MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 132 I covered this agent

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The sun was shining brightly on the people.

Gu Hanshan did not pull his hand out.

The young man who was quiet and restrained in the past seems to be particularly stubborn today, holding his hand firmly, and his palms are hot with the reins.

Lu Yunsheng stood by him and stood in front of the camera.

In the past, even when I saw a camera, the young artist who was instinctively scared had a straight shoulder, a faint crimson color after intense exercise, and sweat dripping along the attached bun. .

"What happened a while ago has caused Mr. Gu to have suffered serious losses in both reputation and benefits. We will appeal through legal procedures and are now preparing."

"With regard to the breach of contract, Mr. Gu has taken all the compensation. Before the truth of the matter comes to the fore, please wait a bit and don't rush to make a judgment."

"Mr. Gu did not bid farewell to the career of an agent ... I am his artist."

"If anything, you can come and ask me directly."

His chest was still undulating, but his mouth was loud and clear.

The reporters calmed down.

The hotter the tip of the tree, the hotter the heat, dissipating the last shadow.


"What do you eat-stupid, all stupid!"

Tan Yizhe smashed the video tape, grabbed two hairs violently, and slammed himself into the sofa.

The news that was carefully revealed was so thoroughly stirred that it completely changed its taste. Lu Yunsheng behaved unexpectedly. No matter what the reporter asked, he answered without fail. He shocked a group of young journalists from the second and third line media and didn't dare to say more.

The picture on TV is still in the scene just now.

The crew was obviously on Lu Yunsheng's side. The deputy director waited for what he had said before he smiled and came to the round, patted his shoulders half-counseled and half-coaxed, persuade the reporter with a temper, and patiently led people away.

The young artist under the camera is turned around, his eyes are red, and the corners of his lips are tightly clasped. His face is also stubborn and persistent with youth and youth.

It can easily make people feel soft and completely put aside their stand.

Lu Yunsheng did not mention him in the interview, but no doubt every sentence put him in a skeptical situation.

A few days ago, the incident of provocation was unexpectedly discovered. His fans and Liang Ming had a loud quarrel, and they had already lost the favor of many passers-by. Coupled with the fact that the meda endorsement was self-defeating and ridiculed by the public, his reputation is no longer as good as it was when the fire just started.

Now if we turn the old thing back ...

Tan Yizhe's heart was full of anxiety, and his face became more and more gloomy.

Lu Yunsheng said to go through legal procedures-is he really going to go? Is there any decisive evidence in Gu Hanshan's hands?

He didn't worry about this because he was determined to let the company find someone to shut up Gu Hanshan. Moreover, in the circle, this has always been taboo. No matter which party wins the lawsuit in the end, there will be no agency that the company and the studio dare to litigate with the artist. Gu Hanshan daring to follow this path is equivalent to completely breaking the development in the circle. Possible.

But now it's different.

He has been slow to receive new good resources, and the company has become more and more indifferent to him. Lu Yunsheng's development momentum is much better than him. He just relied on a web drama to explode, and there was no other basis to get it. If it was really such a hard bar, I was afraid that it wouldn't take long to lose nothing.

"Tan, Tan Tan ..."

The agent slipped in carefully, Tan Yizhe's eyes brightened, and he sat up straight and grabbed people: "What does the company say? Is his contract not yet concluded, so bring the artist in private-"

Before he finished asking, he stopped talking in the agent's expression and stopped, frowning and letting go of the person: "What's the matter, the company hasn't responded to you yet?"

This is the only question that Lu Yunsheng skipped and did not answer. Gu Hanshan should not have completely terminated the contract with the company. In this way, it is undoubtedly a serious breach of the contractual obligation to bring an artist outside.

"Back, but—"

The broker almost burst into tears, and said carefully: "The company said that ... Gu Hanshan is now on leave of absence and has no obligation to the company, and whatever he does is not subject to the company's restrictions, so he did not violate this rule ..."

"Nonsense!" Tan Yizhe was furious, "Where did the payroll leave come from, and the company started his company ?!"

The agent didn't dare to speak, just waiting for a new wave of squall.

Tan Yizhe walked back and forth a few steps, but did not get angry and throw things as usual, but his expression gradually calmed down, his eyes flashed a little gloomy, and pulled the agent to his side.

"You go to a few people and find a way to spread the rumor. Just say that Gu Hanshan's relationship with the artist he brought with him is not so simple ..."

The lower his voice was, he whispered a few words.

The agent's face turned white, and he looked up in panic, but shrank lower and lower under his severe eyes, and finally got his teeth up and walked out the door.

Tan Yizhe sat back on the sofa, his face getting colder and colder.

Gu Hanshan landed on the car with Yunsheng landing.

As soon as the child left the camera, the tension on his body was completely relaxed. Obediently change clothes and makeup, obediently listen to the arrangements of the crew, obediently led him into the car and sit. Always behind him, Gu Hanshan was always worried that if he walked slowly, he would accidentally step on the small tail behind him.

The press conference was at 5 pm. Reporters were everywhere, and they were blocking people from asking questions. They wanted to take advantage of the last chance to grab more hot spots.

Gu Hanshan wrapped his own small artist tightly, and successfully avoided countless eyes and ears. After placing the person in the car, he immediately turned on the air conditioner, and the mask and sunglasses used for disguise were also removed.

Lu Yunsheng obediently leaned against the back of the chair to let him toss, his face was a little red, and his eyes still fell on him.

"How dare you be so bold ..."

Gu Hanshan looked at him dumbly, dabbing his finger lightly on the tip of his nose, and took a piece of paper towel to wipe the fine sweat of the landing Yunsheng forehead: "Is it hot?"

He seemed to have a lot of words to say, but couldn't say anything.

Lu Yunsheng is now in the ascendancy of his career. As long as the play can be performed well, word of mouth has been set, and since then the stars have been starry-choose to stand up and speak for yourself at this time, from the perspective of a professional agent, No doubt it is not wise.

But when the child was alone to face the reporter for him, he didn't think so.

Lu Yunsheng looked up at him slightly, and shook his head gently. The dark eyes were clear, and the spring fell into his heart like a spring, screaming.

Go to his agent.

Gu Hanshan took a deep breath and moved his sweating hand down slightly, stroking the ear to the earlobe with a very quick and light stroke, and gently wrapped the person on his shoulder: "Yunsheng ..."

He just called the other person's name, but his tone seemed to be drenched in a hot heart, and husky fell gently to his ear.


Lu Yunsheng responded, raised his hand to hug him, and buried his face completely into the agent's wide neck.

A peep-proof film was affixed to the outside of the car. Gu Hanshan didn't rush to drive, released his seatbelt with one hand, held the person from the co-pilot into his arms, and kissed him with a warm kiss.

The cold air-conditioning is enough, and the temperature of both of them has dropped. The cool and warm are intertwined with each other, and the fierce heartbeat passes through the chest and passes directly to the other chest.

Lu Yunsheng took a sigh of relief, heard the lively voice of reporters chasing people during the interview, and looked out instinctively.

"It's okay, the peep-proof film is attached ... they don't look."

Gu Hanshan kissed him, smiled and appeased, but found that the child in his arms was clearly lost and sighed.

Gu Hanshan: "..."

As a small artist like myself, he intends to come out, and he can insist that until now, he is only regarded as an old father by fans. As a broker, he is already considered to have a very good business level.

With high-intensity shooting, and immediately facing the siege of the reporter, Lu Yunsheng was physically and mentally exhausted. After knowing that I didn't want the reporter to help, the whole man was completely down, and his eyes couldn't open when he was lying in his arms: "Are you going home?"

"Go back for a while and eat something. Take a shower and change clothes, and go to the press conference later."

Gu Hanshan kissed him between his foreheads, carefully holding back the co-driver, and buckled his seatbelt: "What do you want to eat, ice cream?"

The location of the studio was remote, Lei Hongbo stared tightly, and he could rarely eat ice cream once.

Gu Hanshan is picking the portable small freezer these two days, ambitious to give the children ice cream while the director is not paying attention. It is best to bring some herbal tea and cola. package.

Obviously, the role of the broker has been completely left behind.

Lu Yunsheng blinked and looked up, his eyes lit up: "Can you eat chocolate?"

"Yes, I'll buy it for you ..."

Gu Hanshan smiled and nodded, rubbing his hair, and dialing down the air conditioner.

He likes this feeling, just as much as watching Lu Yunsheng's radiance-after finishing work briefly, eating ice cream on the way home, going back for a shower together, lying in bed for a while, because it is simple and trivial Laughed at the small things, and circled people in their arms and kissed hard.

When he was surrounded by reporters and asked about future plans, at a certain moment, these pictures appeared in his mind.

He never thought that these things would also become his dream.

... It's really a good dream.

Gu Hanshan raised his lips and unbuttoned two clothes buttons for the dormant child.

Lu Yunsheng has always been unprepared for him, and the little animal twitched gently on the back of his hand.

The touch was soft and warm, Gu Hanshan's eyes could not help but bend, holding his cheek lightly, printed a kiss on Lu Yunsheng's lips, stepping on the throttle with satisfaction, and hurried back to the hotel.

Lu Yunsheng barely opened his eyes when he arrived at the hotel.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of today ’s particularly heavy shooting tasks, and the little guy ’s rare spirit is not good. I ate an ice cream in his sleepy eyes, led him back to the room and rinsed it. After changing clothes, he fell asleep again in Gu Hanshan's arms.

As soon as the sky was hot, Lu Yunsheng's appetite was not good. These days, he was always not willing to eat well. Gu Hanshan could only find a way to coax him to eat with his favorite quilts, and sometimes had to pay several times the salary.

The small animal fluffy nest in her arms arched here and posted there, Gu Hanshan's eyebrows became softer, arms around him in arms.

"Still have something to eat, talk about two or three hours less at the press conference at night-do you want cold noodles? There are buckwheat noodles here, can add beef ..."

He paddled his cell phone while talking to the children in his arms, but he didn't hear the response like every time, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Lu Yunsheng was still leaning in his arms, no longer tossing, his forehead was pasted against his shoulders across the clothing, his cheeks still looked red.

Gu Hanshan frowned and cast aside his cell phone to touch someone.

Lu Yunsheng lay obediently in his arms without making a noise, but his eyebrows were narrowly frowning, as if uncomfortable, his slender eyebrows tightened tightly, and his body began to feel hot.

The child's body is so good. Gu Hanshan encountered this situation for the first time, and his heart hung momentarily, and he hurriedly called softly, "Yunsheng? Wake up-where is it uncomfortable?"

After several calls, Lu Yunsheng finally opened his eyes a little, and his dark eyes dazzled with water vapor. "I don't want to eat ..."

"Okay, we don't eat."

Gu Hanshan responded quickly, touching his forehead that was obviously starting to heat up, with one arm behind him to help him sit still: "Is there anything uncomfortable? Obedient, tell me ..."

Probably because of the previous decrease in physical fitness, Lu Deng only felt that he was not mental, and his tired hands could not be lifted. He barely held the other hand to grasp the grip, grunted a "tired", and closed his eyes and fell asleep. .

Gu Hanshan became more uneasy and called a few more times, but Lu Yunsheng was completely asleep.

This afternoon, the reporters and paparazzi who wandered in front of the hotel outside the film and television city watched the morning only to shock the young entertainer on the set. His agent was wrapped up in a ragged suit and rolled into the car. His accelerator kicked towards the nearest hospital. Passed.


"It's the heat stroke caused by high-intensity work coupled with dehydration. Haven't you seen it before?"

The doctor wrote the medical records, typed out the latest examination results, and handed them to Gu Hanshan.

"Young people's health is very good, and they can't stand tossing, but recently their physical fitness has declined. Probably the work intensity and pressure are too great. Pay more attention to supplements ..."

This summer is especially hot. As the nearest hospital to the film and television city, the doctors in the emergency department have dealt with how many star actors with heat strokes these days. It was the first time that they were so bluffing.

The young artist who looked particularly good was hung up with water. However, the over-stressed agent strongly demanded that the doctor still perform a simple physical examination for Lu Yunsheng. He could not find any more problems. He could only treat heat stroke. The precautions are explained again from beginning to end.

Gu Hanshan listened intently, took note of all the doctor's statements, and asked a lot before sending them away politely.

Back to the ward, Lu Yunsheng had been completely tossed and awake. I didn't know whether it was because of fever or nervousness, his face was flushed, and he was quietly infusion by the bed.

After being filled with a large glass of fresh saline, and infused with electrolytes, his spirit has improved a lot. Seeing Gu Hanshan hurried back, his eyes flickered slightly: "I'm sorry ..."

The human body is still too fragile.

The last time he lowered his overall fitness, he almost couldn't even climb the roof. This time I was thinking about filming, so I didn't let the system adjust the explosive power and output. I didn't expect that I was overworked and overheated by accident, and even caused Gu Hanshan to be so anxious.

"How did you steal my words?"

Gu Hanshan looked at the child who was suddenly inexplicably depressed, raised his hands and rubbed his hair, leaned on his shoulders and asked him to lean against his arm, and tried to measure the temperature of his forehead with the back of his hand: "I'm not good, I'm so irresponsible ... has to be deducted. "

The doctor said that Lu Yunsheng had too much work intensity and pressure at this time, but he, who was an agent, was unaware. He looked pale while sitting on the hospital bed, and he wanted to punch himself with two punches.

Gu Hanshan took a soft breath, depressing his constant writhing thoughts, and continued to ask him softly, "Don't say this first, is it uncomfortable now?"

Withholding salary!

I hadn't gotten close to each other when I was filming outside these days!

Physical fitness has been adjusted back in time, but deduction of wages is undoubtedly unworkable. Unwilling to be close to the gentleman who is rare and not shy away from the outside, Lu Yunsheng was a little anxious, and his lips were hesitant to respond: "Distressed, uncomfortable ..."

He still can't learn to lie, and he doesn't know how to pretend to be uncomfortable and painful. He can only get closer by knowing instinctively. Rarely squeezed out two words, his cheeks were almost hot, scaring the agent to call the doctor again.

"Where is it uncomfortable ... why is it so hot again? It's almost ready ..."

The bow-scaring agent's agent was full of anxiety. He touched his forehead for a while, then pierced the collar to try the neck chest, and stood up and leaned back to take the forehead against the temperature.

The company said there was something wrong. The system rushed back to deal with it. It will take a while to come back. We can't help open the monitoring for the time being.

Lu Yunsheng's heartbeat was so fast that he secretly looked out the door, but he couldn't see anything.

Is there a paparazzi outside the door ...

Gu Hanshan was busy for a while, and found that the temperature on Lu Yunsheng's body gradually dropped again, his eyes flickered outwards, and he looked a little bit along the way, only half a moment to wake up, and sat down with a smile.

His children haven't forgotten the jokes he had back then.

The current little entertainer has no momentum at all in front of the reporter's camera at that time. The whole person is disobedient, and the cooked little rooster scoops his head into his arms.

The agent's heart was completely poked softly, his arms stretched into his chest and shoulders, and he bowed his head softly and said, "Don't you be afraid to tell someone?"

He asked inexplicably, but Lu Yunsheng understood, shaking his head vigorously: "I'm not afraid."

"That's good."

To his surprise, Gu Hanshan let out a long sigh of relief, rubbing his hair at the end and rubbing it twice, showing a rare surprise: "There is something ..."

To meet Lu Yunsheng's eyes, Gu Hanshan looked cramped and rubbed the tip of his nose: "Before you-uncomfortable, why can't you wake up, I'm a little anxious ..."

Then he hurried out of the hotel and hugged him all the way. It was roughly estimated that it was photographed by a dozen paparazzi and reporters.

The agreement signed by the crew is limited to the content of the filming. As long as there is no place for these personal events of artists, there is no confidentiality agreement.

Online news spread quickly, all kinds of speculations bloomed everywhere, there were all kinds of guesses.

Presumably Tan Yizhe was not reconciled, intending to continue to squander the passersby that he had wasted. There is no lack of malicious confusion in these speculations, seizing the opportunity of this accident to mix in, there is a nose and eyes saying that the two have a close relationship. He even pointedly pointed out that Gu Hanshan was a newcomer to the hidden rules, so he would give the resources so much effort.

Rarely called him black.

Gu Hanshan circled the person without letting go, took a deep breath and calmed down, raised his hand to hold the person together, and wiped his lips gently over the child's hot ears.

"If you like it-we're stamped like this ..."

The author has something to say: Tan · villain · not a script · complaint · Yizhe: company! Look at them! Don't worry about them! !! !! ┌ (.Д.) ┐

Public · I don't know · I don't know · I dare not control · Secretary: (づ ▽ ど) 唔, wow ...

#what did you say#


# 是 要 #

# 包 红包 吗?


Really ... thank you so much qaq really thank you ...

I want to write too well, I always feel that they can be better, and I want to give everyone a more satisfying reading experience ... I really really appreciate that everyone will like it, thank you very much, I'm so grateful that I don't know what to say. We will certainly not disappoint everyone, and we will never deviate from the purpose of this book, nor will we give up sugar... We will work harder to make them appropriate and want to write them better.

The length of the world has been planned for a long time ... this world is probably about to end soon, and the following world will also work hard and write hard. This is the end of the book and the next one! I will work harder and harder!

Tiger fluttered the bow, really, thank you so much qaq! !!

Thank you meatball baby for throwing a deepwater torpedo q3q! !!

Thank you all for your love, and we will continue to work hard! !!

Aihai's cat rocket artillery x1 Yuxue grenade x1 leaf sixteen grenade x1 sauce assorted vegetable grenade x1 scared me monotonically increasing grenade x1s Vivivivi grenade x1 silver thousand two-hand grenade x1 cat not water grenade x1 ammis grenade x1 Xi Zhaochao grenade x119676103 grenade x1 Langfeng grenade x1 An mine, x5 orange burrito mine, x3 鹄 mine, x3 I want to eat midnight mine, x2 sun moon mine, x2 ling xi mine, x1 wine lamp mine, x1 (● ﹃●) mine, x1 cycle Small white flower mines x 1 Mo Wuji mines x 1 Steamed ribs mines x 1 Qi Cheng mines x 1 Ruoshui brand simple land mines x 1 liz mines x 1 rabbit heart mines x 1 through the field mines x 1 arc A 7 mines x 1 Xuan Xuan mines x 1 Chengmu mines x1 Twilight Evening Song Mine x1 Instant Mine x1 Meow Fresh Package Mine x1 White Jade Mine Mine x1 Muttering Mine x1 Look up and touch the sunshine mine on your face x1 Remember Changan Mine x1 My sister, as always, crazy mines x1 Coriander **** mines x1 lovely Mr. Rabbit is wearing a small mine, x1, a green 锽 ungrounded mine, x1, a sugar mad monster mine, x1, a Yuan vial mine, x1, a late breeze, a mine, x124458065, a mine, x1, a cute little mine from Aya ’s family, x1, a wind flower rocket, and a proud blue mine. Yang Xiaobei Mine x1 Luhan Mine x1 Meng Meng Mine x1 curtain summer, rocket artillery x1 only talked about half will be mines x1 a 咩 w mine to fly x1 mulberry mines x1 want to become a lovely reader mines x1 wish to arbor mines x1 bone mines x1win mines x1 Camphor de meow mines x1 sky blue mines x1 forsythia qwq mines x1 fog Yimo mines x1 geese return mines x1 micro floating ink mines x12k novel reading network

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