MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 648 Thousand broadcast war game released

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   The most anticipated game at this year's Forest Carnival is, of course, "Grand Theft Auto".

   But the game didn't come out that fast after all.

   Players have to wait no matter how much they look forward to.

   Of the other four new games, three have already been released.

   But still that sentence.

  The reason why 3D games can become the mainstream is precisely because after the development of technology, its universality is the highest.

  For this year's carnival, "Death by Daylight" is the only 3D game released by Linmu Studio within this year.


   The gameplay of this game is still very fresh.

  Asymmetric confrontation.

   Killer and Survivor.

  If it weren’t for the release of “Grand Theft Auto” by Linmu Studio later, this would be the most anticipated game for this year’s carnival players.

  Although the players' expectations were not so strong after the announcement of Grand Theft Auto, but with the end of the carnival, the release date of "Dead by Daylight" is approaching.

   Reignited quickly.

  Especially after "Death by Daylight" releases more content and starts to announce it.

  A killer promotional video every day, showing the image and skills of each killer from the first perspective.

   After all, there are only a small number of players who have tried the game on site.

  Ordinary players can't stand such a little 'shock' every day!


  This game is so highly anticipated, and it also has a lot to do with the recent rise of live broadcasts.

  The live broadcast here also started very early.

   But until the year before last, the live broadcast was still in the exploratory stage, far less exaggerated than Lin Yao's previous life.

  The rise of the forest e-sports festival has boosted the development of live broadcasting to some extent, allowing practitioners to see another possibility.

   But it's just a boost.

   What completely changed the industry is the commercial use of 4G.

   With the commercial use of 4G, everything has changed.

  From the perspective of players alone, the commercial use of 4G has only had a great impact on the game market.

  But in fact, although the commercial use of 4G was complained very hard at the beginning...but as time went by, the tariff dropped.

   Of course, there is the most important thing - the launch of FutureS1.

   Now many users are really fragrant...

  The Jiaming Alliance can almost be said to have watched the rise of FutureS1.

  They were repeatedly rubbed underground by UMedia Technology.

  The old 'boss' has long since lost his temper. He began to accept all the FutureS1 stuff, and then directly launched a similar one on his own phone...

   App stores, ideas for building ecosystems, even publicity methods, and even attitudes towards developers.

  And this makes 4G and the mobility based on 4G develop more rapidly.

   After all, a rising star and a former leader are both doing the same thing, serving developers and users in turn.

   This development is not fast, there are ghosts.

   Give a simple example.

  Sizhu Yueting, this is the earliest mobile music platform. At the beginning, only the mobile terminal was produced on FutureS1. Because I have no experience, the mobile terminal is always almost meaningless.

  So their mobile applications are often complained by FutureS1 users.

   But such complaints are not necessarily a bad thing. The development of emerging fields cannot be achieved overnight.

   After all, not everyone has the memory of the previous life, everyone has the forest studio.

  Ordinary companies want to really make their own mobile applications easy to use, and need users to use them to experience, and then continue to iteratively correct based on feedback.

  The hot sale of FutureS1 has made Sizhu Yueting have no lack of experienced users.

  It is also because of the hot sale of FutureS1, they are not willing to give up this market at all...

  So after Sizhu Yueting was complained about, it immediately began to continuously optimize its mobile application based on the feedback of existing users.

   Then, their mobile app slowly got better and better, and started attracting more and more users…


  The Beggars’ App Store under the Jiaming Alliance was launched, and at the same time adjusted its strategy for developers.

  Linmu Studio directly took the lead and transplanted the ace application to Jiaming Alliance.

  Other qualified developers are of course unwilling to let go of the users retained by Jiaming Alliance.

  At that time, Si Zhu Yue listened, so he charged forward.

  The Jiaming Alliance and FutureS1 are not as simple as occupying half of the mobile market, but the entire mobile market!

  With the joining of Jiaming Alliance users.

  The development speed of the entire mobile terminal market can be described as riding a rocket.

   The user who complained at the beginning.

   Soon I discovered that the mobile terminal of Sizhu Yueting is getting better and better, and listening to songs on mobile phones is becoming more and more convenient...

  Habits are gradually formed.

   More users choose to use.

   And such a new market has also made Sizhu Yueting a lot of money...

  Competitors of Sizhu Yueting, no matter how slow the reaction is and how insensitive the sense of smell is, they will know that the mobile terminal has something to do when they see their peers making money...

  This in turn makes more companies choose to bet on the mobile terminal...

You can say that.

  FutureS1 personally pushed the door of the mobile terminal, but in the follow-up, countless peers, competitors and users worked together to decorate the house of the 'mobile terminal'.

   And this year.

  User habits have gradually formed.

  The era of mobile in the true sense has begun.

  In fact, all walks of life have been affected.

  The game was impacted the most because of FutureS1’s inextricable relationship with Linmu Studio.

  There are traces of this process, but most users don’t perceive it strongly, because the presence of Linmu Studio is too strong, and the changes that were originally very eye-catching in many fields are slightly inferior to the products launched by Linmu Studio.

  And among them...includes the field of live broadcast.

  Music platforms are flourishing on the mobile side, let alone video media.

  After the launch of FutureS1, many video sites have chosen to launch mobile terminals.

   Later, companies that tested the water began to appear in the field of live broadcasting.

  But the 4G tariff was really too expensive at the beginning, so the habits of users have not been changed, and the impact on the entire market is relatively small.

  But just last year, the 4G tariff dropped has reached a level that ordinary users can accept.

  The benefits of convenient viewing on the mobile terminal are beginning to appear.

  The top live broadcast companies that took the lead in entering the mobile terminal have all gained tangible benefits.

  Other small and medium-sized manufacturers saw this scene and began to follow up.

   Then capital enters the game.


  The entire live broadcast market already has the momentum of Lin Yao's previous life thousand broadcast battle, although it has not yet broken out.

   But the market is indeed expanding rapidly, and the competition has become fiercer.

   And in this case.

  A few days ago.

  Lin Yao conducted a live broadcast...

  Although it can't be said to ignite the powder keg.

  But there are really too many players playing the games of Linmu Studio... With such a large group of people, it is of course impossible for all of them to choose PC to watch the live broadcast.

  Many players have actually chosen to download live streaming software on the mobile side.

  The live broadcast website got a lot of new users because of Lin Yao's live broadcast!

  At the same time, because Lin Yao's live broadcast room and Zhu Nianqiao's anchor room have attracted much attention, in order to build momentum, the cooperative live broadcast website released relevant data.

  The data is very exaggerated.

  Most of the anchors are **** enough to fight.

   This directly made all the live streaming companies excited.


   You can't find someone like Lin Yao who specializes in live broadcasting. It is impossible for ordinary anchors to have that kind of appeal.

  However, since the players of Linmu Studio can watch Lin Yao’s live broadcast, can they also watch the live broadcast of other anchors?

  Lin Yao's live broadcast.

   It can be said that it has added a lot of firewood to the already hot live broadcast market.

  Cook oil over high heat.

   Colleagues in Linmu Studio are all paying attention to the virtual anchor technology, thinking of imitating and promoting games, but due to technical problems and other issues, the fever gradually subsides.

  But companies in the live broadcast industry, they didn't pay attention to this from the beginning, and they know very well that this will not be done in a short time.

  What they are most concerned about is how to attract the huge group of players of the games under Linmu Studio, and **** their competitors...

   As for what to do, the best thing is to let Lin Yao live broadcast on her home platform.

   But that's not realistic.

   That's the boss of Linmu Studio.

   This doesn't work, and considering that these players have a very special affection for Forest Workshop.

  It seems to be a good choice to start with the new game of Linmu Studio...

   "Hollow Knight" and other three new games have been released, and it's too late.


  Linmu Studio will release it in the near future, and there is only one game that has attracted much attention, and that is - "Dead by Daylight"!

   What's even more rare is that this game looks very suitable for live broadcasting!

  Most practitioners in the live broadcast industry think so.

   to draw such a conclusion.

  Then it's pretty obvious what to do next... Announcing Dead by Daylight!

  As the release date of "Death by Daylight" approaches.

  The game has not been officially released yet.

  Many live broadcasting sites have opened a special "Death by Daylight" section, and then let their big anchors broadcast this game on the one hand, and on the other hand introduce a corresponding incentive mechanism to encourage small and medium anchors to live broadcast this game.

  At the same time, increase the incentives for all Forest Studio related game live broadcasts.

  Every live broadcasting website is like this, and they have started to put all their efforts into promoting the upcoming "Death by Daylight", allowing players to watch a certain anchor play...

  Live broadcast has nothing to do with Linmu Studio.

  Whether Linmu Studio is launching a mobile phone, or pushing the door of the mobile terminal, or a live broadcast some time ago.

  Although all of them have had a great impact on the field of live broadcast, they have played a strong role in boosting.

   But in essence, Lin Yao is just for the development of her company.

  Magic yes.

  Linmu Studio’s boost and contribution to the field of live broadcast finally paid off.

   Like a boomerang, after a circle.

   is back again.

   Directly lifted the game "Death by Daylight" to the high platform that everyone was looking forward to.

   Not obvious at first.

  But as more and more live streaming sites announced that they would set up a separate division, they advertised it widely.

  Plus Linmu Studio's own announcement.

   Players' expectations for the game are mixed with expectations of seeing the favorite anchor playing this game, which directly makes the sales of the game rise steadily.

   At the same time, the discussion of the game "Dead by Daylight" has been increasing...



  Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao was drawing the mecha of "Titanfall", and when she heard Mu Wanqing's words, she raised her head and was a little surprised: "The live broadcast website wants to cooperate with "Dead by Daylight"? How to cooperate?"

   "The main request is that we want to give some places for early trial play."

  Mu Wanqing replied: "They promised to do their best to promote the game for us."

   "Why? This sudden request for cooperation?" Lin Yao tilted her head.

  Mu Wanqing also knew that Lin Yao was basically concentrating on the new project these days, so she organized her wording, and then told Lin Yao what happened outside.

A few minutes later.

"I see…"

  Lin Yao temporarily put down the pencil, bowed her head and meditated.

  Mu Wanqing stood aside and waited quietly.

   "Whether you want to cooperate or not, you let the marketing department and product department decide."

   Good for a while.

  Lin Yao finally raised her head: "Actually, it's okay, it's not a bad thing."


  Mu Wanqing nodded, expressing her understanding.

  She was about to turn her head to inform.

  But Lin Yao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Miss Mu, the live broadcast battle may be coming."

   "Huh?" Mu Wanqing stopped and turned around, feeling a little puzzled.

  Lin Yao talked to her a little bit.

After hearing this, Mu Wanqing widened her beautiful eyes: "You mean...the live broadcasting industry is about to usher in a wave of fierce competition? There will be more capital entering the market and more live broadcasting websites appearing? But in the end it will be because of Matthew effect, how many are left?"


  Lin Yao nodded.

  Mu Wanqing thought for a while and asked, "Then what are we going to do?"

  Lin Yao immediately said: "No, we don't get involved, the live broadcast is thankless, the benefits are not much, but the troubles are a lot."


   Mu Wanqing hesitated to speak.

Lin Yao knew what Mu Wanqing was thinking, and smiled: "Because of the live broadcast, I thought of another thing. Didn't we invest in an online restaurant delivery integration software? They are already preparing to test the water in big cities right now." Right? There is also a taxi-hailing software, which is preparing for trial operation?"

   "Yes." Although Mu Wanqing didn't know why Lin Yao mentioned these two investments while talking, she still agreed.

   "Then my suggestion is to take advantage of this period of time to expand the scale. It is best not to limit yourself to one city, but to spend more in all first-tier cities to seize the market, and the speed should be faster."

  Lin Yao pressed the chair with both hands and shook it lightly: "You can ask the investment department to pass on my suggestion."

   "Why?" Mu Wanqing was even more puzzled.

   "Because the real mobile Internet era is coming, it will soon enter a period of comprehensive development."

  Lin Yao explained: "Because of us, the live broadcast industry was the first to start a war, but this will definitely not be the end.

In the future, mobile APP applications will be the standard equipment for enterprises to conduct business. At that time, the battle in the PC era will be staged again on the mobile terminal. The focus of the industry will be led to a brand new battlefield, and the scope will be wider. More bloody.

  At this stage, although starting quickly and seizing the opportunity does not mean that you will definitely win, but it does have an advantage. As long as you don't die, you will definitely be able to survive to the end. "

   "That's why you asked the investment department to convey..."

  Mu Wanqing suddenly realized, but she still couldn't believe it: "The competition is very fierce now, will it be more intense?"

"Will do."

  Lin Yao nodded and said with a smile, "I even dare to bet you."

   "Then I will notify the investment department immediately."

  When Mu Wanqing heard Lin Yao's decisive reply, she didn't ask any more questions, but turned around and planned to notify the investment department immediately.


  Heard the second half of Lin Yao's sentence.

  She paused, then turned her head and asked curiously, "What's the bet?"

  Lin Yao straightened her waist, smiled and threw the question back to her: "You must lose the game, you should think about what bet you should bet on."

   "...Wear whatever clothes you want me to wear?" Mu Wanqing thought for a while and gave an unexpected answer.


  Lin Yao heard the words, and looked up and down Mu Wanqing who was wearing an ol skirt with the hem of the shirt tucked into the skirt, outlining the slender waist.

   "The ones that are not suitable for going out can only be watched at home..." Mu Wanqing added in a low voice.

  Lin Yao rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "I haven't said anything yet!"



  Early July.

   "Dead by Daylight" is officially released.

   And on the day of sale.

   The occasion is unprecedented!

   On the day of the release, the large-scale domestic live streaming websites all put the promotional image of this game in the most prominent position on the homepage.

   And by doing so, they did attract a lot of players who were very interested in the new game released by Linmu Studio, but who could not accept the horror elements.

   And this game is indeed suitable for live broadcasting, and it can even be said that it is a bit ridiculously suitable...

  Bei Wenxuan is an anchor.

   Tell the truth.

  He didn't intend to broadcast the game "Death by Daylight" at first.

  Because he is not very accepting of horror elements.

  But no matter what...the live streaming sites give too much.

  He is not a big anchor, not even a successful anchor. The incentive to broadcast "Death by Daylight" is too high... He thought about the benefits, and finally bit the bullet and decided to broadcast it.

  What if?

  What if the new game of Linmu Studio has magic power and can help him to a higher level?

  So, for the live broadcast of the day.

   I did a lot of preparation.

   Not only carefully read the game promotional materials several times, but also read the strategies of many trial players, and did enough homework.


  The day the game was released.

   When actually playing, the preparations he made for the game were useless...

   "Please...don't act, don't act!"

  In the live broadcast room.

  Bei Wenxuan held the mouse, controlling the killer named 'Sadako' to execute a survivor.

   But he didn't feel happy at all. Instead, he quickly turned his head away, not looking at the screen.

   while on the screen.

  Sadako in a pale white dress stood with her arms bound, her black hair completely covering her face.

  She used her thoughts to lift the survivor, and then accompanied by weird music that gradually increased in volume.

   There was a click.

  The escapee's neck was twisted, and his head was tilted to one side.

   At this time, the camera slowly moved forward, and focused on the pale long dress on Sadako.

  Next scene.

   Sadako's black hair parted.

  A pair of bloodshot red and swollen eyes suddenly appeared on the screen.

  Bei Wenxuan was already prepared, because he had experienced it before.

  But many players who have just entered the live broadcast room have never experienced it.

   See this scene.

  Many players were taken aback.

  Real-time comments.

   Soared instantly.

   "Fuck! What the hell! Isn't the anchor a killer? Why should he be scared?"

   "A shock, almost punched the screen!"

   "Will this character execute you, the player?"

   "Damn! I reported it, and the Counselor anchor hid himself but didn't remind the audience, deliberately scaring the audience!"

   "Hahaha, I knew there would be complaints. Linmu Studio is really bad, and the atmosphere creation is really awesome."


  "Death by Daylight" is indeed a game suitable for live broadcasting.

  Because the atmosphere is rendered really well.

  The gloomy and dangerous closed environment, the excellent game sound effects, the battle of wits and courage between the butcher and the survivors, and the unpredictable results of each game, all of which are extremely easy to invest in and produce an extremely profound viewing experience.

  The ornamental value is really high.

   And there are many people watching in the live broadcast room, plus the host chatting with him, this is another attraction for many players who cannot accept horror elements.

   You don’t have to be scared alone, but you can also feel the atmosphere of the game, chat with players and tease the host... This is really great!


   The game is suitable for live broadcast is one aspect.

   On the other hand, in fact, Lin Yao’s live broadcast did have some influence...

   It is true that many players downloaded the client because of Lin Yao's live broadcast, and then retained it to become new users of the live broadcast website.

   Then because of the announcement of the live broadcast website, I chose to watch the anchor play "Dead by Daylight" on this day.

can only say.

  The live streaming site made the right bet...

the other side.

  In Bei Wenxuan's live broadcast room.

   After Sadako's execution was completed, he dared to turn around and look at the screen and the real-time comment area.

   And at the first glance, he saw the players' complaints and their 'report'.

  He retorted subconsciously, wanting to have some live broadcast effects: "What the hell, I call it a strategic turn of the head... And why are you blaming me for being frightened? Blame Linmu Studio."

  As soon as he said this.

  Real-time comments immediately increased again.

   "Blame Lin Yao, right? You don't want the studio anymore, right?"

   "You wait, I will wait in line with you! Slander other people's wives!"

   "Hahaha, it's held!"


  Bei Wenxuan smiled as he watched the real-time comments increase again.

   Then, he looked at the game and felt a fire in his heart.

  Because there are so many people in his live broadcast room today...

   Much more than usual!

  He seems to bet right, the games of Linmu Studio are indeed magical!

   And at the same time.

  Scenes like this are still happening in many live broadcast rooms...

  The major live broadcast websites are very lively.

   But colleagues in Linmu Studio are very confused.

  They also noticed the grand occasion of the live broadcast website, and then there was a question mark at the end.


  The release of "Death by Daylight" feels even more outrageous than the release of "Grand Theft Auto"! ?


  Lin Yao!

   Is this also in your calculations?

  You can still bring goods after the live broadcast! ?

   This works too! ?

   It won't end abruptly, I want to write a complete story at the end.

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