MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 651 Blocked at both ends

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  Chapter 651 Blocked at both ends

  In a way.

  Li Guangsheng's words are correct.

  If you start from the field of live broadcast, Linmu Studio is indeed a separate examination room.

But in fact.

  Linmu Studio just had a time difference.

According to Lin Yao’s development track in her previous life, after the rise of the mobile Internet, as many wars as there will be in the PC era, there will be as many wars in the mobile Internet era. The scale will be bigger and bloodier.

  Live is so.

   The same goes for takeaway and taxi.

  Development to the end, Internet companies will wish to add a new word in front of all industries, and wish to redefine all industries.

  Then the cycle repeats.

   Among them, there are successes and failures.

   Failures need not be mentioned.

   And successful, the general trajectory is the same.

  That is, one company prospers, many follow suit, capital follows suit, more companies follow suit, burn each other's money, and finally return to calm, big fish eat small fish, and finally only one or two top players are left, and start to find ways to make profits.

  When a leading player in an emerging industry starts to merge or acquire other competitors, it basically means that the entire industry has calmed down.

  The current live broadcast field is in the stage of capital follow-up, more companies follow suit, and burn each other's money.

   Originally, it followed the trajectory of Lin Yao's previous life.

  The live broadcast battle happened later than the food delivery and taxi-hailing wars. After all, the latter two are related to the most important food, clothing, housing and transportation, but the live broadcast is just entertainment.


  The emergence of Linmu Studio has really changed a lot of things.

  Lin Yao stepped on the gas pedal in the field of live broadcasting...

   And now, she stepped on the accelerator for takeaway and taxi.

  It is equivalent to bringing together the three wars that were originally staggered in the previous life...

  The live broadcast battle here has not yet been decided, and it is in full swing.

  Suddenly popped out 'meal delivery' and 'travel with peace of mind'.

   It’s no wonder Li Guangsheng thinks that way…


  Mu Feng is not the first person to notice food delivery software and taxi-hailing software.

  As these two softwares began to be announced on a large scale.

  All capital has reacted.

   And after learning that there is Linmu Studio again.

  Everyone was silent.

  Then the first reaction was—fuck, miscalculation!


   Originally, a lot of attention was focused on the field of live broadcasting, but they all shifted away, and instead focused on takeaways and taxis.

   And this shift of attention, the capital is even willing to let go of the fierce live broadcast battle, which also proves from the side that the current "meal delivery" and "safe travel" have already reached a considerable scale.

  Dawn Capital.

  Shang Zhuang asked in disbelief: "Twenty cities are piloted, and there are more than 20,000 registered platform members in one area of ​​Guangpeng City? The average daily order is more than 5,000!?"

   "Yeah, it's going fast."

  The subordinate nodded, and continued: "I did some research, and in our company, including the company upstairs and downstairs, there are a lot of young people using these two softwares, and the reviews are generally very good.

  Following this trend, I can guarantee that both of these two softwares will be able to create two companies with a market value of hundreds of billions! If it can become a unicorn in the industry, it is even more unimaginable.

   These two areas seem to require more strategic investment than live broadcasting! "

   "Stop looking."

Shang Zhuang shook his head, and then said helplessly: "Looking at it now, it is more necessary for strategic investment than live broadcasting. Live broadcasting is really good, and it seems to have a good future, but it is not a necessity after all. methods, especially new video entertainment methods.

  That will have a big impact on live broadcasting, just like the impact of the rise of live broadcasting on long videos. Although the impact does not seem to be too big, no one can tell in the future. "

  “But takeaway is different from taxi-hailing. One is about eating, and the other is about travel. It is a link that everyone cannot avoid. If they can finally break out and become unicorns, they will be invincible.

  Unless technology advances to the point where people can live without eating, or if they don’t go out at all, how is this possible. "

  "...I finally know why Linmu Studio is not interested in live broadcasting. Obviously they will also broadcast live broadcasts. Tianhu is gone. It turns out that they don't care about live broadcasts at all. They have even bigger ambitions. They want to control users' basic necessities of life! never know what kind of surprises Forest Studio will bring to other people. "

  The subordinate fell silent after hearing the words.

   Tell the truth.

  He really admires Linmu Studio.

   Now that "meal delivery" and "safe travel" have begun to take shape, it is not difficult to see the huge commercial value they contain.

If he has not noticed this, then he will not be in this business. The difficulty is not to review the market later, but to pay keen attention to the market when nothing has happened, and then find reliable entrepreneurs. Let the project land.

   Especially when the streaming wars are in full swing.

   How many people can give up the live broadcast that looks hot, and then set their sights on other fields?

  But Linmu Studio was able to, not only decisively gave up the live broadcast, but also took advantage of the fierce battle of the live broadcast, and let the two software of "meal takeaway" and "travel with peace of mind" complete the initial user accumulation.

game company.

   This tm is a game company!


  Shang Zhuang suddenly thought of something: "This is the project selected by the incubator plan of Linmu Studio, right? Did we follow the investment?"

"No, these two are key projects, and they were not publicized with much fanfare at the beginning, and the investment department of Linmu Studio has a lot of say in these two projects. I learned that Linmu Studio participated in these two projects. strategic decision-making and strategic design of a project, and is currently providing consulting services."

  “Their management authority after investment is very high, and the two entrepreneurial teams also trust Linmu Studio. Most importantly, Linmu Studio has given too much.”

   "Super Angel..."

  Shang Zhuang sighed: "In the final analysis, Linmu Studio is still at the helm, no wonder it became famous so quickly."

  He thought for a while, and said: "Well, let's calm down on the live broadcast, stop for a while, and focus on taxi and takeaway."

   "Will there be any rookies?" asked the subordinate.

   "No, focus on 'meal delivery' and 'travel with peace of mind' and start financing...It's no good to be a competitor with Linmu Studio..."

  Subordinate: “…”


  When the snowball rolls up.

  The speed will become faster and faster.

  'Meal delivery' and 'safe travel' began to appear in front of ordinary people on a large scale.

  The growth rate has reached a new level.

   And as more and more users use it, the evaluation is getting better and better.

  The live broadcast market was pre-cooled in an instant.

   It's like pouring a basin of cold water from beginning to end.

  Investors immediately felt that the live broadcast was not very popular.

   After all, compared to the live broadcast that is dispensable for many people.

  Taxi and takeaway are really necessities.

  The rapid growth of "meal delivery" and "safe travel" has also made everyone see how big the demand in these two markets is.

in addition.

  Whether it is takeaway or taxi, if you say there are any technical barriers, that is false.

   At the end of the day.

   These are two platforms. Anyone who has the money can make them. As for the follow-up promotion, it is not a technical job. Maybe each company has different methods, but the technical threshold is really not high.

  Although Linmu Studio is well-known, "meal delivery" and "travel with peace of mind" are now beginning to take shape.

   Relatively speaking, there are already great advantages.

  However, in the two huge markets of taxi-hailing and food delivery, anyone can see how much revenue they can generate in the future.

  In this case, there must be no shortage of challengers.

   If you succeed, you will reach the sky in one step, and who cares about Linmu Studio.

  So here we go.

  The advantage of the time difference that Forest Studio created for the two software disappeared.

  Because it didn’t take long for the ‘meal delivery’ and ‘travel with peace of mind’ to appear in front of everyone, competitors also appeared.

  And just like in the previous life, at the beginning, most people were staring at takeaways with relatively lower thresholds.

   And the first challengers weren't any ambitious start-ups.

   Instead, it is an existing Internet company.

  They are aggressive and follow the trend fast enough. After all, relying on mature enterprises, there must be no shortage of funds in the early stage.

   Many Internet companies in the PC era have a remarkable feature, that is, they have rich experience in local promotion.

  The so-called ground push is the abbreviation of ground promotion personnel.

  Because the propaganda methods in the PC era are not rich.

  Most of the products go to Internet cafes, colleges and communities, and the effect of publicity is excellent.

   This most primitive marketing method has been slowly replaced.

   But it hasn't been completely replaced after all.

   And let the ground push to contact catering businesses, the effect is excellent.

in addition.

  Although 'meal delivery' and 'travel with peace of mind' have established an early advantage through the time difference, it also means that they have forged a path, and other companies that follow suit will greatly reduce the resources and energy invested in promotion.

  After all, both merchants and users already have a general understanding of takeaway software.

   At this time, as long as a considerable subsidy is also given.

  Whether it is a merchant or a user, they don’t mind registering on one more platform or downloading one more software.

  This can be regarded as the pain of the pioneers.

  Obviously everything comes first.

  Obviously it was the market that I first developed.

  Competitors caught up easily.

   But there is no way, this is competition, and for products without a moat, this is the only way to go.

   It didn't take long.

   In the market, there are a lot of food delivery software that imitate the "meal order takeaway" led by 'Dinanla'.

  The same is true for taxi-hailing software, with software such as "Instant Arrival" appearing.


  The software that follows the trend and imitates, the expansion speed is ridiculously fast.

  Because they are financing too fast.

   I don’t know if I think Linmu Studio is too threatening.

  There are not many investors who think like Shang Zhuang this time.

Most of the investors who are interested in these two markets, I don’t know if they have discussed it or not, have chosen the competitors of ‘meal delivery’ and ‘safe travel’, that is, ‘eating’ and ‘instantly’. Two software.

   Project has money.

   Backed by a mature enterprise.

  The expansion speed is of course fast.

   Soon, Feng Shui will take turns.

   The takeaway and taxi-hailing markets are hot.

  Advertisements for food delivery and taxi-hailing apps are everywhere in major cities.

  The two newly opened 'examination rooms' of Linmu Studio were overcrowded in an instant.

  The most confusing thing about this is the live broadcast website.

  They realized for the first time what it means to fall out of favor...

   Really fell from the clouds instantly.

  Although it does not mean that no investors are willing to invest in live streaming sites, there is still a lot of hot money pouring in.

   After all, the live broadcast battle has been going on for some time, and no one wants to waste their early money.

  But it is an indisputable fact that the entire market has calmed down and tended to be cautious.

  Investors don’t allow live streaming sites to burn money to dig anchors and promote like they did some time ago.

   At least not this time.

  Because takeaways and taxis are more important than live broadcasts.

   In addition, Linmu Studio is not optimistic... this is the most important.

  They made no mistakes, and now they have come up with two softwares for food delivery and taxi-hailing, which really affected the judgment of many investors.

  Lin Yao didn't even think of it.

  She suggested that take-out and taxi-hailing should be promoted on a large scale in advance, and it can also calm down the live broadcast market...

  The boom in the live broadcast market is inextricably linked to her and Linmu Studio.

  The calmness of the market in the end is also inextricably related to her and Linmu Studio.

   It can only be said that things are unpredictable.


  Linmu Studio.

   "It's really as lively as in the previous life."

  Lin Yao sketched the characters on the drawing paper, and sighed in a low voice: "And it's all about spending money to subsidize users."


  Mu Wanqing didn't hear clearly, so she asked.

   "Nothing... handsome?"

  Lin Yao smiled brightly, then held up two pieces of drawing paper to show to Mu Wanqing.

  On the first drawing paper, a strange-looking monster is drawn. Its whole body is surrounded by blue lightning, and only bones are left on its whole body.

   And another piece of drawing paper.

   draws a woman sitting on a high-backed chair. She wears boots and hunter clothing, with the brim of a hat covering her face, and holds a beautiful rapier in her arms, giving people a mysterious feeling.


  Mu Wanqing took a look, then shook her head, and replied honestly: "My definition of handsome is different from yours, but... it is indeed very dark."

   "This one is very handsome, I want to see you wear this."

  Lin Yao raised the drawing of the person on her right hand, and it was the famous Sister Maria in "Bloodborne Curse".

  Mu Wanqing was silent for a moment: " I just need to dress like this?"

   Last time, the two made a bet on the live broadcast.

  Although something unexpected happened.

   But Lin Yao is undoubtedly the winner.

  Because the taxi and food delivery markets have also started a war.

   "Otherwise, what do you think?"

  Lin Yao smiled, stopped teasing her, put down the drawing paper, and turned to business: "Now that the battlefield has shifted to food delivery and taxi-hailing, do you want to raise funds for 'meal delivery' and 'travel with peace of mind'?"

   "Yes." Mandy Qing nodded: "As more and more competitors appear, their financial pressure is also increasing."

  Lin Yao thought for a while: "I have no opinion on this aspect. Although we participate in strategic decision-making and strategic design, we are essentially investors... However, I need to trouble you to convey a few words."

  Mu Wanqing immediately replied: "Say it."

“We will lead the investment, but the money-burning subsidy is not a long-term solution. Although this can indeed quickly cultivate user habits, it is also the fastest solution to force competitors out of the market or absorb market share, but this is not a long-term solution. The market will be determined by then. Status, without subsidy, it is easy to offend both sides."

"Of course, I'm not saying that you can't subsidize. When everyone is subsidizing, they can only follow up... But I hope they don't just burn money blindly, but put more attention on optimizing the user experience, whether it is The use of the platform, or the offline delivery service, must be ahead of other competitors."

   "There is also a strategic choice. When the competition in the first-tier big cities is really fierce, you can first try to seize the market in small and medium-sized cities and build an iron army."

   "That's it for now."

  After Lin Yao finished speaking, she smiled at Mu Wanqing.

   "Okay, I will pass on."

  Mu Wanqing recalled for a while, and after confirming that there were no omissions, she replied: "At that time, I will also ask the investment department to follow the requirements you just said... But everyone is competing in the first-tier cities. Is it useful to seize the market in small and medium cities?"


  Lin Yao confirmed: "This kind of platform is not something high-end. It is not only the residents of big cities who have to face it, but everyone has to face it."

   "I understand..." Mu Wanqing nodded slowly.

   "However... building this type of platform is the most troublesome, because there is no obvious moat."

Lin Yao stretched her waist, and then said: "It is said that the competition in the first-tier big cities is fierce, and you can seize the market in small and medium-sized cities, but if you really lose ground in the first-tier big cities, accidents are still easy. Suggestion, you tell the two teams, we will build an invisible moat for them."

  Mu Wanqing was a little curious: "An invisible moat?"

  Lin Yao said with a smile: "Well, Ms. Mu, our WeChat Wallet is going to be launched in the life service section. In addition, our mobile phone conference can also showcase some excellent software..."


   The competition in the food delivery and taxi-hailing markets is gradually heating up.

  Faced with fierce competitors, the "meal delivery" and "travel with peace of mind" that have been keeping quiet, finally couldn't stand it anymore and announced the start of financing.

  There are many investment institutions interested in this.

   After all, their current market share is still number one.


  Most investment institutions are not very enthusiastic.

  Because there are really too many competitors for the two softwares, judging from the current situation, it is really uncertain whether these two softwares can survive to the end.

  Although they are endorsed by Linmu Studio.

  But after all, it is not a project directly under Linmu Studio.

  Therefore, the initial financing negotiations for 'Meal Delivery' and 'Travel with Peace of Mind' were not smooth.

  Investment agencies want more.

   But this situation did not last long.

  Because very soon, the WeChat of Linmu Studio announced a small update...

  WeChat wallet life section is officially launched!

  The first batch of applications, 'Meal Delivery' and 'Travel with Peace of Mind' are impressively listed.

  In simple terms, this update means that users can directly use WeChat to place an order for takeaway or take a taxi!

  As soon as this announcement comes out.


  All companies in the two fields of food delivery and taxi-hailing are silent.

   There is only one thought.

  ... Fuck! !

   And at the same time.

  Sky fox.

  Li Guangsheng opened WeChat and glanced at the announcement, then looked at Mou Feng, and said helplessly:

   "Well, after opening the exam room by themselves, they started cheating again."

   "Block both ends directly."

   "Don't give a chance."

  Mou Feng: "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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