MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 641 never

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  Chapter 641 has never been


  The staff of Tianyu Group is also 'concern leads to chaos'.

  There are long queues at overseas Future offline stores, and the online channels are full.

  In fact, it is caused by many factors.

  The release of "Grand Theft Auto" can only be regarded as an incentive at best.

  The explosion of "Day of Reincarnation" some time ago has pushed the FutureS1 mobile phone to the forefront again.

   In addition to games, "Grand Theft Auto" also undertakes the important task of opening up overseas markets for FutureS1.

   This is no joke.

   This is the strategy Lin Yao settled down at the beginning of the project.

   Now that the game is announced, although it has not yet been officially released, it still needs to be announced.

  For example, use the game to create a little momentum to pave the way for future game releases.

   is also normal.


  For the announcement of "Grand Theft Auto", Linmu Studio informed Zhang Youjie of Youmedia Technology.

  YouMedia Technology has also been prepared for this.

  As soon as the promotional video of the game is released.

  The overseas promotion of mobile phones has begun...

  Mobile games, long-term accumulation of word-of-mouth, changes in the mentality of new shareholders, plus Youmedia Technology’s active announcement...

   It all adds up.

   is the reason why Future’s offline and online channels are experiencing a wave of upsurge.

   Put it all down to Grand Theft Auto.

  The main reason is that Tianyu Group's overseas staff also play games, and the other party is really optimistic about the game "Grand Theft Auto"...

   And seeing the promotional video, I was really shocked.

   Subconsciously connected the mobile phone and the game.


   Almost scared my boss to pee out...

   And a little speechless yes.

  Yu Tianbo expressed doubts except at the beginning.

  The follow-up actually accepted it completely.

  After he heard the news, he hurriedly found other members of the domestic Jiaming Alliance, and then specifically notified the members of the overseas Jiaming Alliance.

   It's like facing a big enemy.

  Already started to think of solutions.

  Of course, they don’t understand games at all, even mobile games, let alone traditional games.

  Linmu Studio makes traditional games, so they can't follow suit, can they?


  In the end, a group of them gathered in a circle and held a meeting all morning, thinking about the solution, thinking about loneliness...

   Not only did he fail to think of a constructive plan, but the more he thought about it, the more silent he became, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

   Yu Yu all day.

can only say.

The Butterfly Effect.

   It’s all about the Butterfly Effect…

  From this point of view, we can actually see what the announcement of the game "Grand Theft Auto" means to the game circle...

   To a certain extent, the overseas staff of Tianyu Group are actually right.

  Although it is said that Future’s online and offline channels are full due to various reasons, there are indeed many players who bought mobile phones because they saw the promotional video of “Grand Theft Auto”…

   After all, UMedia Technology is behind it.

  The game promotional video left a deep impression on the players.

   It is normal for players to want to buy a mobile phone of the same model as the game after watching the promotional video, and then being bombarded by UMedia’s advertisements.

can only say.

   After the announcement of "Grand Theft Auto", the influence was too high.


   Not only within Jiaming Alliance.

  Many domestic media that have nothing to do with the game have reported the "fake news" that broke out on overseas FutureS1 online and offline channels due to the announcement of "Grand Theft Auto".

  Linmu Studio makes games.

  It can even drive mobile phone sales...

   This news is indeed somewhat unexpected.

   Not only ordinary people feel shocked, but also colleagues feel shocked.

   "Isn't it possible that the mobile phone will be out of stock before the game is released?"


   Someone posted this half-serious, half-joking statement in the comment section below these reports, and it received a lot of approval.

   As time went by, this word spread more and more widely.

  Interrogative sentences TM have become affirmative sentences.

   It became 'the game is not released, the mobile phone will be out of stock first'...

   Very outrageous.

   And face this situation.

   There are still some people who have already heard the news in advance.

   But it was also shocking... because it was so unexpected.

  However, they didn't show it, or rather, they showed it more...tactfully.

  YouMedia Technology.

  The same time when the last day of the Forest Carnival opens.

   The month-end regular meeting within UMedia Technology has also started.

  The regular meeting is still chaired by Zhang Youjie.

  Zhang Youjie is not actually at the helm in the traditional sense.

  He is neither the founder of UMedia, nor a representative elected by all shareholders.

  He was directly appointed by Linmu Studio.

   Similar to the capital airborne boss.

  After the initial financing, it is not that no one has expressed their opinions on this.

  But Zhang Youjie has a strong wrist.

  He did not arrange two or three confidantes like ordinary airborne bosses, and then replaced the directors of several core departments, and then smashed the originally planned business.

   Nor did he say that he would not give up until he completely eliminated the influence of the original boss.

   Instead, a soft policy was adopted.

  Ultimately, get all executives to follow their lead.

in addition.

  YouMedia Technology has developed really smoothly.

  Linmu Studio is also too important to UMedia Technology.

   It can be said that the right time, place and people are in harmony.

   Shipped with FuturePods and FuturePAD.


   No one questioned him.

  His authority has been fully established.


  He himself felt that he couldn't be more stable...


   Just now...

   "I think, Mr. Zhang, it's still not suitable for you to sit in that position in our meeting room."

  The representative of Chenxi Capital, after he summed up the situation of each product this month.

  Suddenly said such a sentence with meaning.

   A look of yin and yang to blame him, wanting him to get out.

   Too brave.

  Zhang Youjie sat on the first seat, looked at the representative of Chenxi Capital, and slowly put a question mark.

that moment.

  He is reflecting.

  Reflect on whether I have been too peaceful recently? Make them feel okay again?


  His reflection has not yet yielded results.

  The representative of Chenxi Capital spat out the next sentence.

   "So I have a proposal - let's leave the first seat to our chairman Lin Yao, even if she is not here, we have to leave the seat to him, otherwise it would be a shame, right?"


  Zhang Youjie was almost broken by the other party's words, his thoughts froze for a moment, then he looked at the other party, and slowly put a question mark again.


   Over there.

  Zhang Youjie hasn't spoken yet.

The representative of Junri Capital nodded in agreement, and continued solemnly: "I think it makes sense. Although President Lin of the board of directors has attended twice and has never attended the regular meeting, the leaders of our excellent media have always been It's Mr. Lin, always Mr. Lin.

   So why don't we reserve a spot for her? Even if she's not there, let's let others know! Her importance! "


   It wasn't just Zhang Youjie who made question marks.

  The directors of various departments of Youmedia Technology also slowly put a question mark.

   "In addition, in fact, President Lin can also come to sit often. We look forward to her coming, and then teach... no, guide our work.

  Of course, if she wants, she can also talk about the linkage between games and mobile phones or tablets..."

  As for the representative of Leizhu, we still need to show some face.

   Didn't say much.

   Just to add, let Lin Yao come here often...

"I agree."

  The representatives of Dongsheng and DG were even simpler, and they agreed.

  Zhang Youjie finally understood what they were trying to say, and his face was expressionless.

   And the rest of the room didn't mind either.

  Everyone knows the basics.

  The relationship between Zhang Youjie and Lin Bing is known to all the new shareholders.

   And it is no secret that Zhang Youjie treats Lin Bing's two daughters as his own daughters.

  Then let's lick... No, it's not too much to say to save a place for your daughter, right?

   "... I understand it."

  Zhang Youjie was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "You guys are right, you can reserve a seat for Lin Yao, I agree with this proposal.

  As for you asking her to come often, I will also inform Lin Yao. "

  As soon as he said this.

   Everyone else laughed.


Zhang Youjie suddenly changed the subject, and stood up from his chair as he spoke: "You guys are talking about this before the meeting is over, so it seems that it is really inappropriate for me to sit in the first about I stand up and say it? "

   "Huh? No way."

   "That's not enough to..."

  Several representatives were startled immediately, stood up immediately and advised him to sit down.


  Zhang Youjie looked at them, a little funny.

   Can't help but shake his head.

   Some emotion.

  Really... Docile as a dog.

  In fact, Lin Yao only showed up a few times at UMedia Technology.

   But even so.

  She can also use one by one product, or technology product, or game product, to wash away everyone's cognition and make everyone...docile like a dog.


  Let them not hesitate to flatter Lin Yao in front of him.

   This is really stupid to be honest, after all, Zhang Youjie is now the boss of Youmedia Technology.

   But they did.

  Zhang Youjie can probably understand them...

  Perhaps in their view, offending Zhang Youjie is completely okay, as long as Lin Mu Studio and Lin Yao are still behind them, then they are not afraid of anything...

  Compared to Lin Yao from Linmu Studio, Zhang Youjie is insignificant...

   Fart is not.

   This has to be said, a bit hurtful.

   Come to think of it.

  Zhang Youjie lowered his head, glanced at the linkage description of "Grand Theft Auto" and FutureS1 sent by Linmu Studio, and shook his head again.

   It hurts a bit though.

  But there seems to be no way...

  Lin Yao is indeed more important than him.

  Even if she is not in Youmedia.

"boss Zhang?"

  After Zhang Youjie stood up, he suddenly stopped talking.

  The others waited patiently for a while.

  Finally, I couldn't bear a reminder.

   Zhang Youjie came back to his senses, then raised his head, looked around all the people in the meeting room, and looked at the gentle and courteous expressions on their faces.

   Smile again.

   According to the current situation.

  The next round of financing starts, and I don’t know what kind of event it will be.

  Maybe... there will be a fight?

   Then, after a few rounds of competition, there may be a few new entrants, and these new entrants, who say the same thing outside, but here, they will all become licking dogs...

   I wonder what game Linmu Studio will release next time.

  They're going to make him make way again...

Thinking of this, Zhang Youjie trembled all over his body. He didn't dare to continue thinking, and sat down again dumbfounded: "It's nothing, let's talk about the linkage between the game "Grand Theft Auto" and your mobile phone. understood…"


   The waves from the announcement of Grand Theft Auto began to spread from the center, reaching more people.


   All of the above.

   It has nothing to do with the player for the time being.

  Whether it's Jiaming Alliance Yuyu, or Future's online and offline channels are full, or the internal shareholders of UMedia Technology are licking Lin has nothing to do with the players.

  Some things players do know, for example, the release of "Grand Theft Auto" "caused" Future's online and offline channels to be full.

   Even ridiculed that the game of Linmu Studio was not released, and the players who sold out of the mobile phone first were the players.

   But compared to these things.

   What players care most about are games and carnivals.

  Limwood Studio also hopes that they care about games and carnivals.

  The last day of the Forest Carnival is the demo day.

  Although it is a pity that "Grand Theft Auto" was not open for trial play on this day.

   But the player understands that too.

  A game that will be released next year.

   Zhong Xiu will demonstrate on the stage, which has already exceeded all players' expectations.

   Not to mention the effect is so good!

   Even if you can’t try it yourself, the players’ expectations have already been raised, because the players can already see the tempting sesame seeds on the cake…

  To be honest, apart from Linmu Studio, no game company has announced a new game that can achieve this level.

   What's more, there is no "Grand Theft Auto", and this year's carnival also has four new games that are open for trial play! There are also a bunch of large-scale online games that have ushered in major updates!

   These are of interest to players.

   What kind of bicycle do you need...

  The announcement of a game like "Grand Theft Auto" is a huge surprise!

in addition.

   This evening will be the closing ceremony of this year's carnival.

   To some extent, it also distracted the players' attention.

  Lin Yao.

   It's finally here! !

   In the eyes of some players, this is more worth looking forward to than the trial!

  After all, "Grand Theft Auto" is open for trial play, and it can only be played for a while. If you want to enjoy it, you have to wait until next year.

  In addition, everyone has already seen Zhong Xiu play the game, which is already enough for the eyes, and the expectation has been satisfied to a certain extent.

   But Lin Yao!

   Carnivals only come out twice a year!

   And this year she hasn't shown up yet! It couldn't be more mysterious than a Grand Theft Auto demo! ?

on site.

   While queuing up for a trial game, Li Yu frequently picked up his mobile phone.

  As for what to do... Of course, it is to watch the sand sculpture players on the forum guess this year's closing ceremony, and guess what form Lin Yao will appear in!

   "Big event! The biggest flower event of this year's Forest Carnival is coming soon! Lin Yao, my Lin Yao! [excited]"

   "Don't go crazy upstairs! When you see a beautiful one, call your wife. The reputation of our players is ruined by people like you! And don't you know it's disrespectful to speak nonsense to other people's wives? [angry]"

   "I'm so looking forward to the evening! Five new games have been announced this year, including a nuclear-bombed game like "Grand Theft Auto". Lin Yao has to show off and let all the players cheer for her!?

   I'm ready anyway! I don't know what Lin Yao will wear on stage this year! ?”

   "I don't know if there will be a singing session this year, otherwise I will ask Lin Yao to sing again!!"

   "JKJKJKJKJKJK...I want to see Lin Yao in a JK outfit, preferably in a miniskirt!"

   "Before I know it, the one-year carnival is coming to an end. Linmu Studio still hasn't let me down, and neither has Lin Yao. Let's watch the closing ceremony tonight to draw a perfect end to this year's carnival!"


  The players are very excited.

  In today's forum, apart from the new game "Grand Theft Auto", the hottest topics are the closing ceremony and Lin Yao.

  Li Yu flipped through the discussion posts of the game and the discussion posts of the closing ceremony at the same time, and then gave likes to all the friends who mentioned Lin Yao.

   Seeing that he is about to be placed in the trial area.

   Then put away the phone.

  He raised his head and looked forward.

  The two people in front were similar to him, they kept holding the mobile phone until it was their turn to try it out, then they put away the mobile phone.

   "I'm really looking forward to the evening!"

   "Yeah, just point to this day!"

  The two went to try it out according to the instructions of the staff, while talking.

  The voice came from afar.

   Li Yu smiled, then looked around.


  I'm really looking forward to it...

  Time flies by.


   Evening came.

  Although there is still more than an hour left, the closing ceremony of this year's carnival will start.

  But many players no longer plan to continue queuing up for the trial play, but went directly to the main stage.

   And live on the website.

  Because it's a demo day, and I can't play it by myself after watching the live broadcast... So the popularity of the official live broadcast room today is much lower than the previous two days.

   On the contrary, some individual anchors are more popular.

   After all, what they show is the first perspective of the trial.

   This is more player friendly.

   But when the evening came, everything changed...

   There are still two hours before the closing ceremony of the carnival.

  The popularity of the official live broadcast room began to rise.


  Wait until half an hour before the opening of the closing ceremony.

  Forest Carnival's official live broadcast room, the ranking has rushed to the third place in the live broadcast website.

  The Forest Carnival has been held for the third time.

   It seems that the game Spring Festival Gala has become the game in the minds of many players...

   As for the opening and closing ceremonies, it is even more of a skit that can be called the finale!

  The finale of the Spring Festival Gala.

  Can you miss it?

  Today is a working day.

  Many players, even on the commute from get off work, can't wait to turn on the live broadcast and wait.

   It can be said that it is highly anticipated...

  Linmu Studio.

"so many people."

   Mu Wanqing stood next to Lin Yao, looked at the heat in the live broadcast room, and sighed.

   "Well, in fact, it was similar in previous years, but we were on the scene at the time, so we didn't pay special attention."

  Lin Yao brushed the smooth long hair on her shoulders, then glanced at the crazily scrolling real-time comments, and said with a smile: "I have to say, watching the live broadcast with the players is also very special."


   This year, Lin Yao will not even appear on stage.

  She didn't even go to the scene.

   "...I see a lot of people talking about you."

   Mu Wanqing glanced at Lin Yao's fair side face, then looked at the screen, and said suddenly.

"Have it?"

  Lin Yao looked at the real-time comments scrolling wildly in the lower right corner of the live broadcast room, and continued: "Didn't everyone say that they are looking forward to it?"

  Mu Wanqing smiled gently: "Then what do you think they expect?"

   "Then I don't care, anyway, this is the situation."

  Lin Yao turned her head and smiled brightly at Mu Wanqing: "The process has been determined for so long, so it can't be changed, right? Even if it can be changed, I can't keep up with it."

  Mu Wanqing: "..."


on site.

   There are still ten minutes left before the closing ceremony.

  The auditorium is already full.

  Going goal.

  Zhong Xiu secretly glanced at the auditorium, not knowing why, very nervous.


  However, the time left for him to think this time is not too much.


  The time has come.

  He took a deep breath, exchanged glances with the rest of the band, stepped across the curtain, and walked onto the stage...

  The Linmu Studio Band, which has been on stage for the past two years, once again appeared on the stage.

   Below the stage.


   The players who couldn't wait long ago stood up straight away.


  In the live broadcast room.

   Players watching the live broadcast also brushed up the words of cheering.

   And when the music starts.

on the stage.

  The lead singer straightened the microphone, then grabbed the sides of his shirt, and tore it... directly tore his shirt open, revealing a fairly robust body.

   Then, sing Magnum's "BONES".

   It completely detonated the scene! !

  【Gimme, gimme, gimmesometimetothink (give me some time to think)】

  【I'minthebathroomlooking atme (I need to look in the bathroom)】

  【FaceinthemirrorisallIneed (that face in the mirror)】


   Another song that I have never heard before! !


   Li Yu was ecstatic for a moment, and then cheered at the highest volume.

   And in the burning music.

  The atmosphere is completely heated up.

  There are no players sitting on the scene!

   And in the live broadcast room.


   "Come here! The familiar feeling is here!"

   "That's how it feels, it's indeed the Spring Festival Gala of the Games!"

   "It sounds great!! What's the name of this song!? Linmu Studio can do something new every time!!"

   "Clothes exploded! It really is a big deal!"


  Lin Yao was watching the live broadcast, so she witnessed the carnival of the players with her own eyes.

  She looked at the excited words of the players, smiled slightly, then fell to the side, leaning on Mu Wanqing's body.

on site.

   A song is over.

   "I'm really happy! You can come to the Forest Carnival!!"

  The lead singer held the microphone and shouted with all his strength.

   Then, the players cheered like a tsunami again!

  He smiled, then took a deep breath and started singing the next song.

   is also a new song.

   And the second song is finished.

  The new staff came up.

   Producers familiar to players such as Zhu Nianqiao and Lei Hongguang began to replace the lead singer and other musicians.

   Then continue to sing the old songs from last year.

  And the players are getting more and more excited!


  Another song ends.

  When the spotlight on the stage hit Zhong Xiu's shiny forehead, he plucked the strings intoxicatedly, and the extremely clear bass sound sounded in the venue, and the song "Another One Bites the Dust" was sung.

  All the players paused, then subconsciously turned their heads and looked at the entry gate.

  Because of the first forest carnival, Lin Yao walked onto the stage with the song "Another One Bites the Dust" in the vocals of the lead singer.


   Until the song is over...

   The spotlight never moved away from the lead singer.

  Lin Yao did not appear on stage.

  Not all the time.

  (end of this chapter)