MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 62 invite

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Minglu didn't speak immediately.

He squatted beside the bed, carefully checked the steady data on the instruments, and turned to look at the compartment door.

The young man who recited this sentence leaned on the hospital bed, and he seemed a little surprised, but in just a moment, he turned into a serious thinking look.

Minglu made a gesture in his sight to help him recover from his thoughts.

"You just had brain surgery." Ming Lu tapped on his forehead and reminded warmly, "Don't rush your brain, it will cause a headache."

Those eyes blinked, then bent: "It's okay."

"It's okay." Ming Chi smiled, his voice was a little soft, "I'm not using my brain."

There is a part of the content stored in memory, to mobilize them, you don't need to use your brain - even if you have just had surgery, because you are affected by the surgery, you are temporarily in a blank space, there are many things you can do without using your brain. remember.

Because they are inherently common-sense questions.

Even if a person completely loses memory due to an accident, as long as the most basic part of self-awareness is still there, it is difficult to forget to drink water when thirsty and eat when hungry.

You put him on the bed, cover the quilt, and he will sleep naturally when he is sleepy.

Mingchi slowly explained his situation, looked around, gave an example: "For example."

For example, he only had a naming disorder temporarily, but as long as he was reminded of the name of the item, he could immediately remember many of the simplest common sense.

For example, hangers are used to hang clothes, and conch and shells can be made into handicrafts. For example, a pencil can draw and a guitar can be played.

For example, sugar is sweet, and he also remembered the word "peach". In addition to peach-flavored candy, he quickly remembered that there was a second favorite toffee.

For example, how to use a computer, as long as you press the power button, the screen will light up, and as long as you tap the keyboard, the words will pop up on the screen.

…for example.

He continued down: "Like the coat. As long as you see the coat, you can wait for Mr. Shadow to come back."

Finished speaking.

After finishing the lecture, Ming Chi held his arms and slowly sat upright at the head of the bed, with his shoulders raised and his eyes even more crooked.

Ming Lu looked at his expression, and couldn't help but reward Ming Chi with a piece of candy: "The last one is common sense?"

"It's common sense." Mingchi was sure that this one was no different from the others. Just like drinking water when you are thirsty and eating when you are hungry, he remembers it very well, "Don't run around."

"Don't run around when you see your coat." He backed his back smoothly, "Don't go anywhere, just wait there."

Ming Chi said, "Wait, Mr. Shadow will come back."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a light knock on the door of the compartment.

Ming Lu finally sighed out, and calmly suppressed his laugh. Instead, he went to classmate Ming Chi and replied, "What's behind the screen?"

Ming Chi still recognized this kind of thing, and immediately replied: "It's the door."

Minglu asked, "Someone knocked on the door, do you want to open it?"

Ming Lu helped him take revenge: "It's too much, I haven't been here for so long, and I only come back now."

The young master of the Ming family has always responded the fastest. He just can't remember anything temporarily, but his thinking and logic are quite smooth, and he immediately catches up with the smile in Uncle Lu's eyes: "Is this too much?"

"Yeah." Minglu nodded, serious, "Would you like him to wait outside the door for a hundred counts?"

Mingchi's eyes brightened, he moved his fingers hard, and practiced little by little to slowly grasp them.

He looked at his hands, took a deep breath, and exhaled softly.

He actually knew that Uncle Lu wanted to give him some time to buffer - after all, in a place like an unhealed bleeding spot in the brain, as long as the blood pressure changes caused by mood swings, it would be dangerous, and he wouldn't specifically distinguish between happiness and sadness.

But that's okay.

"Uncle Lu." Mingchi whispered super softly, interceding for the person behind the door, "Is it okay to wait?"

Ming Lu was a little surprised, and looked at his expression carefully: "Is it okay to wait?"

Mingchi's ears turned red: "It's okay to wait."

Ming Lu remained at the bedside, bent down to meet his gaze, raised his hand and tapped his forehead to signal: "If there is any discomfort here, don't bear it, just say it right away."

It's not that Ming Luyu is too cautious about this matter, but he has a lot of previous records: "When I was recuperating before, some people wanted my husband to sleep a little longer, and they came to me to ask for painkillers on their own, and almost fainted in a wheelchair. already."

It wasn't even close - the manager of the Ming family had never seen anything before, and he was still quite frightened that day.

The young man who was curled up in the wheelchair probably passed out halfway, and was picked up by Ming Lu in the corridor. After a long pat on the shoulder, he finally woke up. He opened his eyes blankly, and murmured without a sound, "Uncle Lu. , my head hurts a little."

After that, Minglu put painkillers in the pockets of each of his clothes, and was more careful not to leave him alone at any time.

When recuperating, we must ensure that we are in a very comfortable mood, not to mention that no one is willing to waste a little more time, so everyone tacitly will not turn over the old accounts or discuss any uncomfortable things.

Now that the operation is finally successful, everything can start again, and the young master of the Ming family should adjust some habits a little.

Ming Chi was slightly startled, and slowly blinked his eyes.

Of course he didn't remember it, but it must have been his own fault.

After all, it sounds very believable. According to his current exploration and understanding, it looks like something he can do.

"Some people are so outrageous." Mingchi immediately criticized himself, "I'm brave enough to make people worry about it."

His critical attitude was a little too firm, but Minglu couldn't help explaining to some people: "It's not so outrageous, it's because of concern or worry."

Mingchi has already made up his mind: "I have to change."

"It needs to be changed." Ming Lu finally felt relieved, smiled, and said to him warmly, "Wait a minute, Uncle Lu will open the door."

Mingchi wrote down the first habit to correct. He suddenly heard this sentence, and quickly retracted his mind, his eyes lit up, and his eyes followed Uncle Lu.

...that's a great joy.

He was so happy that even if he didn't remember, even if he couldn't remember anything, his instinct was always excited and looking forward to it.

But he can't control his emotions, because it's common sense.

A person will feel better because they see the sun, feel quiet and comfortable because they see the rain, and feel open-minded and clear-minded because they follow the wind all the way to the beach... But they won't be excited because of these.

Because this is all common sense, and common sense is what is certain to happen.

The sun will come out, the weather will be sunny and rainy, follow the wind and go all the way to the beach sooner or later.

So Mr. Shadow will definitely come back sooner or later.

There was the sound of the door opening, and the two figures behind the screen were talking in low voices, probably discussing his physical condition.

The young master of the Ming family persuaded Uncle Lu with reason and reason, but the always cautious gentleman regained his senses after knocking on the door impulsively, and calmly asked Uncle Lu about the specific situation.

The restored hearing no longer hears everything as if it were separated by water... He even really heard that voice for the first time. It's almost exactly the same as he imagined, but probably because he hasn't rested well, he needs to be a little bit dumber.

With a little unknowingly tired, unusually soft husky. It's like waking up from a short sleep that is not very stable, but it seems to be able to bring people into a dream.

Ming Chi lowered his gaze and looked at his right hand.

It took him ten minutes to clench his right hand into a fist. That hand seemed to be inconvenient for a long time, and now he didn't hold it as he wanted, but his strength had slowly grown from his body.

Uncle Lu said he was ill and had brain surgery. He is awake in the ward, and he can clearly perceive his physical condition, and can basically infer what happened to him.

He guessed that he must have been very worrying before. Now that he is cured and his body is starting to get better, of course this must be changed - but the original intention of what Uncle Lu said is still very necessary to maintain, and it is necessary to continue to carry forward of.

Now you can set Mingchi's first small goal after waking up.

Be sure to let Mr. Shadow get a good night's sleep.

Ming Chi pursed the corners of his mouth, leaned on the bed, and listened intently to the intermittent whispered conversation.

He looked at the blurry shadow behind the screen very seriously for a while, but he stopped worrying, completely relaxed his body, and closed his eyes safely.

Although there is almost no strength at all, and it is inevitable that he will feel uncomfortable after the operation, he is actually in very good condition. The head doesn't hurt at all, and the consciousness is quickly awakening.

To recover from the blank dazedness just now, he needed less time than the doctor had guessed.

After chatting with Uncle Lu for a while, many scattered and floating messages were reactivated and connected, and progress was made in less than an hour.

As long as you close your eyes, there are quite a few vivid and vivid scenes that pop out.

Although these scenes seem to have been separated for many years, he even has to work hard to stand on tiptoe and jump up to be as high as he thinks, but every scene is completely and completely amazing.

He was hugged all over, dazed by rubbing, lifted up and turned in circles.

He was held tightly by the warmest hand, and he heard the brightest and brightest voice laugh and call him "Flame".

"Auntie." Mingchi followed the younger self, and whispered in his heart, "Auntie."

He couldn't remember the facts of recent years, and he didn't know what happened later - but perhaps because of this, he also took the opportunity to be a lot more courageous.

Relying on not remembering anything, he gave himself about 100 million courage in his heart, and finally added the title that he had to swallow carefully every time when he was a child: "Mom."

... gosh.

Why so happy.

Mingchi controlled his breathing rate, inhaling gently and exhaling little by little.

He found that even this was common sense. Before the operation, he was telling him over and over again, "You and your aunt are a family."

How could he be so powerful before the operation. so brave.

He's really self-critical, and while he's a little off-kilter at times, most of the time he's very, very good, and very commendable.

Ming Chi organized those scenes and kept each one of them with great care.

He didn't see his auntie after waking up, but the scenes already gave him the answer.

He still remembers holding a medical notice in the hospital, running up and down anxiously and desperately, looking for everyone who can ask about his condition.

He remembered that time, the intense fear that it almost seemed like something was about to rip him apart. In the end, because the location of the lesion was too dangerous, the day he finally decided to give up the operation, he sneaked up to the mountain where his aunt took him to climb, went to the temple and begged the gods and Buddhas, and gave his life to his aunt. No more.

But he also remembered how his ears were pinched by his aunt who came up on the tour bus, crying in a daze, and carrying a large box of vegetarian snacks back home.

He was dragged to the sofa by his aunt, and the two watched TV while eating snacks, and watched a whole TV series about time travel.

After reading it, my aunt judged him very seriously: "Do you remember?"

He didn't know what to remember, so nervous that he couldn't speak or move.

"Auntie's disease was discovered too late. Even if I have surgery now, I can only lie in bed for a few more months, I can't eat delicious food, and I can't go to play where I want to go."

Auntie held his shoulders very solemnly, as if there was an invincible and important task for him: "Fire."

He sat up straight more nervously than before.

"You have to grow up first, and grow up safely." Auntie stared at him seriously, "When you have finished your life, you can follow this method," Auntie pointed to the TV series that had just finished, "Wear back a few times. I told my aunt a few years ago that you are not allowed to go and check your body."

He even begged the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and in those few seconds, he almost truly believed in this method.

He couldn't help but think that it was too long to live forever, in case Auntie couldn't wait, Auntie likes to play around so much.

"It can't be earlier, because you have to work hard to grow up and become a particularly powerful adult."

Auntie seemed to know what he was thinking, and she deliberately scratched the bridge of his nose: "Now this little crying bag is put back on, will my aunt believe what he says?"

He himself felt that he didn't live up to his expectations at all, hurriedly wiped away his tears and shook his head vigorously.

"You have to live a long, long life first. You have to grow up first, become very calm and calm, have a lot of knowledge, and when you wear it back, you can open your mouth casually and say something that will shock your aunt. thing."

Auntie knew that he didn't watch the TV series carefully: "I have to become very good at coaxing people and taking care of people. In this way, when my aunt is forced to undergo surgery by you, you can take good care of my aunt."

"I'm taking good care of him now." My aunt rubbed his head again and added, "It would be even better if I didn't sneak out to climb the mountain and smash myself into a little squirrel."

He listened intently, almost couldn't help but start to look forward to that future, and was teased to choked and laughed again: "I'm not a squirrel, I'm a captain."

"I'll be the captain, then wear it back and ask my aunt to see a doctor and have an operation soon." He recited word by word, "I take care of my aunt."

Auntie immediately widened her eyes: "It's too cool to be a captain!"

His ears were red and hot, and he followed in a low voice: "It's so cool!"

His aunt was so amused by him that her eyes were full of laughter, and she pinched his ears, held up his face, and carefully wiped off the water marks with her palms.

Auntie looked into his eyes and told him seriously: "The sea is free and lonely, so you have to ask more, you can't do it alone."

"You have to find another person you like. Both of you will come to see me, and then I can completely believe that you are the flame."

Auntie is completely unreasonable: "Otherwise, you are a little squirrel, and you will be taken back by your aunt to feed snacks every day."

Suddenly, a piece of pine nut snack was stuffed into his mouth, and his aunt went to the ticklish place.

Although he didn't know what happened in the future after that, the freshness of seeing this scene should be a memory he never dared to touch.

Mingchi slowly touched the scar on his arm, it seemed to be bitten out, and something very, very sad probably happened after that.

So sad that he didn't dare to touch any joy in the past. Because those joys have become the sharpest thin blades, just a little thought, you can cut every inch of his flesh, and then soak it in the coldest sea water.

He clearly remembered very clearly that he was sitting on the beach with his aunt hugged, leaning on the rocks and shouting slogans childishly at the sunrise.

The aunt shouted loudly, "I'm afraid I won't have my aunt to accompany you in the future!"

He shouted loudly, "Don't be afraid!"

The aunt shouted again: "How can a person grow up in the future!"

He shouted in the sea breeze, "Grow up safely! Become cool and powerful, go back to pick up your aunt!"

The more she listened, the happier she became. She hugged him and shook it, shouting word by word, "Take it! Take it! Who! Go back! Go!"

He was shaken and laughed non-stop, tears fell, but the corners of his mouth were raised, and he also roared: "Like! Huan! Yes! People!"

…so close.

It's dangerous, he hid these so carefully and secretly that even he almost forgot.

If he forgets all of these, even if he really has a way to travel back and become his ten-year-old self, his aunt will not necessarily be dragged by him to see a doctor for a physical examination and surgery.

If he forgets all, even if he really goes back in time, his aunt will definitely feel sad when she sees him.

He never made his aunt sad.

Mingchi took a deep breath slowly and exhaled it little by little. He quietly pressed back the wetness in his eyes, but he didn't control the corners of his mouth.

He is answering the questions that his aunt left him one by one, and now he has answered the person he likes - what type of person will he like?

The requirements are very high.

No matter what, we must be able to build a pavilion out of shells.

Ming Chi thought about this extremely strict standard, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift higher.

He slowly sorted out the questions and answers between himself and Uncle Lu.

He would sketch on a sticky note with a pencil - it was supposed to be a portrait. For other content, he prefers to use paint. He likes bright and beautiful colors, and he usually does not use pencils to draw landscapes and still lifes.

But it is more comfortable to draw a portrait with a pencil, because every detail can be traced bit by bit with the tip of the pen on the paper. Because tracing the details becomes fun, even the monotonous rustling sound of rubbing the paper becomes pleasant.

What are those sketches like? His hand should still be remembered.

He still doesn't use his brain deliberately, he just mobilizes the information stored by other senses. It's like opening a most anticipated and cherished gift, so even the process of removing the wrapping paper layer by layer is enjoyable.

Mingchi closed his eyes, moved his left hand, and tried to outline those lines according to his intuition.

He found that the requirements for the type of people he likes are really quite strict. There are even very clear standards for clothing, body shape, and voice. The appearance can be specific to the outline-according to his standards, it is probably not looking for My friend, just posted a picture as a missing person notice.

Mingchi concentrated on drawing his missing person notice, and he barely needed to think about it, he drew the outlines. He traced to the last part of the eyes, and then his fingers suddenly touched a very soft warmth.

Ming Chi blinked his eyes slightly, then opened them.

... Auntie.

The search is complete.

Mingchi looked at the person in front of him, he couldn't hold back the soft and warm smile that came out of his chest. In fact, his left hand didn't have much strength to lift it, and he just left the hospital bed a little and was held by the other hand.

Cheng Jing's tracing notice was sitting beside the hospital bed for an unknown time. Those eyes were dark and silent, looking at him very intently.

He saw himself in Yu Fang's eyes.

Ming Chi had planned to make a joke at first, but at this time he couldn't remember anything. All he could think of was a name - of course he could analyze who Yu Fang was, how could he not be able to analyze who the person in front of him was.

His mouth, his hands, and his eyes remember this person, which is his common sense reserve.

"Shadow." Mingchi said softly, "Mr. Shadow."

Ming Weiting looked at him very seriously, his eyes seemed to be slightly disturbed by something, and suddenly a gentle smile appeared, and those smiles were covered by drooping eyelashes in a blink of an eye.

Ming Chi saw the tiredness he couldn't hide, and frowned slightly in disapproval.

Ming Weiting just blinked his eyes, and then opened his eyes to look at him again. This time his smile was clearer. Mr. Shadow called him softly, "Huo Miao."

Ming Chi responded quickly, and was moved by the hand he was holding, holding his fingers.

"My name is Ming Weiting." Ming Weiting didn't need to ask himself, his voice was very slow, "I'm chasing stars, I'm your fan. I'm learning to make wheat bread. If there is a chance in the future, I hope to invite you to the wheat field."

Mingchi remembered the story his aunt told him, and when he heard this, he reacted almost immediately: "I told you the story of the fox."

Mingweiting didn't hide it, and nodded lightly: "What stuffing do you want to eat with wheat bread?"

Mingchi was really hungry, and the nutrient solution could not be eaten as food. He heard these four words, and the aroma of new wheat almost smelled in his mouth: "Pine nuts."

Ming Weiting saw that he was in such good spirits, his expression became more relaxed, and the smile in his eyes deepened: "Damn."

Ming Chi was curious: "Is it bad?"

Ming Weiting knew that he didn't remember these words, but there was no problem at all - it didn't matter at all, he was sitting here, holding this hand as before. The sunlight fell between them through the window, and he could see that Ming Chi really didn't have any headaches now.

... Ming Weiting thought, he also began to like sunny days.

"Oops." Ming Weiting nodded.

"I just couldn't make bread originally." He sighed softly, "Now that I'm better, I can't peel pine nuts."

Ming Chi opened his eyes.

When he saw Mr. Shadow's aura just now, he couldn't imagine that Yu Fang would be joking like that. Hearing what Yu Fang said, he didn't even violate the harmony, as if it should have always been like this.

Mingchi knew how to make bread and peel pine nuts. He suddenly had a strong sense of responsibility, and sat up with his arms full of confidence: "It doesn't matter, learn from me."

"Okay." Ming Weiting responded, "It will take a long time to teach."

He has never been good at these things, and even the shell pavilion of handicrafts is actually mostly helped by the idol who is addicted to rehabilitation, so that it does not deviate too much from its original shape.

Of course Mingchi didn't mind: "That's a long time."

"Is there an oven where you live?" Mingchi started planning now and thought about it carefully, "It's better to be safe. If it's an oven of poor quality, it's easy for a novice to blow up."

Ming Weiting shook his head slightly.

Ming Chi was startled: "No?"

"Yes." Ming Weiting said, "The quality is poor and it will blow up."

Manager Ming, who was not far away, couldn't help but coughed, suppressed his laugh, and turned to study the few pots of flowers on the windowsill.

Seeing Uncle Lu's reaction, Ming Chi already guessed it. He tried his best to keep his face and pretended not to notice, and sighed worriedly: "What should I do?"

Ming Weiting took his hand and asked, "What should I do?"

Mingchi found that he actually liked being taught to speak by Mr. Shadow. The words he said were slowly repeated word for word by Yu Fang, with different voices and different tones, but there was always a response that made his chest warm.

"Wait until I leave the hospital." Ming Chi's ears were a little red, "I will go home for rehabilitation, learn to walk, and re-exercise my right hand... The quality of my oven is very good."

He added in a low voice: "When I first learned to bake, I blew my oven several times, and it didn't break."

Having said that, he simply struck while the iron was hot, and asked in one breath, "Will Mr. Shadow be a guest at my house?"

"Okay." Ming Weiting looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "I'm a lucky fan."

Ming Chi thought about it for a while and didn't speak.

The development this time was different from before, Ming Weiting was a little curious, raised his hand and knocked on the door twice before his eyes: "I'm not?"

... yes and no.

Lucky fans are lucky fans, nothing else.

"If I were." Mingchi said softly, and seemed to be taking some heat again, "If I meet a fox, I will be friends with him."

Ming Weiting was slightly startled, then got up from the chair and squatted down beside the bed.

From this angle, you can look at the eyes from the bottom up, the mouth shape of the speech can be seen, and the emotions in the eyes can be judged.

Ming Weiting often did this when he was recuperating with him, and Ming Chi still felt accustomed to it, so he didn't avoid it, and slowly held the hand that was holding him.

Mingchi paused for a while, and then sighed sadly: "Someone doesn't remember who Yu Fang is or what happened, and when they open their eyes, they want to invite them home to be friends."

Ming Weiting stared at him, and suddenly smiled: "Who is it?"

Mingchi exerted a little strength, held his hand and pulled it up, hating iron for not turning into steel: "Who is it?"

He wanted to pull the hand to poke at his chest, but he was gently pulled by Yu Fang's strength halfway, and went in an unplanned direction.

Ming Weiting took his hand and lowered his head.

His hand was held by Mr. Shadow, Mr. Shadow lowered his shoulders and let his fingers touch his eyes lightly.

"It's me." Ming Weiting admitted softly, "Huo Miao, I slept for a few hours just now, and I want to go home with you as soon as I open my eyes."

"I want to roll in the wheat fields with you."

Ming Weiting looked at him: "I really want to be your friend."

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