MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 30 make a wish

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When Minglu came back from the dock, he bumped into the lunch box delivered to the outside of the ward.

Early this morning, Ming Weiting took Luo Chi off the boat and came to the hospital to check his body.

This private hospital is owned by an affiliated family of the Ming family and is reliable enough. As soon as Luo Chi was admitted to the hospital, he was immediately placed in a meticulous manner, underwent a detailed body examination, and was inviting relevant expert groups to discuss his condition.

Luo Chi was sound asleep along the way, and he didn't even have the slightest reaction when he was pushed into the nuclear magnetic cabin for examination and blood tests.

Minglu thought that Luo Chi would not wake up, so he did not specially arrange breakfast, and took time out to deal with some things according to Ming Weiting's instructions.

Ming Lu took the lunch box and knocked on the closed door: "Sir?"

Ming Weiting was holding Luo Chi firmly on the sofa, nodded, raised his hand and made a gesture.

Minglu understood, walked in lightly, and opened the lunch box.

For the time being, Luo Chi's swallowing ability is still uncertain. Once the liquid food is choked, it will be dangerous again, so Mingwei Pavilion did not let anyone prepare porridge and soup today.

If Luo Chi can still eat, he can gradually withdraw the nutrient solution that he needs to lose every day.

Anyway, it's always good to have less fluids.

Luo Chi's situation is special. The stress response hidden deep in his body still retains the instinct of self-preservation, and it is dangerous to bury the indwelling needle. However, several needles are needed every day, and there are already large bruises on the backs of the hands and elbows.

Ming Weiting retracted his gaze, and as usual, he first asked Luo Chi good morning and introduced himself.

Luo Chi didn't respond. He was leaned against the sofa by Ming Weiting, but his pale neck seemed to be unable to bear the weight, his head drooped slightly, and his eyes fell blankly on his fingertips.

So Ming Weiting also walked there, half squatting in front of the sofa, looking up to meet Luo Chi's eyes.

He tried to touch the back of Luo Chi's hand lightly, and found that the hand was not shaking, so he tried to hold his fingertips, and then gradually moved upwards to hold the hand resting on Luo Chi's leg.

Luo Chi didn't resist, his palm was held by Mingwei Pavilion, and his wrist fell softly without any effort.

Ming Weiting helped him cover the bruise on the back of his hand with a hot towel.

Probably sensing the wet warmth on the back of his hand, Luo Chi slowly reacted a little, his eyes moved, and he recognized a vague figure from the dense fog that was only blank.

Ming Weiting looked up and waited for him, until the dark and empty eyes condensed a little focus and fell on him.

"Good morning." Ming Weiting said softly, "I'm Ming Weiting, I like you very much, and I'm chasing your star."

Ming Weiting slowed down his speech: "I got a chance to treat you to breakfast, okay? If you agree, I will be honored."

Ming Lu was a little dumbfounded. He knew that Luo Chi couldn't handle such complicated information for the time being, but he still didn't want to disturb this scene. He just tried to relax his movements as much as possible.

The breakfast in the food box was rich and delicate. Ming Lu picked out small pieces of snacks with different flavors that were suitable for the entrance, and put them on the dining cart and pushed them over: "Sir, the young master still doesn't understand."

If it was a normal situation, it would be helpful to have frequent conversational interactions, but Luo Chi couldn't hear it.

Originally trapped in absolute silence, if this silence becomes a stable, pure blank without any harm or pain, even in Minglu's view, it is difficult to find a person who has been exhausted to the extreme. The reason why consciousness does not stay in it.

Ming Weiting knew this very well. He nodded, took a soft pad, and gently placed Luo Chi's hand on it: "I'm practicing."

He turned around, took the chopsticks that Ming Lu handed over, carefully picked them on the dining car, and picked up a small and delicate shrimp dumpling.

When Luo Chi made his debut, he also introduced himself in the program in a way that he liked.

Ming Weiting knew that Luo Chi was twenty-three years old this year, and his birthday had just passed. He liked guitar, painting, the sea, and playing games, especially "Subway Parkour".

He knew that Luo Chi didn't like eating cakes very much because he was allergic to egg whites. I like crystal shrimp dumplings, I like to order a large table of morning tea for one day, and I like all kinds of sugar.

This information is not difficult to find at all, it can be found on the Wikipedia page.

Although I have not been able to confirm the accuracy of this information to myself, it can be used as a reference at least to a certain extent, so that it does not have any direction at all.

Mingweiting sandwiched the shrimp dumplings and tried to touch Luo Chi's lips.

Luo Chi didn't respond, still sitting quietly.

"I don't know if it suits my appetite." Ming Weiting said, "Try it, if you don't like it, spit it out."

He said this slowly over and over again, realizing that he was too inconsiderate, and the words were too complicated.

Ming Weiting explained to him: "You can eat something."

Luo Chi's eyes looked very clean and moist at this moment, slightly pressed by the thick and long eyelashes. Although the movement of his eyes was a little slow, he still followed the more and more specific figures in front of him.

Although the layer of fog is still there, at least it has a spot, and it is no longer as scattered as it was a few days ago.

Mingweiting was not in a hurry, and put the shrimp dumplings back temporarily.

He tilted his head to one side, trying to confirm whether Luo Chi was leaning on comfortably, but out of the corner of his eye he noticed that Luo Chi also slightly tilted his head.

Ming Weiting suddenly realized something, he held Luo Chi's hand and still raised his head: "Huo Miao."

Luo Chi reacted to the name, and his eyes followed little by little. This level of reaction was already exhausting for him, and the palm of his hand began to feel cold again, with a slight layer of sweat seeping through.

"Fire." Ming Weiting said, "Good night."

Luo Chi's throat moved slightly.

With a clear reaction to follow, he struggled to open his mouth, making a non-standard mouth shape, and the sound of air flowed out.

Ming Weiting nodded in his field of vision, confirming that Luo Chi could see the range of motion clearly, and continued, "Good morning."

This time Luo Chi learned more smoothly than before.

Ming Weiting nodded again, he looked at Luo Chi, and unconsciously reached out and touched Luo Chi's hair.

He did this subconsciously, and it was only when he encountered those soft short hair that he thought of something wrong. He wanted to give Luo Chi room to adapt in an orderly manner, but found that the people sitting on the sofa did not seem to have much resistance.

Even though the temperature in the palm of his hand was pressing firmly, Luo Chi's body only trembled slightly, but more attention was still on Ming Weiting. The originally half-drooping eyelashes were raised, as if waiting for the opponent's next move.

Mingweiting picked up a shrimp dumpling, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully, and made a very obvious swallowing motion.

Then he waited for a while, then picked up the shrimp dumpling just now and handed it to Luo Chi's mouth.

This time the process was a bit complicated, Luo Chi paused for more than ten seconds before he understood the sequence of actions.

Luo Chi bit the shrimp dumpling little by little, put it in his mouth, and chewed slowly. After all, eating is still in the body's instinct, and it is not difficult as long as he opens his head. He didn't even realize what happened, and found that his mouth was empty after chewing.

Ming Weiting always looked at him intently, and when he met Luo Chi's somewhat confused look, he couldn't help but smile.

He is indeed practicing a more gentle look these days, but he doesn't seem to have more experience than the experience in these short seconds. Everything is natural, and there is no place to feel strange.

He looked at Luo Chi, the smile stayed on the corner of his mouth for a short time, but the eyes were still there, and then the smile seemed to be taught to those empty eyes.

Ming Weiting checked it carefully, Luo Chi's eyes followed him, and he bent his eyes slightly, but the bottom of his eyes was still empty.

Luo Chi quietly bent his eyes, his expression no longer changed.

Ming Weiting raised his empty left hand, curled his fingers, and lightly touched Luo Chi's eyelashes.

Luo Chi didn't hide, and when he noticed the tickling at the root of his eyelashes, he slowly blinked his eyes. Ming Weiting touched him back and forth a few times, Luo Chi's blinking rate couldn't keep up with him, and his breathing became a little short.

"Sir." Ming Lu reminded in a low voice, "Young Master is not feeling well."

Ming Weiting frowned: "I know."

Ming Lu was slightly startled, he looked at Luo Chi carefully, and suddenly noticed something unusual.

Luo Chi's eyelashes were uncomfortable, itchy and uncomfortable, and there was a layer of wet moisture in his eyes.

But Luo Chi still maintained the movement he had just learned, which he remembered very well.

He didn't remember how to move, how to express his discomfort, and he wouldn't dodge the hand that made him uncomfortable, but those eyes were still bent unconsciously.

Ming Weiting withdrew his hand, lowered his eyes and stood up, his eyes silently cold.

He suppressed the thoughts that shouldn't be stained with Luo Chi, and pulled a few tissues, trying to be soft enough to hold them in his hand.

Ming Weiting quickly walked back to the sofa and squatted back into Luo Chi's field of vision.

Luo Chi's breath was still unstable, and his eyes were a little red, because of the tingling of the eyelashes just now, physiological tears were dripping down.

"I'm sorry." Ming Weiting looked into his eyes, "I'm sorry Huo Miao."

Ming Weiting didn't know if he was willing to let himself touch it, so he gently wiped those tears for him, and when Luo Chi's breathing and heartbeat had stabilized again, he tried to hold Luo Chi's fingertips again.

Luo Chi's fingers didn't move, and were softly held by him. Because of a slight smile, it seems to be very comfortable.

Ming Weiting put down his hand and grabbed the few soaked tissues in his hand.

"I taught the wrong thing." Ming Weiting whispered.

Although Luo Chi's original state was chaotic and dazed, he would still have very subtle reactions when he was uncomfortable or uneasy. As long as he observed carefully, it was actually not difficult to tell.

But Luo Chi was learning too fast, he just didn't pay attention and taught Luo Chi how to laugh.

Although the smile was so shallow that you couldn't see it unless you looked closely, it still covered up all the subtle negative reactions.

He no longer knew if Luo Chi was uncomfortable.

This sentence did not deliberately slow down. Minglu knew that he was saying it to himself, and went over with the arranged food box: "What should I do?"

Ming Weiting turned his head to the side and looked at the manager who followed the three generations of the Ming family.

"It's not that serious, sir." Ming Lu laughed, it was the first time he saw this look on this overly young gentleman, and he put the food box on the coffee table closer to the sofa, "If it's true at this time It's uncomfortable, and people won't wake up again."

His volume was so low that it couldn't reach Luo Chi's place, so he just put the information he brought back on the sofa beside Ming Weiting.

It is not difficult to obtain the surveillance records of Ren Jia's private house over the years. After all, there is a person who is about to lose his mind and is sorting these out in the villa. When all the records are recorded, send someone to break in directly and take all the master tapes away.

It's like trying to make a hypocrite insane who is addicted to his own world, still deceives himself and refuses to accept the facts, and never learns to reflect. In fact, it is not difficult at all.

Since Ren Chenbai likes playing chess so much, he might as well be a chess piece in the game himself.

As long as the adopted son of the Luo family is temporarily lost in the hospital, the little star will naturally go to Ren Chenbai.

And Ren Chenbai, who was thrown off the dock by Minglu, just heard the clear conclusion that "Luo Zhi is no longer in this world".

Of course Ren Chenbai couldn't accept the fact, and of course he would take revenge hysterically.

Ren Chenbai will bite the little star to the death, and the puppet who is forced to the extreme may not be able to bite back.

The entanglement of these two people is not so easy to end. As long as the relevant people are involved, they will be dragged in by a snowball, naturally including the girl from the Luo family.

Ren Chenbai will always be trapped in that villa.

"Time is limited, we only checked a part of the monitoring records, and there are other materials."

Minglu said, "If you change someone, you probably won't be willing to wake up again."

For Luo Chi, the cruise ship crash was not even a straw.

No one could stop him long ago, so he forced him to live. If Luo Chi really felt uncomfortable, he would not open his eyes again.

That quiet and relaxed void lured the cold fire to sleep all the time.

Mingwei Pavilion did not speak.

"The chess is going very well, sir." Ming Lu picked up a less depressing thing and said, "It's already in a ball."

Until last night, Ren Chenbai was probably still indulging in the ethereal comfort of "personally taking revenge on those who hurt Luo Zhi" until Minglu appeared in front of him with someone.

Ren Chenbai is a smart person, he knows what Minglu's appearance means.

It means that his hysterical revenge and vicious and happy revenge are just arranged, just a piece of the chess player behind him.

He was just a river crossing soldier who was arbitrarily paid to sweep the floor, because these things shouldn't touch Luo Chi at all. Because there are still some retributions that should be returned, when he was making a move, he knocked off one of his legs by the way.

This is not even an arrangement that has been brewed, because Mr. Ming is concentrating on learning to be Luo Chi's fans and has no time to do anything else, so he circled them and took a bite first.

Everything is just the beginning, there are still too many waiting behind, waiting to tear apart the skin and bones, tearing apart the peace of mind that has been cultivated in the flesh and blood of others over the years, revealing the filth and filth inside. .

It's just the beginning.

Ming Weiting didn't think there was anything to say, just nodded.

He was not in a hurry to move the document, pulled over the food box, and carefully picked it around.

Luo Chi didn't seem to resist him because of his eyelashes, and his eyes were still on Ming Weiting.

Ming Weiting picked out a few items that were suitable for Luo Chi to eat now and were easy to chew and digest. He ate one of them for demonstration, and after waiting for a while, Luo Chi opened his mouth as expected.

Because each time he got a nod that the range of motion was obvious enough, Luo Chi didn't even need Ming Weiting's demonstration, he slowly finished a small piece of coconut milk cake by himself.

Mingweiting always pays attention to his food intake, and he does not let him eat too much at one time. When it was almost over, he asked Ming Lu to remove the things, and guided Luo Chi in the same way, reminding him of how to rinse his mouth with water.

Luo Chi's physical strength and energy are still very limited. He was wrapped around his shoulders by Mingwei Pavilion, who was also sitting on the sofa. After slowly rinsing his mouth a few times, he was almost exhausted, and his eyelashes began to sink down again.

Ming Weiting held his hand, Luo Chi's body began to soften due to fatigue, and even his shoulders drooped quietly.

"Fire." Ming Weiting took his hand and let him slowly fall on top of him, "Wake up every day."

He didn't specifically let Luo Chi see his mouth, these words might put Luo Chi under pressure.

He just wanted to say that he wanted to make a wish on the fire that burned on the beach in his memory, as if anything could be done.

"Wake up every day."

Ming Weiting said: "If you want to say good night, you have to say good morning."

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