MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 103 I covered this fairy statue

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Tianshui real people are usually cold and dusty, and Jun Jun sword was originally the coldest one of the ten swords. The whole person is like the cold that permeates the mysterious ice for thousands of years. But he always stood up, and rarely lost his temper. Although disciples Chunjun Feng respected him and feared him, he was not too scared to look directly.

But the eyes at this time looked completely different.

The pure black pupils were as clean as a cold lake, but the sharp eyebrows of the past softened subtly, without any emotion, just watching him quietly.

The points are obviously more peaceful than usual, but the still water at the bottom of the pupils is quietly surging, spinning into a provocative deep pond, which is not right or wrong, but like a quiet, dormant mystery It is enough to devour people at any time.

The man only glanced in, and felt that the cold sweat soared across his back instantly, and he had to run away with his instincts, but behind him came the voice of Qing Ling who was soaked in Chu Xuehan Spring: "Stop."

The sound fell, and a thick layer of frost formed on the ground.

The figure couldn't stand, and the slippery foot fell to the ground, and Chun Jun sword hit by the wall rubbed his shoulders to penetrate the clothes and nailed it firmly to the ground.

The majestic sword-like majestic glance stabbed in front of him, and the man was so frightened that his legs were kicked and he passed out alive.

The power that had just been lifted was consumed in half of the blink of an eye, and Lu Deng looked dizzy. He hurriedly raised his hand to support the edge of the couch, and carefully put Gu's body back on the couch, only to endure the faintness and fall into the sea.

This man was the last disciple of Jun Junfeng, but he was too old, but he was determined to be Tianshui's real eccentric. This time, he was not allowed to follow up to the Tianmen Conference, and he was resentful. When he was bewildered, he had a wrong mind.

Staring at Gu Zaishui is Shura's second-ranked Zongmen in the world. Weiyang Zong took the first place in the town for a long time, and the resources he occupied burned down the following Zongmen. Seeing that the Tianmen Conference was imminent, Junjun Feng was granted a place to attend, and finally he couldn't hold back the idea of ​​not being moved.

This time he sneaked in this night, he secretly gave Gu Zuoshui's tea cup a golden breeze.

When Jinfeng Yulu meets, this is not a medicine that is harmful, and even gold is very expensive. Ordinary people serve to nourish the soul and promote the realm. However, for those who have already had the demon, it will not only stimulate the medicine with the Devil Dan, make the demon take root deeper in the sea, but also allow the demon to expedite the main force and grow rapidly. grow.

In the original plot, this man should have started giving Gu Underwater Jinfeng Yulu at this time. It was just that his own talent was not good. He heard that his domineering medicine properties made him greedy, and he secretly seized a lot of them. He was taking them when he was going to be advanced to take advantage of it. This did not fully stimulate the medicine. Otherwise, the original Tianshui real person was afraid that even the Tianmen Conference would not be completed. In the Zongmen, they would be completely occupied by the demon, and there would be no subsequent changes.

The immortal person accommodates the heavens and the earth, Gu Zaishui has long since faded into an innate body, and there is no need to be afraid of the persistence of the erysipelas, but the spirits cannot afford to toss back and forth like this.

Lu Deng asked the system to ask for incense, and to find a way to let Gu sleep in the water and warm his soul, now is the crucial time. If it is now forcibly waking up to deal with the scum that has been undermined, this night's recuperation will inevitably be abandoned, and tomorrow will leave for the Tianmen Conference, and there will be no time to take a good rest.

He had just upgraded and was just able to speak and couldn't help but try to come out briefly. I was thinking that it would be enough to scare people, but I didn't want the pure Jun sword to just fall down.

It seems that luck is indeed good.

It scared people to the door, and the power of the land lamp was exhausted. He returned to his original shape and fell into the sea. He stumbled into the cabin. He wanted to go to bed and rest. He stumbled on his feet and his body fell silently.

The jackdaw flapped its wings into the night sky, and the moonlight passed through the window lattice, stroking gently on a silver frost.

Nothing overnight.

When Gu Zaoshui awoke, the cold frost on the ground had been completely dried under the sun's rays, leaving only the outside disciple still nailed to the ground by Chun Jun sword, lying on his face and dying.

Even if we are tired again on weekdays, as long as it is not comatose, someone around you can still feel it. There was a big living person at the door, and he had slept soundly all night without even realizing it.

Tianshui was very nervous, and his body shot into the inner room suddenly. After confirming that the remaining semi-sacks of the elixir were still intact, he finally felt a little relieved. The collar froze.

Seeing the clothes is a disciple outside the door, looks almost middle-aged, he is not familiar with this person, there is no talent to want to come.

Yifeng said less than a thousand disciples and hundreds of disciples. Master Feng still has to practice every day. It is the limit to guide the inner disciples day by day. Most of the outer disciples have only seen it on the day they entered the mountain, and they are assigned to lead the professor.

Outsiders like this, it stands to reason that they can't get into his residence.

The other day has been calculated once, even if you trust the Zongmen again, Tianshui real people will not completely take off their defenses. Now he picked up the tea cup and splashed it on the ground in the hall.

The middle-aged disciple woke up with a splash of tea, and when he saw the cold face in front of him, his spirits fluttered away, and he ran out after struggling: "Devil, demon--


Tianshui's real heart jumped inexplicably, holding his eyebrows tightly and raising his hand to take him back: "Who the **** are you and why did you come to my room late at night-to be honest, let's go to the main peak and think about it."

The main peak has a punishment hall. It is by no means so easy to handle within the peak. It is lightly imprisoned, and retired to the roots of the spirit and expelled from the mountain gate. As long as there is indeed a fault, none of them can walk out.

The middle-aged disciple was so frightened that he trembled, lying on the ground, and raised his head to meet those eyes, but he saw that the dark black pupils were still completely clear and cold like a cold lake, but there was less mysterious and strange mysterious mind. .

In contrast, he became more and more suspicious in his heart, biting his teeth, and boldly opened his mouth: "Master-Master revels his life, his disciples fainted, and were deceived into the evil path ..."

Gu Zaishui was a founder. Although strict, he did not like killing. He made no mistake but only expelled the mountain gate and would not destroy Linggen Dantian.

The middle-aged disciple was afraid to be sent to the execution hall, and he simply recruited it out. From the clothing and appearance of the people who hired themselves, they were told to steal drugs in the bedroom last night, and they dare not hide anything.


"The disciples were instructed to hear the Master go out to rest and take advantage of the golden wind and jade dew at night--"

"You said that Jinfeng Yulu was dropped into the tea by you, could it work with Devil Devil and inspire Devil Devil's power?"

Gu Zaoshui's expression was bland, his tone was blissless and angerless, and his eyes lightened on him.


Middle-aged disciples did not dare to shirk, and had to bite the bullet and continued: "Not only that, but also can make the demon take a deeper root in the sea, deepen the roots of the sea, and speed up the swallowing of the main force, and grow rapidly ..."

The immortal in front of him didn't move. The middle-aged disciple was half a while, and looked up in the trenches. He was facing Tianshui with a complex look. He stared at him with a sturdy collar.

It seemed as if he really wanted to take off his clothes, wring out the water, filter and distill, and steam out the little bit of Jinfeng Yulu inside.

The middle-aged disciple took a nap and was taken aback by his imagination: "Master, Master ..."

Tianshui really regained his heart, forced himself to regret how he could n’t control his pity, and looked down and said coldly: "Since this, you can get away as soon as you can, why is it so courageous that no one lies on my side? The door? "

If I didn't fall in the doorway and I was thirsty in the morning, I would drink that cup of tea!

Maybe now the cautious demon has grown enough to hold it up in circles!

Tianshui's real life became more and more unhappy, and I really wanted to find the messenger in the mouth of this outside disciple and grab the remaining Jinfeng Yulu.

Obviously I was stopped by the person in front of me last night and couldn't run away, but now I was questioned why I didn't run. The middle-aged disciple was full of injustice, and boldly said, "Last night-the master woke up last night and arrested the disciple so that the disciples would stop ..."

Then the ground was suddenly covered with bone cold frost, frozen like a mirror, and couldn't stand. He just remembered falling down on the ground, watching Chunjun sword fall head to head, his heart was fainted and he passed out, and it was not clear what happened later.

"what did you say--"

Tianshui's heart suddenly dangled, his body suddenly drew before his eyes, and he drew him up: "I said something to you ?!"

He clearly remembered that he was sleeping so deeply that he couldn't catch the thief in his sleep. Beware of demons these days have shown clear and transparent wisdom, leaving the mouth to speak only in the first line, it is reasonable to be able to take the house.

But if--

An ominous thought caught in my heart, and the chill instantly covered my heart. Tianshui's eyebrows closed tightly, his eyes flashed cold and cold.

Be careful that the devil grows slowly, and it is difficult to draw the power. If you forcibly seized the house last night and arrested someone for yourself, maybe you will consume much power.

The demon was originally an incarnation between reality and reality. If the power is really exhausted, it will disappear ...

Seeing that disciple nodded his head, Tianshui's real human eyebrows were clenched, and he couldn't care much about it anymore. He raised him again, and said in a cold voice, "How much gold wind and jade dew you have, please hand it over!"

Seeing his discoloration suddenly, although the middle-aged disciple couldn't figure out what he shouldn't say, he didn't dare to wait any longer and took it in his arms.

He took money to do things for others. After all, he was instructed and didn't dare to stop too much. He missed the medicine several times because of Tianshui's retreat. He just held up a small paper bag in his hands. The amount.

Tianshui real people must be anxious to take these Jinfeng Yulu to the Medicine King Valley, try out the medicinal properties as soon as possible to find a solution.

Thinking of his experience of not taking medicines several times smoothly, the middle-aged disciple turned his gaze and gave him the small paper bag, and couldn't wait to take two steps on his knees.

"Master-you do n’t have to worry. Although the disciple has secretly exposed Jinfeng Yulu, the master has never drank it! The previous few times the master has been closed, and the disciples have watched the tea be poured out by the master. Last night, I was seen through by Master again, and the tea was also poured on the disciples ... "

Tianshui real person: "..."

Tianshui real person: "Shut up."

The middle-aged disciple looked up, but the real person in Tianshui had seized the paper bag and threw out the pure Junfeng. He just hit the ruler who circled around the 3,672 circle outside the mountain. With.

It ’s too late to say with the lord who is rushing over with joy and joy, Tianshui really releases the pure Jun enchantment in his hand, and turns into the quiet room like the wind. He dumps that small paper bag of gold wind and jade dew into the teapot, and drinks it in one go. .


The clouds dispersed, and his figure had once again appeared in the sea.

These days, he has mastered the method of knowing the sea and creating things. Gu Zaishui made a smaller house bed for Caomon in his mind, and spread a sea of ​​flowers beside the river, with several swings erected in the middle.

The yard is small, but it is very carefully managed, and the home is well prepared. The courtyard bar deliberately polished the smooth branches, the green and tender tree vines climbed up, and blossomed a small milky white flower. With the breeze gently swinging, the tranquility was like a carefully created paradise.

The sky is blue, the wind is warm and the grass is soft. Gu Zaishui couldn't care less about the scenery in front of him. After searching around in the courtyard, he couldn't find it, and hurried to the boat.

Although so many things were added one after another, Caution Demon still liked the first ship. Sometimes Gu did not accompany him when he was meditating and rested, so he secretly ran up to sleep, which made Gu Zuishui always worried that he would accidentally fall into the water.

The river was still clear and calm, and the ship's body was shaking slowly with the waves, like a natural gentle cradle.

Gu Zai Shui Fei fell out of the cabin, hurriedly picked the curtain and rushed in, just about to call, but his steps suddenly paused.

There was a pile of clothing on the ground, and I finally grew up carefully. I was careful in the fabric, and the figure was a little smaller. The white and soft shoulders had been exposed from the neckline, and a half of a smooth back was slid together. Slowly ups and downs with breathing.

Sleeping ...

The fierce throbbing heart finally calmed down. Gu Zai-shui sighed softly, walked lightly, and carefully lifted the cautious demon from the pre-paved monster fur, let him lie on the palm of his hand, and carefully touch the tender and cool back .

In his touch, Lu Deng woke up drowsyly, and the crow-winged eyelashes lifted hard, but lost strength due to the lack of strength, and fell back quietly again.

Although knowing that this is the normal state of the demon to draw energy, Gu Zaishui's chest was still heavy, and he lowered his head and touched the soft-hearted man with his lips, squinting his eyebrows and thinking about the way to divide the power as quickly as possible.

——It was almost this idea that was born all the time, and a heat flow had flowed from his body.

The spirit swelled bright warm awns, and had the strength to peel off from every corner of him, turning into warm sunlight that was sprinkled with gold powder, and lay on the body of the careful demon.

The sky was clear and clear, but the gentle drizzle still dripped, wrapped in a warm breeze, and passed through the open window, raising a fresh water spray.

Jinfeng Yulu.

As soon as Jinfeng Yulu met, they won but countless on earth.

The sleepy-eyed demon couldn't react for a while, and quietly accepted the unreserved pouring of power. The thin and thin figure gradually warmed up, Gu Gushui was a little distracted, he was stunned by the situation in front of him, and hurriedly changed his movements.

The slap-headed man has become a baby on earth.

Still twirling between his arms, his cheeks slept softly and softly, twitching between his arms very comfortably, the corners of the pale lips were slightly lifted, and the thick long eyelashes like quill feathers clinging, in the golden sunshine Drop a small shadow.

It seems that Gu Gushui's gaze was noticed, and he moved carefully, the fan-like thick eyelashes moved slightly, and there was a tendency to wake up.

Gu Zaishui quickly unfolded the sleeves of the robe, covered the person steadily, and gently patted him in his arms, until the little man fell asleep again, and then put down the two white and soft robe sleeves slightly, pleasantly surprised Slowly returned to his position, wandering around worrifully.

The villain ran around on the ground, and he couldn't see clearly, but he could make up with a robe. The little guy has grown so big that he can no longer bare his **** every day.

Tianshui, who can't make pants, is really worried, trying to use the sea to make things, but I don't know why, even the house swing can be made, but the clothes are not necessary in any way, either a piece of cloth or a red embroidery With lotus belly.

Gu Zaihui had a long time, still carefully holding a soft baby doll like a lotus root in his arms, and put on a small bellyband embroidered with lotus flowers for him.

The genius monk was particularly awkward before this time. He tried hard and was afraid of hurting. The little baby in his arms slept soundly and his body was too soft to support him. Gu Zaishui sweated angrily, and finally tied his bellyband for him, and cut half of his sleeves to cover him.

Beware the demon had shown a clear spirituality before, and apparently understood what he said. According to the confession of the outside disciple, he was even able to speak, robbed him of his help to catch the bad guy, and woke up to find that he would blush bare.

The cub who had finally grown up spoke for the first time, saying that it was "stopping."

It ’s OK to call Master ...

Tianshui was really bitter in heart, and couldn't help sighing a bit, and then faintly heard the anxious call from outside.

The voice came from the world, and the suzerain was still bumping against Chun Junjian's unusually strong protective cover, hitting it more urgently.

Immediately leading his disciples to the Tianmen Conference, he suddenly threw a traitor and returned to the quiet room to retreat, fearing that it would be a mess outside.

Waiting for the shouts to pass into the sea, beware that the demon is still sleeping soundly. Originally, I hurried in because I was worried about the danger of being careful. Gu Zaishui hesitated a little, or leaned over and hugged the little guy with a sweet and creamy milk, carefully choked, and reluctantly stood His arms were suddenly full.

The little guy didn't know when he was awake.

The bright red bellyband covered his chest, and the white armband held his arm firmly. Although the red from the cheeks all the way down into the bellyband, the clear black eyes are still bright as washed, bent softly and softly, as if reflecting the shadow of a person.

Gu Zaixin trembled, couldn't help but stop and showed a soft smile to him.

Something has to be said.

Or coax the little guy to make a good noise.

The carefully guarded demon can finally speak, Tianshui is really happy, and he is about to open his mouth with a light breath. The voice of the suzerain has been conveyed into the secret with spiritual power, such as Ruohong Zhong.

"Brother, don't worry-tell me to wait and talk first! If you have a demon, we will chop it for you! It must be chopped into eighteen pieces ..."

The author has something to say: Gu Gu · Wu Wou has grown up · Wu Wou can speak · Wu Wou soon and sweetly called Master · Live: Cut you into eighteen sections! I chopped you up! !! (╯ # ▼ 皿 ▼) ╯︵ / (. □. \\)

Zong · Honest · Master: |? ◇? `)

#Hello hello medicine king valley #

# 是 #

# 切 魔 丹 #

# 伤 脑 脑 吗 q △ q #


I underestimated jj

It's not not smoking in the morning

It is not so good in the morning ...

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Thank you everyone for encouraging qwq to continue working hard! !!

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