MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 45 Star

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When Ming Lu returned to the villa, Luo Chi was already awake.

Today, the physical and mental consumption is far more than usual. Luo Chi has no energy at the moment, so it is rare that he has not recovered. He is chatting with Mr. Shadow in a low voice.

The fire from the fireplace was warm, Luo Chi leaned on the sofa next to him, covered with a thin blanket, and it seemed that the whole person's complexion was much better.

Luo Chi was already able to distinguish the sound of his footsteps, and when he heard the sound, he bent his eyes and raised his head: "Uncle Lu."

"Huo Miao." Ming Lu handed over the materials he brought back to Ming Wei Ting, walked over to the sofa and greeted him, "What are you talking about with Mr.

Luo Chi answered quickly: "Mr. Shadow."

Minglu was a little surprised and turned his head: "Mr. Chat?"

Ming Weiting met his gaze, with a rare expression of helplessness, pressed his eyebrows: "Truth or Dare."

Minglu took out his mobile phone and temporarily checked the meaning of these words.

The general manager of the Ming family was used to seeing strong winds and waves, and at this step, he also expressed sincere respect for the learning ability of the Ming family's generation. He put down his mobile phone and looked at Mingwei Pavilion.

Probably because he had been with Luo Chi for a long time, Ming Weiting's expression was very calm, he just looked at the time, brought Luo Chi the medicine he should take, and helped Luo Chi hold the water glass.

Luo Chi took a few sips of water with his hand, swallowed the medicine whole, and immediately raised his head: "Uncle Lu."

"What's wrong?" Minglu was about to ask when he suddenly understood what he meant and stood up, "Wait a minute, Huo Miao, you are playing with Mr...."

Halfway through he said, he met Luo Chi's extremely expectant gaze, and for some reason, he couldn't say the rest.

From the mouths of the young people in Huaisheng Entertainment, Minglu heard a lot about Luo Chi's past.

The little Mr. Luo they talked about was different from those investigated by other data—for a long time, they could not find anything unusual about Luo Chi, not only because those young people were not careful enough, but also because Luo Chi was in Huaisheng Entertainment for two years. Do your best to experience a normal life.

Luo Chi would go to drink with them, go to KTV, and take them to the manor team building that he was thinking of at his own expense, and would stay up all night with them to work overtime, play games, and eat roadside stalls with them.

Luo Chi worked hard to play with them, worked hard to cheer up, and allowed himself to try all the experiences that he had never been exposed to and see interesting things.

Fang Hang said that they would occasionally find Luo Chi easy to shake.

When Luo Chi was having a good time with them, he would suddenly shake his head. Sometimes he recovered in an instant, and sometimes he had to stand in the same place for a long time.

Once they worked overtime with Luo Chi until midnight. A group of people walked under the street lights, chatting and laughing. After walking a long way, they realized that Mr. Luo had been left behind at some point.

Luo Chi stood dazedly under the street lamp, and was yelled at by a group of people who patted his shoulders and shook his arms for a long time, and finally gradually woke up.

Luo Chi regained his senses, smiled and explained to them that he seemed a little tired recently.

They decided to relieve Mr. Luo from fatigue, and simply dragged Luo Chi to eat food stalls together. Luo Chi couldn't walk fast. They guessed that Luo Chi was really overtired, so they scrambled to carry him to him.

Luo Chi worked hard to live a normal life and experience all the fun things.

He was just too tired, and in the end he didn't even have the strength to stop others and wait for him.

Luo Chi was carried by them and fell asleep quietly.

Ming Lu came back to his senses.

Luo Chi was looking at him with bright eyes: "Uncle Lu."

Ming Weiting pulled his shirt twice by Luo Chi, put down the water glass in his hand, and sat around Luo Chi: "Uncle Lu."

Ming Lu couldn't help but press his forehead.

He stood for a while, looked at the Mr. Ming family who turned to face him again, smiled and shook his head.

Ming Lu sighed helplessly, and actually sat down like that.

… the rules of the game are simple.

Put Luo Chi's conch on the tray and turn it around, and whoever the tip of the conch points to can let others answer the question, otherwise it will complete a "big adventure".

The original participants in the game were only Huo Miao and his lucky fans, but now Ming Lu has also been pulled in, and the direction has been readjusted to three.

The last opportunity to ask questions was Luo Chi's turn. Luo Chi asked Mr. Shadow when he started chasing stars.

Ming Weiting didn't have time to answer.

Minglu sat on the side, he looked at Mingwei Pavilion, hesitant: "Sir..."

Ming Weiting nodded: "Ten years ago."

Luo Chi was a little surprised and opened his eyes slightly.

Ming Weiting raised his hand and stroked Luo Chi's hair.

Since it was Truth or Dare, according to the rules, he should tell the truth.

He would tell Luo Chi about this sooner or later, but he never found a suitable opportunity: "Huo Miao."

"I came ten years ago," he said.

Ming Weiting slowly told him: "There is a bonfire party on the shore, and my family's boat is moored at the pier."

The surprise in Luo Chi's eyes gradually changed. His impression of the bonfire party was very clear. There were many people on the beach that night, and a cruise ship could be vaguely seen in the night in the distance.

"I saw you play the guitar." Ming Weiting continued, "I always remember it."

Luo Chi squeezed his right hand lightly and took a breath.

Minglu sat aside, he knew that he should not interrupt Mingweiting, but he couldn't help but take over: "Huo Miao."

Luo Chi's eyes lit up when he heard this, he blinked when he heard this, then turned his head to look at Ming Lu seriously.

"I can't afford it." Minglu walked to the sofa, "We should have come to pick you up."

Minglu looked at Luo Chi: "We don't know..." Halfway through he said, he just looked at Luo Chi and explained, "Mr. is very annoyed by this."

Where is there anyone in the Ming family who will chase stars.

Not to mention what programs, public opinions, and Internet trends, even the work of being an artist, it was only after Ming Weiting decided to start learning to be a fan these days that Ming Lu learned about it.

Ten years ago, the previous generation of the Ming family was still alive, and Ming Lu did not follow Ming Weiting, so he did not see the bonfire party and Luo Chi playing the guitar.

There is no one in the Ming family who can chase stars. It is said that Wei Ting likes a young man who plays the guitar by the sea. Mr. Ming Lu almost asked Ming Lu to make an offer and hire someone to be a musician on the cruise.

On the day the cruise ship arrived at the port, Ming Weiting could not wait for Luo Chi to board the ship.

The beach where Luo Chi was found was very close to the location of the bonfire party. Luo Chi lay quietly on the beach, cold and quiet, and did not respond to the person in front of him or his outstretched hand.

"I thought." Ming Weiting watched the doctor on the ship examine Luo Chi. The doctor needed someone to communicate with Luo Chi, so he walked over and held Luo Chi's hand.

Ming Weiting held Luo Chi's hand, and he looked at Luo Chi's slightly open, vacant eyes: "I thought he was free."

They don't know Luo Chi's work or Luo Chi's family. After all, the Luo family's circle is too far away. The gossip about Luo Chi's life experience can be spread everywhere in the circle, but there is no way to cross the ocean and send it to a cruise ship far away.

The fire was always on at all times.

Until he even used himself as fuel, and finally completely exhausted and completely fell into silence, the fire was so bright that people thought he was free.

Minglu recalled his experience in Huaisheng Entertainment today, he didn't know how to explain to Luo Chi, stepped back, turned around and looked at Mingwei Pavilion.

"Uncle Lu." Ming Weiting said, "I'm not going to explain."

Ming Lu was stunned: "Sir?"

Ming Weiting shook his head gently, he half squatted down and looked into Luo Chi's eyes: "Huo Miao."

He wasn't going to find a reason for this.

A mistake is a mistake, and no matter how many mishaps, how many unexpected things, and how late it is, there is no meaning.

He should get off the boat that day, and even if he doesn't get off the boat, he should find an opportunity to ask the guests on the cruise later for advice on how to be a fan and how to chase stars.

Since he wants to be a fan of Luo Chi, he should find out who Luo Chi is and understand Luo Chi's experience.

He shouldn't take it for granted that the fire is completely free because it is too hot and bright, should not be bound by any unnecessary constraints, and should not be trapped in a cruise ship that is only a few inches away.

"I can't afford it." Ming Weiting whispered, "How can there be such a bad fan as me."

Luo Chi hadn't regained his senses yet, he was still waiting for Ming Weiting to praise his guitar playing well, he finally understood the new words and blinked his eyes.

Luo Chi shook his head little by little.

For him, the logic was a bit complicated, and it took Luo Chi some time to catch up: "No."

"No." Luo Chi said slowly, "Mr. Shadow."

Ming Weiting raised his head and met his eyes.

Luo Chi's eyes reflected him: "You are my fan."

Ming Weiting could understand what he meant and nodded: "I'm your fan, I'm chasing you—"

Luo Chi already remembered it very well, and took over the conversation to help him finish: "My star."

He looked at Ming Weiting and pursed the corner of his lower lip lightly: "Ten years ago..."

"Ten years ago." Luo Chi clenched his fist nervously, "Am I cool?"

Ming Weiting was slightly startled.

He hardly thought it would be a problem, so he froze at the question for a brief half-second, and then he snapped back to his senses and nodded without hesitation.

"It's very cool, you won't forget it at a glance." Ming Weiting raised his hand and touched his earlobe, "I thought on the boat, how could there be such a cool person."

Luo Chi was very relieved, he rolled his eyes and nodded vigorously: "That's it."

"We are separated by the sea." Luo Chi said, "The stars must be bright enough."

He suddenly turned around to look for it, and found that he was empty, and his expression gradually became a little dazed.

Ming Weiting supported him: "What are you looking for?"

"Remote control." Luo Chi whispered, "I remember, there is a projection here..."

He remembered that there used to be a huge screen in the living room with a projector, almost like watching a movie, and he hid a lot of videotapes in it.

Luo Chi was supported by Ming Weiting, turned around and searched carefully, and then he found a familiar remote control in the gap of the sofa.

Minglu breathed a sigh of relief and stepped back without a trace.

Fortunately, neither the projection nor the videotape was cleaned up. They replaced a screen again, but the time was too short to check the contents of the videotape.

According to Luo Chi's instructions, Mingwei Pavilion found a digital video tape and installed it, adjusted the curtain and projector: "What is it?"

Luo Chi's ears were a little red, and he pursed the corners of his mouth.

Ming Weiting didn't wait for his answer, took the remote control and tried to press the play button.

The light beam suddenly lit up and hit the screen brightly.

Ming Weiting had already tutored all the programs that Luo Chi participated in, and he recognized at a glance which episode it was. When he turned around and was about to speak, he saw a difference: "The picture is different."

Luo Chi nodded: "It's the mother belt."

Ming Weiting put down the remote control and sat beside him.

He sat beside Luo Chi and watched with him the most realistic and complete live video without malicious editing, without malicious editing.

Luo Chi was only twenty at the time—or not even twenty.

It's been a few years since his birthday, and when he wasn't being President Luo, he replaced his shirt and tie with a simple T-shirt and held a guitar, making him look younger than his actual age.

The audience pool was almost pitch black, as was the stage. Luo Chi jumped onto the stage holding the guitar and jumped into the only beam.

There is an almost bizarre softness and lightness to the tune that flows from his guitar, the background sound is very simple, there is no superfluous soundtrack, and the harmony is only the sea breeze and the rush of the tide.

After the prelude, the music quickly became lively and enthusiastic. It was a fiery fervor that was so intense that it was almost breathless, those fiery and unobstructed pouring into the chest, like extremely gorgeous fireworks blooming in the night sky and the sea at the same time.

The dark auditorium lit up with star lights for scoring, and in the blink of an eye, it became a sea of ​​light. People applauded him to beat the rhythm, and some people waved and clapped at him.

Luo Chi's eyes sparkled, he turned around, and subconsciously said, "Auntie—"

His shoulders suddenly settled down, his chest rose and fell slowly, and his fingers curled up little by little.

Ming Weiting was watching those pictures intently, he noticed Luo Chi's strangeness, he turned sideways and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Luo Chi shook his head slightly.

As if he had realized something, he blinked twice, then bent again.

Luo Chi said slowly, "Mr. Shadow."

Ming Weiting had already turned to the sofa, half squatted down, and looked at him intently.

Luo Chi was participating in the show for the first time, holding a guitar and trying to jump off, but was hurriedly stopped by the choreographer at the scene.

Luo Chi stopped at the edge of the stage, only a few meters away from the smiles and outstretched hands that were close at hand.

He was holding his guitar, panting lightly from the exhaustion of physical strength, watching everything in front of him with novelty and concentration.

"Wait for me." Luo Chi said softly.

Luo Chi's voice was very soft, and he didn't know who he was making a solemn promise: "Cool for you to see."

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