MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 130 I covered this agent

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The audition turned out to be more successful than expected.

In order to facilitate the setting, the drama of the young Qi Feiyu was interspersed with the arrangement. The latest drama will take two days to start shooting, and there is plenty of time for Lu Yunsheng to adjust himself.

After solving the serious problem, Lei Daochunfeng was full of face. He asked an assistant to issue a room card and instructed Gu Hanshan to make sure Lu Yunsheng completely adjusted his condition. In the past two days, when he could come over to follow the drama, he turned back to train the actors. went.

"Okay ... Lei Dao's face dare to fold! Who hasn't seen him soft before? You are really enough to spoil your children!"

Jiang Fengqing's agent leaned up in admiration, hitting his shoulder with interest, intending to ask for a few tips to survive from Lei Hongbo's hand: "How did you say that? I saw Lei Dao stared at me. I persuaded him, and as soon as he scolded me, I couldn't speak ... "

"Go get a group of people and scold you for a month without stopping, it's good to get used to it."

Gu Hanshan didn't have time to pay attention to the others, and he said casually, holding the card in his pocket and holding his time to look up.

The housekeeper came over to lead someone to change clothes. Lu Yunsheng stood still, and turned to find him in the crowd.

After the play, those eyes returned to the soft and docile black light. It seems that he has not completely recovered from his emotions. The child's chest is still slightly undulating. As soon as his eyes touch him, the light in his eyes becomes bright, dragged by the housekeeper, and his eyes are firmly rooted. Stuck to him.

Gu Hanshan passed in three steps and two steps. He took the job of changing clothes from the housekeeper and led the people all the way into the locker room.

At noon in the scorching sun, the child followed closely, his footsteps were tight, his palms were wet with cold sweat, and he felt pain in his heart.

Gu Hanshan just felt out of breath.

I don't know how many plans and preparations I made in the past, but it will be useless. It is not the first time that he and Lei Hongbo have cooperated. Knowing the temper of the other party, strict guidance can force a good show. The psychological construction is already done, but it is useless to the true chapter.

No, no, no, not willing.

It's so nice to laugh ...

Almost gave birth to the idea of ​​taking back his own little artist and no one was bullied. The agent overwhelmed his mind, and directed director Lei Da to connect three villains in his heart. Hold firmly in his arms.

Lu Yunsheng froze, his tight body gradually softened, and he rested quietly on his neck, like a small animal.

Gu Hanshan's nose was sore, he held Lu Yunsheng's short hair, slowed his strength and rubbed slowly, and touched his head lightly in the forehead: "Are you afraid?"

Obviously it is a little guy who has only recently emerged from his nest. His claws will not let him out of strength. Why does he rush out whenever he encounters something?

"I'm not afraid ..."

Lu Yunsheng put a post in his arms, his lips curled up, and a small arc appeared on his head: "I'm not afraid."

Gu Hanshan looked down at him, his eyes fell into the curved eyes, resisted the urge to kiss, and touched gently with the back of his hand: "I'm not afraid, he dare to bully us ... I will steal him Lens cap. "

Unexpectedly, the agent's retaliatory action was so promising, the little artist who had to persuade the other side to calm his eyes widened, and for a long time he couldn't hold back his lips, and smiled, "Stealing two ... hidden for an afternoon."

"Okay, just steal two and hide for an afternoon to see him in a hurry."

Gu Hanshan responded with a smile, kissed him quickly on the tip of his nose, and helped him to untie his upper body clothes.

Lu Yunsheng's face turned red, and he wanted to hide but couldn't bear it. He opened his arms obediently and let the agent who took the opportunity to raise pay help to take off complicated costumes, and his heartbeat gradually stabilized.

Actually, I'm not so scared.

Even if the sound in his ears is noisier and noisier, and no more attention is focused on himself, he will be able to cope with it well. He will not jump on the roof and run away, nor will he accidentally tear down the set because of excessive tension.

He is already a very strong adult and will no longer shed tears just because of insults, taunts and accusations.

It was just when someone suddenly stood up and maintained that his heartbeat was still so fast that he almost trembled.

Obviously being scolded at most only affects the state, it is not so uncomfortable, and even feels that it can pass through. But looking at the figure standing in front of him, he said unwillingly to compromise, and all the sorrows accumulated in his chest could not stop escaping.

It's like a long-overcome thing, but it's not so scary in itself, and one can handle it well. The unreasonable figure of guarding still seems to penetrate layers of time, returning to the already obscure memory, opening his arms in front of the small figure that was standing in the corner, protecting him from touching anyone. Nor can you bully.

Then the little figure stood up holding hands and waved his hands cheerfully, hopping and jumping into the dazzling sunlight.

It was as if the knot, which had been faintly lingering in my heart for so many years, suddenly fell apart completely.

He just couldn't help but be pleased with the incident itself.

"It's so good today, it's better than others I've seen ... the lines are in place, there is a drama on the body, it must be better when you wait for the camera."

Gu Hanshan took off the last costume for him, took a dry towel and pressed Lu Yunsheng for the sweat on his neck, while teasing him softly: "I will ask if I can go out after the show, if I can At that time, I will take two more photos, and Junbao will be fascinated by fans ... "

The child was thin-skinned, and he was blushed in three or two sentences, and the faint faintness in his eyes disappeared completely, and he put his ostrich on his shoulder.

Gu Hanshan smiled in his eyes, held his head in a hurry, and hugged someone on the sofa to cool off, and returned to the costume by himself.

I walked so many times on the set, and was slammed by the director's continuous training. The clothing inside Lu Yunsheng was completely wet, and the white shirt was attached to the body, which easily outlined the smooth and inconspicuous. Muscle lines.

This is obviously not going out. The air conditioner in the locker room is too cold. Gu Hanshan took off his sunscreen to put on him, took the person in his arms, held his wrists, and seriously held the cuffs for him: "Director I gave two house cards ... "

Lu Yunsheng's face was only slightly cooler, and when he heard his voice, he looked up, his eyes still dizzy: "Then ... the extra storage room?"

Gu Hanshan dumbfounded, touched his finger on the tip of his nose, unscrewed the prepared herbal tea in the insulated cup and drank him: "Foreigners watching, if the two of us sleep in a room, maybe one day they will be exposed-be careful These are always right. "

It's exposed ...

A moment of small thoughts jumped in his heart, and Lu Yunsheng pinched the corners of his lips, held his hand and looked up, shook his head stubbornly.

Gu Hanshan touched his cheek, and leaned down to coax him softly: "I will go to you early in the morning and wait for you to sleep before you come out. As long as there is an entrance and an exit, there is something to say when you see it-"

"I sleep alone ... not honestly."

His voice was still too late, and the fledgling little artist interrupted softly, his eyes fell on his toes, and he dared to learn from others like a big name: "I turned on the air conditioner at night, no one was there. Just look at it-just disobedient, eat if you want to eat, go out if you want to go out ... "

Lu Yunsheng tried his best to think of excessive behavior, and said with a brain, still lingering in his heart.

It's been so long, why hasn't the paparazzi snapped a picture?

If he was a paparazzi, the photos would have flowed out in time, and accidentally spread throughout the Internet.

Gu Hanshan listened for a while, holding his breath away, widening his eyes and crying, and opened his arms to circle people into his arms.

The children kept their heads low, and they couldn't think of a real powerful threat. They could only take such bizarre things as "sleeping without a quilt without a quilt" and "singing through the window in the middle of the night without singing" Conditions scared him.

The agent was frightened and his whole heart softened.

The little artist in his arms is still racking his brains to play big names, but the knowledgeable agent can't help but chuckle in his ear, blowing his breath according to the reddish ears, his voice Slowly and gently: "I'm not afraid of being dragged by me, and then I'm famous for making a certain artist—by accepting the news of the agent's hidden rules?"

You can spread this kind of news!

Lu Yunsheng's eyes fluttered and he looked up at him with interest: "Is it good to pass?"

Gu Hanshan: "..."


There is no director's jealous eyes, and he can't help but be soft-hearted, and the agent has no temper to his own little artist. Holding the person who sweated almost to stand up, the business shattered the topic.

"It's hard to tell, I'm talking about fun-what do you want to eat today? I bought it secretly, so that the director would not know ..."

Lu Yunsheng always trusted him wholeheartedly. When he turned around, he forgot his original center of gravity. He happily followed up and held his hands, thinking about the local special snacks that he had systematically helped to check before he came.

The child's eyes flashed, Gu Hanshan couldn't bear to let him down, he simply let go and let him hold on tight, all the way out of the crew.

Seeing the afternoon, the weather was getting hotter. The gold broker still did not slacken the business skills that he had exercised at the beginning. After three or two handovers, he went to the hotel to clean the room in one go, and brought his little artist into the air-conditioned room without delay.

I asked Lei Hongbo on the road. The crew did not have any restrictions on the propaganda. They had to rely on them to create a wave of momentum before the official announcement. By the way, they also sent a few shots from the studio together.

With the approval of the crew, Weibo, which had been prepared earlier, was posted.

A studio photo with a leading line, a vegan face with a half-open collar in the locker room, and a lu Yunsheng lying in the hotel's standard room and dozing with the script-the agent faced the third picture for a long time, professionalism Still defeated the indescribable selfishness, closed the eyes and pressed the release.

At least I can hold it.

Gu Hanshan held the mobile phone for ten seconds, and there were already many comments when he opened it. I watched it slip down, ah ah ah I want to hug me, this waistline wants to touch! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The agent who successfully completed the professional task set aside his mobile phone and took off his clothes and lay down. Holding the little entertainer who lasted a long time for a long time last night in his arms, he hesitated for a moment, carefully leaned his right hand into the placket, and felt the narrow and flexible waistline.


Kissed again on the forehead.

The temperature of the air conditioner was a bit low. His palms were warm, and Lu Yunsheng mumbled comfortably into him, digging into his arms.

Gu Hanshan found out that he only adjusted the air conditioner by hand. The sleeping artist did not find a familiar heat source. He fumbled with his eyes closed, and finally found the position. He cracked his hands and feet and held it on the ground. Lips.

The broker's mood is better.

Lu Yunsheng's new Weibo made another hurricane in a flash.

Wearing a costume is undoubtedly the book, depending on the situation or a period drama, although it is only a snap shot on the set, but still can see that the production details are fine and sophisticated.

These photos instantly ignited the speculation, because Weibo only sent expressions and did not speak, and the following comments were full of flowers, almost all the costume dramas being filmed now are guessed, and the # 治安 委 进军演艺 圈 # Brushed up hot search.

Ahhhhhhh! I think Xiao Yunsheng's conditions are very suitable!

With good physical conditions and good face value, it is a pity not to act. ヾ (ノ \ '﹃\') ノ I believe my cub will perform particularly well!

What would it be ... "Zhongshan Wolf"? "Shu Xian"? I didn't know which group I was in after a lap.

Maple powder double-handedly said quietly, this texture, this prop, is very similar to "White Feather Walk" ...

No, no. The production of "White Feathers" is too big, and it is impossible for newcomers to enter. Someone outside is already grabbing this joke from us, saying that the fans at the bottom of the well have not seen it.

I saw some people say that they are really uncomfortable qwq We do n’t have such a high goal! Xiao Yunsheng played a show, let's take a closer look and be satisfied!

Regardless of what he is, congratulations to Liang Jiafan! I wish Xiao Yunsheng to join the group smoothly, not one, take one and take one!

Thanks to Mr. Liang's family! I wish Teacher Liang a prosperous!

I do n’t know if it ’s booming. Anyway, our teacher Liang came out from "Can I eat it?"


Gu Hanshan sat at the side of the field, listening to Lei Hongbo's loud voice, and brushing comments on Weibo distractedly.

Filming is on track, and Lu Yunsheng has to come to the studio to report every day. When there is a play, there is a shooting scene, and when there is nothing, I will sit on the side and try to figure out the adult Qi Feiyu played by Jiang Fengqing, trying to integrate the temperamental details.

Although the role is relatively small compared to the lead actors, the task is not easy at all.

Gu Hanshan accompanied him every day, staring at Weibo as soon as he was free, while letting speculation on the Internet continue to ferment, while picking out the comments that led to the war, and by the way, he also had to bear the responsibility of being directed by the director every day to stimulate Lu Yunsheng. The difficult task of acting.

After a long time, even the stubbles that can be found were searched again. It is obvious that Lei Gui has begun talking about the car.

Gu Hanshan touched his nose, met the child's worried eyes, grinned at him, beckoned him to act, and touched the lens cover under the director's cushion.

The official announcement conference will be held this afternoon. In a nearby hotel, with Weibo, all candidates will be released at once.

As soon as the official news comes out, the voice of questioning will surely be very loud-after all, it is a newcomer who has absolutely no foundation in performing arts. Suddenly, he entered such a star-studded cast crew. It is inevitable that there is a backstage and insider guess. Fans of fans and other actors will also worry about whether the newcomer's acting skills will affect the shooting quality.

Gu Hanshan stared at Weibo especially in the past few days in order to try his best to keep such doubts within a proper range.

Questioning is good.

The more questioning sounds at this time, the better the reversal effect will be when it is actually shot. As long as it is not brainless, proper concern and limited justification are unnecessary. During his life, Lu Yun had no habit of playing with mobile phones. The crew was completely closed, and he could not reach the people outside. Even if the outside was so hot, he didn't have to worry about affecting the status of children.

After experiencing numerous winds and waves, the mood of the gold broker is still peaceful, and even the mood is switched back to the trumpet, and all the remarks of Xunzi are praised from top to bottom.

Another scene came to an end in the roar of the guide "Where has the lens cap gone"? The angle of the sun was fleeting, and we had to catch our breath to continue the next scene. Gu Hanshan quickly picked up herbal tea. He used to feed the child wrapped in thick winter clothes with two sips, pulled it to the shade, and carefully touched his forehead: "Isn't it hot, do you want to breathe?"

Lu Yunsheng's condition is getting better and better these days, but the heavens are not beautiful, and the winter scenes are so hot that the sun is almost hot, and every scene is a torment.

Several of the cast's starring heatstrokes took turns, and several even fainted on the set, and only Lu Yunsheng was able to support it. Even the content of the roar of Lei Hongbo changed from "How can there be such a spoiled artist", "Such a pet How can it go down? It turns into "Xiaolu is so hot that I don't know if you are an agent when you buy him ice cream."

The gold agent felt the director was not personal.

Depending on Lu Deng's own physical quality, it would not be a problem to stay one day at zero to fifty degrees. I just listened to him, and looked at the set's gaze in amazement. I also felt that this seemed too conspicuous, and hesitated and shook his head: "Not yet ..."

Wait a while and lower your physical fitness slightly, and probably feel hot.

This kind of weather is harmful to the body. Gu Hanshan didn't really want him to continue shooting. However, Lu Yunsheng insisted that he could only spray him from top to bottom with a cooling spray, and blasted with an electric fan. , Repeatedly instructed to stop as soon as uncomfortable.

Lu Yunsheng nodded obediently and glanced at the side of the field without worry: "Is Thunder Lead scolding you?"

"He's speechless, and now he's racking his brains on what else to say."

Gu Hanshan smiled and blinked at him, and once he turned his palm, he showed a lens cover again. The anxious child suddenly widened his eyes, and his dark eyes looked round at him, his lips twitched up quickly.

"Tianer is too hot, let him scold and deflate, I will back anyway."

Afraid of Lu Yunsheng's concern, Gu Hanshan deliberately made it easy, and fed him two more sips of herbal tea, watching people run back to continue filming, and finally turned back to the sidelines.


Hearing the greeting from around, Gu Hanshan turned back to Fang Chuan, who was running out of breath: "Don't go and watch your teacher Jiang, what are you doing here?"

The weather was too hot, and Jiang Fengqing, the first male lead, also took a shot of dehydration and heat stroke, but Gu Hanshan helped to take it to rest. Now looking at Fang Chuan's expression, he couldn't help frowning. "If you have something to say, what's wrong?"

"Just-after this afternoon's press conference, you're going to look more at Weibo."

Fang Chuan looked left and right and lowered his voice quietly and said, "I heard that Tan Yizhe was still looking for someone to target him. This time, I found my acquaintance. After listening to their gossip, I wanted to hack him-saying it was a hidden rule by the director. I just got this role ... "

"So big a crew, what's the use of hidden rules alone?"

Since the last chat mentioned the possibility of being submerged, Lu Yunsheng has been remembering this matter. In the past few days, Gu Hanshan was also read to have some immunity. He frowned a word, and suddenly felt wrong, suddenly Turned back: "Who was submerged by the rules ?!"

Fang Chuan Yiyi: "Director, director, who else?"

Gu Hanshan's eyes widened.

In the distance, Lei Hongbo found the lens cover under his seat cushion. He also felt that he had recently scolded his agent for being too unreasonable, and took a deep breath to prepare for an apology. He heard Gu Hanshan's anger raised his voice by eight degrees.

"Just-the director is almost bald!"

The author has something to say: 雷 · My lens cover · Conscience found · Ready to apologize · Not ready · Director: OK, you are finished :)

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