediately as if he had received an amnesty.

  Taiji Takeda watched his subordinates leave and shook his head.

   Actually, it wasn't that he deliberately made things difficult for his subordinates, but this time, it was really outrageous.

  The leading author actually stopped updating for two weeks because of the game...

  Tajita Taketa is almost dying of anger!

  Top card! The hottest manga ever!

   It was interrupted for two weeks because of a business cooperation and a promotion.

  If he hadn't visited Xiwei Shengjun in person, the other party would even want to break up for a week!

  Damn game!

  He has never played a mobile game, let alone the mobile game "Day of Reincarnation".

  He has heard a little about the company Linmu Studio.

   After all, their handheld switch is very popular in Japan.

   But before, he had at most heard of this company.

but now.

  He really hates this company!

  Because of this company, their best cartoonist touched fish for two whole weeks!

  This is unacceptable to him.


  Works are the foundation of one’s life!

  A commercial promotion almost ruined a cartoonist.

  If there is an irreversible result...what to do! ?

  The more Taiji Takeda thought about it, the more angry he became: "It's all to blame Linmu Studio!"

  In fact, he also knows deep down that this has nothing to do with the game company...

   After all, what does it have to do with cartoonists if they make games?

  At this moment, he was just venting his anger on Lin Mu Studio.

  As the person in charge of the editorial department, his flagship work was inexplicably interrupted for two weeks, especially the first week, without even notifying in advance.

  The entire editorial department is in chaos.

  No one will be happy with this.

in addition.

  A large part of the reason for Taiji Taketa's resentment is that he has been unhappy with the sales department.

  Most companies are similar.

   Those in charge of works and those in charge of the market are always in opposition to each other.

  Xin Jishe This situation is even more serious.

  Because the newly appointed president of this company values ​​the market more than works.

  The editorial department has always only cooperated with the sales department.

   Taiji Takeda has been upset about this for a long time.

   "Also, can't the guys in the sales department carefully screen out the partners? It happens every time! If there is a problem, you all give me a seat! Bastards!"

  Taiji Takeda raised his voice again, and finally slapped the table.

   A lot of editors looked up.

   But he just glanced at it and immediately lowered his head.

  Silent like a chilling cicada.

  Actually, they also had grievances about this incident.

   After all, they both belong to the editorial department. At the beginning, Nishio Shengjun didn't inform him, so he took advantage of it directly.

   They were also affected.

  But they are not good at commenting on this.

   After all, this is not a Japanese drama, it is reality.

   Harmonious superior-subordinate relationship does not exist at all.

   A superior is a superior.

   Following Takeda Taiji, he slapped the table.

  The atmosphere in the editorial department became a little stagnant.

  No one spoke.

  Everyone subconsciously lowered their voices.


   "Editor-in-Chief, the meeting is about to begin."

  Taiji Takeda's assistant walked to his side and whispered a reminder.

  Taiji Takeda nodded, then stood up, turned around and left.

   Watching Takeda Taiji leave the editorial department.

  In the editorial department, the other editors breathed a sigh of relief, finally relaxed, and returned to their usual appearance.

  While working, they were whispering.

   "Maybe there will be another quarrel?"

   "Sure, Editor-in-Chief Takeda and Director Higashino of the sales department are both unhappy with each other..."

the other side.

  Taiji Takeda certainly didn't know what his subordinates were discussing.

  He is full of resentment now.

   is brewing and preparing for an attack later.

  This time he made up his mind to use careful selection of partners as the entry point for everything he said, so as to gain more voice for the editorial department.

  He walked all the way to the meeting room in silence, then sat down near the front row, and looked directly across.


  A middle-aged man in a decent suit and glasses raised his head and smiled at him.

   This is the person in charge of the sales department, Higashino Kintaro.

   Taiji Takeda saw the smiling face of the other party, and was about to speak.

   But the door of the conference room was pushed open again.

  Several people surrounded the president of Xinji Society and filed in.

   Taiji Takeda closed his mouth when he saw the person coming.

   Don't rush this moment.

  The leading author of its comic magazine has been suspended for two weeks, and this matter cannot be avoided.

  With the president of Xinji Society coming in, the meeting officially started.

   At the beginning, I didn’t talk about the work.

   But the administration and the last few investments.

  Taiji Takeda couldn't get in his mouth either.

   just listen quietly.

   He didn't say a few words until he talked about multimedia planning later.

  However, it can be seen that for the president of Xinji Society, the opinion of the editor-in-chief who has first-line contact with works is far less important than the opinion of Kintaro Higashino of the sales department.

  He said a lot.

  The other party just nodded.

   But when it was Kintaro Higashino’s turn to give his opinion, the president of the Shinji Society was obviously a lot more serious, and he would ask back to confirm...

   See this scene.

  Wow...Takeda Taiji is even more angry!

   And at this moment.


  Someone mentioned the matter of Nishio Seijun.

   "Ms. Nishio's "Dark Engrave" has been suspended for two weeks, and some readers have been saying that it is because of playing games, which has caused a lot of impact..."

   and heard this.

  Everyone looked at Taiji Takeda.

  Including the president of Xinji Society.

  He didn't seem very happy: "Is there such a thing? Why do cartoonists take a break for such a reason? Didn't your editorial department ask?"

  Taji Takeda took a deep breath when he heard the words, and then looked at Kintaro Higashino, the head of the sales department sitting opposite him.

   Start to attack!

   "There is indeed such a thing."

Taiji Taketa stared at Kintaro Higashino, first admitted that there was such a thing, and then raised his voice slightly: "But this time, it is not the responsibility of the editorial department, but the mistake of the sales department! The reason why Nishio-sensei would Indulging in games is because of the cooperation undertaken by the sales department!

  I don’t understand what kind of cooperation partner and what kind of terms. The cartoonist needs to personally promote it. I don’t even know the criteria for the sales department to choose cooperation partners.

   But the reality is that because of the additional terms agreed by the sales department, Mr. Nishio was forced to promote products that had nothing to do with the work, and then came into contact with the game! "

Speaking of which.

   Taiji Taketa stared closely at Kintaro Higashino, the director of the sales department who was still smiling, and continued: "The sales department arbitrarily chooses a partner, and hastily agreed to the other party's unreasonable request. This is the root cause of such a thing!

  I don’t know what kind of terms and cooperation are worth such a risk for our ace cartoonist.

   You know, the work is the foundation of our life. I don't want this to happen, and I don't think Director Dongye of the sales department wants to.

  So I hope that the sales department can choose partners more carefully in the future! It is best to inform the editorial department and discuss with the editorial department, rather than make an arbitrary decision, and then ask the editorial department to cooperate unconditionally! "

  Taiji Takeda's speech.

  The spearhead was directed at the sales department.

  Everyone looked away, and then looked at Director Dongye of the sales department.

  Including the president of Xinji Society.

  Kintaro Higashino from the sales department was still smiling. After everyone looked at him, he finally said, "I have heard the opinion of Editor-in-Chief Takeda."

   "Then..." Takeda Taiji wanted to speak.


  Kintaro Higashino interrupted him directly, and said directly: "This is the cooperation that our sales department has carefully considered."

   Say it.

  He didn't care about Takeda Taiji, he directly took out a stack of materials, first handed it to the president of the Xinji Society, and then asked the people next to him to pass it on.


  The president of the Xinji Society flipped through the information, and suddenly let out a surprised voice.

   "Here are the details of the authorization contract."

Higashino Kintaro crossed his hands and placed them on the table: "But the point is not this, the authorization fee is only one aspect, President, please look at the information at the back, it is the game "Samsara Day", it is launched and cooperate with us After the linked version, it will bring a data boost to our comic "Dark Engraving."

   "The editor-in-chief Zhutian probably didn't understand this game carefully?"

Speaking of which.

Higashino Kintaro looked at Takeda Taiji, paused, and continued: "This game is quite popular... The link between their games and comics has been launched for just one week, and the search index of "Dark Engrave" has skyrocketed 170%, this is one of them.

  At the same time, the fanart of the characters related to "Dark Engraving" has also ushered in different degrees of growth, the most of which is the heroine's dark engraving. According to rough statistics, it is at least five times more than usual! "

   “These are all signs of influence.”

   "Of course, this is only a manifestation of influence. It's hard to judge how much value it has."

   "So let me next talk about the increase in value that can be confirmed."

   "This week, the sales volume of the book "Dark Engraved" that has been released is 7.4 times that of usual."

   "On the second day after the "Day of Reincarnation" linkage event was launched, the sales curve of the single volume of the comics began to rise, and it has maintained an upward momentum until now, far from reaching the limit."

   "Such an increase is even greater than when the animation of "Dark Engraving" was launched."

   "And these are all because the partner Linmu Studio has unparalleled influence and production capabilities."

  Kintaro Higashino took a deep breath, then looked at Taiji Takeda whose pupils were shaking wildly, and continued with a smile: "The cost of an animation episode is more than 10 million yen, but we don't need to invest in cooperation with Linmu Studio."

   "The editor-in-chief Zhutian just accused the sales department of not being careful enough in choosing partners."

   "If it is not prudent to say that this kind of partner who is reliable, has excellent production ability, and can also drive the sales of works."

   "Then I don't know what kind of partner is prudent?"

   "I'm done talking."

  Kintaro Higashino throws one last question.

   Then shut up.

   Keep smiling.

  Taiji Taketa opened his mouth in a daze, wanting to speak.

   But the first seat.

  The president of the Xinji Society waved his hand and said directly: "Stop talking, what's wrong with Mr. Nishio taking a break! Let him rest!"

  Taiji Takeda: "..."

  ? ? ? ? ? ?

  (end of this chapter)

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