MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 638 you were once a legend

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  Chapter 638 You were once a legend

   "Wait! Wait...Who is the buddy chasing after me! Save face!! Let me go! Please! Let me go!!"

   Forest Carnival.

  The third day.

   Trial area.

  Li Yu was wearing earphones, listening to the crescendoing heartbeat coming from the earphones as the killer approached, his palms began to sweat crazily.

  At the same time, he felt his heartbeat start to speed up, like a drum hammer.

   There was a thud.

  At this moment, Li Yu even suspected that everyone next to him could hear his heartbeat...

  Actually, he was too worried about this.

  Others are not so sensitive, as long as it is not attached to his chest, it is impossible to hear his heartbeat.

   And others are not so free, they will put their heads on his chest.


  The onlookers behind him, although they didn't hear his heartbeat...but they saw his stiff movements and his flushed side face from excitement.

   His demeanor is really tense to the naked eye.


   What the onlookers paid more attention to was not the player Li Yu, but the game displayed on the screen in front of Li Yu.

  The game he was trying to play at this time was "Death by Daylight".

  Gloomy, dark map.

  A large number of black and red brick walls looming in the moonlight.

  Under the pale moonlight, the survivors controlled by Li Yu were staggering and screaming forward.

   And the sound of dull footsteps behind him followed.

  The sharp and manic drumbeat sounded.

   Directly pull the pressure to full capacity...

   And this is exactly why Li Yu yelled out just now.

  Because he was afraid...


  His wailing voice was not heard by the player playing the killer, but it startled the onlookers behind him.

  After all, everyone is watching him play attentively.

  He came out of nowhere...

  But everyone who is watching can understand.

   After all, just looking at it, they felt that the atmosphere of the game was created really well. Simply put, it was scary.

   Not to mention playing.

   Besides, watching other people play horror games is actually quite interesting...

  The onlookers all looked at the screen intently.

   After Li Yu yelled in front of the screen, he found that the killer behind him still didn't give up, and didn't continue to beg for mercy, but turned around and ran into the room, trying to move away from the player playing the killer.

  However, the pressure from the killer behind him was too great.

  The sound effects and pictures are all exerting pressure.

  He couldn't fight against the opponent, which made Li Yu really feel like he was in a horror movie.

   It made him more and more nervous... more and more nervous.

   Then, the scream of the chainsaw before the chainsaw killer sprinted became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

  The killer who was wielding a chainsaw sprinted from behind, and instantly came behind the character played by Li Yu, and hit him with one blow.

  The survivor screamed and fell to the ground instantly.

   Li Yu was shocked directly, and threw the mouse out of his hand with a bang.

   Behind him, there was also a low cry and laughter.


  After the killer knocked Li Yu down, he waved the chainsaw brazenly, then picked him up, and then brought him to the hook, where he hung the escapee he played.

   So far.

  The role played by Li Yu has temporarily left the stage, and he can only press the break button to gamble on the probability, or wait for his teammates to rescue him.

  The killer didn't guard him. After hanging him up, he turned his head and walked into the dense forest.

  The hissing sound of the chainsaw starting gradually faded away.

   Then, the screams of other escapees sounded...


  The survivor camp played by Li Yu still lost.

  Because everyone is new to the game, although the killer side is from the first perspective, strong power is a natural advantage.

   "So cool! I'm all hooked up!"

   The game is over.

  A player in front of a trial computer not far away immediately stood up and waved his fist excitedly.

   Obviously playing the killer.

  Li Yu glanced at the other party, then reluctantly moved the mouse, and finally glanced at the end page of the game, then got up and gave way to others.

  Although I am very reluctant.

  But we are all players, so there is still a tacit understanding.

   And behind.

  The other people who had lined up a long time ago couldn't wait, glanced at their number plates, and then rushed forward.


  The next batch of trial players sat in front of the computer and started the next game.

   And Li Yu left the trial area and looked back.

  I found that there was a long queue behind me.

  But Li Yu didn't find it strange, but took it for granted.

   "Really interesting."

  He recalled how he felt when he just played the game, and while taking advantage of the trend, he came to the "Hollow Knight" trial area where there was also a long queue, and picked up his FutureS1, and logged into the game circle.

   I am going to share my experience of trying the game.

   The game is different from just watching it and playing it.

  Every year at the Forest Carnival, apart from the different atmosphere on the emotional level, the biggest practical benefit is being able to try new games that were released that year.

   This is something that viewers in the live broadcast room cannot experience.

   But they were curious.

  So at this time, the players on the scene need to share their feelings.

   As for sharing the trial experience, Li Yu has been doing it since the first session.

  His ID is considered well-known in the forum.


  He came late this year.

  Some players have already shared their experience of playing, and even took pictures of the actual game screen.

  This is not prohibited by Linmu Studio.

   Li Yu didn't mind seeing the post with introduction.

   I just gave up my idea of ​​posting, and instead clicked on the top post yesterday—[The characters in "Death by Daylight" were also drawn by Lin Yao! 】

   Li Yu directly skimmed the text, and then came to the comment area.

   Sure enough.

  The reply that Lin Yao looks like a sick girl is still the most liked...

   way ahead.

   Just compared to yesterday.

  After the trial of four new games opened today.

   Lou Zhonglou has more replies.

   "I've already played it, and I testify that Lin Yao just wants to scare us. The atmosphere of the game is really too interesting [crying]."

   "I'm so nervous [crying] playing the escapee, the sound effect is absolutely amazing, but it's a pity that the man chasing after me is a big man, if it's a beautiful girl, I'm willing to catch it without a fight."

   "Return to the beautiful girl, no matter how scary the sound effect is when the beautiful girl is paired with it, you will also giggle, right? Don't go crazy here!"

   "Why can you discuss Lin Yao in a serious analysis post from the landlord, and the number of likes is more than four times higher than the second reply..."

   "Because I miss it, why? I want to see Lin Yao, the Lin Yao who gave me my whole youth!"


  Li Yu looked at the latest reply from Lou Zhonglou.

   smiled lightly.

   Then he also opened the comment box and replied: "I also testify that the game is really great, and it tastes like a horror movie! The atmosphere is amazing!"

   After replying.

  He liked the replies of the others one by one, and then put away his phone.

   "Hey, hey, so smooth..."

   "It's so cute, **** it, I actually think bugs are cute!"

   " do I jump over here?"



   The player's conversation can be faintly heard.

  Although "Death by Daylight" has attracted the most attention.

  But the other three games are not uninterested.

  For example, Li Yu's trial team is not short... Players are also surprised by the game.

   Li Yu followed the players in front again and came to the middle and front position of the team. Then he looked up at the trial area and smiled slightly.


  He turned his head and glanced at the other play areas.

  "Death by Daylight" he just came out of the demo area, so he didn't mention it.

   Two other demo areas, "Dead Cell" and "Overcooked Kitchen".

   There are also a lot of people in line.

  The area where the official trial is played.

   "Dead Cells" and "Overcooked Kitchen", including "Hollow Knight" that Li Yu is currently queuing up, have thoughtfully prepared two operation schemes of keyboard, mouse and controller.

   Players are free to choose the operation method they are used to.

   During the demo, no one will teach the player how to play the game, everything depends on the player to explore freely.

  The staff in the demo area only maintain order and solve hardware problems.

   As for how players play, they won't say much.

   But even so.

  Every player who tried it was very happy...

   "It's so cool! Can 2D games be so cool?"

   "Swipe, swipe... This kind of meat pigeon game is too cool, every time the weapon is different, every time there are different attack methods."

   "Dude, try it, it's cool!"


  Li Yu could still hear the yelling of several loud players in the "Dead Cell" division.

   Many players don't even know each other.

  But they were able to chat directly together, and even asked the buddies next to them to try...

   As for the demo area of ​​"Overcooked Kitchen" farther away.

  The voice can't be heard.

   But Li Yu could see the expressions of the players over there.

  Most of them are good friends playing, and there are also a few couples playing.

  But whether they are **** friends or couples, they all have smiles on their faces.

   While playing, I have to turn my head and talk to my companion.

  Even if they are far away, they can feel their happiness.

  Happy from the bottom of my heart.

  Li Yu looked around, seeing countless players who were either happy, looking forward to, or excited, and felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

  At the same time, I also like this activity from the bottom of my heart.

   Really awesome...

  There is such an event every year...

  Every year, Lin Yao's Linmu Studio will bring players a new and different game experience.

   No matter what kind of game genre you like.

   No matter what kind of player it is.

   can find fun here.

   And no matter what kind of game, as long as it is produced by Linmu Studio, you can find fun as soon as you get started...

   I don’t know what surprises Linmu Studio will give you next?

   I don’t know what will be done at the Forest Carnival next year?

  Two questions popped up suddenly.

   Li Yu smiled slightly, feeling even more looking forward to it.

  Looking forward to the next meeting.

   Looking forward to the closing ceremony.

  Looking forward to the release of new games.

   Looking forward to next year's carnival.


  I also look forward to Lin Yao's debut at the closing ceremony this year, as well as possible big events...

   After all, she didn't show up at the opening ceremony.

  After the announcement of the four new games, they were basically confirmed, and they still have countless ties to her.

  It doesn’t matter if you want her body, you can’t do without her, or you just want to hear more news about Linmu Studio from her.

   In short.

   Everyone really wants to see her.

  Including Li Yu...

   "This player, please come forward, it's your turn."

  The reminder from the staff woke up Li Yu who was a little distracted.

   Li Yu smiled apologetically, and immediately walked to the monitor, not thinking about anything else, but focusing on the game.


   He grabbed the handle.

   Started the trial of the second game.

   "Jiang Zi makes a 2D game!?"


   Li Yu's surprised voice sounded...


  The third day of the carnival.

   Basically, they are major version updates of existing games.

  Actually, after Forest Carnival came out, each project team of Forest Studio adjusted the update rules of the game.

   Important updates in spring and summer will be placed in the carnival.

  As for autumn and winter, most of them will be placed in the e-sports festival or the Spring Festival.

   Players also know the rules.

  At present, because there are too many games in Linmu Studio, some games may not be able to hold a separate meeting due to the lack of updated content.


  Limwood Studio will not forget the players of these games.

  In the afternoon of that day, the Forest Carnival held a planning meeting.

  At the meeting, producers and planners of basically existing games will appear.

   As for the main content of the meeting, it is very simple, just one word - talk.

  Answer questions that players are interested in, write down the problems that players encounter in the game, and explain some game updates that do not require a special meeting.

  An event like this may not be as explosive as the announcement of a new game.

  But the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was no less than yesterday.

  Because the existing games of Linmu Studio occupy a large share of the domestic game market...

  So many players... can't be underestimated, and they actually care more about the dynamics of the game they are playing than the new game.

   After all, the most important thing to operate a game is to update it.

  If you want a game to not be updated for a long time, or update it perfunctorily, such as not updating for two years, and then suddenly bring out a cold dish, saying that this is a new work...but in fact there is not much content at all.

   Players can be **** off.

   No matter how good a game is, it can't be so frustrating...

  So the new game is more topical though.

   But in the final analysis, the foundation of Carnival is still the existing old games.

  Linmu Studio is also very important, and the time given is also the longest.

   And this year's old game update.

   Players are generally satisfied.

  Even "Fantasy OL", the fortune-telling game of Linmu Studio, released major version updates such as new characters, new levels, and new weapons at the carnival.

   What else can players be dissatisfied with...

   That evening.

  Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao began to check the feedback from today's carnival as usual.

   And she is quite satisfied with the players' feedback.

   Except for that pinned post...

   "Damn, why haven't you deleted it yet! Crazy! I'm so sick!?"

  Lin Yao clicked on the post again, looked at it, and then complained.

  The reply of "hey hey hey" is still there...

   "..." Mu Wanqing heard the words, looked down and couldn't help laughing.

   "Why are you laughing, you think so too?" Lin Yao glanced at Mu Wanqing.

   "Well, if only I could put on a **** and little leather shoes, and put on a sick face and look down..."

  Mu Wanqing sized up Lin Yao, and then began to talk about the sickly girl in her imagination.

   "Stop stop stop."

  Lin Yao interrupted her, and said angrily: "You still want to concretize the image of Hua Biaojiao, don't you?"

  Mu Wanqing smiled, then whispered: "...I want to see it."


  Lin Yao gave her a blank look, and was about to continue talking when there was a knock on the door.

  She could only swallow the words back, looked at the door, and said please come in.

   "Lin Yao, do you still need to reserve time for planning the meeting tomorrow?"

  Zhong Xiu pushed the door open and came in, and then asked straight to the point.

  Although I just yelled 'it's all over' just like a defeated dog yesterday, but today I'm alive again.

have to say.

  His professionalism is still top-notch.

   "Well, what's the matter? Compared with the first carnival, we have a lot more games, and it will definitely not be the same as in previous years."

  Lin Yao heard Zhong Xiu's question and replied.

   "It's nothing... It's just that the time for this meeting is too long, half a day longer than in previous years."

  Zhong Xiu explained: "But all the game updates have been introduced."

   "I reserved this time on purpose."

  Lin Yao explained with a smile: "There are too many updates this year, and there isn't even much time left for answering questions, isn't it?"

   "That's true." Zhong Xiu nodded.

   "So tomorrow is the time for you to check for omissions and make up for vacancies. You can listen to what the players have to say. The trial game has just been opened, and the first batch of players should already be trialing it."

  Lin Yao turned her head to look at the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows behind her, and continued: "After playing, players will be more impressed and have more questions."

   "I see..." Zhong Xiu nodded.


  Lin Yao glanced at his expression, thought for a while, and explained: "Don't be annoyed, even if it's the old game before, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest."

   "I know better than you that games have a lifespan. Even if a game has no lifespan, the game carrier will die or evolve over time... It is difficult for a game to exist permanently."

   "Games that players are excited about now, maybe after a few decades, few people will remember them."

   "This is an objective fact. I can't change it, and I don't want to change it. I just hope that our games, no matter what the game is, can stand with the players no matter what the future holds."

   "It can retain the original beauty in the hearts of players."

   "Even if everything is coming to an end, it can be decent."

   "Instead of saying - 'You were a legend, but look at you now'."

Speaking of which.

  Lin Yao paused for a moment, then continued: "It's not easy to achieve this, and it might be a good solution to get close enough to the players."

  Zhong Xiu heard the words, looked back, and then softly replied thoughtfully: "...I understand."

   "This is too exaggerated."

Mu Wanqing smiled gently, and then said: "Even our first game "Fantasy OL" has never experienced a precipitous decline in revenue and online numbers. In fact, many colleagues are still envious of "Fantasy OL". Where is the running water in OL?"

   "That's true."

  Lin Yao didn't mind Mu Wan's demolition, but said with a bright smile, "But it's better to take precautions before it happens."

   "...prevention before it happens."

  Zhong Xiu glanced at Lin Yao, feeling more intense, and sighed lightly.

   "Speaking of which, are you ready?" Lin Yao noticed Zhong Xiu's expression, but said nothing.

   It's not like running away immediately.

   At least wait until her cheap daddy comes out.

No hurries.

   "What are you preparing for?" Zhong Xiu stopped thinking about it and asked curiously.

   "The last meeting will be tomorrow afternoon."

  Lin Yao teased: "You don't want to mess up the hair protection on purpose, do you?"

   "You can insult me, but don't insult my hair."

Zhong Xiu's expression changed, and he said decisively: "When I press my hair up, I and my hair are ready! This shows my faith! If I cheat on this kind of thing , that is equivalent to denying my belief!

  A man's faith is not so cheap! asshole! "


  Looking at the serious Zhong Xiu.

  Lin Yao and Mu Wanqing both had black lines on their faces.



  The fourth day of the Forest Carnival is here.

   And today's schedule comes out.

   The players were also quite surprised.

   There is even a planning meeting...

   After being surprised, most players chose to participate.

  As Lin Yao expected.

  Actually, players still have a lot of questions, and they want to ask the planners.


   Even though the planning meeting was held yesterday, today’s meeting is still full of seats.

   Players who played different games one after another raised completely different questions and suggestions.

  One morning.

   None of the planning on the stage was idle.

   Zhong Xiu also participated in this meeting.

  He witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

   Really admired…

  Not only did Lin Yao not show up this time, but even the scene was only in the preparatory stage.

   Not only the players, but even inside Forest Studio.

  She began to deliberately downplay her influence and let the staff take the helm alone.

   A lot of staff are uncomfortable with this.

  The reason why Zhang Tian and Wang Mang came to Lin Yao in a hurry after the last meeting was over.

   Precisely because she wasn't there.


  Lin Yao didn't even show up.

  Even if she didn't even go to the scene.

  She is still the one who understands players best... Compared to the production staff, she is really more like a player.

   Really amazing.

   It's really hard to imagine what it would be like when she wasn't around...

   Zhong Xiu thought of this, smiled lightly, then sighed lightly, and continued to answer the players' questions.

   Meet and greet all morning.

   In the high-intensity question and answer, it passed.

   Players began to exit, went to eat in twos and threes, and discussed the game they played at the same time.

   And the other side.

  Zhong Xiu also returned to the lounge, having dinner and preparing for the last meeting in the afternoon.

time flies.


  The main venue is open.

  The last meet and greet has started.

  In the last meet and greet of this year's carnival, players seem to have a premonition that there may be a big event.

  So extra positive.

  The time was still twenty minutes away, and everyone arrived.

  The main stage was full of voices.

  Admission gate.

   Even after experiencing so much.

  Zhong Xiu was still a little nervous.

   But fortunately, the time left for him to adjust is long enough...

   Twenty minutes later.

  Zhong Xiu took a deep breath, no longer thinking about his hair, nor about Lin Yao, let go of his thoughts, and then... walked onto the stage.

   Huge cheers.

   suddenly broke out.

   This time it was Zhong Xiu, the person in charge of the PC department!

  When the players saw him, they immediately knew that they had guessed correctly. It was a great job!

   Immediately welcomed him with the warmest cheers.

   Zhong Xiu stood in the center of the stage, and for two full minutes, he couldn't find a chance to speak.

   "Hi everyone, I'm Zhong Xiu."

   "The game of the last meet and greet will be introduced by me."


   During the gap between the second wave of cheers, Zhong Xiu found the opportunity and said the opening remarks.


   Cheers rang out again.

  Zhong Xiu smiled, and let them cheer.

   Waited for them to stop naturally before continuing:

   "This new game is very interesting."

   “It’s mainly this type of game, and our Linmu Studio has only done it once.”

   "Yes, the type of game that we Linmu Studio has only done once... Can you remember anything?"

   "No? Then I'll give you one more reminder, that game is exclusive to Switch."

   "It's still an **** masterpiece..."

  Zhong Xiu just spit out the words 'escort masterpiece'.


   The faces of the players who were closer to each other changed instantly.

  First I was stunned, then stunned, and then...ecstatic!

And then.

   A loud noise that seemed to overturn the roof broke out.

   That's the cheers of the players!


  The type of game that Linmu Studio has only done once!

   Combined with the hints given by Zhong Xiu.

   Really easy to guess!

  —Open World! !

   Blizzard is pretty much dead...already dead, just lingering on the legacy of its glory days for a long time.

   Thinking about the Blizzard games I have played, I will not mention Warcraft.

   Ever since Overwatch couldn't pick the same heroes, I found it less fun, and I stopped playing it after the horizon map came out.

   Diablo III has been playing.

   In the past two months, I also tried the gameplay of the new season Angel Crucible. It was quite interesting, but it was only fun for three days.

   Hearthstone is the longest I have played, and I also pre-ordered the expansion pack of the Great Emperor.

   But because I got more and more busy later, and I really didn't adapt to the wild mode environment after the Rage Expansion Pack went online, so I just got A.

   Then other miscellaneous games, such as Warcraft and StarCraft.

   When I was young, I would basically open Internet cafes.

   But the reset version, let me just say, no.

   I used to be barely a badass.

   But, they have definitely changed... look at Nintendo.

   They have also been criticized for a while and can only rely on old IP, but what have they done in the past few years?

   Just one thing, Nintendo’s rare new IP "Splatoon" was released in 2015! It was a year earlier than Overwatch, and now that Splatoon 3 is out, Blizzard will bring one back.

   It doesn't even give players a chance to complain about server problems.


   Yesterday, I didn’t want the electronic urn, so I just raised it.

   Ashes to ashes to ashes.

   The current Blizzard is just like that sentence said.

   'You were once a legend, but look at you now. '



  (end of this chapter)

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