MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 655 Do not talk about martial arts

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  Chapter 655 Do not talk about martial arts

  Lin Yao once had a period of time, and she didn't have much pursuit of high brushes.

   Or she never had a chance to experience it.

  Because she is the type who can use a mobile phone worth more than 1,000 yuan for three or four years.


  She finally reached the point of changing her mobile phone, and changed to a high-quality mobile phone.

have to say.

  The experience has really improved a lot.

  Although it will not be an earth-shaking change, it does have a significant improvement in the user experience.

  Whether browsing the web or playing games, it feels more silky.

   But you say it is necessary?

   Not so.

   Later, she changed her mobile phone again, and changed back to the normal 60HZ refresh rate screen.

   I was not used to it at first, but after using it for a few days, I got used to it.

  This function brings more invisible user experience improvement.

  If it was placed in Lin Yao's previous life, this would be one of the selling points.

  But it will definitely not become a big move in the eyes of colleagues.

  But Jiaming Alliance is different.

  As people grow older, people's choices tend to be conservative.

  The same goes for businesses.

  Because people run businesses.

  As the physiological age increases, the speed of information processing of people will lag behind the speed of changes in the objective world.

   Give a simple example.

   Trams and oil trucks.

   Just find a promotional article that reports why trams are popular with young people, just go to the comment area below.

   You will definitely see remarks such as "only pay attention to the appearance, and you will know it after using it for a few years", "too little experience, Xiaobai is easy to fool".

  Do not discuss the advantages and disadvantages of trams and gasoline trucks.

   This is indeed magical to some extent.

   On the one hand, the concept of new energy vehicles is hyped up, but on the other hand, it is a crusade against drivers who should have become customers.

   Some people just love trams.

   But it will not be accepted by everyone.

  When new concepts collide with old ones, conflicts are bound to arise.

   There is no right or wrong here, it is just an inevitable process brought about by changes.

  The same goes for mobile phones, Jiaming Alliance is really too old.

  They can notice the advent of 4G and actively seize the market.

   But their minds are filled with past experiences.

  So FutureS1 seems deviant to them.

  It's like Nokia's engineers ridiculed that the first generation of Apple phones did not have a physical keyboard.

  Although to put it bluntly, it was because of panic.

   But somehow they just couldn't keep up with how fast the world was changing.

  Their past experience and experience collide with new things.

   And once proven, the latecomer is right.

  The blow will be devastating.

   Such as the success of FutureS1.

  When consumers choose this mobile phone, when the evaluation of this mobile phone is getting higher and higher, when countless evidence proves that the other party is right, when all the evidence proves, FutureS1 is the future.

  The few sporadic criticisms of FutureS1 have become irrelevant.

   If it is an individual, they can choose not to buy it.

   But they are not just an individual, they are also the helm of a mobile phone company.

  They can only move in the 'correct' direction.


  Because FutureS1 is too successful, FutureS1 has been too popular in the past two years, which has cast a filter on "correctness"...

   This leads to, for them, these are all things that are difficult for them to understand, and they are all big moves...

   Of course, on the other hand, it is also because the high brush is really a new thing here.

  If it was placed in Lin Yao's previous life.

   High probability of brushing will not cause much waves.

  But Lin Yao can't look at things in this world from the perspective of her previous life.

   Really want to do this.

  Then all the updates of this new phone, in her opinion, are equivalent to no updates, after all, what happened to her phone in her previous life.

  But when all the mobile phone screen refresh rates here are 60Hz, a 90Hz mobile phone suddenly appeared, which is really fresh.

  The appearance of the mobile phone is also the same.

  The real full screen appears in front of everyone. It is the first time to see such a thin and light body, which is really amazing.

   "This is the first new feature of our FutureS2."

  Zhang Youjie looked at the expressions of the audience, very satisfied.


  He paused, and said without hesitation: "Better screen quality and higher refresh rate will bring unprecedented browsing experience and gaming experience...Of course, this also has disadvantages."

   Hear what Zhang Youjie said.

  The audience in the audience reacted.

  They still have a basic understanding of mobile phones.

  The most power-hungry part of a smartphone is keeping the screen on.

   Now change the screen...that consumes battery...

   "Yes, larger screens, higher refresh rates will result in greater power consumption."

  Zhang Youjie walked back to the center of the stage, seemed to know what the audience was thinking, and said generously: "This is inevitable. However, our engineers have also taken corresponding measures against this point."

   "First of all, the battery capacity of FutureS2 has been upgraded to 4000mAh!"

   "This capacity will greatly alleviate the increase in power consumption caused by increasing the refresh rate and increasing the screen size."

   "Under normal brightness, in the battery life test, FutureS2 will be able to watch videos for eleven hours continuously!"

   "Of course, this is only in the state of watching the video..."

  When Zhang Youjie said this, he changed the topic: "I know that you can't just watch videos with your mobile phone, so we also customized a battery management system for FutureS2."

   Behind him on the screen.

   A line of huge characters appeared.

  Don't talk about users.

  The leaders of the major members of the Jiaming Alliance all looked confused.

what is this…

"The so-called battery management system, what exactly is it and what can it bring... It is very simple. It will dynamically analyze the reasonable temperature range of the battery under charging, heavy load and other scenarios according to the temperature rise model, and provide battery maintenance according to the health of the battery cell. function to extend battery life.

  The most important thing is that it will dynamically adjust the discharge state to increase the battery life of the phone as a whole. "

   "Of course, all of the above are just to make the battery life last longer."

   "But the increased power consumption in the objective sense will not disappear. We have increased the battery capacity and controlled the power consumption more reasonably, but this does not increase the 4000mAh battery to 10000mAh."

   "When users use their mobile phones intensively, there will always be a moment when the battery runs out."

   "At this to recharge the battery is the key point."

   "I am very happy to announce to you that the new generation of FutureS2 will also usher in earth-shaking changes in charging efficiency!"

   "Lightning Fast Charge."

  Following Zhang Youjie's words fell.

   On the screen occupied by words such as battery capacity, battery life, and battery management system, new words appeared again.

   "We believe that there are two ways to solve battery life, one is to directly use large-capacity batteries, and the other is to use fast charging technology."

   "I just said the previous point, and what I want to talk about now is - fast charging technology, the fast charging protocol developed by UMedia Technology itself."

   "We call it - Lightning Fast Charge! Literally, lightning fast charging."

   "We have completely remodeled the new generation of FutureS2 charging head, integrated the IC circuit, changed the data cable, and created a full-end five-layer protection technology from the adapter to the interface to the mobile phone."

   "What did this bring? This phone, after the battery is exhausted."

   “Just plug it in.”

   "In 15 minutes, it can be charged to 30% of the power, in 30 minutes, it can be charged to 60% of the power, and in 57 minutes, it can fully charge the entire 4000mAh battery!"


  Following Zhang Youjie's words fell.

  The data he just said began to appear on the screen in the form of text.


  Whether it is the audience in the audience or the audience in the live broadcast room, they heard that the battery can be charged to 30% in 15 minutes, and thought they heard it wrong.

   Then, I saw the data displayed on the screen.



  All the audience gasped.

   Are you kidding me?

   No wonder they thought it was a joke.

  4000mAh battery is not uncommon.

   In order to catch up with FutureS1, the Jiaming Alliance has done a lot of miraculous operations during this period.

   And the battery life is the best field to make great efforts to make miracles.

   But how long does it take to charge their 4000mAh battery?

  … 4 hours.

  Let’s not say that it takes 15 minutes to charge 30% of the battery.

  General users don’t dare to play with their mobile phones at all while charging, for fear that the phone will suddenly shut down while playing.

  The absolute mainstream charging head is 5W now.

   And in this case.

  YouMedia Technology’s FutureS2 has shortened the original four hours to one hour, and claims that it can be charged to 30% in fifteen minutes...

  This tm...

  If it is said that the high brush is because they have not gotten started, many users still have doubts about it.

   After all, perception is too subjective.

   That recharges.

   The shock is really too direct.

  Just because of this point, users who have heavy mobile phone usage needs are instantly moved.

  Member of Jiaming Alliance, Yu Tianbo of Tianyu Group looked at the live broadcast room and opened his mouth slightly.

   After a long time, he couldn't help lowering his head, and put his hands on his forehead.

   A long sigh.

  He has also heard that some companies have recently increased the charging power by increasing the current or voltage.

   But he didn't take it too seriously at the time.

  Although he also knows that if the charging efficiency of mobile phones can be improved, it will become a major attraction.

   But the technology is obviously immature, and the standard solutions of various companies are very confusing...

  Even if he wants to use it.

  Most members of the Jiaming Alliance will not agree.

  Because they have more pressing matters.

  As for UMedia Technology, under the preconceived situation, including him, they didn't think about it.

   Subconsciously thought that they would do the same... I don't even remember how I felt when FutureS1 came out.

  But UMedia Technology is really different...

  Yu Tianbo raised his head again, watching the real-time comments such as "Awesome" and "Damn" scrolling in the live broadcast room, the annoyance on his face was not concealed at all.

   Pray they're just a cosmetic change...

how could it be possible.

  I can't hold it anymore...


   "This is our Lightning Fast Charge."

   "Of course, this phone has many changes besides charging."

   "FutureS2 will be the first mobile phone equipped with a processor designed with a 10-nanometer process. It adopts an 8-core design and lower power consumption under high performance..."

on the stage.

   Zhang Youjie talked about the processor from the appearance.

  Although lightning fast charging is amazing, he didn't say more.

   In fact, there is no need to say much.

  Bright data is more convincing than anything else.

  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng watched the live broadcast and called it awesome.

  He also found it quite amazing.

   It's none of your business.

   Tianhu doesn't make mobile phones, so he enjoys it.

  Whether it’s a new look, a bigger screen, a higher refresh rate, faster charging, a better processor.

   are new things for him.

  He has already decided to buy one and use it as soon as it is released.

   "Hahaha, I don't know what the members of the Jiaming Alliance are thinking now. They are rivals with Linmu Studio."

  Mou Feng gloated and smiled.

   And at the same time.

on the stage.

  After Zhang Youjie introduced the processor, he began to introduce the lens.

  In addition to the main camera, the new phone also adds a wide-angle lens.

   But he mainly introduced the hardware.

  In the end, I just talked about the parameters briefly.

  Because the next step is the introduction of the software level.

   "This is the change in appearance and hardware of FutureS2."

Zhang Youjie clapped his hands, attracting the audience who listened intently: "But this mobile phone is not only as simple as changing its appearance, FutureOS has also ushered in a major update on the new hardware... Now let's introduce Leave the time to Li Qi and let them explain the changes in FutureOS2 to everyone."

   just changed its appearance?

  Many viewers looked a little weird when they thought of the new things Zhang Youjie explained just now.

  If this is just a change of appearance, then the Jiaming Alliance will not have to live.

   Zhang Youjie certainly didn't know what the audience was thinking.

   After he finished his session.

   Then he looked sideways at the main screen.

   And in the live broadcast room.

  Camera moves forward.

   Seamlessly switched to video.

   "Hi, everyone, I'm Li Qi from Kaishan Research Office."

  Li Qi appeared in the camera. After the previous two experiences, he appeared to be very comfortable: "Thank you Zhang Youjie. Next, I will show you the changes of our FutureOS."

   "I am very happy to announce that FutureOS2 will be the best mobile operating system so far!"

   “Compared with FutureOS1, FutureOS2 will have many improvements.”

   "Now that we're talking about cameras, let's talk about photography first."

"FutureS1 has added a new ultra-wide-angle true-depth front camera, which allows us to accommodate more scenes in a limited space! Take pictures more clearly! And we also have the main camera and the newly added ultra-wide-angle camera, equipped with The combination of professional-grade main camera and optimized image processing technology allows you to take pictures under various light conditions, especially in low-light environments, and the effect is super bright..."

   "In addition, FutureOS2 will also add a new camera function - portrait mode! This will bring a background blur camera experience similar to a SLR camera, so that everyone can become a photographer..."

   "At the same time, the beauty function launched in FutureS1 has also ushered in a comprehensive evolution..."

   "The new anti-shake mode..."

  Li Qi began to introduce various new functions and updates of camera.

  Camera is a part of mobile phone.

  For most players or Lin Yao, who are not interested in taking pictures, and who prefer to save color maps over taking pictures, of course it doesn't make much sense.

   But that doesn't mean everyone.

  A large part of the audience of Future mobile phones came here for the good-looking photos of FutureS1.

  So Li Qi now introduces the improvement of the shooting part.

   for them.

   is simply poison.

  Super wide-angle, image processing technology, portrait mode, new beauty function, new anti-shake mode...

   "Ah, the shot is so beautiful! Portrait mode!!"

   "I knew YouMedia's new mobile phone would not disappoint!"

   "Buy it!! It's great!!"


  Real-time comment area.

   A large wave of real-time comments emerged in an instant.

   None of these IDs have spoken before.

   When it came time to take pictures, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

this will.

   On the contrary, the users who just discussed how high brushing will improve the game are not talking much.

can only say.

  The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same.

   while on the screen.

   After Li Qi introduced the final anti-shake function, he walked forward.

   At the same time, the scene behind him also began to change.

  From a room where various lenses are placed, it has become a pure white space.

   "This is the change in the camera part, but there are many changes in FutureOS."

  Li Qi stood in the center of the pure white space and continued: "We continue to optimize FutureOS, and in FutureOS2, the fluency will usher in a further improvement. To give an intuitive example, in FutureOS2, the app startup speed will be doubled."

   falls with his words.

   A comparison demo of the two phones appears.

  FutureS1 needs to wait three or four seconds to open the APP.

  FutureS2 only needs one to two seconds.

   Even faster!

  In the live broadcast room, real-time comments increased again.

   "In addition, we have also fully optimized the notification bar and the control center. For the former, we have optimized the order in which notifications are displayed, so that you will not miss any important notifications."

   "The control center has added more shortcut keys, such as low power mode, such as a magnifying glass, such as screen recording."

   “Next, users will be able to freely edit their own Control Center.”

   “Also, we’ve added shortcut buttons for various modes, such as Do Not Disturb While Driving.”

   "I believe that everyone has the experience of being interrupted at work or study, or being woken up by a phone call while sleeping."

   "Now. We just need to edit our own exclusive mode, and we can avoid this trouble!"


  Li Qi began to introduce major and minor changes in the operating system.

  FutureOS1 installed on FutureS1 is actually very close to Lin Yao’s mainstream mobile phone operating system in her previous life.

   This update is mainly to provide users with more convenience and make it more perfect.

  So, although this update does not make the audience's pupils crazily shake like FutureOS1 just announced.

   But for the audience, this is still very shocking.

  Because FutureOS1 is already perfect, FutureOS2 can be even smoother and improved...

  Jiaming Alliance…

this moment.

  Many players even thought of Youmedia Technology's unlucky opponent at this moment.

  What are they going to do...


   There is not much time left for users to think about these superfluous things.

  Because Li Qi on the screen is still explaining the various updates of FutureOS2.


   After explaining most of the iterations of existing features.

  The conversation changed.

   "In addition, FutureOS2, we also added a widget function! Added a new negative screen!"

  Li Qi smiled and said: "As for what is a widget and a negative screen - this is our FutureS2."

   Following his voice fell.

   A demo phone screen appeared next to his head.

  "All users can press and hold the gap to bring up the widget page. We only need to click the plus sign at the top of the screen to see the widget page."

   "Then, what widgets the user wants to add, such as weather... just need to press and hold the corresponding widget, then drag it to the desktop, and let go."

   "Then, the widget will stay on the screen."

   “Users can see widgets just by waking up the screen.”

   "Weather, photo album, calendar..."

  Li Qi began to demonstrate the existing widgets one by one,


  When the audience saw this scene, their eyes lit up instantly.

  The person in charge of 'Meal Delivery', Tian Zhan, was stunned for a while, and also looked surprised.

   Damn it!

   Another new feature!

   Sure enough...they never stop.

  Beside him, the person in charge of the marketing department of "Meal Takeaway" was stunned, and then realized something, his expression changed dramatically.

on the screen.

  Li Qi continued to explain.

"As for the negative screen...we call it an intelligent assistant internally. As the tasks that smartphones can complete become more and more abundant, some information and applications are often used at any time, and the negative screen can integrate all these functions and information. Together, it is more convenient and faster to use.”

   "Of course, we can also add more widgets on this screen, such as the weather just mentioned, screen usage time, battery components..."

   “Also, we can add widgets for third-party apps.”

   "For example, the 'Meal Takeaway' widget, users can check the progress of the takeaway in the widget at any time without opening the APP, or the 'Travel with peace of mind' widget..."

on the screen.

  Li Qi suddenly dragged out a third-party 'meal delivery' widget from a bunch of first-party widgets, and placed it in the center of the screen.

  The person in charge of the marketing department of 'Meal Takeaway' saw this scene... and was instantly ecstatic.

   And at the same time.

  The person in charge of the company who was in the field of take-out and taxi-hailing while watching a movie, his head buzzed.

   Instantly stunned.

   Damn it!

   Don't talk about Wude!

  WeChat is fine! !

Again! !

  (end of this chapter)

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