MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 664 [picture]

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  Chapter 664 [Image]

  When Cheng Lei and Jing Chao passionately killed Witch.

at the same time.

  Other players are also playing "Left 4 Dead", a new game released by Linmu Studio that does not follow the routine.

  For example, Li Yu.

  But he doesn't have friends like Jing Chao to accompany him.

  He formed a wild group.

  Although a single player can clear the campaign.

  However, he always felt that since the game has a cooperative mode and supports online matching and team formation, it would be a loss not to clear the level with other players.

  So after hesitating for thirty seconds, he decided to clear the level with other players he didn't know.

   And the game starts.

   Li Yu fired the first shot, and like Cheng Lei, he exclaimed instantly.

  And the game has a built-in voice system.

   But be it.

  He is a social terror, and the other three players are not much better.

  So although Li Yu had the same ideas as Cheng Lei, his side was not as noisy as Cheng Lei's side at first.

   On the contrary, he was very silent.

  Even if all four players think the game is awesome, no one speaks, they all shout in private.

   And this also made their game progress a lot faster.

  Cheng Lei and Jing Chao have just arrived at the shopping mall, while filling the exhibited cars with gasoline, while facing the constant tide of zombies, and seeing the real body of the tank for the first time.

   As for Li Yu, it has come to the third chapter of the Black Carnival.

   But still no one spoke.

   Occasionally, someone will make a sound, but most of the time it is a meaningless modal particle.

  The true nature of social fear is fully displayed.


  At the end of the first level of the Black Carnival, everyone has broken the ice.

  The reason for breaking the ice is very heartwarming.

  The first level of the Black Carnival, in front of the safe house in the parking lot, everyone has cleaned up the zombies along the road and came to the door of the safe house.

  However, everyone was not in a hurry to enter the safe house, but leaned against the safe house to clean up the scattered zombies nearby.

  But a buddy named 'Full of Courage' seemed to find it unsatisfactory after cleaning up the wandering zombies. Following the faint cry, he went to wake up Witch as well.

   Then turn around and run.

   rushed towards the direction of his three teammates, trying to enter the safe house.

  The three teammates looked confused.

   Then when he saw Witch, he immediately turned around and ran away.

   And Li Yu finally came to his senses.

  The player named 'Full of Courage' successfully entered the safe house. Seeing that Witch was about to get behind him, he immediately closed the door and blocked Li Yu from the safe house.

  Li Yu was stunned for a moment, and he didn't care about any social fears. He even forgot to open the door, and shouted: "I haven't entered the house yet! I haven't entered the house yet!"

  Excited tone.

  He looked like he was going crazy.

  No way, for first-time players, the oppression of witches and tanks is really too strong.

   Before he could finish his sentence, he was knocked down by the chasing Witch and fell outside the safe house.

  Three teammates who had just rushed into the safe house were stunned when they saw Li Yu fell to the ground, then quickly opened the door and ran out, and together they solved the Witch who kept tormenting Li Yu.


  The four fell into an awkward silence...

  Finally, Li Yu was rescued by 'full of guts'.

   While rescuing, he said awkwardly: "Sorry, I didn't know you hadn't come in yet."

  Li Yu: "...So that's why you woke up Witch?"

  The other two teammates heard the conversation between the two.

   I can't hold back anymore.

   "Hahahaha, close the door so quickly! Grace is bound to be broken!"

   "Hahahaha, wait for a wave to beat your teammates! Hit the black gun in the back!"


The 'full of guts' couldn't help laughing: "I'm a little nervous, I see the safe house is right in front of me, and I want to see if Witch will rush in... But this thing is too oppressive, 'you wake up After playing Witch' with creepy music, my brain went blank."

   “The atmosphere is really good.”

  Li Yu didn't continue to worry about it, but agreed: "I just forgot that I can open the door. Every time I hear the game characters calling tanks and witches, I get nervous..."

   "Hahaha, it's all the same. In fact, special infected people are very exciting. They can always pop up out of nowhere to add excitement to the game. I don't know what Linmu Studio thinks."

  “To be honest, when the tank in the mall appeared in the first chapter, I yelled it out. The feeling of crazy shooting is really great.”

"I am the same. Anyway, I think the biggest feeling of playing this game is that it is cool. There is no decryption and escape elements. The whole process is to keep the left button and never let go. Kill all the way to the end! There is a feeling of breaking out of the encirclement, even in the face of special infected people , it was just a short-term difficulty, but it was even more refreshing!"

   "The balance of all aspects of the game is too good, the rhythm is relaxed, and the existence of special infected people has invisibly increased the fun of cooperation!"

   "Linmu Studio is awesome! I love this game so much!"


   All of a sudden.

  The chatterbox was opened.

  The four of them chatted about the game while playing.

   And the more we chat, the more energetic we become.

  A closing of the door with no mercy turned out to be an opportunity to break social terror.

  In the next game, the four of them are no longer socially afraid, they will call for help when they encounter special feelings, and they can also speak and cooperate.

   And they cooperate more and more handily.

  Actually, the game foundations of the four players are all different.

   But during the game, no one felt that anyone was cheating, and no one felt that they were not doing their job.

   After all, it’s not a difficult fight, and you can’t show special infected people. Could it be that you can’t beat ordinary zombies?

   This is definitely not possible.

  So after the relationship was broken, the four of them played games and became more and more harmonious.

   Black Carnival, the final chapter.

  The plot requires the four protagonists to use the stage fireworks and lights in the playground to attract the attention of the helicopter.

  The four players looked at the stage in the game and the countless empty seats around them.

   While imagining the next "performance effect", he began to arrange gasoline cans around the stage.

   And wait until everything is ready.

  Li Yu turned on the light show on the stage.

  Countless gorgeous fireworks shot up from the edge of the stage and exploded violently.

  The light fireworks show officially started.

  The moment when the explosive rock music sounded.

   In the distance, the howling of corpses also sounded.

  【They are coming】

   Accompanied by such a reminder.

  In the originally empty stage seats, countless zombies appeared, and they rushed towards the four survivors on the stage.

   Tap tap.

  The four gun lines began to pour ammunition crazily.

  As the gasoline barrels just arranged around the stage were blown up and ignited.

  Fire, fireworks, and gunfire appeared in front of Li Yu and other four players at the same time.

  Countless zombies fell to the ground.

  The sound of gunfire combined with the gorgeous blooming fireworks is like an ensemble.


  Li Yu couldn't bear it any longer. He directly changed to a melee weapon, the guitar, and then held the guitar handle. With a guitar, he headshot the ordinary zombie approaching, and then howled directly: "Welcome everyone to the concert!"

no way.

  The atmosphere is created so well!

  The romance of a concert at the end of the day!

   Which other game can do this!


  The other three people also laughed when they heard what he said: "It's really like a concert."

   "Is there a handshake roll? If not, don't get close, or your head will explode!"

   "Chinese New Year!"



   "He didn't get close, he just rushed forward."

   "Ha ha ha ha ha."

  Four people control the characters and stand in the center of the stage, just like facing a crazy audience at a concert, constantly cleaning up zombies and immersing themselves in the atmosphere created by the game.

  I'm so happy.

  The only feeling is... great.

   Lighting fireworks on the stage to fight zombies, you really have it, Linmu Studio!

   This 'show' lasted for quite a while.


  The stage is not far away.

  The rescue helicopter roared and fell.

  At the same time, the game reminds them 'rescue is here, go up! ’, they finally got rid of the zombies in the distance and went to the location of the rescue helicopter.

But at the same time.

  The strongest zombie in the game, with an extremely large size, can easily knock survivors, other infected people, and even car trash cans into the air. Tanks also appeared.

  He wreaked havoc, and when he got close to the survivors, he would smash them up.

   "Whoever has a Molotov cocktail, throw one!"

   "Watch people!"

   "Rush, rush, walk and retreat, go to the helicopter."

   "Brother, here is a medicine bag!"


  The four retreated while dealing with the powerful tank.

   Molotov cocktails, bullets, and melee weapons are constantly beckoning.

   Finally got rid of the first tank.

  The location where the helicopter lands.

   More zombies rushed over.

   And the second tank appeared.

  The four fought and retreated again, watching each other, one of them attracted the attention of the tank, while the others frantically called to the back of the tank and dropped incendiary bombs.

   If anyone falls.

  Go to the rescue immediately.

  The other two continue to attract tanks.

  The waves of corpses followed.

  The roar of the helicopter keeps attracting zombies.

  Ordinary zombies that keep pouring out are mixed with special infected people.

  The scene was once very chaotic.

Too much.

  Too many zombies.

   The four players who played for the first time had no experience, and people fell to the ground frequently.

   But even if someone gets on the helicopter and sees someone falling down, they will immediately come down to rescue them, then fall down and pull, pull and continue to fight.

   Just under this chaotic scene.

  The four of them forcibly fought their way out!

   Nervous is nervous!

   But cool is really cool!

  Finally, the four of them came to the rescue helicopter neatly.

   Rock music was still playing on the stage, as if they were seeing Li Yu and other players off.

  When all four of them boarded the helicopter.

  See the helicopter gradually take off.

   Li Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   "It's so exciting!!"

   And at this time.

  The player who had just started shutting him down spoke his heart out.

  The other two teammates immediately laughed happily and said, "Yes, yes, that's too much. I really don't want to get on the plane and the zombie tide won't stop! I'm like God of War, the guitar feels like it's smashed, and it still falls down."

   "Cool! So cool! It's like we're having a party in a zombie lair! Then fight your way out! This level is awesome! This game is awesome!"

   "Damn it! The four of you beat them with the forceful method of dragging people!"

   "Brothers, keep going!"


   At this moment, the four of them have completely lost their social terror at the beginning, but are full of laughter.

  Everyone let go.

  Especially after clearing the last level of Black Carnival.

   While in front of the screen.

  Li Yu listened to the nonsense of these teammates who came from all over the world and did not recognize each other, and smiled lightly.

   Then I was a little emotional.

  Is there any other game that can do this?

   Not only can the foundation of several games be completely different, but people who play different games can get started quickly.

   The game is well-made! The ambiance is excellent! Can make people have a sense of substitution.

   Moreover, it also allows players to help each other and enhance their relationship, just like going through a movie together.

  Is there any other game company that can do this?

there is none left!

can only say.

  Linmu Studio... awesome! !


  November eleventh.

this day.

   Countless players entered "Left 4 Dead" at the same time.

  They either form wild teams, play with friends, or play alone.

   But whatever the case.

   Players are amazed and happy for the game.

  Even if you are playing alone, there are AI teammates to accompany you.

  They are not stupid, and they will give players blood packs.

   will continue to talk to relieve the loneliness of the player.

   As for the quality of the game itself, as Lin Yao's most famous game in her previous life, it is also one of the most enduring games.

   Really did not disappoint the players here at all!

  Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao sat in her seat, looked at the online data in the background of the game, and smiled.

   Then she thought about it and opened the live broadcast website.

  Live broadcast Although the capital’s enthusiasm has been slightly reduced recently due to takeaway and taxi-hailing, the enthusiasm of users has not diminished.

   It’s quite prosperous.

   And the stand-alone game released by Linmu Studio, of course, it is impossible for the anchor to miss it.

  So Lin Yao did not spend much effort, and found a live broadcast room that was broadcasting "Left 4 Dead".

   That anchor seems to be a FPS expert.

  The game has only just been released.

  He and his friends have reached the chapter of "Stormy Storm".

  When Lin Yao entered the studio.

  They are playing the last level of the stormy chapter.

  As the name of this chapter indicates—Storm!

  The sky was overcast with clouds, blocking most of the light.

  Then it hit suddenly, like a typhoon, the torrential rain further affected the line of sight.

   It's gray.

   Zombies howling.

  The tide of corpses is coming.

  It's raining heavily!

   The sense of oppression is overwhelming!

  The blurred vision makes the player not know where the special infected are attacking from, and at the same time they have to deal with countless ordinary zombies.

   What does the word “survival” mean? It has been perfectly interpreted at this moment.

   "My turtle..."


  The face of the anchor visibly became tense.

   And comment in real time.

  Countless watching players became nervous just watching.

   "This is too desperate!"

"My God, this is too depressing. Why are these four unlucky people so unlucky? Either they missed the rescue helicopter or the helicopter pilot was infected. Now the ship is out of gasoline. It's hard to find gasoline, and they have to face this terrible weather again! "

   "The atmosphere is really great... Whether it's the details of the rainstorm blocking the view, or the muffled sound of the rainstorm falling, it's really amazing!"

   "While waiting for the rescue, the heavy rain suddenly became heavier, and the zombies kept coming, but they couldn't be seen clearly... Fuck, it's really like being there, and Linmu Studio really has a hand."

   "Ask if you don't understand, is this an experimental work?"


  Lin Yao glanced at the real-time comments of the players.

   And at this time.

  Live screen, the anchor has already begun to deal with the first wave of corpses after the rainstorm suddenly became larger.

   Sure enough, the situation is full of problems.

  The anchor and his friends took turns shouting.

   Especially when tanks come out.

   "Fuck! This atmosphere! This weather! Could it be so realistic! I can't see anything clearly, and the other party will only know where the zombies come from."

   "I want to be a deserter, why don't we go back to a safe house, Brother Li..."

   "... Make sure you look at your face, the audience is watching!"


   "Molotov Molotov cocktail! Throw it at me! Set me on fire!"

   "Think about it with your pig's brain, it's raining heavily! Light one up and show me!"

   "Is it burning!? Look at me charging towards the tank, whether it is burning or not!! Wait... help!"


  The two were chatting with each other, adding a touch of humor to the already depressing level.

  The attention of the audience was also attracted by these two live treasures, and they started ‘hahahaha’ instead.

  Lin Yao rested her chin with one hand, watched the live broadcast, and suddenly smiled softly.

  She thought of the scene when she played this game for the first time in her previous life...

   Sure enough.

  A good game will never become obsolete.

  People who liked to play back then will still like to play now.

  The players in that world like to play, and the players here will also like to play.


  It’s hard to gather the people who played together back then...

   Yeah, no one doesn't like games.

  Who doesn't love games, something that makes people happy and relaxing.

  But sometimes, it’s really easy for liking to kneel down in front of the pressure of survival.

   Enjoying games can sometimes become a luxury...

   "However, this is a new game."

  Lin Yao raised her head, stretched her waist, and said to herself: "It's not an old game launched more than ten years ago... so play it happily!"

   Speaking of last.

   She smiled brightly.

  Like a blooming rose.


   That night.

  The first batch of players who cleared the level appeared.

  The major game forums exploded.

   The quality of the game "Left 4 Dead" can be said to far exceed the expectations of all players.

  Especially when Linmu Studio didn't follow the routine, announced the game in advance, and then someone bad-mouthed it.

  Some players were indeed affected, and murmured.

   This made them feel uneasy the moment they opened the game.


   Finish the first level of the first chapter.

  They really realized what level this game is.

   The refreshment and excitement brought by the fast-paced game is really great!

   And the quality of the game far exceeded expectations, and even made their evaluation of the game much higher.

  After these players cleared the level, they ran to the forum almost without stopping for a moment, and began to brag about the game with other players.


   And liquidation.

  The post of 'Bamboo Zero 444' who just started bad-mouthing the game is still there. Because of the quarrel, that post was quite popular.

  Many players have made up their minds. If the game doesn’t work on release, it’s another story. But if the quality is great, then it’s time to liquidate it!


  Here it comes...

   "Speak! Bamboo Zero 444!"

"This is what you said, don't expect too much, right? The potential of zombie games has been tapped? Can you tell me which game can be like "Left 4 Dead", where you can run wildly in the endless tide of zombies and experience the adrenaline rush?" Exhilaration?"

   "Tense, exciting, immersive! What kind of bicycle do you need? Come out and talk!"

   "I want to ask the host, did you make it to the Black Carnival!? Did you clear the storm? I want to know how you feel after the fight. It's nothing else, just an interview."

   "Playing with a few friends, four people support, fight together, and kill zombies together, it's really great! If this kind of work is still an experimental work, then I can't wait for more experimental works!"

   "The landlord didn't buy the game, did he? Why didn't he talk?"


  Many players output under the post.

   is also quite intense.


   It's more of a joke.

  The player whose ID is 'Zhu Ling 444' hasn't replied for a long time.


  The post he posted was pushed to the popular board again.

  He finally appeared on the 523rd floor.

   And his reply is also very simple...

  【Just finished the stormy level of "Left 4 Dead"...[White Flag][Kneeling][Picture]]

  He confessed that he also plays games.

   Then, I sent a white flag of surrender and a kneeling emoticon, and finally attached a sand sculpture map that the player modified.

   It was Lin Yao who spread her wings and descended from the sky, holding a sand sculpture of "Left 4 Dead".

   It’s just a sand sculpture picture sent by this user, which has been changed again.

  Based on the original, he added a kneeling stickman in front of Lin Yao, and added an ID on the stickman's head, which was his own ID—'Zhu Ling 444'.

  This 'Bamboo Zero 444' didn't say much.

   But it seems to say a lot again...

it is more than words.

   And after his reply was discovered.

   Countless players made 'laughing' expressions.

   Replied nearly a thousand floors.


   One week.

  Just a week!

   "Left 4 Survival", which did not follow the routine, sold 2.4 million copies!

  The game has been released for a week, and there are still millions of online players in the game...

   Such a result, if it is not considered a success.

   Then there aren't many successful games!

   This zombie-themed game has exploded!

   And it is blooming at the same time at home and abroad!

   One week after the game was released, Linmu Studio also announced a big news at the right time.

   That is—they will launch the editing toolkit of "Left 4 Dead" to serve the next creative workshop, and at the same time allow players to unpack the game vpk file and extract game resources, such as model textures and the like.

  In addition, they will directly increase the import entrance of creative workshop items in the game.

   And that means.

   Players can freely change models and make their own maps!

   As soon as the news came out.


  Whether you are a player who wants to do it or a player who doesn't, rejoice!

   Less than two days.

   "Left 4 Dead" creative workshop has a bunch of weird mods, mainly mods that replace the images of the four protagonists in the game.

  But these mods, just after they were released, the number of downloads exceeded 10,000 or even 100,000 within minutes!

this moment.

  The energy of this game, how great the atmosphere of the Forest Studios gaming community really is, is on display.

   Colleagues of Linmu Studio, this week watched the game "Left 4 Dead" explode.

   Now seeing this again, seeing Left 4 Dead become a hit again without a doubt…

   There is only one thought.

  Linmu Studio... really handsome.

  (end of this chapter)

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