MTL - They All Say I Encountered A Ghost-Chapter 3 Application (3)

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Mr. Saw’s strength was unexpectedly small, and I held down his arm so that he could not lift the chainsaw.

"You!!!" He looked at me with amazement and seemed to ask me why I had such great strength.

Of course, it is because I am diligent in exercise, often participate in extracurricular activities, physical education courses to choose Taekwondo, will be the three-legged cat's effort, to deal with the average person is no problem.

Mr. Saw struggled desperately. The chainsaw was a dangerous tool after all. I was scratched by the back of my hand when I took the chainsaw.

Fortunately, it was only a skin injury. I grabbed the chainsaw in time and pressed the switch.

The chainsaw seemed to be a bit less sensitive. I didn't turn it off first. I pressed hard to push the key. The blood on the back of the hand dripped on the switch. This time the chainsaw closed smoothly and the sound of the slammed sound stopped.

I kicked the chainsaw far away. After I solved the dangerous weapon, I immediately dealt with Mr. Saw. If he saw a lot of people’s legs as he said, he must call the police.

Who knows when I look back, I saw Mr. Saw’s eyes lie on the ground with his eyes open and his tongue vomiting.

I quickly ran over the people who pressed him hard, but his face was even worse, white and bloodless, like the body in a TV series.

"What happened to you?" Even though he had just tried to attack me, I still complained in the spirit of humanitarianism. If he did something wrong, I couldn’t get involved in a defensive case, if I stayed on my resume. The next one is even harder to find a job.

"Blood, blood..." His legs were constantly smashing on the ground, and it looked very bad. It seemed to be vomiting.

"Blood?" I looked at my scratched arm and shook my head in front of his eyes. "Do you say this?"

"Blood, blood..." Mr. saw a pain in his face.

In my heart, I raised a guess and took off my suit and shirt. I was distressed to wrap the wound with a new white shirt to stop bleeding.

After seeing the blood no longer, Mr. Saw really got a lot better. He slowly climbed up against the wall and looked at me with a vigilant look. Yu Guang kept looking at the chainsaw.

I thought he was waiting for the opportunity to pick up the chainsaw to attack me again. Who knows that he looked at the chainsaw and stumbled again, turning his eyes and saying: "Blood, blood..."

I am more convinced now, take out the paper towel from the bag and wipe off the blood that belongs to me on the chainsaw.

After thoroughly cleaning up the blood in the room, Mr. Saw finally returned to normal. He pressed against the wall and looked at me with a gloomy look: "The blood of pure yang, you are 26 years old, even a virgin?!"

I wanted to talk to Mr. Saw well and I was blushing when I heard this.

"What happened to the virgin?" I was very angry. I hated this personal attack and his attitude toward sex. "I concentrate on studying at school. I don't want to choose objects and play with others because of physical impulses. It is also for myself. Responsible for others, what is wrong with virgins? Is it necessary to have thousands of people to be a man? Is it a man? Even if I am a virgin, I am still in the air and innocent!"

Mr. Saw probably didn't think that I was ashamed of some boys who were self-respecting, but they were justified and stunned. They couldn't speak for a while and could only look at me.

I have just experienced a big battle and I have no strength. I walked over the chair and sat upright, saying to Mr. Saw: "Some things I think we need to talk about, whether the alarm depends on what we are talking about."

Mr. Saw looked at me with a gloomy look.

I waved his injured right hand to him and saw the blood leaching from the shirt. He didn't open his face in horror.

At this point I finally determined my guess and asked: "Mr. Saw, are you dizzy?"

It seems to be said, he immediately turned to look at me.

"After you saw that I was bleeding, the strength of holding the chainsaw was lightened and the hands were relaxed. I was able to grab the chainsaw." I analyzed the matter. "After that, you showed quite discomfort. Look like."

Mr. Saw hammered his chest and made a strong cough. I want to help him pat the back, but he immediately screams when he sees me close: "Ah! Don't come over!"

I have no choice but to go back to the door and wait quietly for him to calm down.

“Is it really unnecessary to call an ambulance? Although it is only a mental disorder, it is dangerous if people with cardiovascular disease or asthma have a halo attack.”

Mr. Saw’s face was quite bad, his lips were purple, and he looked like a sigh of relief.

"No!" He yelled at me with anger, repeating in his mouth, "Why is it a virgin, why is it a virgin? When was you born?"

I really don't want to argue with him about masculine problems. People's three views are built up in life, and ideas can be changed without arguments. They only answer the following questions: "I am around 12 noon on National Day. born."

"The heaviest day of yang in the year..." Mr. Saw began to rub his chest again. He didn't seem to care for himself. He was particularly strong. He was very uncomfortable.

"Don't knock again!" I stopped him. "You answer my question honestly. I will decide whether to call the police based on your answer."

"I am dizzy." He looked at my hand with a shirt in fear. "You keep the wound away from me."

I put my right hand behind my back and asked: "Since you are dizzy, how can you cut off other people's legs? This is not scientific."

"Science?" He rolled his eyes.

Mr. Saw is so uncooperative, I can only continue to speculate: "Do you often have hallucinations, and my height has brought you bad memories, will you use the illusion as a real thing?"

Seriously, I don't want Mr. Saw to be really a hurting chainsaw. He is not tall, very unconfident, and he is not easy to live. If he is guilty of sin and enters prison, the road ahead will be worse.

Now that there is evidence of dizziness, I naturally prefer that Mr. Saw is a temporary illness and has not hurt anyone in the past.

If the truth is so, then as long as I don't investigate Mr. Saw's malicious wounding, and then advise him to actively treat his mental illness, he will gradually come out.

I have asked a few questions in succession. Mr. Saw has always refused to cooperate and refused to answer my questions positively.

No way, I can only pull out the mobile phone to dial 110. If Mr. Saw is innocent, the police will give him a fair.

The signal No. 404 is not good. I tried it several times in a row and the phone could not dial out. I want to go out and find the signal, but it is not good for Mr. Saw to be alone here. If he goes crazy again, he will run out with a chainsaw.

Just when I was unable to do anything, the phone actually sounded, the number of the ending number "94444".

At this time, suddenly there is a signal...

I picked up the phone and spoke first: "Hey, are you President Zhang?"

"Yes... I... nourish..." President Zhang’s voice is still so slow, and the signal noise is still so much.

"I have something to talk to you about the 404 room receptionist. He claimed to be Mr. Saw and didn't tell me his real name. Do you know his psychological condition?"

"Know...dao... nourish..."

"He tried to attack me with a chainsaw today and was subdued by me. This move is really dangerous. I think it is necessary to respond to the school. In addition, he said that he had killed people and jumped from the building. There were many loopholes before and after the words, and he said that he was dead. I I feel that his mental illness is already serious and requires systematic treatment."

" nourished..."

How do all the training institutions say no to talk! Do you have to say that the big living person is a dead person?

I said with some anger: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Saw is just a mental disorder. He is not dead yet. We should help him and care for him, not ignore his existence."

At this time, I also refused to call the end of my future boss, this kind of staff can not stand to join the legs, do not join.

"Zizi... I understand... Tomorrow... I will send... Professionals... Come... Zi, you are tonight... live first... account... give you... mental compensation... nourish..."

President Zhang’s phone was broken again. I was too angry to be angry. I sent the account number and user name to the principal of Zhang in the form of a text message and turned to see Mr. Saw.

He closed his eyes against the wall, his face looked tired and seemed to fall asleep.

I looked at the three bedrooms, each with a bed. He picked up Mr. Saw and sent him to bed.

Mr. Saw was awakened, blinked to see me, looked scared, struggling to escape.

I am speechless, why is it scared of him.

"Which is your room?" I asked in a sigh of relief.

He looked up and pointed to the darkest room.

I put him on the bed and sighed: "Since President Zhang said that you didn't kill, I believe you. Tomorrow, the school will ask a psychological counseling professional to help you. Don't worry about it, I will accompany you at that time."

I heard that I would accompany him, and Mr. Saw was full of horror.

Seeing that he was too afraid of me, I left the room, closed the door, and said to him before leaving: "I am sleeping in the next room, something is calling me. Don't think about running the chainsaw in the middle of the night, I am sleeping and awake."

In order to prevent him from hurting again, I picked up the chainsaw and placed it on the bedside of the master bedroom. Someone came to get the chainsaw, I can definitely feel it.

Lying in bed, thinking of Mr. Saw afraid of me, probably treating me as someone who used to bully him. Some of my heart is not a taste. I don’t know if he should sympathize with him.

The body is very heavy, and this night is too tossed. I closed my eyes and gradually fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, the sky was already bright. I wiped the saliva from the corner of my mouth and reached out to touch the chainsaw. I was gone!

Willn't you sleep too much and be taken away by Mr. Saw?

I slammed a squid from the bed and rushed to the living room. I saw a pair of robes with a gossip pattern embroidered with a gossip pattern, a wooden sword in his hand, a kerchief in his hand, and a starbrow star standing in the middle of the living room. .

I have a sense of crossing in a TV series. I wonder: "Amount... Are you?"

He looked at me up and down, and there was a "squeaky" in his nose. He said coldly: "You are a big life."

The author has something to say: I found that some dear readers seem to have a little understanding of the previous story, I don't know what happened, I have to explain it here.

The first chapter, the reason why the phone has a sizzling sound is because the ghost energy wave interferes with the signal. The ghost signal is connected to the mail in the protagonist computer. Therefore, after the teacher of Jianguo closes the computer screen, the phone is broken. Later, the computer couldn't be shut down. It is reasonable to say that the battery could not be pulled out, but the founding father of the company took advantage of the righteousness to smash the battery.

The reason why the school bus did not let the founding teacher sit, not because of painting, the truth is that the seat is full, but the founding teacher can not see the passengers.

In the second chapter, Jianguo teacher feels that the air conditioner is open because some passengers are blowing his neck. The driver seems to be indifferent. In fact, the protection of the founding teacher is not harassed.

In the third chapter, Mr. Saw is a saw-legged ghost who died of suicide by short legs. He remembers his memory at this time. In fact, he did not kill anyone before his death. The sawing leg is a post-mortem thing, but he thinks that he was doing it before his death. of.

In addition, the focus of this chapter is that the founding teacher was born at the time when the National Day was the most masculine, and the courage was big. It was the righteous gentleman who was not afraid of knocking on the door. He is also the body of a boy, the blood contains a strong masculinity, the ghost is yin, the most afraid of yang.

Key point: I don't want to explain these plots. The less I explain, the richer the brain will be. But looking at the comments seems to be really a bit of a parent who doesn't understand it and needs to explain it. If you feel that explaining the class is to destroy the brain, I will delete it tomorrow.

Read The Duke's Passion