MTL - There’s A Beauty-Chapter 98 .Livestock + Land

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Youyi stayed at Duanwang Mansion in the name of the disciples of Deng Chaoshan, who was mainly responsible for taking care of Duanwang for eating, dressing, washing, boiling medicine, massage and so on. He followed wherever Duan Wang went, and the people in the house gradually became accustomed to the inseparable state of the two.

As for the lost Tibetan sleeved dog, no one has mentioned it anymore, but the pug brought back by him was picked up by Xiaoshun and carefully taken care of. He originally wanted to ask if you have a son-in-law, or if he just picked up the puppy and was licked by his mouth, he angered the king and ordered him to take away the pug immediately.

Xiao Shunzi always thought that Wang Ye was like a dog-loving person like himself, but now looking at it again, it seems that he wants to be left. Lord Wang does not love dogs, but only loves the dog named "Yu". Poor son-in-law didn't know he was a dog stand-in, and he was silly all day. The son-in-law is a good man, knowing that Lord Wang is not allowed, but he still tells him to quietly pick up the dog and raise him in a courtyard, and when he says something, he will bear it. So kind and simple, what if one day loses favor?

Youyi was uncomfortable with Xiaoshun's sympathetic eyes, and she walked a few steps in the wheelchair pushing her master. They had already entered the palace gate and were about to go to the Royal Horse Racecourse. Along the way, they met with many ministers of culture and warfare, and stepped forward to salute. Several old men arched out, "Master, the emperor heard that you are finally willing to go out, and you are very happy, and plan to go down and give you a lot of color."

"My father was worried, shame and shame." The seventh prince waved hands again and again.

Everyone walked and talked, and when they arrived at the racetrack, many princes and nobles were already sitting on their seats. Due to the bad behavior of Duan Wang, the emperor had been asked to do so. His seat is at the outermost edge of the first row, and there is a lot of space, so there is no need to worry about crowding. The next table was the seat of Prince Su, the sixth prince, accompanied by a wife, two wives and a few children.

Prince Su is the elder brother-in-law of the prince, who has a unique status. The ministers who came to toast and toast are endless, and his wife and concubines are surrounded by women's relatives. Sharp laughter came from time to time, and he had swollen ears. He sat patiently for a while, and when he saw the hour was not early, he quietly rushed over and asked, "Master, when will the horse racing begin?"

"When the emperor and the prince come, you can start walking if you can't sit still, but don't leave my line of sight." The seventh prince touched it-his smooth hair.

Some crickets pointed at the little dolls squatting in the grass to catch grasshoppers, hoping, "Then how many grasshoppers should I catch?"

The seventh prince could not help but shook his hands and said, "Go, let Xiaoshun make a grass cage for you, so that the grasshopper you catch will not run away again."

With great joy, he hurriedly hurried toward the lawn not far away. Xiaoshun plucked a few dog tail grasses and made a delicate grass cage for him. He followed suit and helped collect loot, or toys. The more he looked at the son-in-law, the more he felt that he was like the Tibetan Sleeve Dog in the past, and the grasshoppers and beetles that the Tibetan Sleeve Dog flew at that time also made him put a cage and hang it under the window lattice, and he could occasionally hear it at night. He was so hypnotic when he heard the call. The Tibetan-sleeved dog is quite spiritual and does not kill casually. The tired bugs will be let go, which is very similar to that of the uncle.

Wang Ye loves dogs, he loves dogs, and he raises one again, so why deceive him? Xiaoshun sighed in sympathy, squeezed out a smile, and stuffed the grasshopper handed over by the son-in-law into the cage. After playing for a while, the two heard a pass from a short distance, as if "the prince arrived".

The prince is here, and the emperor is almost there. Youyi quickly ran back to find the master, and sat down while the prince was blocked on the road by the courtiers. The seventh prince first held his wrist, turned his palms covered with dirt and grass juice over and over, then took out the parchment and wiped it slowly, chuckling, "It's getting bigger, and my paw is not easy to wipe. Think of me A handkerchief can wipe all four of your claws, but now it takes much more work. "Then drop the dirty one and continue with another one.

After rubbing his left hand, Yuzhao obediently stretched out her right hand and saw the dark mud in the nail seams, and her cheeks were red. The seventh prince shook his head and sighed, but he was not disappointed. He picked out the dirt with a toothpick, and let the little Shunzi pour some spirits on the parcel.

"Father Emperor will be here soon, you are sitting honestly." He squeezed the tip of the young man's nose, took out a bag of sugar fried chestnuts from his sleeve, and slowly peeled it off.

Youshen's attention was immediately drawn to him, shrugging his nose and smelling the smell of sugar fried chestnuts, and then automatically opened his mouth automatically, waiting for the master to feed. The seventh prince was amused by the way he was waiting to be fed. After peeling a chestnut, he sent it to his mouth, and waited for him to open his mouth to bite. After biting a few times without success, he plunged his head into his arms, holding his chestnut hand tightly against his hands, swallowing it, and licking the sugar juice contaminated by his fingertips.

"Yo Lao Qi, who is this person? How does Gu Gu look a bit like the dog you raised before?" A low voice came from behind them, and the two looked back, but saw the prince standing aside, smiling. Quite shady.

Since entering the cabinet, he has not been taken out by his father and the court elders. Compared with the old seven, he has held the old seven to heaven and degraded him to the ground. Father Huang also told him plainly that if the old seven pair-legs were sound, the Prince would be the other party.

The more the Prince wanted to become more dissatisfied, it was how the elders persuaded him to take a memorial and go to the Prince's Mansion for advice. He also turned a deaf ear and waited for his ascent to find an excuse to kill Lao Qi first, so as not to disturb the eyes.

The murderous radiance from the other side is very strong, and the discerning person will know at a glance. Yuji originally wanted to blew his hair, then grinned and grinned, remembering that he had become a human. Then he lowered his head to conceal the angry expression, sneaking into the master's sleeve with one hand, tangling with his fingers.

The seventh prince shook the hand of Aya and chuckled, "The younger brother, this is Deng Youshan, a close disciple of Deng Chaoshan, who is responsible for conditioning my body. I haven't been in the palace for a long time. I think you haven't seen him. "

"It turns out that you are the close disciple of Mr. Deng, disrespectful and disrespectful. How is Lao Qi's health lately?" The prince was proud.

One of them was reluctant to call "His Royal Highness", but called "the emperor brother"; the other was unwilling to call "the emperor brother" and changed to the disrespectful "old seven", which shows that they are quite dissatisfied with each other. The courtiers sitting around stood quietly, closed their ears and listened, for fear of being involved in the right and wrong.

When You You looked up again, she was expressionless, arching her hand, "His Royal Highness Qi Qi, Lord Ye is in good health."

"That's good. It's already paralyzed, but don't make any mistakes next to it." The prince sneered, and then left his sleeve. Prince Su, sitting at the table next door, came over and said in an obscure way, "His Royal Highness is saying, Lao Qi, your legs are paralyzed. Does the thing work? If it doesn't work, let this Doctor Deng Xiaoxian. "

You Xi desperately wanted to bite him, but had to press. He is no longer a dog and cannot reveal his true emotions as he pleases. The seventh prince clenched his palm firmly and attached his ears. "What do you care about these grasshoppers after the fall? My stuff doesn't work, as long as you know it."

Youxiu's cheeks burst into red, and she immediately forgot the previous anger, but she was ashamed.

Seeing that the young man bumped his arm with his forehead, his ears and his neck were already red, and the seventh prince laughed. At this moment, King Jing strode forward, leaving the courtiers and princes half-kneeling and saluting, and walking towards the Prince Prince who was sitting in the corner. Haha laughed. Szczang, let them tribute another sleeve dog this year to ensure that it is exactly the same as yours. "

"It used to be difficult for the water, except that Wushan was not a cloud. The father and the emperor forget it, and the puppy will be lost, no need to find a substitute." The seventh prince waved with a bitter smile.

There are pouting corners, but the poem can be used in such situations? Why does it sound strange? But King Jing didn't care, as long as his son would forget the **** puppy. He became more and more open, holding Lao Qi for a long time, and then called the courtiers and princes who were about to kneel on their knees.

The prince bent over and slapped the clothes, his murderous eyes flashed away. The six princes glanced at him inadvertently, pointed slightly, and made a gesture of unknown meaning.

The jockeys have hung their colorful heads on bamboo poles, and King Jing needs to shoot an arrow on a horse back 100 meters away to break the rope. However, it was before. Now that he has an eye disease, he just needs to get over it and take it off. As soon as King Emperor ran out a few feet away, the horse began to go mad, hoared while hoaring his forefoot, trying to shake off the person on his back.

The sight of Jingdi was blurred, and now he became more frightened and shouted, "Rescue, rescue!"

"Hurry up, save the emperor!" There was a sudden mess on the field. Everyone wanted to save, but they were afraid that they could not save the death. They looked very positive on the surface, but few people actually did it. In particular, the prince and the six princes blindly asked people to rush forward, but instead blocked the racecourse and leaked water. When the Guards arrived, there was not even a gap drilled, let alone chasing the horse.

Seeing that the horse ran farther and farther and faster, and the Emperor Jing had been teetering, and in danger, the seventh prince suddenly got up from the wheelchair, walked to the side of the fence, grabbed the bow and arrow in the hand of a guard, and shot away. The arrow passed through the left ear of the steed through the right ear, and stuck on the ground a hundred meters away. The mad horse finally hobbled its hoof and slowly lay down.

Until this time, Fang Youyi stepped on the crowd to help Jing Di who had black eyes. King Jing blinked and trembled, "Who, who saved me?"

"The Emperor Qilu is the Prince of Duan." The guard pointed back.

King Emperor saw a vague figure from a distance, as if standing, it was too late to be surprised, but he saw the figure kneeling down, his hands resting on the ground, it seemed very uncomfortable. A man in white ran to help, faintly shouting at the master.

"Lao Qi can stand up? Lao Qi can stand up?" Deng Chaoshan told him long ago that the toxins in the body of the seventh prince had been removed. The reason why he couldn't stand up was that Gein's legs were broken by a dozen Years have lost the faith and courage to stand up again. If you are lucky, find an opportunity to stab him, and there may be hope under the turbulence; if you are unlucky and cannot find the corresponding opportunity, you will be paralyzed for a lifetime.

Obviously, this is the opportunity for his own death and dying. From this, it can be seen that Lao Qi cares about the safety of his father and emperor. Emperor Jing moved with tears in his eyes and quickly ran towards the kneeling man on the fence.

Seeing the surprise expression of the father emperor, the prince and prince sui seemed to be eating shit.

"Brother, what do you do now? Father Huang is not only saved, but also the old seven. The old seven is a paralyzed and can compare us to the mud. If he is well, where is there in the hall? "Prince's anger was desperate, but the expression of worry and gladness still appeared on the surface.

"Whether he stands up forever or stands up for a while, who knows? Let's talk about it first. You are already a prince. Father Emperor can't abolish you and change Lao Qi, don't forget, he also has an egg brother Stay in Lengquan Palace. "Prince Su slapped the Prince's shoulder and whispered comfort.

With such a major event, the horse racing festival was naturally cancelled. Emperor Jing ordered people to take Lao Qi to the Qianqing Palace for resettlement, and hurriedly called Deng Chaoshan to meet him. When Deng Chaoshan diagnosed the pulse in the inner hall, he had already asked the pulse from the guard's mouth, and he did not let go of any reaction. Fortunately, these guards were well-trained, and they did not forget to watch the six roads and ears in the panic, highlighting the actions of Prince Ti and Prince Su intentionally blocking their rescue.

Rescuing the driver is not a capital crime. In order to save their lives, they naturally need a back. Sure enough Jingdi forgot accountability, slaps the table and was furious, ordering them to immediately control the horse farm and thoroughly investigate the inside story. Deng Chaoshan appeared at this moment, arching, "Emperor Qi Qi, Prince Duan suddenly stood and pulled a strong bow, and now he was exhausted and fell asleep. It is too noisy here. The palace? "

Emperor Jing went into the inner palace and saw that his son did not sleep well, so he was ordered to send him back. After Yu Zheng went away, he asked, "Lao Qi can really stand up?"

"I was stimulated today and I should be able to stand up with more practice in the future, but I have to train for four or five years to walk freely."

"I can't afford to wait for four or five years." Emperor Jing paced back and forth in the hall, suddenly raised his forehead, and sighed, "Old eight! I almost forgot my old eight! Deng Chaoshan, gave a glass of black wine to Lengquan Palace."

At the same time, the seventh prince lying in the royal palace opened his eyes and held his fingertips and whispered, "I don't kill Boren, but Boren will die because of me. The due time will come."

"What kind of cause, what result. If he doesn't force you, you will not show your edge, without showing your edge, you will not get the emperor's attention, you will not leave the Shuangxue Hall without the emperor's attention, and enter the chapel. One wrong step Step by step, this is the evil he made, and he should bear the consequences. "Some chants like Xianglin chant.

"Well, I know." The seventh prince smiled, pulling the man into his arms and kissing.

Half a month later, the princess who was once proud of the spring breeze was imprisoned for the crime of Xun Jun. His brother, Prince Su, was degraded to be a tartar, confiscated his property, and after several turbulences, at the suggestion of all court ministers, King Jing set the seventh son. As a prince, he will enter the palace to assist the government from now on.


Fifty years later, the palace was cleared.

Youxi put her main legs and legs on her own legs and massaged them inch by inch along the ankle. Even when the master stood up again, there were still some toxins in his bones. When he was young, he didn't feel much. When he was old, he had many sequelae. Every time it rained, it was painful.

The seventh prince, no, now it should be called Daoguang Emperor. He stretched out his wrinkled hands and wiped off the Yirong with a beautiful face. Even after fifty years, even though he was about to die and be old-fashioned, he had not changed at all. He still looked like he was when he first saw him, innocent and tender, with clear eyes. When the ruthless years made everyone grow old, they seemed to be extremely forgiving.

A huge fear hit my heart, making Emperor Daoguang's eyes red. He slowly hugged You in his arms, stroking his back, crying and sighing, "If I were dead, what should you do?" Who cares if you are cold or warm, happy or sad, who Will you open the pages when you are lonely and tell you a story slowly? However, that person will never be him again.

"I don't know!" Youji's voice trembled slightly. He didn't feel scared or confused. When he found that his body was always young, but his master was getting older, he seemed to be thrown into the river of time, floating upside down, upside down, and despairing for a few times.

He has waited for so many lives, but can no longer be sure that the next life can be reunited. Seeing with his own eyes that the Lord's bones and dust had decayed, and then dissipated between heaven and earth, it felt no less than letting him experience a death. In the decades, centuries, and even thousands of years after the lord's death, how can he survive the loneliness and pain of the conical heart erosion?

Youyou scared to think about it, but always inadvertently remembered, and then shivered.

Feeling that the person in his arms was shaking, Dao Guangdi quickly patted his back and murmured, "Don't be afraid, otherwise you follow me ..." He paused, as if dissecting his heart from the blood In the second half, "Will you go with me?"

There was no thought and nodded, but he could not sleep until that day, his body shimmered in the moonlight, like a holy sculpture. In this regard, Emperor Daoguang only has satisfaction and has no regrets. He had originally thought that in any case, he would have to live one more day than you, so that you would not have to bear the pain of the death of your lover alone. When he was alive, Emperor Daoguang hoped that he would be safe and happy, and he wished he had nothing to worry about when he died.

Holding people into the crystal coffin, the outer layers were stacked on top of the coffin, and it took years to build a magnificent underground mausoleum to prevent others from disturbing the sleepy sleep. Emperor Daoguang closed his eyes with satisfaction.


Six hundred years later, Jin State.

There was a sudden scream of wailing in a splendid palace, and there were several anxious voices soothing in unison, and one could hear "Mother's Day grief, don't hurt your body".

Stepping into the main hall from the cloister, one glance is a gilt plaque hanging on the beam, with the letters "Yingyue Palace" written on it. This is the dormitory of the concubine Yue Jin's favorite concubine, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty. She is also the first beauty of the Jin Dynasty. She is fascinated by the emperor only half of the way. Pepper room special pet.

However, this beautiful beauty also had helplessness. Her three-year-old son was assassinated by a concubine and died of poisoning. While consoling the maiden, the maid said that she was going to report to the emperor, but she pulled it hard. "Don't go! I still have a way, yes, I have a way!"

She picked up her son, opened a hidden door in the apse, and entered the underground palace. The candles in the underground palace spontaneously ignited, illuminating her path. At the end of the underground palace is a ten-foot-high wall with various green-faced fangs engraved on it. The relief in the middle is a black-faced man, holding a brush in his hand and pointing towards one of the ghost kings. The ghost king kneels down Bewildered, a look of fear appeared on his face, and the surrounding ghosts turned around, as if trying to run away.

Before these wonderful reliefs, the woman's firm look finally collapsed, showing a bit of shock. She took a deep breath and immediately placed her son on the ground. She rubbed his head against a black-faced man. One, two, three, four ... for a few minutes, and the redness and bleeding on his forehead did not stop.

Finally, when it reached 200, the relief of the black-faced man turned into an entity, and it fell from the wall and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

"Pray for help to save my child!" The woman wept.

"You should know that this seat is a prisoner of the underworld. It can only evoke the soul and not save lives. This seat has warned you when you replaced the skull of this peerless beauty. This skull was owned by Yihua Kui on the Qinhuai River five hundred years ago. Low life, low body, you use her things to touch her low-quality, even if you are petting for a long time, the child is also a short-lived ghost. You have to be obsessed with it, now you have to come to this seat again What use? "The man turned his sleeves and turned.

Yue Fei took out a golden wolf from her arms and begged, "If Xianzun can save my child, I will give you the ancestor's relic and return to Zhao."

The man turned his head suddenly, his expression tangled several times. After a while, he retrieved the wolf and sighed, "Well, this seat will help you for the last time. There is a body in this seat that can accommodate your child's soul, which is used to perform the Soul-shifting Dharma."

"What body?" Yue Fei asked anxiously. After all, my son is a prince, so how can I pick up the corpse in the wild grave and use it?

The man sneered, "You don't need to feel insulted. If you don't listen to it, you are just such a low-minded life character, and it is really bad practice to enter this body. He is a royal family of the Great Swallow six hundred years ago. With Ziwei's imperial power, your child is a face of early death, and there is no life of the true dragon emperor. If you use this body, you can reverse the sky and get the treasure. If it is not the Yin and Yang pen of this seat, it is the most precious thing in the world. , It is necessary to use the treasure exchange to be able to cause and effect, and he will not be taken out. "

The woman was overjoyed and hoeed again and again.

The man disappeared for a moment, and when he reappeared, he held a shimmering "corpse". The woman glanced at him with his beautiful and unparalleled face, and turned into a suspicious way. "Xian Zun, his age seems to be It's too big, even if you have spells that can make others forget my child's appearance, but they can't let them ignore his age! "

"What do you know, there is a bottle of yellow spring water here, you can go back in time. You can become a three-year-old child when this seat feeds him." The man took out a bottle of water and poured it into the "corpse" mouth and waited for him. Shrinking to three years of age-he began to perform soul-shifting, and then took away another soulless body.

"Mother-in-law, I'm hungry." The child lying on the floor slowly opened his eyes and smiled. 2k novel reading network

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