MTL - They All Say I Encountered A Ghost-Chapter 7 Inauguration (4)

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This time the school bus is not so cold, it is very comfortable.

The driver's big brother didn't talk. In the dim environment, I fell asleep by the seat. In my sleep, I felt vaguely around the surrounding winds. When I was confused, I felt like the cold wind was spinning away. I don’t know how the air conditioner is adjusted by the driver’s big brother. The wind is so chic.

All the way to sleep in Renai Middle School, the driver brother stopped the car and said to me: "Get off the bus, the class is usually two hours, I will pick you up at two o'clock, at most until 5 o'clock in the morning, 5 o'clock if you do not come out……"

The driver's big brother looked back at me and looked at me in the dark.

I quickly said: "Big brother doesn't have to wait for me until 5 o'clock. It's too hard in the middle of the night. If I don't come out more than 5 minutes, you will go home and rest. I will ride the shared bike and go back, cool in summer and evening. Exercise."

The driver’s eldest brother ignored my words and said stubbornly: “Wait until 5 o'clock, I hope you can come out.”

I am a good and dedicated colleague. As a newcomer, I have to learn from my driver's brother and be a serious and responsible teacher.

I just got off the bus, the driver's eldest brother drove the school bus away, and even the exhaust gas was not left to me. It was a crisp and neat person.

I looked up and observed my future job. Renai Middle School has been closed for three years and looks very desolate from the outside. The door was covered with dust and cobwebs, and it was apparent that no one had been here for a long time.

Looking at the locked door, I have some troubles. How do I get into school? Since President Zhang has rented the classrooms of the school, can't he hire someone to manage the door?

Seeing that class time is coming, I took out my mobile phone and sent a message to President Zhang: [The door of Renai Middle School is locked, how can I get in? 】

President Zhang probably also secretly followed my new employee and immediately replied to the message: [East side, small door. 】

Then she sent another message; [The students are very naughty, they may be pretending to scare you, if you are not afraid, there will be nothing. 】

Of course, I am not afraid of mischief. During the student period, boys often practice mischief to scare people.

I quickly ran to the east side of the bag, and I saw a red door that was hidden. The red lacquer seems to have just been brushed yet. I took out the tissue from the bag and pushed the door open with paper to prevent the paint from getting on my hands.

The classrooms of four classes and three classes are very easy to find. Only the classroom lights up in the whole school. I can see them as soon as I look up.

I thought that the students had been waiting for me in the classroom. I was anxious. I ran two steps to the downstairs. The smart door of the teaching building was automatically opened for me.

There were no lights in the halls and corridors. I was not able to go too fast in the dark environment in the third and fourth classes. I first took out my mobile phone and turned on the flashlight, illuminating the first floor of the stairs, and then I climbed up.

Every time I go upstairs, I first illuminate the entire staircase and make sure that the road under my feet begins to climb. When I climbed to the third corner and a half corner, there seemed to be something in the corner. The flashlight was not bright enough to see clearly. I went upstairs and went to the corner and saw a red dress.

Oh, no, it’s a girl in a red dress.

It was her hair that was black and long, and she was still draped, blocking her face, and the skirt was too long. She could only see a striking red in the darkness, which would make me think that only the skirt stood in the corner.

Abandoned school, late night, dark corridors, red skirts on the corners of the wall, let alone a ghost story, timid people may scare.

I went to the girl and asked: "Classmate, are you a student tonight?"

The girl still blocked her face with her hair and said faintly: "Yes."

If I had seen Li Yuanyuan before, I might have to think that this is a weirdo.

Thinking of Mr. Saw and Li Yuanyuan, I think the students in this school are really not easy. I probably don’t like to see people, nor do I force girls to pull their hair away: “I am the teacher tonight, Shen Jianguo, you call me Shen Teacher. Just fine. Why don't you go into the classroom? Isn't a person afraid here?"

The girl shook her head and the long black hair shook like a waterfall.

Seeing her hair with excellent hair, I couldn't help but raise my envy. The hair is so thick, there must be no trouble with baldness. I touched my head. I slept very late in the last few days. Tomorrow is a weekend. I hope that President Zhang can arrange the course during the day, let me adjust my schedule and save the rising hairline.

"Don't be afraid to go to class."

She did not speak, but reached out to me. Unlike her long black hair, this hand is very white, and it seems to be white in the night.

Black long straight hair, white skin, slender figure, this female classmate already has the three elements of beauty.

"Is it afraid to see?" I naturally held the girl's hand. "Walk and look downstairs, be careful."

I took her on the floor, she followed me and climbed to the last staircase. She suddenly said faintly: "Do you check the number of steps when you go upstairs?"

"I am rushing to class, how can I check this?"

I want to continue, but the girl does not move, she is still quite strong, I stunned her hand and could not move, can only stop on the last step.

"Teacher, I have counted," she said stubbornly. "All stairs are twelve steps. If you count the thirteenth, you will encounter ghosts."

"Generally, the top floor lifts will be a little higher? The stairs are quite normal. But this figure is quite unfriendly to obsessive-compulsive disorder. I have a roommate at the university and I hate the extra stairs."

Listening to her, I have some understanding why she stood on the third floor and did not move. She is probably a more serious patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The first few stairs are 12 steps. When the last one becomes 13, she feels uncomfortable and does not want to climb.

What can I do? She doesn't like it. I can't take her up hard, but the students in the classroom are still waiting.

"Classmates, if you don't want to climb, if you trust me, I can take you to the last step." I made a suggestion.

"Oh." She laughed, probably still does not trust me, after all, men and women are different, she is a beautiful girl, my advice seems to be cheap.

She said behind me: "Teacher, you look back at my eyes."

I naturally turned back and saw a **** red eye in the black hair as soon as I turned around.

I took a closer look and nodded. "Your beauty is beautiful, and the colors and clothes are very good."

Sure enough, patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder must wear the perfect body. I looked down at her shoes, a pair of red high heels, very delicate, and then boasted: "The shoes are also very beautiful."

"But we are still going upstairs, the students are waiting, it is not good to delay today's course. I know that it is difficult to climb 13 steps, or we will return to the first floor, starting from the second level, Isn't this just twelve?" I suggested the feasibility again.

Many obsessive-compulsive disorderes understand that their thoughts are wrong, but they feel uncomfortable. If you give them a reason to convince yourself at this time, it will be much better.

"..." she asked after a few seconds of silence. "Teacher, are you not afraid of me?"

This is interesting. Late at night, a beautiful woman and a strong young man, should it be me?

Suddenly thought, she always used her hair to cover her face. Is there any flaw in her face, so I feel that I will be afraid of her?

The possibility is great.

"Not afraid," I said seriously. "I am not afraid of what you look like."

"Why should I be like this?" She raised her head violently, not knowing where the wind came from her beautiful long hair, revealing a **** face.

She opened her mouth and her tongue stretched out and wrapped around my neck.

It’s quite like it. If there is a Principal’s prior reminder, I really believe that she is a ghost.

I grabbed the tongue and curiously asked: "Where did you buy it from? It was quite realistic."

After I finished, I pulled the fake tongue off her mouth. The tongue is really good, and there is a screaming sound when you pull it off. The girl fell backwards because of the reactionary force of the fake tongue being robbed. I quickly pulled her to prevent her from falling downstairs.

This cockroach slammed directly into my chest, and the blood on my face was put on my newly bought white shirt.

On the first day of class, in order to make a good impression on the students, I bought a shirt again, and the suit came to the school, but the last one before entering the classroom, the white shirt was abolished.

Thinking of the price of the shirt, my heart hurts.

Is this a work injury? Can Principal Zhang reimburse me for the shirt with the toilet?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take advantage of you. I was afraid that you would fall." I quickly released her and took the facial tissue from the bag and handed it to her. "Good face, such a beautiful girl, makeup. This is not good for the skin."

"I am not a make-up," she said, quietly looking up and showing me the **** face. "I stood in the red rails on the rails, the train flew over, my body was full of blood, not just the face, but also the body. ”

"Good." I nodded in a perfunctory manner and took out the facial tissue to wipe her face.

Not to mention that this plasma is quite realistic, with a **** smell.

Wipe it with a dry facial tissue, I took out the wet wipes and rubbed it again. The true face of the girl finally came out. It was a beautiful girl with big eyes and white skin and high nose and face. It was about 17 or 18 years old. .

She quietly watched me wipe her face, and the red beauty was a touch of emotion.

"You are very like after I died, seriously help me to sew the body, let me drift away from the graceful division, I was watching at the side, thank you very much." The girl's voice became calm.

It’s a bit confusing to talk, I can only follow her words: “Why do you want to commit suicide in the rails?”

"I am pregnant with children," she touched the lower abdomen. "He not only refused to recognize, but also beat me, and the child was beaten hard. I missed the college entrance examination, everyone knows that I am aborted, I can't be a man."

No wonder she will enter the school of President Zhang, and will scare the new male teacher in the middle of the night. It should be malicious to men.

I am a little pity that this poor girl, the age of flowers, but did not learn to protect herself and cherish herself, and met someone who would not cherish herself, so that she was so hurt.

I reached out and saw that she did not resist, and then licked her long hair: "There is nothing in this world that can't be done. When you think that the sky is falling, it is actually the beginning of a new life."

When I was thinking about what kind of warm heart, suddenly a golden light passed, a wooden sword did not know where to insert it, and stabbed straight to the girl.

I quickly pulled the girl behind me. The wooden sword hit my clothes and immediately bounced back. The golden light was on the top of the head. A young man wearing a pair of yellow robes came out of the shadow and pointed the girl behind me with a wooden sword: "The obstacles are broken, and they have to come out to harm people!"


I grabbed the young man's wooden sword and recognized that he was a professional who took Mr. Saw a few days ago. He couldn't help but ask: "Are you taking the wrong film?"

The author has something to say: the second appearance of the attack.

School bus small theater:

The passengers invisible to the naked eye gathered in the side of Shen’s teacher to whisper.

"Old Liu said that they and Yuanyuan lived in a room with a bully, bullying ghosts every day, and talking about this person."

"I heard that the jigsaw ghost has been killed by him."

"We have to give him a seat specifically, I can only stand today!"

"Oh, he opened his eyes and ran fast! It was found that he couldn't run, and Yuanyuan ran out of the way and was caught hard. He was pity."

Teacher Shen opened her eyes and noticed that the wind ran away and thought that the air conditioning was quite chic.

Read The Duke's Passion