MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 88 Extra 2 · Fireworks (middle)

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After his eighteenth birthday, the first thing Luo Zhi did was learn a driver's license.

His birthday was in the summer when the sun was just starting to burn. This time is very suitable - it is still ten days away from summer vacation, but the weather is already very hot. There are not many people who are willing to run under the sun, and the driver's license is very smooth.

On the day he got his driver's license, Luo Zhi rewarded himself with a large table full of morning tea.

His car has been fully maintained from the inside to the outside, and the annual inspection has not been missed.

In the future, there will be no need to find a chauffeur to hire a driver. Luo Zhi is worried that he will not get used to it well. He and the car went to practice cooperation on the empty road with no one in the middle of the night, and soon they were very proficient in driving, no matter how fast or slow they were.

Even so, Luo Zhi had never driven a car.

His car has been with him all the time, and even later it became one of the evidences that he was accused of "publicizing" and "pressing people with family background". Luo Zhi never refused to change its paint and exterior.

He doesn't even want to drive to places where the road conditions are too bad. When the weather is bad, I keep the car safe in the garage. The most stressful time is to go to the garage to wash the car.

The owner of the car dealership was already very familiar with him, so he took out a water gun and let him do it himself, and took time to come over to tease him: "Little brother, are you so polite with the car?"

The boss has also seen people who like cars. Young people have a new car, and they really have to be precious for a few days, and a small piece of paint must be repaired immediately.

But like Luo Zhi, who drove to him at the age of 18 to refit and clean up by himself, and after five years passed, it is indeed quite rare for the baby to have no bumps at all.

Luo Zhi smiled and agreed, and continued to concentrate on foaming the car.

"By the way, have you asked before?"

The boss came to help him, and suddenly remembered: "I asked someone to ask, your car can be towed and RV, and your driver's license can also drive."

Luo Zhi just changed a sponge, and when he heard him mention this, he stopped: "Can it be customized?"

"Yes, but the construction period is long, about half a year to a year." The boss asked casually, "Can you wait?"

Luo Zhi nodded. He put his hand on the cleaned body, touched it lightly, and carefully wiped off the foam with a sponge.

"Let's work hard." After returning home, Luo Zhi sat under the moon and deliberately discussed with his car.

He leaned against the car with the back of his head resting on the door, and discussed with it: "Let's make a home."

Later, Luo Zhi worked hard with his car and went to many auto shows to see many finished products.

He spent almost a few weeks, researching the relevant content of the trailer RV, and made the design drawings by himself.

Later, he was ready to find someone to customize the RV part of the trailer, and also asked the boss to contact the relevant manufacturers.

Then an accident happened.

The horn sounded crisply.

Ming Chi snapped back to his senses, those vague fragments were also stirred by the vortex in his consciousness, and the picture suddenly disappeared.

He saw the urging smile in his grandfather's eyes, his eyes also brightened, he bowed deeply, picked up his coat, turned around and walked downstairs quickly.

Walking faster and faster, when he reached the door, Ming Chi couldn't help but run.

After the operation, Ming Chi has been strictly following the doctor's instructions for rehabilitation. The most rash thing was just chasing Luan back, walking a short distance with the walking stick, and hadn't even tried to run.

But it doesn't seem to be that difficult to run.

Like when I was twelve. He accidentally broke his right leg and was in a cast for two months.

I haven't been active for a long time, but walking slowly is fine, but when I start running again, I feel my feet are fluttering, and I can hardly remember how to exert force.

But when I ran, I remembered it—especially when I ran because I couldn’t wait, and I rushed to open the most wanted gift in one go.

Mingchi ran to the car, holding the car keys, his hands resting on his knees.

Ming Chi carefully looked at the car in front of him.

The sky was already dark, and I couldn't see clearly on the terrace. It was only after I ran here that I finally fully confirmed that the modified parts and paint on the car were almost the same as in my memory.

He didn't expect this at all. After all, it is not surprising that the same model and limited edition models released in the same batch are the same, but they will never make two cars together when they were modified.

Ming Chi walked over and touched the body lightly.

The heir of this multinational group is also there, nodding to Mingchi with a smile.

"Some time ago, the cruise company discussed cooperation with our family." The heir came over and explained to Mingchi, "Just when I had a chance, I brought up this car."

The heir is older than Mingchi, and he has many friends in China. After hearing about the specific situation, he wanted to find an opportunity to give this car to Mingchi.

Later, the old man was inspired by that painting. According to the industry rules, Ming Chi should be paid or distributed. It just so happened that their family cooperated with the cruise ship because of the booth and the counter, and the heir took the initiative to bring it up during the business talk.

The design of that batch of jewelry was quite amazing, and they were all booked up before they went on sale. To be honest, the price of a car was not enough, so paying the bill was actually their family taking advantage.

When the heir chatted with Mr. Ming, he was so honest and polite.

A few days later, Mr. Ming asked someone to send back a fairly detailed modification design, he also gave a detailed description of the painting requirements, and also attached a sketch of the remake.

Because the requirements on the opposite side are quite detailed, the transformation is also done carefully. As for more details that may only be known to me, I will let Mingchi make further modifications.

"The rest is up to you." The heir let the door open and gestured behind him, "It's yours, you know best what to do."

Mingchi nodded, he pressed his hand on the car door, and thanked him solemnly.

The heir smiled and waved his hands again and again, slapped him **** the shoulder twice, didn't stay any longer, and quickly entered the restaurant.

The parking lot is quiet.

His car was just as quiet.

The new color-changing glass is embedded in the door, the whole car is clean and shiny, the wheel hub is tied with bright red cloth strips, and it floats in the wind super arrogantly.

Mingchi walked slowly around the car, he was not in a hurry to get in the car, and looked at the paint carefully.

The day of the bonfire concert on the beach.

He returned to the cruise with Mr. Shadow and Uncle Lu, and had supper and fruit wine together.

That night they talked about drunkenness, chatter and gifts. He took two sips of the wine mixed for Mr. Shadow, and suddenly there was an extra drawing board and sketch paper in his hand.

That night, Ming Chi held the drawing board and kept introducing his gift in detail.

He told Mr. Shadow how he and his aunt were lying in the car, with their arms resting on their arms and opening the skylight to watch the stars comfortably. Talk about how he and his aunt remodeled the car and discussed how to paint and color it together.

He remembered that he said a lot, and at the end he couldn't remember clearly, but he just held the painting in his arms and said it warmly and happily.

Ming Chi is warmer and happier now than it was then.

Every detail is in his head, and he can slowly get back all the lost things with his old friends, but it's not so urgent.

Mingchi put his hand into the pocket on the right side of his jacket, and after fumbling around, he came across a small hard-covered document.

While recuperating in the villa, Mingchi practiced with the family car, took time in the rehabilitation period, and re-examined his driver's license.

He didn't have a clear idea at the time. Hearing that Uncle Lu said that driving and sailing have something in common, and that Mr. Shadow also wanted to learn to drive, he took the initiative to take over the work of the coach and the students.

Mingchi opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.

Ming Chi took a deep breath, put his head back on the seat, and closed his eyes for a while.

All the control keys are in familiar positions, Ming Chi fumbled to open the sunroof switch, and lowered the windows on all sides, the light and wind poured in together.

He opened his eyes and saw the stars twinkling in the sky.

He saw a firework.

Ming Chi's eyes lit up.

He straightened the seat, changed back to driving mode, and looked up.

The old gentleman, accompanied by his heir, stood on the terrace and waved at him with a smile, indicating that he was not allowed to run back.

Ming Chi pursed his lips. He put on his coat, waved his hand upwards, and inserted the key to start the car.

The engine roared enthusiastically, and the seat belt hugged him.

There may be a lot of things that have been forgotten, but the feel of running in has not been completely forgotten. Ming Chi was still skillful and agile when he started, he pressed the steering wheel and patted it twice.

"...It's a bit mysterious to tell you."

The voice of the owner of the car dealer came out of his memory. In the sound of the water washing the car, the other party chatted with him casually: "A person who is always driving has a 'feel' that he only knows."

"Other cars can be driven, but my own car is the easiest to drive. Even if you change the car to be exactly the same, it may not feel the same."

The owner of the car dealership just entertained a customer and pointed it out to him: "Look at the person just now, he is."

The owner of the car dealer lowered his voice: "The car I have driven for so many years is scrapped, and I don't want a new one. I have been wandering around the used car dealer these days, looking for a similar one."

He put down the water gun and asked the owner of the car dealership: "Have you found it?"

The owner of the car dealer shook his head: "Not yet, how can it be so easy to find... If you really can't find it, you will have to get used to the new car again."

"It's definitely cool to drive a new car on the road. If you drive all the year round, you'll know that it's actually not that comfortable, and it doesn't go well anywhere, and you always feel uncomfortable."

"If we can find a car that feels exactly the same, there is a saying in our industry that it is an old friend who is reluctant to be scrapped, and comes back, and wants to work together for another ten years."

The owner of the car dealer said: "If that's the case, even if it's a little more expensive, I'll definitely have to buy it."

Ming Chi held the steering wheel and greeted his old friend softly.

Uncle Lu just took it off and not picked it up, the family car had already gone back early. Mr. Ming Xiao, who wants to drive back by himself, doesn't really know the way, but no matter how badly the sense of direction is damaged, it has not yet reached this point.

You don't have to look at the direction of the fireworks to remember how to get home.

This road is the sea ring road, as long as you go up, it will lead directly to the wharf. There were no cars at night, it was very clean, the evening breeze was pouring in softly, and the light of the street lamps was a warm orange-yellow.

On one side of the road is the beach facing the sea, with a wide field of vision and good scenery. The water reflects the lights on the shore.

Mingchi saw another fireworks, blooming in the quiet and clear night sky, and the shadows just fell into the shoal of high tide.

Especially for chasing.

Mingchi parked the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone and took a picture, and put it back in the storage box.

The gentleman who set off the fireworks and pointed him in the direction was still at the only fork in the road.

This road is very easy to find, and Ming Chi found it as soon as he looked for it. He quietly dimmed the lights, slowed the car and braked slowly, and stopped in front of the kind Mr. Signpost.

Ming Weiting held the firework in his hand, and when he raised his head, he just saw the little gentleman who had successfully found his way home parked in front of him.

Ming Chi lowered the window on the driver's side to the lowest level.

He raised the corner of his mouth, cleared his throat, and said quite seriously: "This gentleman, do you want a ride?"

Mingwei Pavilion has cooperated quite well, nodded and put away the fireworks: "Yes."

Ming Weiting went around to the co-pilot, Ming Chi had already leaned over and helped him open the co-pilot's door: "Where are you going?"

Ming Weiting pulled down his seat belt: "Go to where Mr. Xiao wants to take me."

Mingchi turned the lights on again, and when he heard this sentence, his chest also swelled, and he put his hands on the steering wheel and turned his head.

"Try not to drive 100 kilometers away."

After all, the boat still has to go. Mr. Ming pondered for a while, and then added pragmatically: "If you get lost for more than an hour, you can ask the gentleman to help guide you."

Ming Chi burst out laughing, he suddenly couldn't help himself, unfastened his seat belt, and hugged his Mr. Shadow sideways.

Mingchi lowered his head and buried himself in the neckline of Mingwei Pavilion.

There was a fresh sea breeze and a little smell of fireworks, a little cold, and slowly warming in his breath.

There is a man who has been waiting here for a long time, waiting here for him to come home.

Show him fireworks here.

Ming Weiting hugged him back, patted him lightly on the back, and concluded in a low voice, "I'm careless."

"Mr. Xiao's car has GPS." Ming Weiting saw the screen, "I won't get lost, and I can find myself home."

Mingchi couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth: "It's a bit complicated, I haven't learned how to use it yet."

This kind of lie can't even deceive Mr. Shadow, Ming Weiting touched his hair and looked down at Ming Chi's eyes: "Have you not learned it yet?"

"I didn't learn it." Mingchi nodded confidently, "I really need an artificial navigation intelligent system."

Ming Weiting was stunned for a moment, trying to understand the meaning of the word, and the little gentleman filled in with a smile in his eyes: "Where are you going?"

When disembarking, he actually asked Uncle Lu for a nearby map, and roughly wrote down the location and route above.

This is not a tourist city, there is nothing to play, but if Mingchi has a destination, he can indeed help with navigation.

Mingchi stretched his arms, sat back in the driver's seat, pulled out his phone, and clicked on the photo: "Here."

Ming Weiting took it over and took a closer look.

The photo is just right, the still sky and water shrouded in night, the smooth pebbles on the shallows, and the only fireworks in the sky and water at the same time.

Especially for chasing.

"On the way here." Mingchi fastened his seatbelt, "Let's turn around and go back, and we can find it if we look for it slowly."

"The thirty-seventh happy thing, Mr. helped me find the car. It feels exactly the same as before. We are sitting in the car together now."

Mingchi looked at him, his eyes bent: "The thirty-eighth happy thing, the weather is fine tonight, I want to take Mr. to catch fireworks."

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