MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 83 lights

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This was the first time Mingchi had discovered that the night scene of the cemetery turned out to be beautiful.

Of course it's not in the garden - it's quiet and quiet here, and it looks more like an ornamental garden from the outside.

Ming Chi remembered a good place, he pulled Mr. Shadow around a few times, and went around a half-slope behind a mountain.

There is fairly soft grass there, and you can lie down and have a view down the mountain.

This road is too familiar for Mingchi to walk, and his two legs recognize the road by himself. He didn't even bother with Shi Ling Shi's sense of direction, he touched the trees all the way to say hello, and successfully found his secret base.

Ming Chi opened his arms, lay down comfortably, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

A slight rustling sounded beside him, and there was a temperature approaching in the cool night wind.

He opened his eyes and found that Mr. Shadow also took off his coat and folded it aside, imitating his movements to lie down.

"Very comfortable." Mr. Ming gave feedback, "The aroma is very special."

They were indeed wrapped in a very light herbal fragrance, Ming Chi rested his arms and adjusted to the most comfortable position: "I won't be bitten by mosquitoes."

This kind of grass is easy to grow. Although it withers and flourishes every year, as long as it is maintained well, a new one will grow again in the coming year.

Mingchi was planted during the school years. The homework in the school is not heavy, and the students are not restricted to practice in the studio, so he will come here with an easel and a drawing board.

If anyone could jump up to the sky to see it, they would find this hillside right behind the tomb. Ming Chi made a special inspection several times before he chose this position.

"But it won't be overnight at that time." Ming Chi thought for a while, "It will go down the mountain before dark."

After all, it is also a cemetery, and it is not entirely a garden, it is already considered desolate.

If you accidentally stay on it for too long, you will either frighten the staff who come to the night watch, or you will be frightened by the staff who come to the night watch.

Today is the special accommodation of the tomb keeper. Knowing that he won't come often in the future, he agreed that he would not be disturbed, and let him and the gentleman who came with him stay here for a while.

Mingweiting was obsessed with making a pillow for the little gentleman, so he moved Mingchi's hand behind his head, gave him a pillow, and chatted with him, "Where did you live at that time?"

"Mostly it's a dormitory." Mingchi speculated based on the letter he left, "There is no roommate, so it should be a single room."

The school and himself have concerns, and the school just happens to have the conditions for a single room. He was not yet an adult at that time, and the procedures and procedures for renting a house outside were troublesome, so it was a quite suitable choice.

The fact that he would overreact when he woke up was initially a hangover from that kidnapping incident. In the next three years, in fact, it has almost been corrected, and it will not get out of control so badly.

Unfortunately, there were some unpleasant experiences later. It became difficult for him to fall asleep, the quality of his sleep was not good, and the time he was trapped in his dreams became longer and longer, and those dreams became more and more oppressive and cramped.

Being able to live alone, don't have to worry about waking up accidentally hurting people, don't worry about disturbing other people's rest in the dream, when insomnia can't fall asleep, you can turn on the light and paint all night... It was really easy for him at that time .

"Mistakes." Ming Chi thought for a while, then hesitantly said, "At that time, you should be more cheerful and make some friends."

He turned over, grabbed Mr. Shadow's other hand, and pressed it on top of his head: "Why is it so uncool."

"You tried your best."

Ming Weiting rubbed his hair: "Someone has been obstructing others from being friends with you."

Ming Chi was stunned for a while, but did not speak immediately, and there was some thought in his eyes.

He seemed to think a lot, but also seemed to be in a trance without thinking about it.

They were lying face to face in the grass like this, Ming Weiting put his hand rubbing his hair behind him, quietly accompany him to sort out the thoughts hidden in the clips.

Ming Chi's final comment: "It's so boring."

He quickly came to the right conclusion: "Without this man, I would have had a lot of friends."


Ming Weiting nodded and added for him: "If you want to play, you have to make an appointment a week in advance, make a schedule, and you can't cut the queue."

That's not an exaggeration to that extent.

Ming Chi coughed and was about to speak modestly when he heard Mr. Shadow suddenly say, "Not good."

Ming Chi immediately put up his arms: "What's wrong?"

He thought that another staff member was coming, and after searching around, he didn't hear footsteps, nor did he find the light of the flashlight.

Mingchi retracted his gaze and looked down at Mr. Shadow.

"In the future, Mr. Xiao will have a lot of friends." Mr. Shadow's expression was very serious, and he seemed to be seriously considering this matter. "If you want to play with Mr. Xiao, you must make an appointment in advance."

Ming Chi was stunned for a few seconds and couldn't help laughing out loud.

He used a cane for too long yesterday, and he took a day off today. It was already almost better, but now I have been supporting half of my body with my right hand, and I can't help but soften as soon as I relax.

Mr. Shadow reached out his hand in time and caught him firmly: "What should I do?"

Mingchi didn't have the slightest suspense, fell back into Mr. Shadow's arms and was tapped on the head.

Some black-hearted creditors.

Usually, he will deceive more than 100 paintings, but this time he is actually quite disciplined.

Also know to make an appointment in advance, can not cut the queue.

"What should I do?" Ming Chi simply joined him in a naive way: "Mr. Ming also has a lot of work, so you need to make an appointment to play with Mr. Ming."

"Give me your schedule."

Mr. Ming posed the problem to solve the problem: "Go to work when it's not my turn."

Ming Chi laughed a little and coughed: "It's a good way."

It is the style of Mr. Ming.

After that, before going to bed every day, the two of them would sit together in the chair in front of the desk and face the schedule under the lamp.

Work today, go out tomorrow, and sleep at home the day after tomorrow.

The wind at night became a little cooler, Ming Chi shook Mr. Shadow's hand and put it into his pocket together.

Ming Chi actually doesn't like playing that much at all.

He likes freedom and unfettered life, but he also likes purposeful fulfillment, and likes skills that can be mastered with constant effort and practice.

He actually has his own plans. After systematically receiving training to pilot a boat, he intends to learn more things, and if conditions permit, he wants to learn a private pilot's license.

Of course, it's impossible to really let go of the company's affairs. He really didn't plan to be an artist again, but he also planned to take time to re-record those songs and write some songs for a few little guitars that fit their style.

He likes painting, and he also studied this major in college. Although he has no plans to sell paintings yet, before he left, Uncle Lu helped him hand over the invitation letter to the exhibition, which was handed over by the grandfather of the founder of the group. A little excited.

He also wanted to save money.

Certainly not to feel safe. Mingchi has always been able to live, and there are dozens of ways to live for dozens of dollars. Before the operation, Ming Chi apologized to his future self in a letter. For a period of time, he always didn't want to let too many things stay on him, and it was too late to send them out.

At that time, it was because I didn't want to let any thing be delayed on myself, and I didn't have time to deal with it myself.

I don't want to wait for one day, but I have to inherit it according to kinship and give it to others to distribute.

Now I don't have to think about it at all, so I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Mingchi quietly raised his hand and pressed the precious glass pendant hidden in his shirt.

Suddenly I have the motivation to save money because I want to give Mr. Shadow a gift.

The pendant is so pretty.

So good, he likes it so much.

He was so looking forward to going out this time because there were aunts and Mr. Shadow on this trip.

...but these things don't need to be said, just do the same thing.

Ming Chi smiled: "Don't be so troublesome."

He held Ming Weiting's hand, which was hidden in his pocket with him, and was warmed by the heat: "Here."

He put that hand on his chest: "There is a VIP channel for Mr. Shadow, direct access, no reservations, no queues."

Ming Weiting lowered his head and looked at him seriously: "So powerful?"

"It's so powerful." Mingchi nodded, took his hand and knocked on the door lightly on his chest, and also helped to dub, "Is Huo Miao at home?"

After a serious pause, he asked himself, "Yes, is that Mr. Shadow?"

Ming Weiting laughed, coughed lightly, and imitated Teacher Huo Miao's tone: "Yes, yes."

"Yes!" Ming Chi pursed his lips, thanking him for his enthusiastic participation, "I'm ready."

Ming Weiting was stunned and asked Mr. Huo Miao, "What are you ready for?"

Mr. Huo Miao threw himself into his arms quite obscurely, closed his eyes, and kept Mr. Shadow's arm behind his back.

Ming Weiting suddenly knew his answer.

Everything is ready.

Go anywhere, do anything.

Any time is fine.

Ming Weiting lowered his head and looked seriously at the person who was quietly leaning against his arms with his eyes closed.

The night view of the cemetery is beautiful.

Or the night view of this meadow is beautiful. The starry sky is far and wide, and those fine diamond-like stars are sprinkled on the dark sky, and when you look down, you will see a spread of buildings and lights that are intertwined with light and dark.

The sky full of stars is not uncommon on any route.

But thousands of lights are on, this is a scenery that is not available at sea.

"Sir." Ming Weiting said softly, "Those lamps are very beautiful."

He probably thought about it for too long.

There are no mosquitoes to disturb here, only the crisp insects in the distance, which is too suitable for trance.

Ming Chi waited in his arms for a long time, and fell asleep unconsciously, his body relaxed, and his breathing became calmer.

This time, he vented happily in front of the tomb, and completely washed away the last influence left to him in the past. Ming Chi's forehead was against his shoulder, and his expression in the dream was also relaxed and peaceful.

Ming Weiting moved lightly, hugged him and sat up.

Mingchi opened his eyes, and when he realized that it was him, he closed it again, and rounded himself up, as if he had no intention of waking up.

Ming Weiting took his arm back, took the suit jacket folded on the side, and put it on him.

Mingchi's sleep is very alert. It probably takes time to recover. When he noticed that he stood up, he broke out of his sleepiness and opened one eye.

Ming Weiting reported to Mr. Xiao: "Let's go home."

Mingchi pushes himself and others, and is very concerned about Mr. Shadow: "Do you recognize the way?"

"Yes." Ming Weiting smiled and rubbed his head, "Welcome to take the new route, the secret base leads directly to the cruise, and there is a stop at Wanghai Villa in the middle."

Mingchi was rubbed quite comfortably by the tour bus, turned the button of the tour bus's shirt, and entered the destination: "Go back to the cruise with Mr. Shadow."

Before going to bed, he always recites what happened that day. His mind stopped in the previous chat, and after a while, he found that he really had a schedule: "Mr. Shadow, sister Zhao Lan will come to me for dinner tomorrow."

"I know." Ming Weiting nodded and walked slowly down the mountain in his arms, "We read the news together."

In fact, Zhao Lan didn't want to be in such a hurry. The filming was over and the post-production process was about to begin. It was necessary to confirm the final content with the parties.

According to Ming Chi's idea, the documentary belongs to the Luo Zhi in the past, and the crew can completely follow the previous handling plan without having to seek his opinion.

But Director Gong thought about it more carefully, she didn't want anything here that would affect Ming Chi's future life. There are many documentaries who have to be discussed and paid attention to for a long period of time, and sometimes an inconspicuous detail will be revealed, bringing unexpected disturbance to the originally peaceful life.

In addition, in order to ensure the objectivity in the editing stage of the documentary, it is not convenient for Director Gong to come to see him. So in the end, this matter was handed over to Zhao Lan.

This is also the end of her work this time, her last assignment as a short-term assistant to Director Gong.

Zhao Lan asked Fang Hang to contact Ming Chi, and when he called later, he still felt awkward and apologetic: "Brother, if you are not feeling well, don't come."

"I asked them to send you the samples and outline, and you can tell me after reviewing." Zhao Lan instructed him, "You are more important, don't come if you are uncomfortable."

When he received the call, Mingchi was sitting next to Mingwei Pavilion. They were ready to go to the cemetery at night and were sitting on the deck for dinner together.

The seabirds here are not as fierce as some places outside. They are very gentle and relatives. When they see someone eating, they hover and land on the side of the boat. If you have the guts, jump on the table and peck at the bread.

Mingchi replied, and his hand was held by Mr. Shadow. Together, they watched the seabird finish pecking the broken bread bit by bit.

Ming Chi promised to meet.

We made an appointment, and when we meet again, we must have dinner together.

As for the appointment, he will definitely go.

"Sister Zhao Lan said." Ming Chi was half asleep and half awake, thinking for a while, "She will go with her husband."

Ming Weiting nodded: "It's such a coincidence."

...In this kind of thing, even if he is half asleep, he can react very quickly.

Mingchi quickly understood the meaning of these three words, and buried it in his jacket.

Mr. Shadow's sense of direction is indeed very good. They successfully detoured to the way out, which was faster than when Mingchi came over.

When he was about to go around this hillside, Ming Weiting suddenly stopped and looked down at him: "Little Sir."

His voice was very low and low, softer than usual in the night wind.

Ming Chi was busy with fever because of the saying "Go with Mr.", and was scalded again by this sound, raised his eyes, and then suddenly froze.

Looking at the past from their current angle, they have the widest field of vision, and they can see the outline of a building under the mountain, and the lights, cold or warm, bright or dark, are interspersed.

There is a home behind every lamp.

Thousands of lights.

Mingchi vaguely remembered that he seemed to have seen these while standing here before—perhaps he accidentally bumped into a staff member who came to inspect. when.

The specific process of these things is too vague, and only part of the picture still remains in his visual memory. He remembered that he had seen such lights and such buildings.

But this was the first time, and he suddenly felt that these were beautiful.

For the first time, he felt that these were beautiful, so beautiful that he couldn't help but feel a little moved. He didn't know at what moment, the goal of saving money suddenly took a big step forward.

Or he could be a little more productive. Write more songs, chat with the comic columns you have worked with before, be more dedicated and diligent, and read more batches of scripts...

"Wanghai Villa is suitable for self-cultivation and vacation. It is not suitable for living in winter. It will affect the joints for a long time."

Mingweiting thought for a while, and then continued: "Listen to Uncle Lu, the buildings on the shore will have floor heating, which is very comfortable."

Ming Chi raised his head in surprise, then laughed, closed his eyes and pressed Ming Weiting's neck. can it be so tacit.

How can you be so happy.

"Those lights are beautiful."

Mr. Shadow looked down at him and touched his eyelashes: "Wait until we finish the trip."

Ming Weiting did not immediately speak down.

He was thinking about the teenage Luo Chi, who left Wanghai Villa and lived alone in a single dormitory, waiting for him to grow up.

Nineteen-year-old Luo Chi unexpectedly became the little president Luo. After everyone got off work, he was lying on the sofa in the company office alone.

Now is the time.

Ming Weiting said, "I think—"

"I think so too." The grown-up flame was quite calm, "Wait."

Ming Weiting paused.

He noticed Mingchi's movement, so he put the opponent firmly on the ground, and still let him wear that coat: "Wait?"

"Wait, I'll find a way." Ming Chi pursed the corners of his mouth, took out a stance of hitting Jiangshan, and at least his words were calm, "One of these lights..."

Ming Weiting suddenly laughed, and Ming Chi couldn't help laughing. The two laughed naively for a long time for no reason, before Ming Chi finally took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes and raised his head.

Ming Chi raised his head, and his expression suddenly became calm and solemn.

Ming Weiting looked into his eyes.

He suddenly remembered that on the beach that day, those managers mentioned how they always invited some sought-after entertainers, how they negotiated VAM contracts, and how they dared to promise better resources.

Not only because of Mrs. Ren's legacy, not only because of the deep or shallow friendships that Mrs. Ren took to see the elders in the past.

Luo Zhi was in a bad state at the time, and those people could see it to some extent—even if they couldn't see it, they could guess.

It is not uncommon to take over the family business at this age and be on his own, but anyone who knows a little bit of the inside story will know how the Luo family and the Ren family treat this young man.

Anyone who grows up alone in such a life will not be in good shape. Luo Zhi was able to stand up for the film and television company that was about to go out of business, and to bring a group of subordinates who were also like stragglers to run resources and talk about gambling had surprised them.

But as long as you're willing to talk to him, sit face to face with that young man for a while.

As long as you are willing not to be disturbed by the heir of the Ren family, nor to be influenced by those prejudices and rumors, listen carefully to what he has to say, and give him some time to speak slowly and clearly.

In the first year of business, although there were not many companies and resources to cooperate with Huaisheng Entertainment, they were actually quite solid and stable.

"It doesn't make sense, you just need to look into his eyes." Kuang Li said, "Look at his eyes and you know he won't lie to you."

Fang Hang took two sips of beer and added with a smile, "He really won't lie to you."

Their general manager has this kind of temper. Mingchi doesn't like to talk, and he doesn't like to make empty promises rashly, but as long as it is what he promises, he will definitely do it.

Except for himself, Mingchi will not break his promise to anyone.

Now that includes himself - and he won't break his promises to himself again. Ming Chi stood in the night wind, and behind him were the lights of thousands of homes. His eyes were brighter than the lights and stars. It was an unusually quiet and clear light that would never be destroyed.

"In these lights."

Ming Chi said, "There will be one of ours."

"Sir." Mingchi gave him his hand, "wait for me to take you home."

The author has something to say:

Zhao Lan: Make an appointment tomorrow and go with Mr.

Huo Miao: Make an appointment tomorrow and go with Mr.