MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 58 Prepare

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Some people said that they had to wait for the operation to change their name, but they have secretly practiced signing.

It was raining through and through, and the weather was fine for the next few days.

In the afternoon, when it was not so hot, Ming Weiting would take Luo Chi to the beach to bask in the sun. Every time he washed his brushes and came back, he would see the extremely upright "Ming Chi" written on the beach under the drawing board.

The words on the beach could not be retained, and they were filled with other sand before they could be seen clearly. Mr. Shadow also pretended not to see it at all, and squatted down and focused his brushes on the easel one by one.

Luo Chi's ears were still hot, so he carefully buried the evidence with sand. After confirming that he couldn't see it at all, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He stretched out his hand and touched the brush that had been washed cleanly. He subconsciously opened his mouth to thank him, and then swallowed the words back: "Mr. Shadow."

Only then did Ming Weiting look back, smiling and learning his words: "Mr. Huo Miao."

Luo Chi obviously liked to be called like that, so he sat up straight and his right hand behind his back slowly moved out, signaling him to stretch out his hand.

Mingweiting stretched out his hand, and there was a conch the size of a knuckle in his palm.

It's not the snail shell, the soft snail meat hidden inside has a pearl-like color, and it is still shrinking sensitively, and it will bubbling quickly when touched.

"It can be raised." Luo Chi said, "It can grow up."

Ming Weiting nodded: "Okay."

Luo Chi was ready to say what he wanted to say, but before he had time to officially start, he couldn't help but wonder: "What is it?"

"Take it back and help raise the fire." Ming Weiting said, "When he recovers from the surgery, I invite him to go out to sea to play together. If you want to see the conch once, you will have to use a song in exchange for it, and you will return it when the little conch grows up. give him."

Luo Chi just wanted to think about it before the operation. He didn't expect so much, and opened his eyes wide: "It will take a long time to grow up."

Ming Weiting nodded: "Then go out to sea and play together for a long time."

He painted with Luo Chi for a few days, and he was very proficient in auxiliary work. He found a few tubes of paint and filled up the colors in the palette that were about to be used up: "Where do you want to go for the first stop?"

Luo Chi opened his mouth for a while, then lowered his eyes and smiled: "Caribbean Sea."

"Okay." Ming Weiting nodded again, lowered his head and said to the little conch, "Follow us to the Caribbean Sea."

...Mr. Shadow must have obtained a very powerful star chasing cheat.

Luo Chi felt ashamed, touched the paintbrush, put it into the palette, and continued to concentrate on painting.

In the field of painting, talent and color perception alone are not enough. Basic skills are equally important.

Luo Chi had studied for a period of time. Later, although he gradually became busy with the company's affairs, he always used this as a relaxation, and he didn't give up his work. It's just that the things I draw are getting more and more dissatisfied, so I don't see them anymore.

Luo Chi has never practiced writing with his left hand, but he can hold a paintbrush. He has been concentrating on painting a painting for the past few days, and even when he comes out to bask in the sun, he has to bring out his easel.

The painting progressed very quickly, and the color had already covered the canvas, but unfortunately no one but himself could understand it. Ming Lu accompanied his husband to study for a long time in the middle of the night, but still only saw some overlapping color blocks.

No one could understand it anyway, Luo Chi didn't mind Mr. Shadow watching, and showed the picture generously: "Does it look good?"

Mingwei Pavilion had just raised the little conch in sea water, and was standing behind Luo Chi watching him paint on the canvas. Hearing Luo Chi's question, he came closer.

He bent his shoulders, put one hand on Luo Chi's back, and looked at the painting with Luo Chi: "It's beautiful."

This is indeed not a fan to make idols happy.

It is impossible to guess the content of the picture for the time being, and it does not affect the most direct impact of those colors on the vision.

Colors themselves do not contain any emotions. The emotions it induces come from human's natural cognition of them. Which ones are warm, which ones are painful, which ones are more reminiscent of silence and sadness.

The intersection of colors will create the illusion of flow in the picture, even the most rational person will be suddenly touched at a certain moment, and meet the world that he does not understand at all.

The main color of the canvas in front of Luo Chi is not warm. Minglu asked people to collect his paintings. I don't know when, Luo Chi could no longer use those passionate colors well, and the picture became quiet, somewhat like being separated by a layer of fog.

But the response to those paintings was actually quite good. The founder who was far abroad did not feel that the level of painters had declined because of this. He was still waiting for new works, and the people around him also followed Luo Zhi's wishes in the inheritance arrangement and did not tell him the truth.

The painting in front of me is neither warm nor lively at all.

Those colors overlapped and merged, and there was an unusually soft quietness, like the calm water surface under the clear sky after the most violent storm at sea.

Ming Weiting turned his gaze to the side, looking at Luo Chi who was concentrating on color matching.

Luo Chi was very serious when he did this. He had a kind of pure and extremely quiet concentration that was completely different from when he was playing the guitar. But if you really look through the surface carefully, you would find that the state of the two times was actually not different. .

Compared with these things that Luo Chi likes, Luo Chi is actually not so fond of talking - discovering this actually makes Mr. Ming, who is not good at talking, feel a little comfort for no reason. But at the same time, it is even more rare to have a sense of urgency. After all, in the future, one of the two people in the family will always be responsible for opening their mouths.

But Luo Chi just doesn't like to talk much, it's not that he doesn't express.

What he was thinking, just listen to the tunes he played and look at the paintings he drew to know.

Luo Chi painted a small piece of blue in the upper left corner of the picture, and continued to paint it in deep and shallow depths until the blue seemed to extend completely and merged with the sky outside the canvas.

Ming Weiting was attracted by him, and even raised his hand to touch it, only to confirm that the piece of canvas did not suddenly dissolve and disappear.

"Actually, it's not that difficult, it's just color-grading skills."

Luo Chi explained this, but still stared at him with bright eyes: "Is it serious?"

Ming Weiting just looked at him with a smile in his eyes: "Amazing."

He found that the more he was with Luo Chi, the more this kind of completely relaxed smile that suddenly appeared. Ming Weiting raised his hand and touched his ear, and asked softly, "How can it be so powerful?"

Luo Chi's ears were red from the praise, he took a deep breath and calmed down. He was determined to give him a better one, and went to the lower right corner to paint the golden beach.

Ming Weiting helped him adjust the height of the lower cuffs, took the palette, and poured out the water according to Luo Chi's instructions.

Luo Chi has been recovering from illness these days, and most of the clothes he wears are loose and comfortable home clothes. But these days, he suddenly wanted to wear a shirt himself, and he took the initiative to pull Mr. Shadow and Uncle Lu, and took two photos.

Luo Chi poured some water and was using a paintbrush to blur the paint a little bit. He lowered his eyelashes, the tips of which scooped up a little sunlight and looked as golden as the tip of his pen.

Mingwei Ting asked someone to order a shirt to his size, and it fit him well, cut it properly, and didn't look slender.

Luo Chi opened the collar of his shirt slightly, and rolled the cuffs up to his elbows. He looked very good, and it was almost impossible to tell that he was sick.

The sun hasn't tanned him at all these days, except that occasionally when the sun is too hot, the skin gets reddened. After returning to the room, it will not be long before it will return to the original cold white.

Luo Chi finally noticed his gaze, looked at his arm, immediately put down the paintbrush, and took the initiative to spread out Mr. Ren Yingying for a random check: "I've applied the medicine, the doctor said that I won't get sunburned this time."

Ming Weiting wasn't thinking about this, but he still decided to present a candy to Luo Chi's palm because of this outstanding performance.

Luo Chi confirmed that it was a peach, and his eyes immediately curled up.

He didn't need help when eating the candy. He pinched the candy firmly with one hand, and skillfully bit the package and tore it flexibly, and smoothly took the translucent pink candy inside into his mouth.

Ming Weiting took the wrapping paper and touched his hair: "If you only eat one flavor, you won't be bored?"

"No." Luo Chi contained sugar, his voice was a little vague, "I will eat other flavors. If I can choose, I like peaches the most."

There are actually only a few flavors and things that he particularly likes. More hobbies and hobbies are when he first debuted, he answered questions in order to answer questions, and tried his best to get the answers together.

When Aunt Ren sent a letter to Director Gong before, she told the story and joked that it is not easy to keep a fire.

You just put him in a shelter from the wind and rain, give him food and water to fill his stomach - as long as it's edible, it doesn't really matter what it is, and then give him the guitar.

All that's left is a daily piece of peach-flavored sugar, a wad of white paper, and enough paint. When you are about to go to bed at night, go talk to him and let him fall asleep holding something.

As long as it is raised in this way, the small flame can grow into a big flame, and finally become a very free fire, going where you want to go.

Of course, Aunt Ren was reluctant to just raise a small fire like this, so Luo Chi was actually very busy every day during the three years he was at Ren's house.

too busy. Not only will I be dragged out of the room by my aunt to bask in the sun, but I will also be dragged to study eggs-free desserts and read psychology books together.

Luo Chi was often dragged out of the room accidentally. Sometimes it's going to the playground to roll in the ocean ball, sometimes it's all kinds of banquets and salons, and more often it's a painting exhibition and an art exhibition that I really want to see, a science exhibition that I'm curious about, and a lawn where I can't sleep. music Festival.

In the past few days, Luo Chi has been detailing the details of these experiences to Mr. Shadow.

He told Mingweiting about a grass music festival. The morning dew washed the grass green, and the wet vapor disappeared as soon as the sun came out. No one asked who the other was or anything that had happened in the past, and the world seemed for a brief moment with nothing but sunshine, wind, grass, and music.

At the end of the show, he and Aunt Ren were shoved away by the crowd. At that time, he was already a very calm and calm flame. No matter how nervous he was, he would just hide his sweat in his palms and try to jump to the stage that had not been removed. .

Aunt Ren really saw him at a glance, ran over and hugged him tightly, her heart beating faster than his.

"It's a great job." Aunt Ren praised him vigorously, "If Huo Miao can't find her aunt in the future, she will go to a higher place."

"Go to a higher place, keep going higher, until everyone can see it."

Later on the hospital bed, Aunt Ren hugged him and gently touched his forehead: "Auntie must be praising everyone that our flame is so good and so many people like it."

"Huo Miao." Ming Weiting has been looking for the right time. He watched Luo Chi concentrate on depicting the fine gravel, and after a long while, he raised his hand and gently rubbed his hair.

Ming Weiting whispered, "There are many people who like you."

Luo Chi's movements paused, and he still slowly finished the last few strokes, raising his eyes from the canvas.

He successfully made the canvas in the lower right corner disappear into the beach, put the brush aside, raised his head again, and looked at Mr. Shadow with a serious look.

Ming Weiting knew that he told him about this last time. Luo Chi just believed it without asking, but he didn't take it seriously.

Luo Chi fully cooperated with the treatment and psychological counseling, and worked hard to sprint forward without stopping, without thinking about any superfluous things, without giving himself any breathing time to get better.

Luo Chi knew that he didn't have enough time.

Even Xun Zhen subconsciously ignored the risk-related part in the preoperative notification—this part of the content had no meaning for them to talk about.

Risks are fixed, and all you can do is do your best. Since everything that can be done has been done, the last part of the illusory "probability" can only be handed back to fate to decide.

Luo Chi's physical and mental state has been adjusted to the best, and there will be the most authoritative and experienced clinicians in charge of the operation. The operation plan has been discussed too many times, and the position of each knife has been simulated...

But it was a craniotomy after all, and the possible dangers and accidents still lurked at every step, and no amount of preparation could completely eliminate it.

So Ming Weiting also knew what Luo Chi was doing these days.

Luo Chi absolutely believed in Mr. Shadow, and absolutely believed in each of them. Luo Chi happily made all the preparations that could not wait for the new life after the operation.

But just like the Luo Zhi who was sitting in the office writing his will at the beginning, the most gentle and considerate in his nature was to let Luo Chi work hard to do another thing at the same time.

Luo Chi knew that there were risks in his operation, and once an accident happened, Luo Chi definitely didn't want to leave them any regrets.

If an accident does happen, Luo Chi hopes that when Mr. Shadow thinks of himself, he remembers the happiest and happiest flames.

So even if Luo Chi didn't take what he said seriously, he would never take the initiative to ask him.

"Don't be in such a hurry." Ming Weiting wrapped his head and neck and said softly, "I promise, if there is an accident."

He said these words slowly, and found that Luo Chi's reaction was calmer than his.

Luo Chi put his hand on his arm and looked at him quietly, more attentive than ever, his eyes finally revealed a little bit of gentle worry.

It's like a painting that Luo Chi is painting.

There are only colors and no shapes, and for the time being no one can guess what he is going to paint.

But just looking at the soft and blending colors, it was as if I had heard Luo Chi sitting on the terrace at night these days, holding the guitar and slowly playing the piano to him.

"If there is an accident." Ming Weiting said, "I will never chase stars again, never go ashore again, there will be nothing else."

Luo Chi couldn't help but smile: "I still have to go to the shore."

"There is a lot of fun on the shore." Luo Chi took his arm and tried to tempt him, "There is a grass music festival."

Ming Weiting shook his head gently: "No one plays the guitar better than you."

Although the context and atmosphere were not suitable, Luo Chi couldn't help but flutter, and secretly cheered: "That's not true."

"There are still many people who are better than me." Luo Chi felt that Mr. Shadow had probably never heard other people play the guitar. He explained it honestly, and added, "But I am also better, and I still have lucky fans."

Ming Weiting smiled and rubbed his hair: "You will still have many fans."

He knew that Luo Chi didn't want to talk about this—a few days ago, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to talk about the outside world with Luo Chi.

But Luo Chi was braver than him, Luo Chi jumped onto his boat and held his hand tightly, and Luo Chi would be his captain for all the time they would go through.

Since there must be a boat waiting at any time, it doesn't matter what happens.

"I've considered whether to tell you about it now or wait for the surgery."

Ming Weiting said: "It is more secure after surgery. But it is you who needs this answer now."

Luo Chi was slightly startled at his words.

Ming Weiting bent his fingers and touched his eyelashes lightly.

The one who wants to meet more people and play with many people is the current Luo Chi.

Luo Chi, who was surrounded by the bonfire party, and Luo Chi who was chasing the lights on the stage, Luo Chi worked so hard to stand on a higher place, and waited eagerly for Aunt Ren to say to others, "Look at how great our flames are" .

Luo Chi, who was finally able to say "Thank you Mr. Shadow for liking me" out loud, shuddered and hugged him so tightly.

Of course they will go out to sea and see all the sights. But he still stubbornly retained his original view that the fire should not be confined to the ship, nor bound by any boundaries.

This is the young master of the Ming family. He likes to play with people, so he should greet everyone without any burden. If he wants to go to the highest place, he will jump up with his guitar.

Aunt Ren will definitely praise him, the wind will praise him, the sun will praise him, and every wave will praise him to see how great our flames are.

"What your Uncle Tolu did, your subordinates handled it well, but not so well themselves."

Ming Weiting said: "There is a fight within your company."

Hearing this sentence, Luo Chi immediately showed concern and frowned silently.

"It doesn't matter, no one was really hurt."

Ming Weiting touched his hair and said warmly, "It's just those artists who are controlled on Weibo... very angry."

The situation was serious before, and several people were watched by the team almost 24 hours a day. It was because everyone believed that Mr. Luo had arrangements, that Mr. Luo was just recuperating in the Ren family's hospital and was temporarily unavailable, so he was reluctantly appeased.

The subsequent news stunned everyone, and the violent daze temporarily made the situation less out of control. Until Minglu hinted that they cheered up and dealt with the follow-up, and brought Luo Chi's words to them.

Now is not the time to tell the truth.

If there is an accident in the operation - of course everyone will do their best to avoid it, Xun Zhen's team is still constantly refining and fine-tuning the details of the surgical plan.

But if fate is really cold-blooded to this point, this sudden ups and downs will only push those who really care about Luo Chi into the abyss of guilt and remorse.

Uncle Lu's words were vague, but the company's internal public relations were originally quite professional and reliable. Fang Hang and others also immediately realized this. The matter was handled well, and the follow-up public opinion turmoil did not affect any innocent people.

But there was a fight in the company.

No rules.

Totally unseemly, totally immature fight.

The artist and the team, the artist and the manager of the artist department, the first one who couldn't hold back was a young singer who had just reached adulthood, and then the situation became more chaotic.

Huaisheng Entertainment was not a conventional film and television company. Luo Chi had never restrained anyone with the company's rules, so this unexpected group fight didn't cause anyone to be dealt with.

It was so outrageous that when Fang Hang limped to see Ming Lu, he asked him not to tell anyone.

Fang Hang was the manager of the artist department, and he was beaten the worst, but the depression in his body was much less than a few days ago.

He took a deep breath, lowered his head to suppress his emotions, neatly arranged his clothes, and said to Ming Lu, "No matter what..."

"…no matter what."

"They want to tell you something," Ming Weiting said.

Ming Weiting looked into Luo Chi's eyes: "From now on, people who like you will not be hurt any more because they like you."

Luo Chi can be liked so easily.

Fans who spoke for him were chased and ridiculed, and artists who quarreled for him were smeared and abused.

The old official blog was forcibly taken over by the board of directors. Before the inheritance left by Luo Chi was distributed, even those managers in the company who carried Li Weiming to death were not less likely to be run on the bench.

So Luo Chi kept going backwards, from the radiant guitarist to the backstage, and then from the general manager of Huaisheng Entertainment behind the scenes, backing into the shadows, not letting anyone touch him.

This matter should be completely resolved here, and should not be taken to the new world.

Luo Chi blinked slightly.

The frequency of his chest ups and downs was slightly faster than usual, his fingers slowly tightened unconsciously, and then loosened little by little.

It seemed quite difficult for him to understand this sentence. With his eyes down, he read this sentence back and forth, over and over again, until he finally began to slowly feel the meaning inside.

"Representative of lucky fans."

Ming Weiting touched his eyes: "Would you like to give me a hug?"

"...Yes." Luo Chi took a breath and blinked twice, "Mr. Shadow, I want to hug."

Luo Chi bent his eyes and reached out to him: "I want to hug, my chest hurts."

He said this with a smile, and Ming Weiting took him out of the beach chair and put him in his arms. Luo Chi lowered his head against him, his breath was short, but no water vapor escaped.

Luo Chi hugged him tightly.

"Mr. Shadow." Luo Chi buried himself on his shoulder and whispered, "My painting is over."

Mr. Shadow nodded: "Very beautiful."

Mr. Shadow thought about it for a while: "What are you painting?"

Luo Chi couldn't help laughing, but just shook his head: "My letter is also finished."

Mr. Shadow asked, "Would you like to send it?"

"It's not sent, it's for me... I'll talk about it after the surgery."

Luo Chi took a breath and exhaled slowly: "If I forget to read the letter, be sure to remind me."

Mr. Shadow folded his arms: "Okay."

Luo Chi sighed: "What should I do?"

He noticed that Mr. Shadow drew a question mark in his palm, held that finger, and said down to himself, "There are so many things I want to do, I want to get well soon, I can't bear it, I really want to live..."

The arms behind his shoulders tightened.

Ming Weiting held Luo Chi's face, and let him raise his head with light force. There was no moisture between Luo Chi's eyelashes.

There was no fog or water color in those eyes, the light was very bright, and they looked at him without flickering or avoiding.

"Standard preoperative anxiety, I'm nervous." Luo Chi raised his chest and raised his head, calmly explained, "Today is the seventh day."

Ming Weiting looked at him carefully for a while, and sighed.

Luo Chi didn't know what to do, blinked his eyes, took his hand and drew a question mark.

"It's not cool to look like lucky fans."

Ming Weiting put his hands around him, lowered his head for the first time, and put his forehead against Luo Chi's cool neck: "I've been nervous for seven days."

Luo Chi opened his eyes in surprise.

He was stunned for a few seconds, and then laughed unceremoniously, imitating Mr. Shadow's movements, pressing his head on his shoulders and rubbing it involuntarily.

Ming Weiting was full of energy and deliberately retaliated, and a smile slowly appeared in his eyes: "Are you still nervous?"

"Nervous." Of course Luo Chi nodded, "You are nervous when you want to live, and you are nervous when you want to live well."

Luo Chi said loudly, "This is called the desire to survive."

"In case of an accident during the operation and all emergency measures have been used up, it is up to the patient's desire to survive."

When he took care of Aunt Ren, he read a lot of materials, but he was actually very knowledgeable: "Mr. Shadow must go ashore, and he must chase stars until he is ninety-three years old."

Ming Weiting laughed softly.

He raised his head and didn't speak, but his eyes were warmer, and he let Luo Chi rubbed him happily before he took Luo Chi back into his arms.

According to the plan given by Xun Zhen, it is best to start hospitalization a few days before the operation.

This allows Luo Chi to adapt to the hospital environment as soon as possible, and can also closely monitor Luo Chi's physical condition at any time, and make adjustments to possible emergencies at any time.

The only thing that needs to be considered is Luo Chi's instinctive resistance to the hospital's subconscious - this resistance is not controlled by the subjective consciousness. If Luo Chi's state declines and the operation is affected, it will not be worth the harm.

According to the previous plan, they originally planned to stay at Wanghai Villa until the surgery.

"My business is all done." Luo Chi held Mr. Shadow's hand, "Take me to the hospital."

Ming Weiting supported Luo Chi's neck and lowered his head.

He looked into those eyes seriously, and after confirming that there was indeed no discomfort or reluctance in them, he closed his hand.

"My head doesn't hurt anymore, but my chest still hurts."

Knowing what he was examining, Luo Chi suddenly became playful and said solemnly: "Today's words are too emotionally stimulating."

Ming Weiting saw the bright smile in his eyes, and knew that Luo Chi was not serious, but he still put his hand on his chest: "So serious?"

In fact, the pain was long gone, and even the hot band became hot, but of course Luo Chi nodded: "It's so serious."

"What should I do?" Ming Weiting tapped Luo Chi's chest like he had knocked on him before, "Don't hurt anymore."

Luo Chi often reflects on these days, and feels that Mr. Shadow must be 100% responsible for becoming naive. He laughed so hard he couldn't help coughing: "Okay, I heard it, it said—"

Halfway through the words, Luo Chi greeted Ming Weiting's gaze, but suddenly froze unconsciously.

Mr. Shadow rarely looked at him that way.

Ming Weiting's gaze fell silently into his eyes. He was hugged and sat up, his hair was touched and rubbed lightly... The rest of these movements were all familiar.

Ming Weiting put one hand behind his head, gently pressed his forehead, and asked in a low voice, "What did it say?"

Luo Chi opened his mouth, and for some reason, his voice suddenly became smaller: "...Say, it jumped a little."

More than a little beat, his heart might almost jump out of his chest.

Fortunately, his blood pressure has always been low, and he does not have a headache when he is excited. However, after the operation, you must start to take care of your body. You can't let the blood pressure get so low. I heard from Uncle Lu that low blood pressure will cause seasickness...

All the messy thoughts suddenly stopped at a certain moment.

Ming Weiting lowered his head and pressed his palm on his left chest cavity, the warmth seeped in through the fabric of his shirt, and his heartbeat came out of it.

"I'm very grateful for it." Ming Weiting said, "Last time it stopped for a short time and then jumped up again."

Luo Chi did not hesitate to speak for his heart: "This time it will not stop."

Ming Weiting smiled, he raised his head and looked at Luo Chi seriously for a long time, until Luo Chi almost couldn't help but want to reach out and touch his eyes.

…On cruise ships, there is a fairly traditional standard of etiquette. When people say hello, they kiss their hands.

It first represented sincere greetings and thanks, as well as sincere blessings and respect. Later, this etiquette gradually became popular and common, and it was common to have almost no more meaning and characteristics.

Ming Weiting held Luo Chi's hand, he solemnly greeted and thanked Luo Chi's heart, thanked it for bringing Luo Chi back from the water, and thanked it for sticking with Luo Chi for so long.

There will be no more pain in the future, there will be many happy things that can fill the entire chest, so be sure to be very strong in the next time. They will go to raise a small conch together.

Then Ming Weiting lowered his head, moved his hand away, and kissed the warmly beating heart under his chest.

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