MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 37 the truth

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What are you laughing at?

Mrs. Luo sat stiffly, her face pale. The expression at that moment was quickly swallowed up by panic, and the expression became stunned again.

She shook her head desperately, her eyes just awake and her eyes were about to fall into the frenzy of the attack. She pushed the crowd away and fled in a panic, but she was suddenly pulled by the nurse behind Xun Zhen.

The people Xun Zhen brought were used to dealing with all kinds of patients, and they controlled her without much effort and returned her to the hospital bed.

The nurse skillfully sterilized Mrs. Locke's elbow and flicked the needle twice.

"You..." Luo Cheng was trembling, she was too frightened to stand up, and stammered, "You, what are you going to hit her?"

Xun Zhen raised his head and exchanged glances with Ming Lu who was behind the crowd.

He turned the label of saline into the palm of his hand: "A new drug, you can tell the truth when you hit it."

As soon as the words fell, the blood on Mrs. Luo's face instantly faded.

She seemed to have seen something particularly terrifying, stared at the needle, and couldn't stop curling her body back.

As soon as the nurse leaned over, she suddenly struggled more hysterically than before: "Don't...don't!"

Luo Chengxiu walked through the crowd and held her down.

His footsteps staggered, and his whole body almost seemed to be soaked in cold sweat, panting heavily, but he still pinched his wife's shoulders with his own hands.

Mrs. Luo continued to struggle, and she obviously couldn't recognize anyone again. The strength of her random waving arm was amazing, and she almost kept hitting her husband with all her might.

"Patriarch Luo." Xun Zhen reminded, "I'm afraid you should go to the hospital, there is an ambulance downstairs."

Luo Chengxiu's condition is obviously not good, Xun Zhen doesn't want to let people die here: "If you have chest tightness, chest pain and profuse sweating, it may be a heart problem..."

"Let her tell the truth." Luo Chengxiu interrupted, panting heavily, he seemed to have heard nothing, just stared at his wife, his voice low and hoarse, "I want to hear the truth."

Xun Zhen sighed lightly.

He asked Luo Chengxiu, "Does this make me feel better?"

Luo Chengxiu shuddered.

Xun Zhen's words were inexplicably endless. He shouldn't have understood them, but he clearly knew what the other party was talking about, and he even felt cold from his bones.

He suddenly raised his head and stared at Xun Zhen with bloodshot eyes.

"The perpetrator is here." Xun Zhen motioned to the nurse to inject Mrs. Luo with physiological saline, and then looked at Luo Chengxiu, "But the perpetrator is here, who is the most sinful and the more unforgivable, can it make you feel better? ?"

People with hysterical personality disorder will have a lot of emotional fluctuations, will be highly self-centered, take a lot of fantasy as reality, and will be very vulnerable to other people's language and behavior hints... So Xun Zhen deliberately said the saline solution can make people say The medicine of the truth, Mrs. Luo might really believe this.

But the rest of the family should at least be considered normal people, shouldn't they have the minimum logic and discernment?

If you have these abilities, why would you believe that kind of lie?

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if you really believe that kind of lie, is it really a sin that is unforgivable for a seven-year-old child?

"Patriarch Luo, I also have a son, who is ten years old this year. When I was naughty and mischievous, I even thought about punching his ass."

Xun Zhen said: "But if my son is lost for three years, even if he ran away by himself, even if he is really self-willed... as long as he can be found."

"As long as he can find it," Xun Zhen said, "even if he wants to demolish the house, I will help him demolish it."

Luo Chengxiu stared at him, breathing heavily as if he could choke blood at any time.

His throat moved hard for a while, but he couldn't say anything, only his chest heaved and heaved.

"Patriarch Luo." Xun Zhen couldn't help but ask: "You should have known for a long time that Mrs. Luo's mood is often unstable, right?"

This matter is not difficult to reason at all - under what circumstances, a mother with two children, the child is lost, and it is the seven-year-old brother who is responsible?

There was only one answer. That seven-year-old boy at that time was already very precocious and stable, so stable that everyone subconsciously felt relieved.

Because he was already a very good and reliable little man, everyone acquiesced that it should be the child who took care of his mother and sister.

Because that child was too sensible, even if he was still at the age to be taken care of, he had already subconsciously made everyone around him feel that he should take care of others.

That day, Luo Chi took his mother and sister out.

So if Luo Chi and his sister are lost, Luo Chi will be responsible.

"You better go to the hospital. I will ask the truth from Mrs. Ling and tell the Ming family."

Xun Zhen said, "If you want to know, just wait a little longer and ask at Ming's house."

"Fortunately... Mr. Luo didn't grow up from your parents at all."

Xun Zhen lowered his head and turned around to organize the medicine cabinet: "My wife won't let me have too much contact with you. She is afraid that I will become a cold-blooded monster when I deal with your family."

Luo Chengxiu seemed to be hit hard by this sentence.

This time he really felt the blood in his throat, and slowly let go of his wife, stood up shaking, and walked out step by step.

Luo Cheng was stared at by him. He didn't know how terrifying he looked. In short, Luo Cheng's face was as white as a ghost. He took two steps back in panic, and suddenly ran out without looking back.

The door to the living room downstairs rang loudly, and Luo Orange stumbled out of the house.

Luo Chengxiu stopped the housekeeper who was rushing to chase someone: "Isn't she an adult?"

"Yes." The butler said in a panic, "But—"

"Let her go, isn't she afraid that we will sell her?" Luo Chengxiu whispered, "You take her back, she will hate you."

The butler froze in place.

Luo Chengxiu pressed his chest and walked out alone.

... He was thinking about the day Luo Zhi was found.

Just because of the business problem, he was so devastated and tired of people. Suddenly, he heard that the child he lost had been found, and there was a lot of news.

Outside the office, someone didn't know he was inside, and joked extremely badly: "The Luo family can't do it... A child can come back by himself, but the Luo family has been looking for three years and still can't find it? Is it looking for or not looking for it? what?"

"Maybe they didn't look for it at all? I haven't seen their family care much about it."

"Isn't Mr. Luo very powerful? Who can tell that his son is lost and his wife is crazy?"

"I can't even watch my own son, so forget it. If I lose it, I can't find it back. I let my son run back by himself."

"Tsk tsk, people can't look like..."

Because of those words, he was so angry that he fired the gossip on the spot, but he still planted a poisonous weed in his heart.

Luo Zhi's existence itself is proof of his failure, proof of his failure to be a qualified father and to protect his family.

If Luo Zhi hadn't lost everything, his career, his family would all be perfect.

If Luo Zhi hadn't come back, when people talked about the Luo family, at most they would only be lamenting a mother who lost her son and a family that was a victim in itself.

Luo Zhi went back to Luo's house by himself and turned everything into a joke full of ridicule in the mouths of others.

So he just wanted out of sight and out of mind.

Of course he did.

He threw Luo Zhi far out of sight, never paying attention to that son.

Luo Jun really believed his wife's words, and believed that Luo Zhi lost his sister with him.

When Luo Jun was studying abroad, he hadn't met his biological younger brother a few times. Instead, he had been with the adopted younger brother for three years, and unconsciously became close to each other... Coupled with this statement, the prejudice was even deeper.

Hearing Luo Jun say that his wife even secretly exchanged Luo Zhi's gift, making Luo Jun always think that the gift was given by Jian Huaiyi, and making Luo Jun think that the younger brother would only cause trouble and cause trouble, and finally there is a gap that is difficult to overcome.

Luo Cheng... Luo Cheng probably really believed his wife's words, otherwise Luo Cheng wouldn't be so arrogant to Luo Zhi.

Maybe not. Luo Zhi said that Luo Cheng's temper was like a mother's, and he had seen it before.

You don't need to know about this, as long as you rely on Luo Zhi's "bad deeds" according to her family, Luo Cheng can also be very bad to Luo Zhi.

... what about him?

Of course he believed it, otherwise for so many years, he wouldn't have been using this kind of trumped-up accusation to oppress Luo Zhi - he even couldn't wait to believe this statement.

So how can you expect him to analyze and verify?

He wished these were all true.

Mrs. Luo may be ill, but he is more ill than Mrs. Luo.

The stone on Luo Chengxiu's chest was getting heavier and heavier. He tried his best to open his mouth to breathe, but no matter what, he couldn't get any air in. He trembled to touch the handrail of the stairs.

He suddenly heard his own roar.

Luo Chengxiu turned his head in a daze. He saw himself standing not far away, reprimanding Luo Zhi whose hand was pierced by his wife's dining fork.

He was questioning Luo Zhi if he could never let him worry like Huai Yi. he crazy?

Luo Chengxiu shook his head incomprehensibly, but he opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound. He watched Luo Zhi speak to himself and Luo Jun word by word.

Luo Zhi said that it wasn't him...

His wife suddenly rushed towards Luo Zhi.

Luo Chengxiu's heart skipped a beat, he remembered what would happen next, he staggered towards him, but failed to stop his wife's shadow.

Luo Zhi was pushed down the second floor before his eyes.

His feet softened, and he fell heavily to the ground. He rolled a few times, and the sudden burst of colic pain in his chest finally engulfed him.

"Father." Luo Jun's voice said to him, "We deserve it."

Director Gong's documentary finally has the most suitable pilot preview.

Luo Cheng woke up from the carpet.

She had a terrible headache, sat up a little groggy, and stared blankly at the room with no lights on.

The memory came back intermittently, and she gradually remembered what happened before - she finally learned that her mother had been lying all along, and her father was so angry that she fell ill.

She was completely frightened, her mind went blank, and when she came to her senses, she had fled home in a panic.

She found a hotel to hide in, and didn't dare to read the news or go out. She just learned from the housekeeper that her father had escaped after being rescued, so she turned off her phone.

She hid in a daze for an unknown amount of time, maybe three or five days, or maybe a week. Kali's money is almost gone, she still dare not go home, wandering outside in a daze...

"Miss Luo." Someone suddenly said, "Are you awake?"

Luo Cheng was instantly held back by fear. She widened her eyes in horror, only to find that she was so scared that she couldn't speak at all, she just couldn't stop trembling desperately.

Where is she? !

Why is anyone still in the room? !

Luo Cheng twisted his body stiffly, and finally made use of the dim light outside the window to vaguely identify some figures in the unlit room.

"I don't know if you still remember me." The other party said, "We met at Huaisheng Entertainment. I am the manager of the artist department. My name is Fang Hang."

"Huaisheng entertainment is a bit difficult." Fang Hang turned on the light, "Jian always wants to ask Miss Luo for a favor."

Luo Orange was dazzled by the dazzling light, and his eyes were blank.

She said it a few times before she said intermittently: "Help, what help?"

Fang Hang was silent for a while, and suddenly said a name slowly: "Li Weiming."

Luo Cheng seemed to realize something suddenly, and his pupils shrank instantly.

"Whatever Li Weiming can do, please ask Miss Luo to do anything." Fang Hang said, "Jane always tells me that."

Luo Orange seemed to be strangled by a hand.

She couldn't figure out how everything had become like this, her mind was muddy, and only the colder and deeper fear weighed on her breathless.

Jian Huaiyi... want to hurt her too?

No, it was Jian Huaiyi who was plotting against her from the very beginning.

Until now, she has finally figured out this matter bit by bit.

The father must hate her, the mother is crazy, big brother... Big brother now seems to be incapable of listening to anything except Luo Zhi, and the school will never be able to go back.

She couldn't escape anywhere, and Jian Huaiyi finally tricked her into leaving nothing. Now it's her turn...

Luo Cheng shuddered in horror, she kept struggling to stand up, but her legs were too soft to obey.

Fang Hang got up and walked over, Luo Orange ducked back in despair, clenching the hem of his clothes with trembling hands.

She stared at Fang Hang, her whole body was almost overwhelmed by fear, but she was stunned by what the other party placed in front of her.

That's a tablet.

Above is the chat record with Gong Hanrou's crew and an electronic contract.

The contract Ren Chenbai has actually signed for her, as long as she agrees, she will be taken away for a closed visit, filming and recording. If you want to withdraw, you must pay a high liquidated damages, otherwise the crew has the right to sue in accordance with the contract.

"Please rest assured, this is not the room that President Jane requested." Fang Hang said, "We won't do that. President Luo is probably going to knock on our window."

He said these words in a very low voice, and Luo Cheng was stunned for a long time before finally realizing who he was referring to as "Mr. Luo".

... and then contacting these people's unreasonable cold treatment of her, Luo Cheng suddenly panicked.

Fang Hang did not intend to continue this topic, but continued to say: "We have received a contract from Director Gong's crew, and we need your final approval."

"You can continue to think about it." Fang Hang said, "Leave, or—"

Luo Cheng blurted out in a panic: "I'm going!"

She was even afraid that the other party would go back on it, so she rushed over to grab the tablet, and signed her name on the final confirmed electronic contract.

She just wanted to escape as soon as possible, she couldn't take it anymore, as long as she could escape from these terrifying nightmares, it didn't matter where she escaped - she was indeed strongly afraid to contact what Luo Zhi had experienced, but after all, those things were just It's just filming, can it be more desperate than these absurd nightmares she is encountering now?

Luo Cheng signed the contract in a hurry. She watched Fang Hang take back the tablet, only to realize that although the other party's expression was not greedy and malicious, it was not gentle.

… a strange fear and unease, as if extremely ominous, crept up her back.

"In that case." Fang Hang asked, "Miss Luo, come and see the pilot film?"

The coldness trickled into Luo Cheng's body, freezing her hands and feet.

...what pilot?

Fang Hang turned off the lights again and took the remote control. Only then did Luo Orange realize that in front of them was a wall of projection screens.

The beam penetrated the dust in the room and hit the somewhat yellowed curtain.

"Hysterical personality disorder." Fang Hang took the phone and helped her read the popular science released by the crew and the pilot film. "At least meet the following three items."

"It is highly suggestive and easy to be influenced by others." Fang Hang said slowly, "Exaggerated expression, posturing, and superficial emotions."

"I am self-centered, I just want others to meet my own needs and will. If I am not satisfied, I am strongly dissatisfied, embarrassing the other party in public, and even feel that the other party is heinous."

"To brag about yourself, to show yourself off, and to not allow your perfect image to be destroyed."

"Imagination and reality are mixed up, full of lies..."

The manifestations of hysterical personality disorder are of course more than these. The popular science given by the crew is objective enough, and this is just a disease.

But this inexplicable manager of the artist department just wants to stop for a while, pick and choose, which sounds extremely ironic.

Luo Cheng finally couldn't listen anymore, and interrupted in a hurry: "Enough!"

Fang Hang looked up.

"Fang... Manager."

Luo Orange clenched his fists hard and gritted his teeth: "I thank you very much, you saved me."

She spoke with difficulty: "My mother is sick, but she is my mother after all, you can't say that about her..."

"Miss Luo." Fang Hang frowned and put down the phone, "Did you misunderstand?"

"I don't know any of your mothers."

Fang Hang looked at her: "I'm talking about you."

Luo Cheng froze in place.

She was almost instantly embarrassed by this insult, and she pointed at the other party and refuted it out of control, but for some reason, she didn't make a sound.

The beam is constantly changing, and the pilot sheet has begun to enter the topic.

The boy came out of the aquarium with his sister in one hand and followed behind his mother.

This pilot film was shot based on the results of Xun's family's treatment of patients, and made extensive use of bokeh and perspective.

The actors were chosen very closely. The boy's figure was blurred and blurred, and it looked almost exactly like Luo Chi.

When the family came out of the aquarium, it seemed that they were already having a bad time.

—To be more precise, it was the little girl who was throwing her temper arrogantly, and apparently annoyed her mother.

The boy was left hanging between the two of them, and he seemed to be used to this kind of situation. He bent down skillfully to coax his sister in a warm voice, and then led his sister to coax his mother.

As for why she was angry... Mrs. Luo couldn't tell, and no one remembered it.

How big can it be? A child who is a few years old is nothing more than buying something he wants, or not having enough amusement facilities, so he can't help but make a fool of himself regardless of the occasion, which annoys the parents.

Fortunately, there was a brother coaxing in the middle, but it wasn't too much trouble, and the family even went into the cafe.

Looking at the cafe, Luo Orange's face suddenly paled.

The nightmare that haunted her for so many years, which she had forgotten for so many years, climbed up little by little from the depths of her memory.

The boy sat at the table with a small cake in front of him, and a birthday crown made of paper was placed on top of his sister's head.

He looked very happy, even his earlobes were slightly red, and he touched his sister's head and said thank you softly.

Luo Orange fixedly looked at the boy's shadow on the screen.

...she remembered what had happened.

It was my brother's birthday.

Of course it wasn't the cake that was going through the birthday, the birthday was to go home at night...the family would spend it together.

She just wanted to wish her second brother a happy birthday on a whim, so her mother brought them to the cafe.

But she was not satisfied with the cake in the cafe. She liked the white one with roses that she saw at the roadside stall just now, so she kept mumbling and complaining in the cafe. Later, the mother finally got mad at her, and the two quarreled again. She was always arguing with her mother at that time, because everything would quarrel. She ran out of the cafe in a fit of anger and went to buy the cake she had picked...

Luo Chi bought desserts for his mother and little sister, came back with a plate, and found that his little sister was missing.

"The discussion is very high, and many people think it's ridiculous." Fang Hang pressed pause, "It's just because of such a trivial matter."

Just because of such a trivial matter, the child was lost.

But it is also because, just because of such a trivial matter, that the child was lost, so it was necessary to lie to the past.

...otherwise this mistake is simply too ridiculous, too derelict, too much to be ridiculed and accused of.

Luo Orange looked at the frozen picture.

That picture stops at a birthday crown made of cake and paper.

Luo Chi persuaded his mother to find her, and worried that she would get lost alone, so he ran out to find her.

"What can be done? The client is sick after all."

Fang Hang returned to the previous popular science and slowly read: "Being self-centered - especially when she is angry. Anyone who doesn't do what she wants is a heinous thing in her eyes."

He seemed to be reading popular science, as if he was talking about Mrs. Luo.

But Luo Cheng listened to him say that, but the whole person seemed to be slowly torn open, and along the inconspicuous gap, something was just peeled off bit by bit.

Luo Orange avoided the light of the projector. She was disturbed by the bright lights, but she couldn't escape.

She seemed to be peeled off by those lights.

"Miss Luo." Fang Hang couldn't help it after all, he put the remote control aside and looked at Luo Cheng, "Can I ask, did Mr. Luo do anything excessive to you?"

He wanted to figure this out too much: "How much is it that you want you to treat him like this?"

They didn't even know that Mr. Luo and Luo Cheng had this kind of relationship. They squatted in Luo Zhi's office that day to help the little boss grab tickets. Several managers were in their thirties, and they were all picked up by Luo Zhi alone. They accompanied Luo Zhi to light the lamp and boiled the oil to revitalize Huaisheng Entertainment. It was a friendship between staying up late with dark circles and making coffee and medlar.

Because Luo Zhi changed his mind in the last ten minutes, all of them did not speak.

"I'm looking for you guys to help me and grab my ticket to go out by myself."

Mr. Luo didn't need to grab the tickets lightly. He turned off a row of alarm clocks and huddled on the sofa to play games: "Your reaction seems to be that I have just paid for our company's employee benefits."

They didn't know how to react. They watched Luo Zhi excitedly told them to buy a cruise ticket a few days ago and went out to play, and stayed up late and dragged them to help grab the ticket.

In the end, Luo Zhi gave up this birthday wish indifferently, and invested money to buy a script for Luo Cheng.

It didn't take long for the company to have a so-called shareholder, and suddenly the sky changed. Suddenly Luo Zhi became the one that everyone was calling for - they couldn't get in touch with Luo Zhi, and the phone calls were inexplicably pulled. blacken.

They actually had no face to see Luo Zhi, they thought Luo Zhi was angry with them.

They wanted to run away, but everyone was old and young, and they didn't have the qualifications to do that kind of happy and grudge thing. They felt that Luo Zhili should be angry with them.

Even if Xiao Luo blocked each of their phones, they deserved it.

Later, they finally heard that Mr. Luo was taken back by Faxiao and was taken care of in a private hospital, and they finally felt relieved.

What about people?

Where did the care go?

Why would Luo Zhi sit alone in the rain later?

Why was Luo Zhi being pushed down during the live broadcast and didn't even have the strength to stand up?

"Why did you apologize to Li Weiming for him?" Fang Hang asked her, "Why do you apologize for him? Do you know what he did?"

"What wicked thing has he done?"

"You all hate him so much, can one of you tell us exactly what's going on and make us believe we're with the wrong person?"

"Can you explain this clearly, we don't understand—"

Fang Hang pressed the remote control hard.

In the blurred vision, the boy shouted hoarsely and was still calling out his sister's name.

He searched all over the place but couldn't find his sister, it was getting dark soon, he looked at the last dark and remote alley, gritted his teeth and ran in.

...the picture dims here.

The title appeared on the pitch-black screen, a crimson flame with a circle of death sign outside.

"Where's the person." Fang Hang stared at him, "Miss Luo, your family found the lost child thirteen years ago."

Fang Hang asked her, "Where's the person?"

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