MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 64 discharged from hospital

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Both slept very well that night.

The bed was slightly adjusted, and a single bed was put together next to it.

The new captain of the Ming family was interested in the big bed at first sight, his eyes lit up at the suddenly spacious space, he took the initiative to arrange the pillows, and generously invited Mr. Ming to come and lie down.

When Minglu first came to check, Mr. Ming was still leaning on the head of the bed, with the computer on his lap, whispering to his boat the bedtime stories he had searched and sorted out these days.

When he came back for the second time, Mr. Ming was already asleep.

Ming Chi quietly blinked twice, made a gesture, took the computer lightly, and handed it over to Uncle Lu for storage.

Sensing the movement beside him, Ming Weiting woke up from his light sleep and wanted to prop up his arms. Mingchi's reaction was no slower than his, and he took Mr. Shadow's hand in time, and bent down to speak to him softly.

Minglu put the computer away. When he stood up, he saw that the new captain was putting his hand on Mr.'s forehead. In a light and gentle voice, he reported that he was super comfortable and had no abnormality. If there was any problem, he would definitely report it immediately.

Ming Weiting sat on the head of the bed, still opening his eyes, when Mingchi lightly touched his eyelashes twice with the back of his hand.

Ming Weiting listened carefully, a smile gradually appeared in his eyes, and he held Ming Chi's hand.

This was originally his action when he was confirming whether Mingchi was uncomfortable, but the other party learned it, and his strength was lighter and more stable than his control, which easily reminded people of the nights on cruise ships.

Such nights are most common when the weather is good at sea.

Everything was quiet at night, the wind was chasing the moon on the sea, so light that it didn't even disturb the tide, and it was almost impossible to feel it standing on the deck.

Unless you close your eyes.

"Close your eyes." Mingchi urged him in a low voice, "Mr. Shadow, lie down."

Ming Weiting nodded, followed suit with a smile, raised his hand to help Ming Chi avoid the wound and lay down carefully, and lay down himself.

The two were lying side by side on the big bed that had just been put together.

Mingweiting has been taking care of Mingchi these days, and can accurately locate the other party even with his eyes closed.

He turned sideways and carefully covered the corners of Mingchi. Without waiting for the other person to remind him, he just covered another quilt and lay down quite standardly.

The new captain was very satisfied, and as a reward, touched Mr. Ming's ear.

Ming Lu and the new captain handed over to each other across the air, nodded with a smile, and returned to the compartment to lie down at ease.

Three people will sleep very well tonight.

The recovery progress after that was even faster than Mingchi himself had predicted.

The headache and dizziness after the removal of the drainage tube was not worth mentioning compared to before. Ming Chi completely recovered his spirits in the afternoon, and his appetite was better than before, so he drank a whole bowl of porridge by himself.

After that, it's going to be smoother and smoother day by day.

On the third day, Ming Chi began to practice walking with the help of Mr. Shadow. On the fifth day, Mingchi was able to walk a short distance in the corridor with support. The walk was so good that the little girl who was pushed up by her mother in the wheelchair made her eyes round.

Mingchi asked the head nurse, knowing that the little girl met him before the operation and came to see his brother specially, so he asked Mr. Shadow to support him, and walked around again steadily.

The little girl's symptoms were much lighter than his, and her legs were only slightly lame before the operation. But after the operation, it was inevitable that I had headaches and wounds, and the infusion was very uncomfortable. No matter how hard I tried to coax me these days, I would cry and refuse to get out of bed.

Before the operation, my brother could not stand up, but now he can walk better than himself. The little girl was so unconvinced that she couldn't sit in a wheelchair anymore, and she had to go back to practice immediately with her mother.

Mingchi stood firm in front of her, squatted down after slowing down his strength, super naive: "Who is afraid of pain and dare not practice walking now?"

The little girl's face was hot, and she waved her little arm in denial: "No one!"

"No one!" Mingchi believed immediately, and helped her to make up for it, "Let's practice when we go back!"

The little girl subconsciously nodded vigorously, but was stopped by her mother holding her face in time, so she changed her habit and learned Ming Chi's movements to clench her fists and cheer.

Ming Chi smiled and touched her fist lightly, and waved her to the end of the corridor. When you sense the strength on your arm, you adjust your center of gravity, shift some of the strength to your right leg, and slowly stand up.

His activity today was a little bit beyond the plan, and when he stood up, he had a rare dizziness, and his right leg suddenly softened.

Before Mingchi could react, there were already arms covering his shoulders and supporting him to stand firm: "Some people."

Mingchi often couldn't help but practice more secretly these days. He was quite skilled in the face of criticism and self-criticism, so he immediately reflected on the situation: "Some people, who appear to be twenty-three years old on the surface, are actually as naive as seven-year-old children."

"I'm still brave, I can't walk now." Mingchi took the initiative to criticize himself, "What if I really fainted."

Ming Weiting firmly supported his arm and carefully placed him on the wheelchair. When he saw those clear eyes that were obviously bent with confidence, he also smiled: "What should I do?"

"Option A." Mingchi eased his dizziness for a while, and let out a low sigh, "If you faint, you will faint, and you'll be fine when you wake up... It's just a matter of scoring at a glance."

"At first glance, it is a question to send points."

He didn't wait for Mr. Shadow to get serious, and immediately added a comment: "How can there be such an obvious wrong choice."

Ming Weiting stretched out his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and tapped: "Because the mental age of the person who asked the question is only seven years old now."

Mingchi didn't know how they got along before, but recently he often felt that Mr. Shadow was more secretive than he thought, and he would be amused to laugh if he was not careful.

He just insisted on going one more lap, but now he's a little bit frustrated. He suppressed his smile according to the painful place, pretended not to hear and continued: "...Option B."

"Sit down and rest immediately, add sugar, and ask people around you if they can help."

Ming Chi thought for a while: "You can call the emergency number."

Ming Weiting had a good impression of this option: "If necessary, you can choose this."

Mingchi hasn't used up his physical strength like this for a few days. He leaned in the wheelchair to adjust his breathing and asked curiously, "Which situation is necessary?"

"Hurricane at sea." Ming Weiting said, "The ship can't be moored in the port, all the life rafts have been lost, and the rescue boat cannot be mobilized."

Such a situation is still not necessarily the "necessary". Ming Weiting has been learning to tell jokes with Mr. Huo Miao these days. After a pause, he continued to add: "Before I swam over, Uncle Lu was hugged by the waist."

Manager Ming, who was on the side, kept coughing, suppressed his smile and restrained himself from interfering, and hurried to open the door of the ward.

The young master of the Ming family obviously hadn't exercised such a good concentration. He almost couldn't sit still when he laughed, took a few deep breaths, and propped himself on the wheelchair so hard that he didn't slip down: "No... It's smooth sailing."

The seven-year-old questioner added the question on the spot, rejecting this assumption: "It's not good to have this necessary situation."

Ming Weiting crouched down in front of the wheelchair, looked at him from the bottom up, and put one hand on Ming Chi's cold hand: "This question is also."

Mingweiting took out the candy, squeezed open the wrapping paper, and touched his lips: "It's better not to."

"Just in case." Ming Chi quickly took the piece of toffee away, his voice became vague, "It will be less and less in the future."

Ming Chi blinked away the sweat dripping from his eyelashes, and noticed that the hand was raised to wipe for him again, so he touched Mr. Shadow's hand with his forehead.

He actually liked the feeling of being so tired that he was a little out of strength.

Different from the impact of the previous illness, at that time there was almost no energy in the body. Most of the fatigue was caused by lack of energy, and there was more emptiness with nowhere to focus.

Now the situation has become completely different - he will no longer step in the air, he can step on the ground firmly with every step he takes, and every time he stretches out his hand and exerts force, he can firmly hold the other hand.

This feeling is so good that he will immerse himself in it if he is not careful, always forgetting his current physical condition.

Ming Chi held the sugar in his mouth, and let the milk and sweetness diffuse into his mouth comfortably, and finished the question: "Option C, find Mr. Shadow, if you can't find Mr. Shadow, then find Uncle Lu, and bring a wheelchair to support me."

He only thought about this sentence at first, remembering what Mr. Shadow said just now, he quietly moved up the hand on the side of his ribs, and touched his chest that seemed to be hot again.

The young master of the Ming family has a long memory, so he encouraged himself and continued to add in a low voice, "Because... When I'm not feeling well, Mr. Shadow and Uncle Lu will not be there."

Ming Lu packed up the ward, and when he returned to the door, he happened to hear this sentence, and he took the time to help the husband to answer: "Choose C."

During these days of rehabilitation, Ming Chi has actually been reminded of this many times by the two of them.

He finally managed to do a good job of psychological construction, and finally said openly that he wanted to make Mr. Shadow not angry, but Uncle Lu was also there.

There is no blanket on the wheelchair this time. Mingchi was in a dilemma, thinking about whether to hide in Mr. Shadow's shadow, Ming Weiting had already stood up and supported the armrests on both sides of the wheelchair.

Ming Weiting supported the wheelchair with both hands, bent down so that Mingchi could hide in front of him smoothly, and lowered his head to look at him.

Ming Chi was stunned for a few seconds, then slowly blinked his eyes.

... He had an impression of such a gaze.

Not the same as usual.

It's not a serious look to confirm his physical condition and judge whether he is uncomfortable.

Not every night before going to bed, he pretended to breathe smoothly and fell asleep as usual, never piercing the careful observation that made Mr. Shadow believe that this place was as stable as a boat.

"Option D." Ming Weiting said softly, "Huo Miao, close your eyes."

Ming Chi followed suit subconsciously.

He noticed that the hand was covering his eyes, and there was almost no light left in the two overlapping blocks, and the eyes were pitch black, but he realized that he was not nervous at all.

He was in a wheelchair, his vision completely blocked, surrounded by empty hospital corridors, so silent that even his heartbeat and breathing seemed to reverberate and hum.

He could feel his body shaking instinctively. He couldn't find the source of this trembling, probably from some not-so-good past that he had forgotten about, and he had no intention of investigating or clarifying... Those things were not important.

Those things are not important. His breathing was involuntarily slightly rapid, and his palms were sweating coldly, but these were just some kind of reflexes left in his body that he was forced to learn, and he didn't feel nervous.

There's nothing to be nervous about, this is the hospital, the place where he gets better.

You can come whenever you need it, and you can leave whenever you want when you feel better.

It was that simple.

Ming Chi's breathing slowly became steady, he completely relaxed his body, and handed the weight to the hand in front of him.

"I choose D, Mr. Shadow."

The person who asked the question closed his eyes and asked, "What is D?"

Ming Weiting picked him up from the wheelchair.

These days, Mingchi tried hard not to worry them, and there were rarely times when he was too tired to stand up, so it was only now that he was finally able to confirm the difference.

The body in his arms is warm, and he still has quiet and flexible strength at this time, and the steady airflow hits his neck.

The heart clearly knocked on his chest through his chest, and he was as bright and dignified as this person, happily reporting peace to him.

Mingweiting spoke slowly: "Option D"

"Don't bring a wheelchair." Ming Weiting said softly, "I'm here to support you."

Ming Weiting raised his hand and covered Ming Chi's back. He didn't notice the cold sweat, and he was completely relieved. When he lowered his head, he met the bright smile in his eyes.

"That's troublesome." Ming Chi asked with a smile, "I have so many places to go, can I support me wherever I go?"

Mingwei Pavilion was recently consulting the travel brochure, and he pondered for a while: "Are you going to Mount Everest?"

Ming Chi's ambition has not yet reached this point, so he was caught off guard, and the words followed.

"That's it." Ming Weiting embraced him and let him lean on his shoulders.

Ming Weiting said, "We will support you wherever you go."

In the next dozens of minutes, Ming Chi took time to rehabilitate his right hand, wrote a ribbon, and bid farewell to the wheelchair that he had been fighting side by side with for so long.

Although it’s a pity that I can’t play drifting with an electric wheelchair anymore, but there’s always something to gain—a few days later, when he went to remove the stitches from the wound and was about to be discharged from the hospital, the head nurse helped him go to the rehabilitation room by the way and took a muscle strength assessment. and prognosis assessment.

"If you leave the hospital a few days later, there will be no need to assess the prognosis."

As soon as the doctor saw it, he immediately guessed: "Recovering so fast, do you still need to practice?"

Mingchi sat on the chair, thinking about it and was about to speak, but was mercilessly exposed by the head nurse: "I ran out in the middle of the night to walk secretly."

Ming Chi coughed lightly, and had to cooperate with the confession: "I didn't secretly..."

"Practice openly."

The head nurse nodded: "Families are still very used to it, they will accompany them wherever they go."

Mingchi's ears were a little hot again, he raised the corners of his mouth, and took the initiative to add: "I'll be in charge of picking up and dropping off if I can't walk."

Of course the head nurse was happy, pretending that he couldn't do anything about him, and raised her hand to press him hard.

The doctor nodded with a smile, checked Mingchi's various indicators, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The team has been following up until now, and luckily everything went smoothly. The operation was successful and the follow-up recovery was quite good. The young patient in front of him was undoubtedly the most worry-free class they had ever encountered.

Doctors have seen this a lot. It's a good thing for patients to have motivation to recover. As long as they don't hurt their bodies, there will be no problem: "Pay attention to the appropriate amount, protect the wound, and you will get better soon."

"Congratulations on being discharged from the hospital."

The doctor stretched out his hand and shook his hand: "Smooth sailing, get well soon."

Ming Chi rolled his eyes, thanked him softly and solemnly, took the crutches aside and stood up.

He was discharged from the hospital today and changed into his original clothes instead of wearing hospital gowns.

Mr. Shadow spent half the night with him last night, and finally chose a shirt and a trench coat. In order to protect the knife from the wind, he added a dark fedora.

The head nurse hadn't noticed it just now, but after looking at it carefully, she couldn't help but praise: "It's so cool, isn't it?"

Ming Chi suddenly froze as if he remembered something.

He opened his eyes slightly, and carefully saw the gentle and kind face of the head nurse, before pursing the corner of his mouth and nodding lightly.

"It will be cooler." Mingchi promised seriously, "It's super cool, it's too cool."

The head nurse suddenly noticed something vaguely, put down the things in her hand, and looked at his eyes carefully.

They had seen Ming Chi's medical records, and the column for relatives was empty. During these days of surgery and post-operative recuperation, apart from the Ming family's nearly seventy-year-old manager, he did not see any of Ming Chi's elders.

The head nurse looked at the young man in front of him and didn't ask any further questions, just raised her hand and touched his shoulder.

The strength of that hand was gentle, and through the fabric of the windbreaker, it landed on his shoulder.

Mingchi doesn't seem to be very comfortable with this kind of touch, but he has been able to restrain himself very well. He just relaxes and raises his eyes when his body is slightly stiff.

"It may be a little abrupt." The head nurse said warmly, "At our age, we have intuitions that we can't tell... You know, mothers are actually in the same mood, so I'm sure what I say is accurate."

The head nurse looked at him seriously: "Your elders must be very proud to see what you are now."

Ming Chi stood there, his eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly they lit up extraordinarily quietly.

He bowed earnestly to the head nurse: "Thank you."

"Good boy." The head nurse smiled, "Let's live your life."

There was also a smile in Mingchi's eyes. He slowly held the cane, thanked the doctors and nurses in the office, and then walked out the door.

Mr. Shadow and Uncle Lu were waiting at the entrance of the hospital.

This was their appointment early in the morning. He walked out of the hospital on his own, joined them, and went home together.

Ming Chi didn't go far in the corridor when he was stopped by the little girl who was jumping around and quickly tiptoed something into his trench coat pocket.

"Brother is getting better!" The little girl was able to run, and circled around him with great pride. She had rehearsed with her parents many times downstairs, and recited the words taught by the nurse and auntie, "Peace and safety, and a long life!"

Mingchi put his hand into the pocket of the windbreaker and took a look at the contents inside.

It's a peace sign. The hand feels very good, as if it was hand-sewn, and the stitches between the soft and solid fabrics are very dense.

Ming Chi held the safety talisman and saw the parents behind the little girl who were nodding to him with a smile.

He bent down, bumped fists with the little girl, and agreed softly, "We are all."

"Peace and safety." Ming Chi said, "Long live a hundred years."

The corridor of the hospital is not short, but the lively and crisp childish voice surrounds him, and the little girl's parents chat with him warmly with a smile. Looking back, I could see the head nurse at the door of the office, waving at him from a distance.

"Why didn't the family come to pick it up?" the little girl's father asked, "Would you like to help deliver it?"

Ming Chi smiled and thanked, shook his head: "It's at the door."

"For such a long journey, it's better to take a wheelchair next time."

The little girl's mother knew about his condition roughly and persuaded him with concern: "Body is important."

Mingchi still smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter."

He walked slowly to the door of the hospital, and sure enough, at a glance, he saw the figure waiting there. As soon as he saw him, the other party walked over quickly.

Uncle Lu waited outside the door, waved his hand with a smile, and walked to the side to open the car door.

Mingchi's eyes lit up, he bent his eyes, and immediately reported to Mr. Shadow: "The report says, at most one month."

Ming Weiting nodded and wrote down, he thanked the family who accompanied Mingchi out, took the cane in Mingchi's hand, and held Mingchi's hand.

Ming Chi was led out of the hospital by him.

After such a long journey, my right leg is indeed a little sore, and I can't walk fast when I take a step, but that's okay.

At this rate, it will take about another month to restore basic walking ability.

As for the complete recovery, if you accidentally go too far and can't go back on your own, it's totally fine.

Someone taught him a new spell.

Stop when you can't walk, close your eyes, and recite Mr. Shadow three times.

Someone would come and hug him and remove any place he wanted to go except Everest.