MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 671 mad king

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  Chapter 671 Mad King

   "Assassin's Creed" released the second day.

no doubt.

   This game has become the hottest topic in the game circle.

   Even looks more discussed than Left 4 Dead!

   As for why...

  Lin Yao heard a very interesting conclusion in her previous life.

now that.

  Most of the series of game works, at least five or six series have been released, and the sales volume is still very good. All of them are games that are most suitable as "the first stand-alone game for young people".

  The vast majority of gamers can get happiness from it.

   And as they play more games, these players may find that other games are more fun for them.

   But these games won't be for everyone.

  And "Assassin's Creed" is the kind of game that is most suitable as "the first stand-alone game for young people".

   Although Ubisoft’s annual canned open world games have been complained about.

  But apart from Ubisoft, how many game companies are capable of producing similar games so frequently?

  Don't talk about bugs.

  Some game companies can't even make bugs!

   Their games may be boring to some players because they are too regular.

  But because of the regularity, their game operation is very friendly, the guidance is also strong, and the game content is also standard.

   In addition to the good picture, the assassin's movements are also handsome.

   All of these add up, it is really suitable as an entry-level stand-alone game.

   So the next day.

   "Assassin's Creed" is really a very outstanding advantage, it is difficult to say, but the game has reached a perfect balance in all aspects, in terms of popularity, it is higher than "Left 4 Dead"!

  This can be seen from the number of evaluations.

  Many colleagues actually played "Assassin's Creed".

   But after they finished playing this game, they gave an evaluation that this is a well-balanced game in all aspects, not amazing.

   But "Left 4 Dead" is different. Although it doesn't have handsome actions and characters, the game plot is almost a cycle of four unlucky guys rushing on the road, failing to catch up, and continuing on the road. But the advantages of this game are very prominent, and it can be said that it is the ceiling of the zombie theme category.

   But these two games with such sharp contrasts turned out to be more balanced in all aspects. In the eyes of many peers, games that are quite mediocre in all aspects except art and gameplay are more popular.

  And... this game has also attracted a large wave of cute new players.

  The new players here do not refer to players who have never played games, but to players who are less exposed to stand-alone games.

  The last time Linmu Studio launched a new stand-alone game that could attract so many new players was when COD was released...

  But the advantages of COD are also outstanding.

   So why is this?

  Many colleagues can't figure it out.

  I can only watch helplessly as this game becomes more and more popular... more and more.

   Moreover, after playing the game, many players changed their social account avatars to Assassin's coat of arms.

   Then the phrase "everything is false, everything is allowed" once became a popular trend among young people.

   And there is the white hood! It has become one of the most popular peripherals of the game!

  Linmu Studio did not go out of the surrounding area.

  But the next day, many players were searching for similar products... and some merchants also keenly noticed this business opportunity, and then urgently pre-sold similar products.

  The sales volume is still very good.

  The development of the situation has exceeded the expectations of all colleagues.

   Until this time, many colleagues did not find out.

  The game "Assassin's Creed" is indeed balanced in all aspects, without any outstanding advantages.

But because it is moderately difficult, the threshold is not high, you can play it at any time and close it at any time, it is suitable for relaxation and there will be a little tension at the same time, it also has historical elements, can understand human geography, and has fancy and handsome fighting performances and parkour gameplay, and a neat plot...

   Veteran players can find fun! Even new players can find fun!

  And many elements of this game are really in line with the popular culture of contemporary young people.

  Old players plus new players who came because of the promotional video, it’s no wonder that it’s more popular than "Left 4 Dead"!

  And "Assassin's Creed" has logically become a clear stream in the stand-alone market that has a tendency to solidify recently and the growth of players is sluggish.

  Linmu Studio directly used "Assassin's Creed" to achieve the second wave of growth of stand-alone game players!

   And these players.

Needless to say.

  After playing "Assassin's Creed", I think it is interesting and I will definitely contact other stand-alone machines consciously, especially when the Vaporwave game platform of Linmu Studio is often discounted.

  These people are expected to continue to bring income to Linmu Studio...

  After thinking clearly about the context.

  Countless colleagues have broken their defenses.

  This damn.

   This is all right!

  Games are launched so frequently, and each game is different, not only the type is different, but the purpose is also different.

   Then they also had the same thoughts as the players...

  Linmu Studio's understanding of games...has it reached perfection?

  It can not only make "Left 4 Dead", which is refreshing, create an invincible atmosphere, and can play happily alone, but also can fight with other players, which is a linear game with outstanding advantages.

  It can also be a game like "Assassin's Creed" that is balanced in all aspects, fits the popular culture of modern young people, and can attract new players.

   And then there’s Modern Scrolls…

  Attract new users here, and kill them there.

   Simply invincible.

  Now they can't even imagine what it will be like to release "Modern Scrolls", which was the first to be announced, seems to be the largest, and which Linmu Studio values ​​most...

   Also, most importantly.

  After the release of Assassin's Creed by Forest Studio.

  The attention of mobile games has dropped a lot again.

   After all, when it comes to experience, mobile games really can’t compare with 3A standard stand-alone games.

   Except for the previously launched mobile games, because they have a fixed audience, they will not be affected.

  The subsequent mobile games will not even attract the first wave of audience, traditional players, let alone break the circle to attract ordinary people.

  After all, this is not Lin Yao’s previous life. Because of console bans and other issues, in terms of popularity, online games in the PC era are always greater than stand-alone games with buyout system, while mobile games in the mobile era are the absolute kings.

  There is Linmu Studio here, and the domestic game market environment is completely reversed.

  Linmu Studio is like taking medicine again during this time... producing games like crazy.

   I can only say despair.

   Really hopeless...


  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng cleared "Assassin's Creed", and then stared blankly at the game on the screen, Yuyu.

   It's not that the game is too good.

  This game is actually in his mind, and the evaluation is not high, especially when the producer is Linmu Studio.

   Compared with other stand-alone games of Linmu Studio.

   Really too regular.

   It doesn't look like a forest studio game.

  Once their games are launched, they don’t stop until they amaze everyone.

   But this game, the parkour and assassination mentioned in the promotional video, he didn't feel very amazing during the game, handsome is handsome, cool is really cool.

   But that's all.

  But this game is the most comfortable single-player game he has played during this period of time...

  The main reason is that the difficulty is not high. It doesn’t matter if you don’t do the main line once in a while. Travel around the holy city, and do it when you encounter a branch line. Experience exotic customs and play cool.

   And I want to be the main storyline, and I can get a movie-level plot experience...

  This is not as restrictive as a linear game, nor does it feel empty like an open world game that fills the number.

  Everything is just right.

   Play halfway through.

  He already knew that this game would definitely attract a large wave of players who were less exposed to stand-alone games.

   And the fact is as he expected.

   How can this not be depressed...

   "I can guarantee that there was no such game company in China before, and there will never be any in the future."

  Mou Feng leaned back, then looked at Li Guangsheng, sighed, and said what was in his heart: "No matter what, Linmu Studio will leave a strong mark in the history of games, and there is no way to surpass it."


  Li Guangsheng did not object for the first time, but after a moment of silence, he said: "I know, but now is not the time to pay attention to this matter, let's think about the release time of our mobile game."

   "Fifteen days later, let the publicity and distribution department create momentum."

Mou Feng replied directly without any hesitation: "That's the best time. I didn't know the purpose of Linmu Studio before, but now I vaguely guessed that they might just want to use it before the mobile terminal completely rises. Burn once, draw a perfect end to the old era, and climb to a peak again, leaving an indelible impression on the players.

  The current leader of Linmu Studio is still Lin Yao. Considering that she occasionally has a very emotional side, this possibility is very high.

   In the future, it is estimated that they will not do this again. After all, it is a commercial company, and the general trend is not something they can resist.

  If they really want to resist the trend of mobile games, where will they put Youmedia Technology?

It can only be said that we are too unlucky to meet an old king who wants to go crazy. He obviously only needs to take two steps to become the new king, but he wants to continue to shine on the road ...and to blind us followers. "

  When Mou Feng said this.

  The tone is really helpless.

  Because it is what it is.

After the two mobile games "Climbing to the Top" and "Day of Reincarnation" are launched, as long as Linmu Studios treats traditional games like this, and produces related mobile games like crazy, they will immediately become the new kings. There is no doubt that Mobile Game King!

  What kind of Jiaming alliance, Tianhu, will be a chicken and a dog by then.

  But they just don't want to launch it in FutureS2. The mobile phone market is about to usher in a full-scale upgrade time node, and they performed a wave of what is called a crazy king!

  They can even accept that the mobile game market is temporarily affected, and they have to burn it last.

   Secondary 2 is terrible!

   But they are acceptable, colleagues?

   My eyes are going to go blind...

  Because they are pioneers, the light is really too bright.

  Li Guangsheng: "...a bit of secondary school."

   "Because Linmu Studio is more secondary!"

Mou Feng retorted: "If my guess is correct, "Modern Scrolls" will be the last shadow they left us, the lingering shadow that hangs over the heads of all colleagues, and this will also be their last madness, Then they will focus on mobile games with peace of mind!

  These young people! I have nothing to say! It's my **** first time getting old, they really dare to charge! "

   Talking and talking.

  Mou Feng swears directly.

  Li Guangsheng: "..."

  Mou Feng took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and continued:

"Anyway, the current situation is like this, so it's decided! We can't wait until the release of "Modern Scrolls", or even until the popularity of "Assassin's Creed" completely dissipates, because as the final ending of "Modern Scrolls", Linmu Studio will definitely Announcing the game with the highest specifications, this is the red carpet for them to ascend the throne of the new king!

  They will do this, and if we want to keep up with Linmu Studio, we can only grasp the time difference. It is too early, and it is easy to hit the gun. It's too late, when "Modern Scrolls" is released, the enthusiasm will completely pass, and Linmu Studio will return to calmness, and other colleagues will react. When the mobile game market blooms again, we will be under great pressure. Participate in chaos. "

   "...I see, I'll arrange it now."

  Li Guangsheng nodded upon hearing the words, then turned and left immediately.

   And Mou Feng woke up the computer screen again, watching the "Assassin's Creed" that he had played for more than ten hours, and fell silent.

  Linmu Studio... The red carpet was really long enough, and it burned bright enough in the end.

   But okay.

   It's finally coming to an end.

   I just don’t know how dazzling their ending "Modern Scrolls" will be...

   Come to think of it.

  Mou Feng couldn't help sighing again.


  The thoughts of colleagues have little influence on the players.

   They're raving about the new game!

  The new game of Linmu Studio is undoubtedly a success.

   And forest studio.

  I am also very excited about this success.

   But the excitement only lasted for a day.

   It soon became calm.

  Because there are still many things to be busy...

   "Everything is true, everything is allowed, it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want!"

Lin Yao let go of the mouse, and looked at Mu Wanqing helplessly: "If you kill all the way, it's not called assassination, it's called a berserker, and of course you will die! And you have to understand it this way, not like the stupid Altaïr Yet?"


  Mu Wanqing looked at the out-of-synchronization prompt, and replied a little embarrassedly: "You can teach me later, I will definitely play..."

   "Okay...but why don't you cosplay the assassin? Ms. Mu"

  Lin Yao nodded, then thought for a while, showing a wicked smile: "The female version of an assassin!"

   "Do you want to see it?" Mu Wanqing didn't refuse, but blinked her eyes and asked back.

   "I want to see it." Lin Yao replied instantly.

  Mu Wanqing nodded when she heard the words: "That's doesn't matter if you are alone."

Lin Yao was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but said: "Miss Mu, you are the benchmark of a perfect girlfriend to some extent, not only will you accommodate the other party's interests, adapt to the game field you are not good at, and let you wear whatever you want. , to tell you the truth, I was moved..."

   "Then you are really excited."

  Manwan gave her an innocent look: "Why is my heart always moved..."

   "You better say heartbeat!"

  Lin Yao glared at her lightly.

   The two looked at each other, then smiled at each other, and hugged gently.

   "Don't play anymore, let's get the job done first."

  Lin Yao sat down again, took a sip of water, turned off the game, then looked at the email in OA, and asked, "Does the marketing department have any plans for the next game?"


  Mu Wanqing picked up the document on the desktop, and replied softly: "The next thing is "Titanfall", which will be officially announced in 15 days and will be released before the Spring Festival."

   "That's it."

  Lin Yao took the document in Mu Wanqing's hand, glanced at it for a while, and replied, "OK."

  (end of this chapter)

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