MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 120 I covered this agent

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The lights in the hallway are more sensible than the elevator. When they heard the footsteps of the two people, they lit up with interest.

Lu Yunsheng was not too tired. He took out a paper towel from his pocket and pulled Gu Hanshan to wipe his sweat.

Gu Hanshan likes to be surrounded by him. He also smiles at the corners of his lips. He leans on the handrails to evenly breathe, and drops his sight by the dim light in the corridor.

Climbing the eleventh floor in a breath, the child's forehead also sweated a little, and Qin's eyes were bright. The paper towel in his hand brushed his forehead and cheek, and the grassy breath came a little closer. There was some breeze blowing inexplicably in the sweltering corridor.

Gu Hanshan relieved his strength, touched his pocket, and listened to the sound of clapping, then he was relieved, and opened the door with a smile: "Fortunately, I have the key, if I haven't even brought the key ... I'll take the sky hole."

It's been very unfavorable in recent years. Maybe it was really down.

I don't want to admit that I climbed the stairs so well. Gu Hanshan was in a deep heart, trying hard to hide the smile on his lips, leaning over to get him slippers: "Where is the air-conditioning remote control on the sofa, go on, cool down, I'll drink something for you . "

Anyway, it also came out where the elites in the entertainment industry got together and did management planning. Gu Hanshan didn't relax his requirements so easily. The house was indeed a little bit careless, but it was far from chaotic.

Only the ashtrays on the balcony and the empty beer cans were piled up in a mess, looking more or less dazzling.

Gu Hanshan hurriedly passed, opened the floor-to-ceiling window and pushed the two to the balcony, closed the window, tightened the curtains, and breathed back calmly: "What do you want to drink?"

"Everything is fine, so is Baishui."

After finally tearing away the sight from the pile of beer cans, I remembered that Gu Hanshan was sitting here alone and could n’t sleep and drink beer. Lu Yunsheng felt his eyes were astringent, he blinked hard, and helped him take the briefcase in his hand and put it in On the coffee table.

"Today is a big day. I have to make an exception, so I won't drink white water."

Gu Hanshan smiled, rubbed Lu Yunsheng's head, and ordered him to turn on the air conditioner and rest for a while, then went to the kitchen himself.

I specifically confirmed with the system that the electricity bill was paid by Gu Hanshan's company. Lu Lan turned around in the hall and turned on the air conditioner and the chandeliers. Thinking of the cool attitude of Gu Hanshan's company, he pressed his lips hard and turned the air conditioner on. Dropped once.

"Isn't it cold enough?"

Gu Hanshan happened to turn around with two cans of Coke. At a glance, Lu Yun was furiously banging on the remote control of the air conditioner. When he was very hot, he couldn't hold back a smile: "The old air conditioner, the filters are not cleaned up, not very Okay, a few more degrees can make it a little cold. "

Lu Yunsheng blinked and looked up.


"Host, I repair the air conditioner!"

The system has been with Lu Deng for a long time, and I have known the host's thinking mode. After taking the elevator repair work, I volunteered to raise my hand again, and stopped the idea that Lu Deng secretly ran out to wash the filter in the middle of the night: "I can repair household appliances. , Host don't worry! "

Unexpectedly, the system has become so powerful now, Lu Deng smiled dumbly, regained the mind that had just emerged, and thanked him in his mind.

The system came in handy and was so happy that he ran away with the strings. Lu Deng retracted his mind, only to find that Gu Hanshan had approached him, and he was raising his hand on his forehead to try the temperature.

"Are you sleepy?"

Just when I saw Lu Yunsheng shaking his head, Gu Hanshan was worried that he was suffering from heatstroke. He felt relieved when he felt his head was not hot. He took the remote control and adjusted it twice, and sat down on the sofa with him: "I just burned the water , Eat a few words and say a few words, then take a bath and sleep, okay? "

Of course, Lu Yunsheng wanted to talk to him. He nodded frequently in Gu Hanshan's eyes and took the initiative to sit on the sofa: "It's OK to say a few more words ..."

"It still has time to say, from now on we will be bound, wherever I go, where you go, you don't bother me."

Gu Hanshan couldn't help but smile. He flipped inside the snack of the briefcase, picked out two good-looking small cakes, opened the package and handed it to him, holding the opened cola can and hitting him a cup: "If you don't have an elevator, you won't be tossing out takeaways. I'll invite you to dinner tomorrow ..."

"Not annoying."

The voice faded and was interrupted by Lu Yunsheng's voice.

Gu Hanshan looked up in surprise, and there was a rare serious solemnity on the clear face in front of him, and his eyes fell on him unhindered: "You are good to me, I listen to everything you say."

Gu Hanshan suddenly felt a little hot.

He originally did this business, and he actually heard a lot of this kind of words-sincere and false, originally sincere and then false. One of the most terrifying things about people is that they sometimes look good. Once they get lucky, they immediately want to bury themselves in the past, and they ca n’t wait to change their way of walking.

But it's just some people.

Believing that the human heart is a very naive act in this circle, he has paid the price, and it should reasonably be remembered. But the eyes in front of him made him urge to go out again.

... not impulsive.

When this idea just rose, Gu Hanshan suddenly felt a little bit sad, but fortunately found it.

Not impulsive. Probably from the person in front of him, when he passed the business card seriously to him, he had already begun to consider what way to take after Lu Yun's name was born.

And this envisioned future includes him.

His last entertainer.

All the thoughts were intertwined in his mind. Gu Hanshan lowered his head and sat on the sofa. After a short rest, his calm breath was slightly more rapid, and he was focused on the sound of bubbles after Cola opened. , A hand suddenly reached into his sight.

Gu Hanshan looked up.

Lu Yunsheng was half-knelt in front of him, and the dark eyes like small animals gazed at him tenderly and with concern, and there was a little soft worry under his eyes.


Gu Hanshan held his hands behind his head, passed his fingertips through the soft and docile short hair, rubbed it gently, and lowered his head and smiled at him: "No contract, I'll leave it to you."

The hand that stretched out towards himself on the stairs had clear and smiley eyes in the moonlight. I didn't understand where the thoughts had taken root and sprung up, taking the chest turbulently, the subtle flames crackled from the bottom of his eyes, and burned all the rampant and dim past, leaving only bright and abnormal light.

Don't contract, don't share, and don't pay.

He wants this.

Lu Yunsheng opened his eyes wide, it seemed that he didn't respond, and still looked at him.

"I want to hug you ..."

Gu Hanshan sighed very lightly, but there was no sign of bleakness in his eyes, and his eyes were softer and clearer than those of these days, and his lips were raised softly.

"I'm going to be a broker, I'm going to be an assistant, I'm going to be a stylist, a nutritionist, a bodyguard driver ... can I get a salary every day, okay?"

The bodyguard is probably a little overhanging.

After comparing the effects of two people climbing the eleventh floor, the gold medalist who has always been sane enough thinks optimistically, and feels that in addition to the fitness coach, he seems to have accidentally made more vultures.

Would you like to start adjusting your recipes tomorrow?

When a person is nervous, it is easy to think freely. Gu Hanshan thinks about it one after another without thinking. Lu Yunsheng has already reacted, his eyes glow with brilliance, and he straightly throws himself into his arms.

His dark eyes were as bright as stars, and his chest didn't change much when he climbed the stairs. He threw him on the sofa with his hands and feet, and put his chin on his shoulders, for fear of repentance. Nod, nod, nod, nod ...

Gu Hanshan couldn't help but chuckled and chuckled carefully, fed a cake, and rubbed his hair with a soft voice: "Okay, today's account is cleared."

"not yet……"

Lu Yunsheng contained the cake, his cheeks bulged rounded, and he shook his head indistinctly, kneeling on his knees and moving backwards.

The sofa wasn't that big at first. The more he moved, the more he seemed to hang. He accidentally fell down on his back.

A little further away is the coffee table. Gu Hanshan's heartbeat jumped to one hundred and ninety-nine, and he hurriedly took his hand to grab his back. The soft body with his arms around him also flew in, and smashed into his arms again. in.


Actually brought run-up.

I don't know why I suddenly started worrying about my waist. Gu Hanshan was half-lying on the sofa, with his arms around his arms, which seemed to be particularly happy, and he was afraid he would give him this again: "This is-tomorrow's also Just ended? "

"One copy, the agent and assistant settled."

Lu Yunsheng hugged twice, already contented, lying on his arms and tightening his arms, earnestly calculating: "There are nutritionists, stylist drivers, bodyguards, and you can charge interest if you can't finish holding, plus two a day ... "

"I have never seen such a usury."

Gu Hanshan couldn't help but smile, he shook his hand and changed the direction to hold him. Thinking of taking a bath anyway, I just shuffled Lu Yunsheng's hair and deliberately teased him with a smile: "I don't want to lose money when I go out to do my accounting."

"Then you need another accountant ... accounting is important, hold on."

These worlds of Lu Deng have been seduced by him for a long time. Although he still blushes in the lover's joke, he has a lot of skills than before. Looking up at those already familiar eyes, struggling to swallow the cake, flushed and steadily took it back.

The defunct gold medalist gaped, and looked at the little artist who was hot in her arms and wanted to take the talk seriously, ticked his nose, and tentatively lowered his head: "Did I ... sell myself?"

Lu Yunsheng looked up at him, blushing so terribly that he refused to let go, and bargained with him: "Three."

"Enough is enough, and then bargain, I'll just hug you for the debut."

Gu Hanshan chuckled and raised his two hands to confide in mercy, took down the small animal lying in his arms, rubbed his hair and calmed him down: "After talking, go to take a shower. Go to bed early today and climb tomorrow. The stairs go down. "

The system is diligently repairing the elevator, and monitoring the target person's lack of ambition, let off two puffer fish bombs, and looked at the pictures of the big agent climbing the stairs with tears.

Lu Deng didn't hold back the smile on his lips. He looked at the gentleness and gentleness in the pair of black pupils, but nodded obediently, ate the last little cake preciously, and was led by Gu Hanshan to the bathroom.


When the two men took turns taking a shower, the calendar had already turned over and ran to the next day.

There are many elderly people in the community, and their routines are like alarm clocks. The window is already dark, and only a few 24-hour convenience stores and pharmacies are open, and the lights are illuminated in a peaceful night.

Often, I think these lanterns are so lonely that they can drink three cans of beer.

Unexpectedly, he changed his bright mentality. Gu Hanshan took the sleepy dormant child around his chest and shoulders, blew his hair carefully, and gently gathered his soft hair with one hand.

Lu Yunsheng wore one of his old short sleeves-he had no clothes that he hadn't worn, but he had to bite the bullet and find a cleaned one, and took it out without any fuss.

Lu Yunsheng, however, seemed to like it very much, happily set himself on his body, and said that he would not take off any more.

Gu Hanshan was a lot taller than him, and Lu Yunsheng wore his clothes in a circle. There was no outsider in the family anyway, and the summer was hot again, and Gu Hanshan didn't let him wear more clothes, so to speak, he persuaded the person to fall asleep on the spot, and turned out the hairdryer to blow his hair.

Just in the bathroom, Gu Hanshan managed to fish out people. Lu Yunsheng was so trapped that he leaned into his arms and fell down staggeringly.

Gu Hanshan changed his hands back and forth, and basically controlled his shaking range between his arms. Somehow he thought it was fun. He bowed his nose a bit reddish with hot water, and asked his little boss softly: "The endorsement is finished. What more do you want? "

Most of his connections are still in the middle-to-high level of the company, the directors, producers, producers, screenwriters of various crews, the editor-in-chief of the TV station, and the post-release of the camera recordings of unknown number. Slightly famous, most of them have friendships with him.

Everyone in the circle cherishes feathers, and things are so much trouble that almost no one dares to help him when he is overwhelmed by the Internet, but he never sees him again. He knew in his heart, so no one had ever blamed or looked for it, but this level of human beings stayed like that.

There are also the artists he has brought. He helped to deal with accidents up and down, and many of them were worried that he was anxious and let out the black material Mixin, which was not secretly thrown the olive branch, but he I took a breath and never took it.

The skinny dead camel was larger than the horse. He looked at how little resources were left in his hands. He really wanted to get together and calculate, but it was enough for Lu Yunsheng to let go.

Lu Yunsheng was only half clear, barely hearing the end of "what he wanted", he opened his eyelids hard, glanced at the light and closed it, and buried it in his arms reluctantly: "... you."

"I have it, something else-pick something else."

Gu Hanshan dumbfounded and coaxed him indiscriminately. He touched the hair that still had a little bit to dry, and set the hairdryer aside: "Which direction do you want to go? Singing, dancing, boy group, variety show, TV series ... ... "

He didn't want to be so noisy that Lu Yunsheng couldn't sleep well, but the fan that had been around for too long blows up and the wind is small, and he sleeps without drying his hair in the air conditioner, fearing that he would wake up and get a headache-and set the direction earlier, he Tonight I will be able to work out a short-term plan. Resources may not be waiting. I might just slip away from my hand in the evening.

Lu Yunsheng was still buried in his arms, stubbornly confused.

Gu Hanshan said for a while, then stopped and thought for a while, bowed his head with a soft shoulder: "I'm sure?"

"Okay ..."

Lu Yunsheng closed his eyes and nodded, probably like the breath he suddenly approached, his eyes opened and his arms opened like a little koala, holding him firmly.

Really say everything and don't be afraid to be sold to yourself.

Gu Hanshan couldn't help but smile at the corners of his eyes, held his arms firmly to hold him, and meticulously dried the last hair ends for him, and put him gently into the bed: "Then sleep well and give me ... I'll send you starry. "

He didn't say any more, just raised his hand to turn off the bedroom light, raised the air conditioner twice, and quietly returned to the living room with a blanket and pillow.

Debut, of course, must be carefully considered.

Meda's advertisement is a great opportunity. Unfortunately, it is a still photo without a reference to move it. In the future, I will have to choose two scripts to make the scene. Now I have to consider the exposure. It is best to brush my face and heat up the reputation.

Participating in the draft ... is not appropriate.

Lu Yunsheng has a lively personality with him, and he also works hard to let go of the outside world, but still can see that the point has not been worn smoothly, the introverted, eyes are still terribly clean.

Gu Hanshan didn't want to see him standing on the stage and asking the judges to comment from head to toe, and he didn't want him to endure all kinds of shady things that can hardly be avoided now. After accepting the hard work, he might not get the final result, even being taken out by malicious editor Distorted fact means underworld. The draft is indeed the best way to make stars, but he is reluctant to let his family suffer.

Not participating in the draft, the Internet drama and the men's team are also tired, it is also a matter of luck if you can get angry. Gu Hanshan listed all the resources he could think of, groaning with his pen tip, and suddenly couldn't help sneezing.

After looking back, I found that the old air conditioner in the living room was so cold that it frozen two cans of cola back.

...... Could it be that the air conditioner felt ashamed of himself, and was angry.

Gu Hanshan rubbed the tip of his nose and turned the air conditioner back a few degrees. He was worried that the air conditioner in the bedroom would suddenly perk up, set aside his pen, and opened the bedroom door lightly.

It was a little bit cold in the bedroom, but he hadn't reached the point where he could not bear it because he had adjusted it once before leaving.

Lu Yunsheng fell asleep and didn't know he covered the quilt, but hugged a pillow he used to hang on, but still fell asleep.

Afraid of the light in the hall disturbing him, Gu Hanshan closed the door with his hands, fumbled lightly, raised the air conditioner, and leaned over to cover Lu Yunsheng's quilt, but his cuffs suddenly sank.

Probably aware of the familiar atmosphere near him, Lu Yunsheng threw a pillow that fell out of favor, hugged him by the cuff, and hugged the entire arm, only to settle down satisfactorily.

The sleeping little animal fell asleep on his own, but he could barely fall asleep with his tail, and suddenly found a better one. He immediately threw his tail up and happily hung up, and fell asleep without waiting for comments.

Gu Hanshan: ...

Now this position makes him unsure of the salary of the bodyguard.

He couldn't bear to compete with Lu Yunsheng who was asleep, and sent his arm down along his strength. Now he is almost half-lying beside the bed. Unless he goes to bed and hugs him, he will be half disabled the next day.

The living room lights are not off yet ...

The balance in my heart has actually tilted a little, the stable agent barely maintained his reason, raised his head slightly and looked out, and suddenly heard a faint sound, the light seeping through the door slit automatically disappeared under his gaze. It was dark.


This is probably because the light bulb can't stand it.

The thoughts at the bottom of the heart were so clear that they couldn't be ignored. Gu Hanshan took a deep breath, slowly moved his body to lie down, changed his posture to hold people in his arms, and finally saved the back of almost protest in time.

The soft body arched in his arms, the freshly blown hair softly rubbed his jaw, Gu Hanshan sighed contentedly, and finally narrowed his eyes calmly.

Plan things, think about it tomorrow ...

The author has something to say: Department · Efforts · Selling cabbage · Assist · The host said that there should be pigs · Tong: OK, you leave the group :)


#What else#

# 可以 做 啊啊

_ (┐q □ q) _


I've been busy adding more these days, but I haven't had time to draw a red envelope qwq today.

Tomorrow will be updated at 5 pm tomorrow, breathing a bit ... but I think I can make two more changes to help me up! !! (*  ̄︶ ̄ *) y expansion.jpg

Thank you for your encouragement qwq I will continue to work hard! !! !!

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