MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 81 Chase you

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Wheat bread is the best bread.

After Mr. Shadow learns other stuffed bread practices, this conclusion may change at any time... But in any case, it should last at least for a while.

After all, from the current evidence, Mr. Ming has a lot of work to do.

After lunch, Mingchi migrated to the study, wrapped in that coat, closed his eyes next to the sound of rain and the warm fire of the fireplace, and slept quite comfortably.

When I woke up, the documents waiting to be processed on the desk were piled up in piles, and it seemed that there was not much less.

"Uncle Lu sent another part."

Mingweiting put down his pen and walked over, exchanged for an hour of relaxation service, and explained to him: "If some routine work can be completed in advance, there will be a lot of free time."

"Because someone was with me." Mr. Ming gave feedback, "There is no problem with the progress, and it was handled smoothly."

In fact, the progress is actually much smoother than the past few days.

In the days when he went out to work, Ming Weiting still inevitably thought of Ming Chi who stayed in the villa when he was dealing with his work.

He knew that Mingchi needed a period of time to read the letters and retrieve the past, and he knew that Yu Fang could handle all of this on his own. But reason is not always enough to restrain emotions - this thing he could not fully understand in the past, but now he does not need Uncle Lu to explain it.

One night, Ming Lu actually went back to get some documents to use, mainly to confirm Ming Chi's situation with the people in the villa.

The night they left, Ming Chi was not in a hurry to read those letters.

Mingchi recognized every road in the villa and made a complete circle around the villa. He walked through every place, touched every familiar brick, and finally returned to the garden beside the hut.

There actually used to be a rather small garage that could only park one car. Later, it was demolished because it had been idle for too long, and the garden was expanded and planted with flowers and plants.

But because there have been cars parked on the ground for many years in the past, if you look carefully, you can actually find the tire marks left behind.

Mingchi lay down there. He lay with those flowers and plants for more than an hour, leaning on his arms and watching the sun go down together.

Everything that happened after that was normal. When Mingchi heard someone came out to look for him, he sat up and waved actively. He bent his eyes and thanked the person who came to pick him up. He went back for dinner and medicine, and after washing, he went back to the bedroom.

They chatted for a long time that night, and even made a phone call. Ming Chi recorded a good night song for the guitar and sent it to him, reminding Mr. Shadow to sleep well.

In the answers Minglu got, the young master Ming's condition was also quite good - eating and sleeping on time, concentrating on rehabilitation, and walking every day was significantly more stable than before. From the next day, Ming Chi began to read those letters, and continued to practice guitar and painting. He also found time to go to the kitchen to study two new dishes. They were responsible for tasting them. After a few adjustments, the taste became quite amazing.

There's something a little bit special...that's the morning after they left.

The people in the Ming family who stayed in the villa also liked the new young master. Some people who have been with her husband for a long time can't help but have a few more words with him. According to the doctor's instructions, they often remind him that even rehabilitation and exercise should be done in moderation.

Mingchi listens carefully and thank you every time, and usually takes the initiative to say hello and say hello, but most of the time he still just laughs and doesn't speak, and listens to other people laughing and chatting.

This matter has been used by everyone for a long time - as long as Mr. and Chief Ming are not there, Ming Chi usually speaks very little.

But that morning, Ming Chi came out of the room and talked to everyone.

The content of the chat was ordinary, just about Mr., and they responded as usual.

Later, Mingchi asked about his medical records again, and after he got it, he went back to his room and looked at it for ten minutes. When it came out again, it became exactly the same as usual.

"This kind of situation is too common." Xun Zhen heard Minglu mention this detail and explained to them, "It is not only a psychological problem, but also has an impact after head surgery, and the impaired positioning ability is not only reflected in the spatial positioning ability - don't Said he had forgotten about ten years."

In the preparation stage of the operation, Xun Zhen listened to the team to discuss a lot of related content: "Even many patients with no memory damage will occasionally have problems in self-integration, and they cannot locate the position of 'self' for a moment."

"There is no need to avoid this matter," Xun Zhen reminded. "With more communication, there will be more information, and new information will be added, and this situation will be alleviated immediately."

The casual clothes in Ming Chi's arms were changed to himself, and his eyes immediately bent, turning Mr. Shadow into the reclining chair.

He skillfully exchanged Mr. Ming's temple massage service for a while, and when he heard the problem of Mingwei Pavilion, he stopped and thought: "It's not that serious at all."

He wasn't completely unable to locate his position - after all, his short-term memory was sometimes ineffective, he always carried a notepad with him, and the habit of silently reviewing it every night before going to bed was retained.

When he woke up that morning, he just didn't see Mr. Shadow, so he felt uneasy for a while.

"What do you think?" Ming Weiting asked, "I'm worried that I won't come back?"

Mr. Ming was already very used to the reclining chair, and he was quickly taught to relax by Mr. Even the position of the pillow was replaced, holding Mingchi's head and neck, and letting Mingchi rest on his shoulders.

The two of them were comfortably nestled in the reclining chairs, next to the floor-to-ceiling windows washed by the rain, the fire from the fireplace reflected on the windows, and there was a cool mist of water outside.

There was no one else in the room, but in order to match Ming Chi's accustomed volume, they chatted quietly, with their foreheads touching their foreheads.

If Uncle Lu passed by, he would definitely give two "Most Reassuring Children Award" gestures.

"That's not it." Mingchi didn't worry about this at all, and shook his head without hesitation, "It's not that serious."

Ming Weiting touched his hair: "Isn't it that serious?"

"Yeah." Mingchi couldn't remember clearly, so he stopped to recall for a while, and remembered the situation at that time, "I'm just worried, such a big Mr. Shadow."

He laughed, raised his hand and gestured solemnly: "I imagined it myself."

Of course, there are traces of the lives of the two people in the room, and there are many things that do not belong to him. The pavilion made of shells, coats, and computers are lined up for him to inspect.

It's certainly not difficult to find evidence... just.

However, with Ming Chi's understanding of his own abilities, if he was really affected by surgery or other reasons, and imagined a Mr. Shadow, he would really be able to make himself happy to such an extent.

Mr. Ming Xiao's definition of serious seems to be slightly biased.

Ming Weiting held Ming Chi's hand and asked him to put his arm on him: "Is this matter serious?"

"This matter is not serious." Ming Chi followed his words, thought for a while and then laughed, "Actually, check your mobile phone, send a message, and make a phone call to solve it, but I just didn't remember it at the time."

Perhaps it was also in those few seconds that he instinctively didn't want to open it, and he didn't want to face any possible outcome.

He only uses his mobile phone to play games, and he is not very interested in chatting and phone functions, and he does not seem to have developed the habit of checking at any time in the past.

On the day Mingweiting and Minglu left, Mingchi stood by the window for a while. When he returned to the desk, he saw a reminder of unread messages on the screen of his mobile phone, his heartbeat seemed to suddenly leak, and his body was in a cold sweat instinctively.

- But this problem was quickly and completely healed in just a few minutes.

Ming Chi couldn't help but walk away from the ongoing topic and remembered those chat records.

He thought for a while, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift.

It's been so long, it's the first time he and Mr. Shadow are chatting over the phone... that feeling is really amazing.

Every brief interval is something to look forward to, every message received and possible to be received is something to be delighted with. When you receive every message, you can't help but think about the sender of Yumian, and imagine the look and mood of Yufang typing this line of words.

Mingchi said it wherever he thought of, so he told Mr. Shadow all of it: "I have a chance in the future, and I want to send more messages to chat."

Ming Weiting felt exactly the same as his, but he still didn't expect this to happen again, so he lowered his head: "Is there a chance?"

"Of course." Ming Chi gave an example, "For example, Mr. Ming is in the study, I am in the bedroom, and I need to come up to provide relaxation services."

Ming Weiting's thinking was not as broad as his, and when he heard this, he suddenly had a clear expectation. He turned around and listened to him carefully.

Ming Chi had only mentioned such an example casually, and when he met the sight of suddenly paying attention to the lecture, he immediately felt a sense of responsibility, and continued to think flexibly.

"For example, Mr. Fox is in the kitchen, I am in the studio, and I need to make art for the bread."

"For example, Mr. Shadow is in the bedroom, and I practice guitar in the hut. It's dark and I need to go home and sleep as soon as possible."

"For example..." Mingchi stopped talking, looked at Mr. Shadow who was just about to find a notebook to write down, and laughed, "For example, we are in the same room, and we can see each other as soon as we look up."

But no one has time to look up for the time being, because each other is busy, Mr. Ming has to work, and he is preparing to systematically start learning about sailing.

At this time, if someone suddenly has a whim and thinks that they can stop and rest for a while, or go out to breathe.

Mr. Ming has a strict temperament since he was a child. If he speaks directly, whether it is the inviter or the invitee, it is inevitable that he will be somewhat embarrassed.

Mingchi took some time to find the cell phone he casually threw in before going to bed from the pocket of the reclining chair.

He unlocked the screen, opened the chat software, quickly typed a few words, and clicked send.

Ming Weiting's cell phone on the desk rang. He was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, and smiled and stroked Mingchi's hair.

He hugged Mingchi and put it away carefully, then left the reclining chair and went to the table to get his phone, and clicked on the unread message.

"Little gentleman: The rain is getting lighter."

Ming Weiting looked at the news, he thought about what Ming Chi said to him, and when he saw the news, he would imagine Yu Fang's demeanor and mood.

He was really thinking about it.

Because of the angle, he could not see Ming Chi who was almost stuck in the reclining chair for the time being. So he was thinking that when the little gentleman sent this message, he probably couldn't help laughing, the corners of his mouth pursed, and his ears became hot.

These days he thinks about it too. I wondered if Mingchi was really as stable and comfortable as the text when he sent him a message, would he also occasionally be unable to sleep, and wondered what was written in those letters, and what would have changed after Mingchi read it.

The letter was on his computer, without any password or protection, but Ming Weiting hadn't seen them.

He thinks that the right to know and decide on these matters should be in Ming Chi - there is no problem with handling this matter, the problem is another matter that needs to be adjusted in the future.

Ming Weiting replied in the message box: "Good morning."

When Mingchi paused for a few seconds, it was obvious that he went to the upper right corner of the phone to confirm the time of "13:40", and then the reclining chair moved twice, and a head swayed out.

Ming Weiting just saw this scene, he pressed the corner of his mouth, walked over, and carried Ming Chi from the reclining chair to the table.

The office chair was very comfortable and spacious, Ming Weiting sat in it, let Ming Chi lean on his arm and put his hand on the table.

Ming Weiting took his private seal, lowered his head to ask Mingchi's opinion, dipped a little seal pad, and printed it on Mingchi's palm.

"Even if you don't see each other, you should send a message every morning."

Ming Weiting said, "If I send Good Morning that day, the little gentleman will know that the shadow is real."

The seal is the work of a famous master. Every trace is clean and neat, and it is engraved vigorously and powerfully, which is quite artistic.

Ming Chi was concentrating on appreciating those few divine strokes. Hearing this, he raised his head and was stunned before he could react.

He was distracted and jumped to the next topic. Unexpectedly, Mr. Shadow was still thinking about this matter. When he looked at the small seal, his chest suddenly became hot, and his ears were not consciously flushed: "No problem."

"I knew." Ming Chi said softly.

Mingweiting turned off the work light on the desk and looked down at him.

Ming let out a fiery cough, and he carefully waited for the blot to dry, then clenched his hand and hid it in Mr. Shadow's coat pocket quite cherishly.

He squeezed into a chair with Mr. Shadow, the space was small, a little dark, and warm.

Mingchi was already very used to the bright and open living room on the second floor of the villa, and also to the comfortable and spacious bedroom on the cruise ship, but he couldn't help but like this kind of small space that was not completely enclosed, had light through but was dark enough.

"That morning," Ming Chi said, "I sat in the closet for a while and thought about a bunch of things."

Ming Weiting wrapped his head and neck and gently rubbed it twice.

"In the end, I found a very strong evidence. I can't have such a rich imagination and knowledge reserve when it comes to the ocean."

Ming Chi laughed: "Speaking of the Caribbean Sea, my previous impression was of a handsome pirate with dreadlocks."

Mingchi said, "I took the medical records and recited them in the closet for five minutes. I was sure that some cool person must have told me this."

Ming Weiting didn't speak, but his arms were pulled back, his jaw resting on the top of his hair.

Through his shirt and chest, he could hear Mr. Shadow's heartbeat close at hand.

Mingchi knocked and specifically told Yu Mian that heart: "I said this to fulfill the promise, not to make Mr. Shadow sad."

They said yes, and they said it when they were uncomfortable, so that as long as they saw Yu Fang happy, they could be sure that they were really comfortable and happy.

In fact, it wasn't as serious as it was described.

In just a short while, his short-term memory was not very firm. If Dean Xun hadn't recounted the incident and Mr. Shadow mentioned it again, he would have almost forgotten it himself.

"It's not sad." Ming Weiting held his hand and lowered his head to answer, "You praise him for being cool, he feels nervous."

Mingchi opened his eyes wide and looked up at Mr. Shadow.

He took a nap here before. In order to make him sleep at ease, the main light in the room was not turned on, and the light from this angle was not so clear.

The rain outside the window was indeed light, but the sky was still not clear, and the natural light outside the window was blocked by half of the Mingwei Pavilion.

Ming Chi thought about it for a while, he couldn't hold back his laughter, and patted Yu Nian's chest: "It's the truth, don't be nervous."

He continued: "I was thinking, at least other than that, I must have met such a cool gentleman in person and chatted for a while."

Such a cool gentleman accepted the facts well, nodded and added: "We chatted for many days."

Ming Chi pursed the corners of his mouth, and modified it with kindness: "We chatted for many days."

Then he stopped and was silent for a while.

Such a cool gentleman looked down at him and found that he deliberately did not speak, raised his hand and tapped his forehead.

Ming Chi just took a deep breath to prepare, and coughed with a smile: "That's easy."

"Is it a real person? Since it is a real person, I can just go and find him." Ming Chi was full of confidence, "I'll go after him."

Ming Weiting lowered his head and asked, "Go after him?"

Mingchi nodded, he finally brought the topic here, let out a long sigh, and raised his head with burning eyes: "I just don't know what he likes."

Ming Weiting was slightly startled by him, and did not speak immediately, but just held down Ming Chi's hair and rubbed it lightly.

"Probably not." Ming Weiting pondered for a moment before saying, "He's chasing you."

Ming Chi knew this. He had secretly looked at the magnificent "Star Chasing Guide" from Uncle Lu, and nodded: "We are chasing our own."

Mr. Shadow chases his star.

He chased Mr. Shadow.

Mingchi couldn't help but get distracted again. He made up for the picture of the two of them running in circles for a while, and then quickly deleted the picture.

...can't think of such a strange scene when it's so serious and serious.

When they are eighty years old, they can be drawn as comic strips.

"Me." Ming Chi pointed to himself, and pointed to Wei Ting's desk, "World."

He used his right hand to imitate the villain's walking, jumped onto Mr. Shadow's arm from his chest, and walked to the world of the desk: "You are my way, sir."

Mingchi said softly, "I like the world and the road."

"I will like the world more in the future." Ming Chi said, "I like the road more."

The **** he used to imitate walking stopped, the index finger was bent, and the **** knelt down.

He didn't know if Mingwei Ting could understand it, but he still got closer and slowly touched Yu Fang's arm with his knuckles.

This time, everyone is probably red.

Here I have to discuss the natural skin color issue again - Ming Chi actually yearns for the state of the sailors of the Ming family, but he concentrates on drying himself in the sun for a few days, except that the exposed areas get reddened. Besides, there is almost no other effect.

Ming Chi, who returned to the room, was still disappointed by this incident for a while, so he had to continue to read the letter he left before the operation.

When I opened the next letter, I just persuaded myself to open it up a bit: "If you don't get tanned, you won't turn into a healthy wheat color."

"But you may get sunburned." He told himself before the operation, "If you don't use sunscreen, you will be criticized. There is no peach candy and watermelon at night."

These memories popped out of Ming Chi's mind, but it didn't affect his whole body quickly getting hot, and even the knuckles of Ming Weiting's arm turned red.

Ming Chi's finger man held his breath and kissed Mr. Shadow, jumped up and turned around and ran. After a few steps, he was caught by the other hand and wrapped in the palm of his hand.

Ming Chi raised his head hotly, and met the gaze down from Ming Wei Pavilion.

"Let's get in the rain." Ming Weiting replied to the message sent by Mr. Xiao, "It's raining a little."

Ming Chi's eyes lit up immediately, and the thought just now was thrown out of the sky in an instant.

In order to match the atmosphere of the study, he had already changed his clothes before he came, and was covered with a waterproof jacket by Mingwei Pavilion, and a peaked cap was added on top of his head.

Ming Weiting also dresses casually. Life at sea is not always suitable for suits and leather shoes. He doesn't know which brand cooperates with his personal clothes. It is quite tasteful, and every casual style is designed just right.

The study room has a gangway that leads directly to the outside of the cabin. The original intention is to facilitate Mingwei Pavilion to go down to deal with emergencies on the ship at any time, or to facilitate guests who come to the ship to discuss business directly to the study room—in short, this is the first time it has come in handy.

Mr. Ming held Mr. Xiao's hand, and Mr. Xiao's right leg was still sore. He couldn't walk when he reached the last few steps, so he simply stopped.

Mr. Ming walked faster than him and reached out to him under the gangway.

The little gentleman pursed the corners of his mouth, jumped down, was caught firmly, and placed on the deck.

The wet deck was a little slippery, and he didn't have a cane at the moment, but someone held him fairly steady, so there was no problem at all.

The rain at noon is not as cold as in the morning, because half of the sun has broken through the clouds and the rain has almost a warm temperature.

They stood at sea, the water on the deck reflecting the golden light of the sun, and the warm rain falling on them and over their heads.

Manager Ming looked out inadvertently, and happened to see two big and small friends who were completely uneasy. He opened the window and stretched out his shoulders to speak. Ming Weiting had already pulled Ming Chi and disappeared.

"I had this dream." Mingchi was dragged by Mingweiting and walked quickly, he was panting heavily because his physical strength had not recovered, but his tone was brisk and urgent, "I dreamed that we were running in the rain. "

Ming Weiting turned around, but Ming Chi couldn't stop and slammed into his arms.

Ming Weiting hugged him firmly, lowered his head and asked softly, "What else did you dream of?"

Ming Chi calmed down, and his ears turned a little red again.

...and dreamed that he brought people home.

They watched the rain together and chatted together. He also asked about the working conditions and room and board of the cruise ship.

These Mr. Shadows all know, of course not.

That dream finally ended in front of my aunt's grave.

He pulled Mr. Shadow away and told his aunt aloud that this was the person he liked, the one who was about to jump on the side deck with a suitcase on his back.

It's the kind of love that if a person wakes up alone that day and really doesn't find Mr. Shadow or can't find him anywhere, he will temporarily wander the world with a suitcase, and set off tomorrow to find this person.

Mingchi's throat moved slightly, and he kept hiding in his pocket. The hand that was completely free of water slowly clenched, and his fingers carefully touched the seal on the palm.

—Actually, he was going to do that tonight.

Of course, I wouldn't shout it out so boldly, but it's fine to say it as loudly as I want in my heart.

Auntie must have heard it too.

Mingchi suddenly wondered if he had missed something else in his dream. He raised his head and wanted to ask clearly, but the peaked cap fell off accidentally.

Ming Weiting helped him catch it, raised his other hand, and brushed away his forehead, which was wet by the warm rain.

He didn't take that hand away, he lightly closed Mingchi's cheeks and let Mingchi raise his head, so that they could see each other's eyes clearly.

"We are so tacit, we don't need to chase."

Ming Weiting said softly, "Wait until I take you to see the world, until we reach the other side of the world."

He was always thinking about how cool Mrs. Ren was to teach such a cool fire.

You just go and hug him.

If you hug it, it will burn hot, and it will burst into flames from a small spark.

If you like it, you will bravely say it, and if you don’t want to, you will chase it immediately. You will always know what to do, and you will always be clear about your thoughts.

Always so bright.

"Wait until then." Ming Weiting said, "You just have to close your eyes."

Mingchi wanted to speak, but the rain kept falling, and the eyelashes couldn't stop it. He heard a soft and gentle voice in his ear, and subconsciously closed his eyes.

When you close your eyes, the sounds around you become extraordinarily clear.

He heard the sound of the rain that filled the sky, the warm rain fell on them continuously, and also fell on the deck and the sea, and the ripples spread farther, as if they could go all the way to the other side of the sea.

He could hear breaths and heartbeats close at hand, the touch of their fabrics, and there was something warmer than rain penetrating through.

— He heard what Mr. Shadow said in his head.

So tacit.

until the other side of the world.

Until then, just close your eyes.

Mingchi heard his heartbeat, he held the trace of the seal in his palm, raised his head with his eyes closed, and said softly, "Sir."

Together with the warm rain, Mingwei Pavilion lowered his head and kissed his forehead.

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