MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 35 after learning

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Luo Chi was sincerely worried in the dream.

Aunt Ren didn't help him think of a way, she actually laughed at him and nodded his head to ask him to pay back the debts.

Luo Chi wanted to pretend to be unhappy to scare Aunt Ren, but failed after less than half a second. He lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift up, and the smile continued to come out without stopping.

He misses Aunt Ren so much. Thinking of going to Aunt Ren to apologize for these years, he seems to have a lot of things to apologize for.

Now he finally dreamed of Aunt Ren, but he forgot what he had to say.

He just tried to wipe his eyes more clearly, to see the smiling face. There was a squirrel in his mind that could eat memories. There would always be a lot of blank space. It didn't matter if a lot of memories were eaten. He didn't want to forget Aunt Ren.

Aunt Ren raised her hand with a smile, touched his hair again, wrapped him in her arms like a child, and rubbed him happily, until she had rubbed enough, she finally let go of her hand.

Aunt Ren bent down and touched his forehead with her forehead: "be happy."

When he was recovering at Wanghai Villa, every time Aunt Ren had to leave, she would say goodbye to him like this.

Luo Chi had actually been happy during those three months.

Aunt Ren left for something, and he stayed in the villa by himself. As long as he thought that Aunt Ren would come, he felt happy. When Aunt Ren finally came back, of course, I was happier.

He actually suspected that Aunt Ren had already seen that he pretended that his leg injury was not healed, but Aunt Ren never asked.

If Aunt Ren didn't ask, he couldn't help but want to steal another day.

He pressed that leg, sat on the roof of the car and made a wish to the stars, one more day, one more day.

When he grew up, he also accompanied Aunt Ren for many, many days and never left.

At that time, he felt that he must be the happiest thief in the world, how could he steal so many happy things just by dropping his leg.

Luo Chi stood up, he no longer pretended to have an injury on his leg. He stood up together, wanting to follow the figure and walk together.

Just after a few steps, Aunt Ren turned around and nodded her forehead twice.

...he owes a lot.

Aunt Ren doesn't like people who don't pay their debts.

Luo Chi stopped in place, he looked behind him, and then went to see Aunt Ren.

He remembered how he did it as a child.

Luo Chi raised the corner of his mouth. He struggled to stand up straight, trying to make himself look better and more reassuring.

Probably because he is too unconvincing now, the plan to send Aunt Ren out this time was not very successful.

He saw Auntie Ren sighed softly and walked back to knock him on the head.

Aunt Ren took his hand.

Luo Chi turned his head and suddenly found that the always blank space had turned into a beach and a starry night.

On the sand was a bright, hot bonfire. The bonfire was blazing, the wood was burned to the ground, and sparks were lifted up by the wind from time to time, and the waves became gentle on such a night.

Aunt Ren led him through the crowd and walked straight forward, to a place where the fire was almost out of reach, and next to the rocky rocks.

Luo Chi opened his eyes slightly.

Here he sees Mr. Shadow.

Mr. Shadow stretched out his hand, and Aunt Ren put his hand in.

The whistle sounded for a long time on the opposite side of the sea, the lights of the cruise ship suddenly illuminated the sea, and Luo Chi's vision became white.

Everything in the dream gradually disappeared in this white light.

Luo Chi stood in the thick fog again.

He rested here for a long time, and for the first time suddenly felt anxious.

Here are his memories. He has been guarding these memories like a pauper dragon, picking and choosing among them, struggling to find a short clip that is enough to make a bedtime story to sleep peacefully.

Then the thorns that climbed out of more memories spread and grew, tied his body, bound his hands and feet, and kept him in place.

He doesn't stay here.

He didn't know how to get out, so he instinctively ran in the direction where the whistle sounded.

He found that he was being swallowed by this fog, the more he ran, the more he swallowed, but it didn't matter, he had to look outside before disappearing completely.

He remembered that it was a hospital outside, and he didn't like hospitals very much, but it wasn't a big problem.

He wants to look outside.

Luo Chi knocked out the fog.

He could no longer distinguish his own shape and outline, but he could smell the waves, and the cool water was blown up by the sea breeze and touched his face lightly.

Ming Weiting hugged Luo Chi and carefully placed him on the reclining chair.

There are also doctors on the cruise ship, and the corresponding wards for recuperation have been remodeled. The Xun family sent another person, and the necessary medical facilities were also prepared.

After confirming that Luo Chi's physical condition was basically stable, Ming Weiting brought him back to the cruise ship.

They came back in the early morning, and the wind had not been hot from the sun, but the cold of the night had basically faded away.

The weather was fine, the sun was a little bit out of the clouds, a very saturated reddish warm orange.

Luo Chi's body suddenly wriggled weakly in his arms.

Ming Weiting protected him in time, and was about to let Uncle Lu bring the oxygen generator over. He raised his eyes and was about to speak when he was suddenly stunned.

Luo Chi put his pillow in his arms and slowly opened his eyes.

Unlike every time he woke up before, Luo Chi's expression was a little dazed, but his eyes were no longer as empty as before.

Ming Weiting looked at him and said in a low voice, "Huo Miao."

Luo Chi blinked slightly.

He subconsciously recognized the mouth shape of the other party, and then he remembered that he could hear a little sound, and those sounds were processed by the slow-moving gears, and then he came to the answer bit by bit: "Flame?"

Ming Weiting slowly held his hand.

Ming Weiting raised his other hand and touched Luo Chi's hair. Finding that Luo Chi still did not resist, the force of his palms fell a little deeper: "Who are you?"

Luo Chi was stumped by this question.

He took a bunch of memory packs around him that couldn't be thrown away, hugged him like a miser, and ran out of the fog all the time, but he seemed to have forgotten to take this with him.

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to want him to answer this question, but after waiting for a while, he pressed the top of his hair and shook his head slightly.

Then, at the same slow pace, the voice asked slowly, "Who am I?"

Luo Chi slightly bent his eyes.

He remembered that he said solemnly: "The creditor."

Ming Weiting looked at him and frowned slightly.

Luo Chi looked at his expression in his eyes, bit his tongue slowly, and there was a little triumphant smile in his eyes.

It was the first time Ming Weiting saw Luo Chi with this look. Although he didn't know what to do, when he came back to his senses, he found that he had instinctively followed with a smile.

He thought it must be because of Luo Chi's current state. Luo Chi had recovered from before. He was concerned about Luo Chi's body. At this time, he was relieved and couldn't help but be happy.

But he still had the question that Luo Chi couldn't answer just now in his heart, so the smile only stopped for a moment before being suppressed.

"Shadow." Luo Chi answered well this time, "Shadow, sir."

After running for so long, Luo Chi was actually very tired, and he was still unable to handle this body. It's like pulling the lead little by little in a long distance to make the corresponding action.

But he patiently gathered his strength to make the answer clear and smooth enough.

Luo Chi read these words very lightly and slowly. Each word must be contained by himself for a few seconds, and then read out solemnly, carefully and standardly.

Luo Chi rested for a while, and then accused him: "Creditors."

Ming Weiting really understood what he meant this time.

...According to the trading rules, Luo Chi only gave the price of that painting.

Even if the price he gave was doubled, there was no reason to buy more of the other party's paintings for the same price.

The "Mr." of the Ming family in all dynasties has probably never done such unruly, strong buying and selling.

Ming Weiting was calm, and he was still sorting out his thoughts, trying to find a more reasonable reference. Luo Chi had exhausted the last bit of strength he had saved, and his head and neck slowly drooped.

Ming Weiting put his hand behind his shoulder in time to let him rely on him.

Although Luo Chi was exhausted, he was still awake. He tried hard not to close his eyes and looked carefully at the shimmering water reflected by the sunrise.

"Aunt Ren." Luo Chi said softly.

Ming Weiting heard his voice. He was on Luo Chi's left hand at the moment, and he didn't adjust his position deliberately. He slowly asked in Luo Chi's ear, "Remember Aunt Ren?"

Luo Chi nodded lightly and closed his eyes.

Ming Weiting turned his face sideways, and he watched Luo Chi's eyelashes closing very slowly.

Their conversation just now was very relaxed, Luo Chi even had the strength to joke with him as soon as he woke up, just like when he was in the hotel.

But he has already made a very serious mistake, so this time he will not just assume that there is nothing wrong, and take Luo Chi to rest with confidence.

Ming Weiting held Luo Chi's shoulder and shook it lightly.

Luo Chi was awakened by the shaking, and opened his eyes subconsciously. His mind was still drowsy, and the fog in those eyes was surging enough to drown his life in sorrow and daze, but he woke up completely in the next moment.

When Luo Chi woke up, he blinked gently, and when he saw Mr. Shadow, a smile slowly overflowed from his eyes.

Ming Weiting looked at those eyes.

He recalled all the reference materials given by the doctor, and then contacted and compared everything that happened in the hotel, and finally he was able to distinguish the difference.

When Luo Chi was awake, seeing Mr. Shadow, he was really happy, and his smile was genuine.

Luo Chi is easily over-satisfied, and when he encounters something worthy of joy, he will feel happy. But those sadness came too deep and depressing, and finally at a certain point, Luo Chi was no longer able to deal with them.

So Luo Chi separated himself. He left a scarred self to sacrifice for the pain and sadness that could not be dealt with, forever sinking in the thick fog. For the rest, he came out to breathe, to find something happy, and to reassure those who cared about him.

Until the day the cruise ship arrived, Luo Chi was found on the beach... At that time, Luo Chi finally no longer had any strength to interact with the outside world, and all that was left for everyone was a temporarily alive empty shell.

The mistake at the hotel that night did not make Luo Chi happier.

Mingwei Pavilion didn't recognize the fire, didn't notice that the fire had been surrounded by malicious intent, didn't find Luo Chi, who was slowly suffocating, entangled by thorns and poisonous thorns.

The pain, hurt and despair that have been caused will not go away by itself if you don't think about it and don't touch it.

It was his fault that he did not pass through that lively and reassuring halo, and walked over to hug him.

Can't make a mistake again.

"Fire." Ming Weiting said, "Let's do something happy."

"Do a lot of happy things, more than all the sadness you've encountered before."

Ming Weiting looked at him: "Resolve all the troubles."

You can't just make up your own mind, and you can't just shut up your sad self carelessly.

Luo Chi has not recovered his ability to distinguish, so he has not yet discovered that the part that he has locked up by himself has become more and more...even including his entire self-knowledge.

"Don't worry." Ming Weiting said, "You don't need to be in a hurry to be happy, it doesn't matter."

"Be happy too, and laugh when you are happy."

Ming Weiting told him slowly, "You can be sad too."

Luo Chi's eyes flickered slightly, and he had already guessed that "Huo Miao" was talking about himself.

Ming Weiting spoke very slowly, just enough for him to continue to understand the rest of the words.

Luo Chi opened his eyes slightly while listening. He was a little surprised by what the other party said, and shook his head gently: "I don't..."

He wanted to say "I'm not sad", but a strange pain suddenly appeared deep in his chest. Luo Chi groaned before he could even react, curled up instinctively, lost his balance and fell down.

He fell into Ming Weiting's arms and was hugged by Mingweiting and sat on the deck.

Luo Chi's forehead kept breaking out with cold sweat, and his body became tighter and tighter.

He only came out with those happy memories, and the deeper part of his mind was still chaotic. I don't know what happened at all, I just breathed lightly in the cold sweat and opened my eyes to look at the figure beside me.

He just wanted to come out and have a look, as long as he could.

He wanted to come out too much, even if the price was that he would disappear, he still wanted to come out to see Aunt Ren and Mr. Shadow.

The people who rushed over were stopped by Ming Lu and silently returned to the cabin.

Minglu didn't let anyone get close, and kept himself not far away.

He went back to the boat originally to talk about Mrs. Luo.

The Luo family was so turbulent that it was about to collapse. Luo Chengxiu was hospitalized, and there might be no way to drink tea again for the time being. The girl from the Luo family was probably unable to withstand the blow and ran out of the house, and has not been found yet...

...but these things are completely unimportant.

Minglu asked people to get the oxygen generator, and reminded the head of the housekeeping department to lay a thicker and softer carpet near the reclining chair next time.

Mingweiting knelt down on the deck, guarding Luo Chi firmly: "Fire."

"Huo Miao." Ming Wei Ting relaxed his arms little by little, "Look at me."

It happened suddenly, but luckily he didn't let Luo Chi fall.

Ming Weiting simply didn't stand up, just hugged Luo Chi's body and stroked his back, which was tense and trembling over and over again.

Luo Chi couldn't move because of the pain, but he still didn't know how to guard against him. He just opened his eyes wide, and one hand hung stiffly beside him.

Ming Weiting's hand behind his back was clenched so clearly.

He lowered his eyes, but his face was still invisible, he just held Luo Chi's hand and put his cuff in.

"I want to laugh when I'm happy." Ming Weiting asked softly, "What should I do when I'm sad?"

Luo Chi slowly understood the problem and slowly closed his eyes.

He's not avoiding the question, he's trying to find an answer.

...and it wasn't just Mr. Shadow who asked him that question.

Aunt Ren also asked.

Because everyone thought that he had lost his sister, he always quarreled with his family. The more no one listens to him or believes him, the more he has to fight back.

Until one day, he finally knew that he had implicated Aunt Ren,

Aunt Ren and Mrs. Luo had grown up together since childhood, but this time they were completely on his side. Aunt Ren spoke for him everywhere, refuting the friends who were so close at the beginning, and finally finally broke down completely, and the relationship for decades was so broken.

He was alone... He couldn't remember the name, it should be Aunt Ren's son.

He was lame and was led upstairs quietly by Auntie Ren's son, and saw Auntie Ren sitting alone in the room, sorting out the photos that were torn apart by Mrs. Luo.

After that, Luo Chi never made trouble again.

He no longer tried to refute the matter, and no longer wanted to make it clear to everyone... He told himself it was okay.

this is nothing.

He is a dignified man, and he is not sad because of this.

But Auntie Ren didn't know how to find out about it.

Aunt Ren sat in front of his bed that day, hugged him tightly, choked up and kept saying sorry to him, Huo Miao, sorry.

Aunt Ren's hands were so cold, he was terrified, he hugged Aunt Ren hard, trying to take the temperature off his chest, and then lowered his head and covered his hands with Aunt Ren.

Aunt Ren just asked him what to do when he was sad.

Mr. Shadow is also asking him this question now, showing that the answer is important.

Aunt Ren taught him, but he forgot.

After Aunt Ren passed away, this trick didn't work anymore.

But he still remembered, of course, he still remembered everything that Aunt Ren had taught him. He just needs to think, he needs to go back to that thick fog and turn this answer out...

Luo Chi held Ming Weiting's wrist.

His hands were trembling, and his fingers didn't even need much strength. It took a long time for the stiff arm to be gently retracted.

Ming Weiting was keenly aware of that little bit of strength, and immediately raised his hand following him.

Luo Chi took his hand and tried to reach his chest.

…what should I do if I feel sad?

Ming Weiting followed the hand and gradually raised his eyes.

He completely handed over the dominance to Luo Chi, Luo Chi only needs to move his fingers a little, and he will immediately make up for the corresponding strength.

Luo Chi sat in front of him, his brows still blank, just following the strength in his memory.

Luo Chi pulled his hand all the way to his chest.

Ming Weiting followed him, holding his throbbing chest and ribs under the soft cloth, and placed his palm on Luo Chi's cold left chest, pressing it down little by little.

The heart struggled in his chest, beating weakly against his hand.

"...It hurts." Luo Chi said, "It hurts."

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