MTL - There’s A Beauty-Chapter 83 King

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The officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs are all veterans of fake accounts. The input and input are smoothed out in the morning. It is impossible to say that the emperor has found more than a dozen capable officials for review, even if it is to find one hundred. The great families are also waiting to see the emperor, waiting for the emperor to find out one or two or three to impeach him collectively, and the royal family members are also ready to attack.

However, things did not go as expected, but after checking the account for three days, the emperor has already found five or six large-scale cases of corruption, including the theft of military food, the theft of military food, the fraud, the interception of the treasury, and so on. The total amount of corruption reached This is a shocking twelve thousand, which is equivalent to the sum of the tax revenue of the country for ten years, and even involves hundreds of officials, large and small.

The first emperor did not want to kill the major generals stationed in the border area and tried to suppress it. Therefore, he turned a blind eye to the crime of stealing military rations and rations by the Ministry of Households, so that the situation became worse and worse. Because of this, as soon as the five princes talked about joining King Qin, the soldiers from all over the country gathered to respond and set him up as the new master.

He wants to rectify the dynasty outline, clean up the Ministry of Households, what can the capitalists do not promise? He only needs to transfer the horrific soldiers from the frontier Tigers, Benhus, and Dragon Riders to the capital and put them inside and outside the chapel. Who dares to say "no" under the sword sword and murderous spirit word?

Hube Shangshu was first sentenced to Ling Chi's execution, and the Jiulans of Zhulian were all subordinates. Not only the Ministry of Households, but also officials from other ministries have been implicated. The **** wind came too suddenly, making the dignitaries caught by surprise and anxious. They couldn't imagine how the emperor could sort out such a complicated account within three days, and how could he find the hard evidence?

When that was the case, the custodian Hushang who was being held in the prison also talked to them, saying that there was absolutely no problem with the accounts, and let them just mediate for themselves and then counter the emperor. Now look again, is this okay? It's a loophole! So someone got through the investigation of several officials of the Department of Inquisition, only to find out that all the evidence was actually found out by a young man seconded by the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and his ability to check accounts is unparalleled. And he has only checked one-tenth of his account now. If it continues, there will be more people involved.

If Zhao Langzhong is gone, the world will be peaceful! This idea came to the minds of many powerful people at the same time, and then they each ordered to go and buy their heads with heavy money.

Youyi's house is very lively recently. To protect his safety, King Yan Luo came every night, and left him in the side hall of Qianqing Palace safely the next day. The killers who visited Zhao's house were either crazy, unconscious, or unknown. For a month and a half, even Zhao Langzhong's side was not touched. The colleagues who betrayed him were dismissed from office, broken into the prison, and to be cut off after the fall.

It is also blame that their vision is short-sighted. If the errand is done well, it will be just around the corner. However, they thought that the emperor had a shallow foundation, and after all, they could not fight with the civil and military of the Manchu dynasty, but turned into an insider. As everyone knows, the emperor's foundation in the dynasty is indeed shallow, but he has three million soldiers and horses in his hands, and has dispatched most of the siege of the capital. The obedience is obedient, and another batch of new ones is not for him It's as simple as eating and drinking.

He did not rely on the support of the clan, or the support of his comrades in Central and Central China, and he did not need to be restrained by anyone. Unfortunately, very few people want to understand this.

In addition to the serious corruption problem, the Ministry of Households has also accumulated a large number of IOUs. Not only did the emperor love to take out the Treasury and Banks at will, the major officials also have the same example. Money, and even daily expenses, were taken out of Cooper's Bank, and the situation was very serious. Someone is a member of the royalists. After checking the books quickly, he joined the debt collection team of Outai, trying to make the master see his most capable side.

The imperial list urging everyone to repay as soon as possible has been posted, and after three days of no response, Outai is going to personally go to the Prince Li's family who owes the most money to collect debts. Prince Li is the brother of the first emperor's uncle and the uncle of Emperor Xuan Guang. He has stood up through two dynasties and has a lot of prestige in Beijing. As the so-called capture thief captures the king first, everybody you hold me, I hold you, you do not want to move first, then find the hardest idea to start with.

Ou Tai led many of the Guards menacingly, but he was beaten out by Prince Li ’s personal soldiers without even entering the door. Youyu was also pushed two times, fell on the side of the road, and accidentally pressed a token on the palm of his hand. He picked it up and found it very familiar.

Where does this pattern seem to have been seen? He thought about it, he couldn't help but be surprised, the shape of this token was very similar to that of King Yan Luo's waist, and the pattern carved on it was exactly the same as the mask of the fourth prisoner. How could there be such a coincidence? Who does this token belong to?

He observed the crowd without any trace, and found that everyone was dragging an oblique shadow, obviously a living person, and he was a little confused for a while. At the time of his death, Prince Li stepped forward and shouted, "If you do n’t have money, you have to kill one. Go back and tell the emperor that if he sends someone to harass again, the king will be killed in the tomb. Go to the local government to find King Yan Luo and sue him for infidelity! "The words slammed and locked the main entrance, and declined to see the guests.

Ou Tai, while holding the official cap, took a sip on the plaque of Prince's Mansion, turned around, and found that the token in his hand was familiar, and quickly grabbed it and tied it around his waist.

"Is this your token?" Slightly surprised.

"Can it be yours?" Outai glanced at him strangely.

Most tokens have this shape, and it is not surprising that they are similar by accident. When he saw that his response was dull, he relieved his doubts and helped each other to go to the Ministry of Justice. Outai seemed to hurt his waist. After sitting down, he hummed, groaning and groaning, and invited two more doctors for treatment.

After the Taiyi left, he seemed helpless and authentic, "Zhao Langzhong, you also saw that my official injured the lumbar spine and had difficulty moving. This errand is left to you? "

If you change people, you will definitely be disgusted with Ou Tai's evasion of responsibility. However, Youyi is very happy and quickly takes her away. Ou Tai and others walked away and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. His heart was very dangerous. If he was found out of Zhao Langzhong's identity, he and his master would also follow the capsize. Fortunately, Zhao Langzhong is clever and clever, but he doesn't care much about things and never doubts about ghosts.

Token's vignette turned around and forgot about it, and was full of debt collection. He wants to take this opportunity to make his masters look at each other's eyes. Naturally, he must do it properly and perfectly. Prince Li is a master of oil and salt. Depending on his seniority, he is used to taking accents and dealing with such people. If he is soft, he will be kicked on his nose. If he is harder, he will cause his dog to jump over the wall. What to do?

Youji never walked the ordinary way, and the eyes turned into the heart. In the evening, he led a group of ghost servants and entered the Prince's Mansion under the cover of blind eyes. He pulled the sleeping Prince and took him to the main hall for questioning. And his love lover was put to death, completely slept to death, the next day the sun can wake up.

Prince Li was confused and thought he was dreaming. He was surprised when he saw a man with a mask on his face sitting on the side of the hall and standing on both sides. The man professed to be King Yan Luo, and ordered him to return Ku Yin as soon as possible, otherwise he would be thrown into eighteen floors of hell.

Prince Li shouted injustice, resisted to the end, and was beaten on the ground by a bull's head and horse. He burned his whole body with the fire of hell, making him miserable and miserable. After being tortured for a long time, when life is worse than death, death is worse than life, he only scratched his head and said, "I will return the silver tomorrow, King Yan Luo, please a lot of adults, please forgive me this time."

Niutou Mamen escorted him back, pointed at the Jiao-mei woman on the bed-said, "Someone will come with debts tomorrow to collect debts. If you don't pay them back, let's see you in the local government."

When Prince Li was about to ask what the token was, he saw the horse stretch out a hoof, nodded the woman, and there was a gust of wind that cut off her hair, and then got involved in a small box. After the ghosts disappeared, Prince Li was paralyzed by the bed, terribly terribly shouting: the ghosts and gods' methods were really terrifying. If you refuse to obey, is it necessary to cut off your head next time? But death is not the most terrible. The terrible thing is that after death, you must suffer in **** forever. In this case, it is better to quickly return the silver, do more good deeds, and strive to accumulate good morals and change the opportunity for reincarnation.

Regardless of how Prince Li regretted it, here you have a box to return to the ghost house, ready to go to bed with a foot.

"Pretending to be the king's private hall, Zhao Youzhen, what should you do?" A deep voice suddenly sounded in his ear, causing him to step on the copper basin with one foot, making the ground covered with water.

"I, I am compelled to do so." Youma guilty.

"Forget about it, my king asked you, are you really Zhao Youzhen?" King Yan Luo patted him gently on his shoulder, and the two moved from the ghost house to the empty and quiet nether temple.

Youyi became more nervous, and said, "I'm Zhao Youyi, why do you ask that?"

Yan Luo Wang Dingding watched him for a long time before picking up the life and death book on the table, and mentioned, "Go to page 64 for yourself."

Feeling uneasy, I opened it with a trembling hand. I saw that the second, third, fourth, and fifth rows of page 64 were blank, but there were words on the side, which recorded a personal name, life, and number of lives. , Number of reincarnation, how much merit and so on. The lower and lower his head was, the more he dared not think about it.

Seeing this from King Yan Luo, he resolutely said, "My King has long found that the words about Zhao Youzhang on the book of life and death are gradually fading, and they have completely disappeared to this day. For a long time, I ca n’t find out where you came from, and there is no record on the book of life and death. It can be seen that you are not in this field. "

He suddenly looked up and questioned, "So you have been following me, trying to test me, doubting me?" He was so distressed that he never expected that the first friend he had identified was approached for this purpose. Yourself. Those who walked all the way, talked by candlelight at night, and trusted with heart, turned out to be all jokes.

"You're right, I'm a man from outside the world. What do you want to do to me now? Eat me?" His tone was flat, but tears rushed down, his blushing face was now pale. .

King Yan Luo stood still for a long time, approached him step by step, pressed him into a chair, put his hands on the armrest, imprisoned him in his arms, and said, "You are right, I really want to take you Eat it. "

You narrowed your eyes and choked, "I didn't expect you to be such a King Yan Luo! You have been lying to me!" He had to admit that his heart was almost broken, except for the master, this was him Favorite people like to forget that their positions are opposite.

"What are you crying for?" King Yan Luo leaned a little closer, and said dumbly, "I said I was going to eat you, but that's not the way to eat. Just your small body, just enough to eat, what's the point? I want to eat every day Just eat. "

Some trembling began to shiver, and trembled, "Are you going to fatten me and cut a pound of meat a day?"

King Yan Luo suddenly laughed, holding his slender-waist-limb with one hand, and touched his hip-hip with one hand, and mentioned, "You just said it wrong, it should be you who eat me, not me Eat you, use this, understand? "

Feeling the fingers between the thighs, the pale cheeks quickly turned red, and the rounded eyes were much larger, and I didn't dare to say, "You, you you you ..."

"What do you, I have liked you for so long, don't you feel it? I am the master of one realm," in fact it is the two realms, but there is no need to say, "I was already busy enough, but for I will accompany you around the clock, day and night, even at the expense of power, for you to take home property, cook house chores. I paid so much for you, but you turn around and fell in love with Emperor Xuan Guang, how can I be willing? Yes, I have long been I found that you are a person outside the world. If you want to kill you, why wait till now? "

He grabbed the tender-meat with his left cheek, and scolded, "Insane little bastard, how many lives do you owe me, and what should you pay for it?"

Yeah, he just wanted to kill me, but how can I wait till now? On the contrary, he has been protecting me and taking care of me. Think of it this way, all the fear and grief in your heart are replaced by guilt. He didn't dare to struggle, but he also stopped his tears, and after careful calculation, he really owed this person several lives, and upholding the principle of grace, he should really pay off, but what he wanted was ... My own back-yard flower, what can I do?

There was a tangled lover, feeling that the man's arms were as hot as a stove, making him sit up and be ashamed. He lifted his fart-strand, and kicked his legs again, anxious to turn into a grasshopper and jump out.

King Yan Luo grabbed his jaw, made him look straight at him, and said in a deep voice, "Look at your little face, except for shame, embarrassment, hesitation, there is no hatred and disgust. Does this mean what you know?"

"What does this mean?" Youyi's head was so confused that he couldn't think at all.

"This means you like me too, like me like Emperor Xuan Guang, but you don't want to admit it."

"Nonsense! I only like the master! I will like him in my last life, in my last life, in my life, in my next life, in my next life! I like him forever and ever!" You have already spoken incoherently, and do n’t know what he said, only feeling The tongue is knotted.

Such a declaration of infatuation, it was the first time that King Luo Luo heard it, his heart was moved and funny, and there was something unspeakably sour: The little **** said that he loved Xuan Guangdi in his mouth, but he loved to stick to himself, and he clearly liked both , Refused to admit it. Fortunately, the two belonged to the same person, otherwise he should have been hung up for a fight.

After squeezing his throat, he threatened, "Choose me or Emperor Xuan Guang, I will give you three days to consider. You must remember that no one can save you except me in this world. If this life and death Bo made other ghosts discover that you should know the consequences? "

Some uncles were sent back to the ghost house before they could react, and the ancestor immediately brought a basin of hot water to let him continue to soak his feet. Where did he have that mood, he wiped his feet and went to bed, and rolled all night without falling asleep. However, he returned to the public and went private, so he could not forget the public because of his private affairs. The next morning, he forced himself to go to the Prince's Mansion to ask for debt.

Seeing the hair in the small box, Prince Li was frightened and asked him where he got it from. Some uncles said that at night Yan Luo Wang asked him to bring something to ask for debt. Although he was doubtful, he tried it. Prince Li completely frightened his courage, smashed the pot and sold the iron to pay back the arrears, and wrote a confession to the emperor. When the court officials saw that Prince Li had compromised, they felt that they would find their way to death if they dragged on.

The already exhausted state treasury plumped up within half a month, making Emperor Xuan Guang happy, and he specially hosted a banquet in the Qing Palace to treat Zhao Langzhong. He is a well-deserved hero for the thorough investigation of the Ministry of Households and the recovery of national debt.

Due to the fact that there is something in the heart, you who have never dripped with alcohol, drank three glasses of spirits today, making the flour noodles like Xia and twin pupils cut water, very touching. Emperor Xuan Guang repeatedly persuaded him to drink with an unpredictable expression.

Just then, a tall figure appeared out of nowhere, slowly walked to the table, embraced Zhao Lang from behind, and whispered softly, "Three days have passed, do you want to?"

Youji woke up instantly and stuttered with a mental stammer, "No, no, how many days would you give me?"

"Day after day, when do you plan to drag it on?" King Yan Luo sneered into his plaque while slowly stroking-kneading-pulling. His hands can be made from emptiness, so he directly penetrates the fabric and touches the delicate and soft skin.

Youyu was paralyzed by the crispy-numb feeling, moaning and groaning, but the master looked aside, how could he show ugliness and had to bite his lip-flap to endure. King Yan Luo touched him during this gap, and when he pressed-rubbed his lower abdomen, he made him tremble suddenly, and then groaned-hummed.

Emperor Xuan Guang expressed a worried expression, "Zhao Langzhong, what's wrong with you? But you have a bad body. Would you like to call the doctor for treatment?"

"No, don't." Youma panted on the table, panting.

Emperor Xuan Guang quickly put him in his arms, while unbuttoning his jacket, and whispering in his ears, "But drinking too much chest tightness? Wait for me to rub it for you." He said slowly moving.

Both hands moved up and down, and they always pressed to the most sensitive place, which caused you to turn red and almost collapse. Just when he wanted to resist, King Yan Luo had gripped his chin from behind, turned his face back and kissed him deeply.

Can you kiss through a mask? Some magpies are maggots first, and then they reach out and push, but what they get is not the cold mask, but the extremely elastic texture. How does this undulating shape, high nose, deep eyes, thin lips become more familiar? The anxiety on his face slowly receded, turning into suspicion.

Seeing him so, King Yan Luo and Xuan Guang Emperor stopped moving together and laughed. Laughter overlapped strangely, making Youyi look left and right, her head dizzy.

"You guys, you have the same face?" He didn't even believe the words, and the light and flint finally remembered Outai's token, faintly realized.

King Yan Luo lifted his eyesight and slowly merged with Emperor Xuan Guang, and laughed, "Fool-melon, Emperor Xuan Guang is me, King Yan Luo is me, we are the same person."

There is a clenched fist and a tearful complaint, "You lied to me!" These days, he has been agonizing for his love of two people at the same time, but it turns out that these two people are masters! No wonder from the beginning, he couldn't take precautions against King Yan Luo, no wonder he naturally accepted him, trusted him, and had no reservations. That's because his subconscious has long been used to the breath of the other person's soul, and the body recognizes it earlier than the brain.

"You play with me!" Thinking of the threat three days ago, Youyi was even more angry.

Emperor Xuan Guang picked him up and threw it into the bright yellow tent curtain, whispering while kissing, "No matter who you choose, I'll let you eat. Don't make trouble, you won't be angry when you're full."

Youyi struggled, but was easily pressed-pressed. The tent curtain fell down without wind, covering the beautiful scenery, but couldn't stop the room from groaning. When the clouds closed and the rain stopped, he had no energy to care about it, and he was lying in his arms and patted softly.

"So we are now the third generation?" Emperor Xuan Guang was convinced of Youyan's words, but had no memory in his mind. He groaned for a moment, and said suddenly, "No wonder the starry night will appear like a purple sky falling."

"What is the purple Weitian fall?"

"The purple Weitian fall is the fall of the Ziwei Emperor Star." Seeing the great horror, Emperor Xuanguang quickly appeased, "I am still here, so the Ziwei Emperor Star should not be a fall, but the star position." As for why to abandon the star position, look at the weak and weak people in his arms, he already understands the answer. No wonder he wakes up in Hell's Prison. It should be an error when he falls.

"What will happen if I give up the star position?" Youxuan became tense, holding his hands tightly to his neck.

"It doesn't matter to me, but there will be a situation of warlords and princes standing up. The stars of Ziwei, such as the broken army, greedy wolf, and seven killers, will all join the WTO and win the star king. But now Ziwei Although the sky has fallen, the astrology has not yet appeared. Only I can see it, so there are hundreds of years of peace in the world. "Emperor Xuan Guang was breathless, but he was very happy.

"That is to say, the world will be chaotic?" Youzhu straightened his eyes.

"He Jiu must be divided, and Jiu Ji must be divided. This is the general trend of the world. Well, don't think about it, even if the Ziwei Emperor star does not fall, the seven kills, the broken army, the greedy wolf and other star places will still enter the world. You and I can change. "Emperor Xuan Guang patted with a bare-naked back.

Some people have learned how to fight, and naturally understand that every certain number of years, the fierce stars of the heavens will take turns to join the world, sweeping the dust. Even Xingjun couldn't reach the heavens, he was a mortal, let's wash and sleep. Thinking of it this way, he rested in the arms of the master's arms and fell into a dream. 2k novel reading network

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