MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 668 There should be no promotional videos for the e-sports festival, right?

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  Chapter 668 There should be no promotional video for the e-sports festival, right?

   Mou Feng's question.

  Doomed to have no answer.

   Because there is no one who can give him the answer.

at last.

  They still postponed announcing that they would make a MOBA mobile game, and then competed with Linmu Studio's "Climb to the Top".

   And this year's Forest E-sports Festival was grandly opened at the beginning of December.

   But this year's e-sports festival, how should I say it.

  Because "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" did not follow the routine, they were all released before the opening of the e-sports festival.

  So most players think that this year's e-sports festival should not be the same as in previous years. During the game, there will be various promotional videos to watch, and it will be called the exclusive time of the forest studio together with the forest carnival.

   It has to be said, it's a pity.

  Because since Linmu Studio added advertisements and promotional videos during the e-sports festival.

  Many game award ceremonies at the end of the year are overshadowed by the e-sports festival.

   No way, the popularity of the e-sports festival is really too exaggerated.

   As the pioneer of e-sports, Forest E-sports Festival not only has the old-fashioned "Breakout" project, but also added a lot of new projects in succession.

   And among these projects, which one is not highly anticipated?

  Let’s not talk about competitions like the Forest E-sports Festival. Just the leagues of their two MOBA games “Hero” and “Dota”, the commercial value of which is beyond the reach of many competitions held by their own peers.

  Many colleagues are discussing it.

  Linmu Studio is indeed a pioneer in the formalization of e-sports.

   This sentence is correct.

   But after they finish first, the direct winner takes all...

  With so many awesome electronic projects, the volume of the Linmu E-sports Festival has been mentioned again and again, and finally it has reached a very exaggerated level.


  Linmu Studio has joined the e-sports festival again, adding a preview of new games or new products...

  The heat exploded directly.

  Which game awards ceremony can gather so many e-sports players, hold so many popular game events, and hold events every year, and he has a bunch of game promotional videos to watch?

absolutely not!

  So in the past two years, for gamers, no event at the end of the year was as interesting as the Forest E-sports Festival.

   As for the e-sports players.

  The forest e-sports festival is the highest stage in their minds. Many professional players dream of winning a championship in the forest e-sports festival.

  Glory is one aspect.

  The most important thing is that the bonus is really high...

  Basically, it is mentioned once a year.

  As for why it is possible to do this.

   Many colleagues have investigated.

  Tickets for the Forest E-sports Festival actually account for a very small share of the total revenue.

  With such a large e-sports festival, the advertising revenue brought by it enough for Linmu Studio to make money.

compare to.

   There is not much money to sell tickets.

   Otherwise, colleagues would not imitate Linmu Studio to do e-sports.

   But they are really too much work...the speed of launching the game is really too fast.

   This thing can't be imitated at all.

compare to.

  Imitating their mobile games is simply difficult.

  So after a severe beating.

  Now many peers have given up, and only a few are still running their own e-sports events.

   But compared to the Forest Tree E-sports Festival, its popularity is sky-high.

  As for the beginning of the year...the Forest Carnival is the absolute king.

   In short.

   No matter the player is due to the pressure of life, or because of some other reasons, after leaving the game for a while, after returning, he will never feel that everything remains the same, and the game circle is a new atmosphere every year.

  Because of the existence of Forest Carnival and Forest E-sports Festival!

   Players have already described these two events as "players must not miss".


  Although "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" were announced before the e-sports festival this year, even "Left 4 Dead" was released, which is very cool.

  But some players still think it's a pity.

  The forest e-sports festival is coming to an end...

   After all, if you think about it normally, Linmu Studio announced two new games before the e-sports festival, and there will definitely not be much content in the future.


  Some people think differently.

  For example, Mou Feng thinks differently.

  He thinks there will be…

  Since he thought of the terrible possibility that the two games "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" were just the beginning.

  He always felt that Linmu Studio was completely crazy...

   That might be a bit of an exaggeration.

  However, he really thinks that Lin Mu Studio is doing something super big... especially after thinking about Lin Yao not showing up recently.

  But deep down in his heart, he felt that this was unlikely...

   After all, what is Lin Yao doing this for?

   Before your own influence is eliminated, drain the wallets of the players?

  Lin Yao is not such a person...

   So the only possibility he could think of was.

  At the beginning, the mobile game "Climb to the Top" under Linmu Studio became a hit, which attracted the attention of the entire industry and followed up.

   And Linmu Studio didn't want to disappoint traditional players, so it announced the content of the e-sports festival in advance to appease the players...

  Under the circumstances, this year’s e-sports festival will definitely not have much new content.

   This is the most reasonable explanation.

   But, is that really the case?

   Various ideas collide.

  Mou Feng didn't know which one was right.

   When he came back to his senses, he had already started the live broadcast of this year's Forest E-sports Festival...

at the same time.

  Countless players also started the live broadcast of the Forest E-sports Festival.

  For example, Li Yu.

  He didn't go to the scene, mainly because it was not easy to go again. He had just used up his annual leave during the carnival.

  Although I was watching a live broadcast.

  But Li Yu felt that the experience was pretty good. Although the atmosphere was a bit poor, he could experience the best stage perspective.

   This year's opening ceremony was as excellent as ever.

   If you go to the scene, it is probably worth watching the fireworks show!

  Especially if you guys just finished playing Left 4 Dead.


  The exhibition event of this year's carnival is exactly the confrontation mode of "Left 4 Dead".

  In order to announce the news, Linmu Studio directly decorated a sub-stage to look like the last level of the Black Carnival of "Left 4 Dead".

   It can be said to be a one-to-one replica.

  So when the lights on the secondary stage came on, the players who had just finished playing the game couldn't hold back immediately.

   Is there anything better than this! ?

   After the performance, the cheers that seemed to melt the entire stadium sounded.

   "Hahahaha, I'm afraid the players will rush up."

   At the moment.

  The real-time comments in the live broadcast room were scrolling crazily.

  Many players were led to post this comment.

   Li Yu smiled, and then gave a big punch.

   Every year, Forest Studio will do these tricks at the end of the opening ceremony to surprise players.

   And the flower work is different every year!

   This is also one of the most anticipated links for players.

   But no matter how cool it is, there will always be a moment when it ends.

   It is estimated that the opening game will start next.

   Li Yu saw the lights on the stage where the band was dimmed, and was about to get up to go to the bathroom, and then came back to watch the game.

   "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" have been announced. There should be no game announcements this year...

   And just as Li Yu was thinking about this, he got up.

  The lights on the stage were all dimmed.


  The home screen suddenly lights up.

  A strangely shaped 'box' appeared on the screen, and began to reorganize continuously.

  It is constantly changing its shape.

   It's like a Rubik's Cube.

  It is the logo after the transformation of Linmu Studio. As soon as this logo appeared, the players have not been disappointed.

  Li Yu was never disappointed.

   So see this scene.

  He paused, then sat down immediately, eyes widening.

  There are more this year! ?

   And the other side.

  Mou Feng covered his forehead.

   Sure enough...

  How could there not be.

  No matter how emotional Linmu Studio is, it is impossible to sacrifice to surprise players and become a regular program, which can bring a steady stream of advertising revenue to the Linmu E-sports Festival...

   And just when Mou Feng was annoyed and speechless.

on the screen.

  The constantly changing boxes dance on the screen.

   The speed is getting faster and faster.

faster and faster.

   Then accompanied by dynamic background music.

  The next moment.


   Countless wrapped things, like meteor-like light clusters, flew out of the box.

  One of the light clusters stood out and became the most conspicuous existence in the center of the screen.

  It flew around the billboards in the venue, and finally fell on the main stage, turning into a sky full of brilliant light.

   Home screen.

   "World of Warcraft (World of Warcraft several large gold characters slowly emerged.


  A voice that is extremely familiar to countless players rang out.

【my son…】

   Hear this line.

   Look at the picture on the main stage.

  The audience at the scene was stunned, and then burst into extremely warm cheers in an instant.


   In front of the screen.

  Li Yu was also stunned, and then he was shocked: "The Lich King!? The Lich King is finally going to appear in World of Warcraft!?"

  Whether the Lich King will appear in online games has been discussed by players for a long time.

   If you want to talk about the most impressive character in the game "Warcraft", then there must be Alsace, a dutiful son.

   And in the Warcraft online game.

  Although the main battlefield is still in Outland.

   But Alsace's name has appeared many times.

  As for the Northrend continent where the Frozen Throne is located, npcs have always mentioned it.

  So many players feel that the map is about to be opened.


   They didn't expect it.

   This news will appear at the e-sports festival, and... the map will come with Alsace!

  【My son—I am proud to watch you grow up day by day. 】

  【Become the embodiment of justice! 】

  【You have to remember that we have always ruled this country with wisdom and strength】

  【I also believe that you will use your powerful power carefully...】

  Stage on main screen.

  The voice of the old king of Lordaeron kept ringing.

  But the irony is that Lordaeron on the screen has become a place of ruins full of death.


  The screen slowly rises into the sky.


  Countless snowflakes fell.

  The picture came to Northrend, a continent of ice and snow.

in the Legends.

  The last blue dragon in the world.

  The guardian dragon, Malygos, spread his wings covering the sky and flying over the glacier.

   At the same time, its deep voice sounded.

  【This world... has been corrupted by those creatures who use magic indiscriminately! 】

  【The foolish actions of the Kirin Tor and the mortal mages have thrown the world into chaos! 】

  【They should no longer be allowed to abuse such power...】

  Next scene.

   In a dark environment.

  Yogg-Saron, the ancient god, is entrenched in it. Although the specific shape cannot be seen clearly, its sharp giant teeth and huge tentacles stir the darkness.

  【My wish make those monsters in my nightmares...the devil with many faces...cowardly before my real salute the **** of death!"]


  The screen changes again.

   One of the original five paladins of the Silver Hand Knights, Tirion Fordring re-bathed the Holy Light.

  【I will give you a quick death, Arthas, which is much more comfortable than the thousands of lives you harvested. 】

   And the end of the promotional video.

  The picture shows the depths of Icecrown Glacier.

   On the Frozen Throne.

  Holding Frostmourne, Arthas in heavy armor is thinking deeply.

  He suddenly sensed something, and slowly raised his head.

  The position of the eye sockets on the helmet is like liquid ice, and it is like blue fire-like energy, slowly overflowing.

  The screen becomes dark.

   Until only the liquid frost in Alsace's eyes remained.

  【"World of Warcraft" 4.0 new version - "Norrend"】

  【Next spring, please look forward to it! 】


  The moment the promotional video ends.

   Shanhu tsunami-like cheers sounded at the scene!

  Although this new version, the project leader Lei Hongguang followed Lin Yao's suggestion.

   Didn't amplify his move as soon as he came up, throwing out the Lich King.

   In this version, players cannot fight the Lich King.

  The entire expansion will be divided into two parts, and the next version will be Wrath of the Lich King in the true sense.

  This version will focus on the Nexus war launched by Malygos, one of the guardian dragons, and the process of Tirion Fordring forming the Argent Crusade after the death of his son.

  But the information revealed in the promotional video is enough for players to cheer.

  Familiar characters appear one by one.

   And all of them are forced to Graham.

  Brand new big version, brand new map, brand new story.

   And the Lich King that everyone is most interested in!

   What kind of bicycle does this need!

   "666, I knew it was impossible for Linmu Studio to give up the surprise part of the e-sports festival!"

   "There is more! There are more surprises!"

   "It's amazing, I feel like I'm celebrating the Chinese New Year every day now! "Assassin's Creed" has just watched the promotional video, and I look forward to the game's release at the end of the year! Good guy! The new version of "World of Warcraft" is coming again."

   "Assemble the brothers, we will meet Alsace!"

   "No, I heard the voice of the old king, and I felt that I was going to faint with excitement!"


   Live streaming site.

  Real-time comments.

  The players kept brushing all kinds of excited words.

   In front of the screen.

Mou Feng watched the promotional video that had been broadcast to the end and the discussion of the players, and heard the deafening cheers from the scene, couldn't help but collapsed on the chair: "They still have online games! Yes, there are Online games. Why didn’t my pighead think of it…”

   And next.

   After the "Breakout" opener.

   That bouncing box reappears.

   Opening Ceremony Interval.

   There are new promotional videos coming out all the time, all of which are major updates of the online games under Linmu Studio.

  The audience of these online games originally came to watch their favorite game events.

   At this time, I will see the promotional video of the major version update.

   It can be said that it is double happiness... The expectations for the new version have soared to the highest.

  No one thought of it.

  E-sports festival site.

  After the two works of "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" were announced, and one of the games was released, Linmu Studio unexpectedly gave itself so many surprises!

   And Mou Feng was numb.

  He looked at the screen, just one question.

  Since Linmu Studio didn't surprise the players with the contents of the e-sports festival in advance.

  Then what is the purpose of the early announcement and release of "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed"! ?

  He couldn't figure it out at all, and he didn't want to think about it.

  The "Love Letter" project has not been announced. It is too difficult to figure out what the strategy of Linmu Studio is for this period of time.

   "...I wait for a fart!"

  Mou Feng stared at the live broadcast. After a long silence, he stood up abruptly and went to find Li Guangsheng.

   Can't wait any longer.

  Although he hasn't figured it out yet, he has a hunch.

   If you continue to wait, you may have to wait until the end of time!

  (end of this chapter)

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