MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 141 I covered this minister

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Ma Tong's humanity, sinking on his back, spreading his four hoofs and rushing, rolled up a cloud of snowflakes.

Layers of palaces and princes are building up their pavilions, and in a blink of an eye, they are out of sight. Lu Cheng held him up without a word, galloping with him on one arm, and the straps that had originally hung his arms were thrown away by him, and his empty hands were tightly guarded in front of Gu Yi.

For the first time in his childhood, when he studied and studied poems, Shou Chao, the first time, was ran away with such recklessness, Gu Jie was still speechless at the point, opened his mouth and closed it, listening quietly to his ear. Howling wind.

Lu Chengru's arm was always guarding him.

The young lord's body was much hotter than the wind in the snow, and his chest was ironed to his back, as if a heart kneeling cold on the steps was thrown into the blood and scorched, and his blood was almost boiling, and his eyes were also boiling Stung unfamiliar hot.

Lu Chengru held his horse and passed the high wall of Zhu Hong, passed the overlapping eaves, and finally gathered outside the familiar and ruined palace garden.

It seems that people are already familiar with the stance of Wang Ye's return to his hometown. Today, there are more individuals who are not afraid to be surprised. They hurriedly greeted them, but they also gave birth to a few rare liveliness.

The hot water was ready and the cold soup was boiled out and set aside on the table. The cleaned clothes were washed and warmed on the stove, and the kitchen swelled up.

Lu Chengru ignored the busy subordinates, carried Gu Yan all the way into the house, and put it on the bedroom warm couch.

Gu Yan: ...

At the Guozijian that day, he actually thought about going back to his house by force under the rocky hill.

Being carried around and thrown all the way, he was somewhat adaptable, Gu Yi supported the couch to sit firmly, and was about to signal him to help himself to unlock the dumb hole, but Lu Chengru had already half-knelt down.

The little prince is finely nurtured these days. The original thin cheeks were a little bit more flesh, and he became more and more like a teenager, but his hair was a little messed by the wind, his face was pale, and his arms were strapped. I didn't know where I had thrown it, and I felt panic when I looked at my heart.

Lu Chengru lowered his head without saying a word, pressed his hand firmly to prevent him from moving, lifted the hem of his clothes, raised his trousers, and dunked in the hot water sent by the next man, and covered him with the faint purple knee.

The cold and sharp sharpness in those eyes had long since dimmed, leaving only quiet fall and dodge.

With those eyes leading to a heavy chest, Gu frowned, raising his hand to help his shoulders, but helped empty.

Gu Yan looked slightly, looking down.

Xiao Wang is still pulling his face vigorously. These days, he managed to raise some of his shoulders tightly. Obviously, he was ready to be trained at any time, but he still had to bite his teeth and fight for that breath. His neck was straight. Yes, with his eyes closed, he would never bow his head to the evil forces that would teach him to force him to read.

Gu Yan dumbfounded, chuckling down and holding him, pulling the person into his arms, soothing and covering his hands behind Xiao Wang's neck, slowly rubbing in a circle.

Lu Deng raised his face and opened his eyes cautiously.

For the first time, he was so disobedient.

In the last world, it wasn't that there was no such person, but at that time I knew it was just acting, and when the director shouted "card", it was finished, so there was nothing to worry about.

But this time no one shouted "card" to him.

People are arrogant and arrogant, and the scene just added 5 points for evaluation. He is not worried about the father-in-law and guards speaking bad things to the emperor, and he is not afraid that the emperor knows how to remember and hate him, and even the bad reputation spreads more loudly outside, and people even look down on him-even if it is clear that the world will live here for a lifetime The present performance will directly determine the future situation, and these trivial matters don't matter.

He just worried that Gu Yan would be angry with him.

If Gu Yan was mad at him, and he was a good boy, he would hold on to his current position, and rely on the reputation of the unreasonable and unreasonable Lord Grandpa, and rush out of the way for the other party.

It's worth it.

Gu Yan rubbed his head, blinked, pointed to his throat, and gestured at him.

Lu Deng slowly narrowed his eyes, his face flushed.

Little Wang Ye completely forgot that he had clicked on the dumb acupuncture point of the other side, and slid down from the embrace behind him, raising his hand to solve the acupuncture point for Gu Yi. With a sullen head, he was about to go out into the tree, and Gu Yan's eyes quickly grabbed his hands. "I heard that Wang Ye was resentful, want to avenge me?"

Land Light: ...

Lu Deng didn't dare to move, stopped and moved back to the couch along his strength.

I have never seen Grandpa Xiao become so obedient. Gu Yi couldn't help but smile, and coughed softly: "Take care of yourself?"

Land Light: ...

Xiao Wang's face was so hot that he could boil eggs. For the first time, the serious and stereotyped grandfather found this kind of fun, and looked at him with a smile: "Also-don't like reading?"

Land Light: .........

It's true that you don't like reading.

He never lied, but those who had just asked could still deny it, but at this time he didn't know what to say. He was so anxious that he went all the way from the tip of his ear to the collar, only bowing his head: "Gu, Master Gu ..."

The voice didn't fall, but he was slapted "top" on the top of his head.

Lu Deng was taken aback, looked up instinctively, and met the solemn look of the chief assistant who was not serious at all: "What are you calling me?"

The strength on the head didn't hurt at all, and the tone wasn't fierce, and even the frosty look was not scary at all.

Lu Deng looked up at him, his lips turned up a little, and he looked at Gu Yan's pretentious look lightly, and couldn't help bending his eyes and letting out a smile.

Gu Yan also planned to scare him, but he also laughed with a single mouth. He raised his hand and tried to pull him to sit down. There was a sudden pain in his waist, and he couldn't help grit his teeth and took a breath.


Lu Deng jumped out of his heart and rushed to help him: "What's wrong? I forgot that my husband was a scholar, and then I forgot to stay strong ..."

"Maybe, sit with Mr. for a while."

Because the apprentice who was collected was thrown to the waist and immediately slumped, it was impossible to say. Gu Xun opened his mouth flatly, covering the past without any trace, leading him to sit on the couch.

Little Wang Ye's previous shadow is gone. He obediently sat down in his strength, obediently raised his head, blinked his eyes and waited for him to speak.

"I wanted to train you."

When he looked at it like this, Gu Min's heart softened completely, he untied the sling and dangled his arm again for him, sighed and knocked his forehead with a sigh: "Why is it so impulsive? It is nothing more than kneeling down In this case, although you have cleared the siege for me, you know how much criticism you have to receive ... "

"Then let them go and criticize."

Lu Chengru interrupted him, lowered his lips and lowered his head, and then jumped to the bed for a moment of silence. He leaned on the bed and continued to soak his knees in hot water to compress his knees: "I heard-the elder said People will hurt if they kneel for a long time. "

Gu Yan looked slightly, looking down at him.

"My leg hurts, and it hurts every winter. I can't stand up when it hurts."

Lu Deng lowered his head and threw a parchment. The hot water was so hot that he turned his hands back red, but he was still very careful and focused as if he was doing something extremely unscrupulous.

"If you kneel for a long time, even people are hurt, your ambition is ruined, and that person will be half dead. The living is just a wandering soul, only supported by Yu Xi, still doing what should be done Things ... and then maybe one day, when the time is right, I will give up my whole life and change for the people's security Guotai Haiyan Heqing. "

Gu Min's heart rate was slightly fast, and his hands dangling in his sleeves clenched consciously.

Xiao Wang put his two legs in place for him, crouched on the couch and raised his head: "Is that sir waiting for that day?"

The dark eyes were clear and fell straight into the heart.

Gu Yan held his breath subconsciously, opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he didn't know how to speak, but just fixed his eyes on him, his voice softly: "Cheng Ru ..."

"When I heard this story, I was thinking ... if someone rushed to stop while kneeling, someone was on the side, and someone supported and walked together, would it be more painstaking than just one person, It's better for a person to die day by day. ”

Lu Chengru shook his head and didn't look at him anymore, his lips twitched gently and quietly, got up and walked out with the water: "Sir ambition, I dare not stop, but I don't want to be alone."

Gu Yanjing sat for a long time, looked up at him, and narrowed his eyes slowly.

The young king's shoulders sharpened into a sheath sword.

Gu Yan was detained at the King Yi Palace.

The emperor still guarded the cowardly and fearless people, and also presented a helpless weakness to the little uncle, sending people to declare in vain, eating an hour behind closed doors in the icy cold wind, and gave up to be robbed in public The first assistant who left was looking for ideas.

In the evening of the same day, several princes were sent to Yi Wangfu.

This time the door opened, Lu Chengru greeted him personally and greeted the doctors politely into the house.

The Taiji Hospital has no dispute with the world. One day, the little lord who obediently took medicine made a good impression on the Taiyi doctors. No one could have imagined that he could still be a master who could go back to his home without a word. The doctors who came here were a little embarrassed, for fear that when they were not careful, they would be detained by the emperor's little uncle at the King's Palace.

The oldest old lady has a wide range of knowledgeable doctors. She only said that Gu Xiangye had given someone away that day and had already guessed the follow-up. It was the only one who was not surprised. Xiao Yinyin went into the palace with the little prince who was said to be fluttering and whipping and whipped him, and ran out on horseback while still carrying his hand on his shoulder.

Xiao Wangye actually obediently bowed his head and confessed.

The doctors felt even more scary.

The man under house arrest was fine, although the knee was bleeding badly, but he was carried back in time because he was not injured more seriously, and there was no problem. Xiao Wang ’s arm has also been improved a lot. Although he made a fuss, he did not misplace his injuries. It was just that the splint was a little bit wrong, and it was fine to adjust it again.

The old lady's doctor was properly diagnosed, and she was packing to prepare to go. Suddenly Gu Gu raised her hand and stopped, "Ge Lao stayed."

Seeing that the first assistant of the Dynasty seemed to be inscrutable, the old woman doctor raised her white eyebrows and blasted the rest away, smiling and groaning back to the couch: "What else can you do?"

The old lady doctor was invited back by Gu Ye personally. Before traveling to the palace, I traveled around. I don't know how many strange things I've seen, and I don't know what weird things are seen more than ordinary people. Gu Yan was faint at the sight of him, but he was still reluctantly, and lowered his voice, "Ge Laoke but-the method to cure the waist? Carelessly before-"

"Isn't that okay, sir?"

The old woman doctor twisted his beard with a look of surprise, Gu Gu was tight behind her, but had to bite her head and reluctantly whispered: "Little Master is very good, Gu Gu is incompetent ..."


The old lady's eyes widened.

After more than half an hour, the old lady doctor left a thick stack of prescriptions to Gu Yi, and repeatedly instructed him to cook every day after returning home.

Gu Zheng saw that he was serious, but had no choice but to believe, and then stuffed his sleeves into his sleeves. The old lady doctor couldn't help absorbing the air condition when he saw his waist in the middle of his movements.

"Little Wang has always been a good boy."

Gu Ye likes to hear people praise Lu Chengru, and when he hears it, he smiles, and his eyes are a bit bright: "It is the best I have ever seen ... He is pure in heart and good in talent. It looks nothing more than stubborn. Everyone is obedient and someone has to take care of it ... "

"Stop, it's the Lord's business."

The old doctor didn't intend to listen to him, waved his hands and picked up the medicine box and got up: "Person of the Lord, the Lord does not take care of it, what's the use of telling others?"

Gu Yan slightly stunned, subconsciously stopped.

"I've seen a horse in the wild. I didn't follow the herd alone, but I ran faster than the herd. Seeing that my bones were coming out, the fight was never subdued."

The old woman doctor lowered her head to sort out the medicine box, and said without hesitation: "Later, there was a horse trainer who gave it to him. He cut the best grass to feed it all day, brushed his hair to bathe, and slept with him. . The horse is so fat and smooth that it has a fat body and put on a saddle. With a rein, it can fly over the head of a man, and he can flip a hyena with one foot. "

Gu Yan listened intently. The old lady twisted his beard and covered the medicine box. "But later, the court came to recruit soldiers. The horse trainer was unwilling to take him to the battlefield to send him to death, so he untied the rope and told him to run away."

When he said that, he wouldn't go down any further. Gu Min's heart sank slightly, and he raised his eyebrows and straightened up: "Then what? What about the horse-can you run?"

"Horse? I found someone for three days, but I didn't find it. I jumped off the cliff."

The old woman doctor smiled, patted the pumice on the medicine box, and gave Gu Yi a meaningful look: "You see him uncomfortable, unbearable in heart, take him home and take care of him ... this is nothing more than There is nothing wrong with human nature. "

Gu Min breathed slightly and looked up.

Lu Chengru didn't know when he was standing at the door, holding the medicine he had given to Gu Yan, and he didn't know whether he had heard the conversation in the room.

The old lady doctor walked out of the medicine box, smiled at Lu Cheng, touched the licorice candy to him, and patted Xiao Wang's uninjured shoulder.

"But you have already domesticated him-he is already sensible, can carry you everywhere, can help you gnaw the hyenas and wolves, and you are full of eyes. As a result, you may not even be willing to be with you Do n’t ask if you are adventurous, if you want to live and die together, if you do n’t have a way to escape, do n’t ask for a wave. ”

"Why is there such a good thing in this world?"

Gu Yan leaned on the couch, deliberately ignoring the pain quickly spreading from his heart.

The old woman doctor ignored him, and pulled down the land to make his voice murmur. From time to time, he said a few words, "Fathers are weak," "Restraint," and "The waist cannot be bad."

Gu Yan listened anxiously, gritted his teeth and stood up, moved to stay, Lu Chengru glanced at him, flew over to support him: "Sir!"

The young king was holding him tightly, his eyes full of tension and concern.

Gu Yan looked down at him, his chest pain was getting stronger, but he still tried to look down at him gently, took the medicine aside, and gently rubbed the top of Little Wang's head.

The old woman retired with her medical skills, smiled and nodded at him, stepped away, and took the door for them.

When Lu Cheng touched the palm of his hand, his eyebrows softened, and the bottom of the pure black eyes seemed to be sprinkled with a bright star, and his lips were raised upwards.

Suddenly Gu Yan's heart was lifted up by a thick mist, and he lowered his eyes and smiled at him, and stretched his arms around Xiao Wangye's thin shoulders, and moved into his arms: "Mr. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Lu Chengru was really at the door, just now what the old lady doctor said did not understand the hyena and wolf, blinking his eyes blankly and looking up. Gu Yan just smiled at him and slowly tightened his arms: "Sir may be busy recently, if you don't have time to look at your homework, remember to learn more, and Mr. Gu will accompany you at night ..."

He has already planned for the future, and it will be far more difficult to survive.

It's not a dead end now. To find a turnaround, we need to work harder and pave the way.

At night, Wangfu sent the cooked dumplings up.

Today is the Shangyuan Festival after all, even if it is not possible to go to the street to watch the lanterns around the market because of an accident, dumplings are still indispensable.

I do n’t know if I forgot or deliberately demonstrated it. The dumplings in the palace were not delivered. They were made by Wangfu himself. The white fat and soft glutinous dumplings floated in the black bowl. Stir it gently with a spoon. The full-bodied dumplings will open a small hole, and the delicate and sweet sesame will flow out, and take a few mouthfuls with the soup. Swallowing his belly enthusiastically, Qin De can not help but smile.

Lu Deng always feels satisfied as long as he is with his lover, and he doesn't care that no one accompanies him to the market to watch the lantern, and eats contentedly while holding a bowl. Gu Yan was sorry, and secretly promised that he would take him out to enjoy the scenery next year, turning his thoughts back, and suddenly his eyes brightened: "Chengru, sir will cook a dish for you."

His legs had been treated with acupuncture, and the congestion had long since dissipated. The old lady doctor instructed to exercise more, Lu Chengru blinked, hesitated to stand up and said, "Does the leg hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore, the doctor said, thanks to the timely return."

Gu Yan smiled, rubbed his hair, stood up and slowly moved his legs and feet: "This dumpling can also be fried and eaten. When I was studying, I accidentally saw someone do it ..."

Little Wang Ye is raised in the deep palace, and he probably hasn't eaten such folk snacks. Looking at the darkened eyes that light up instantly, Gu Min raised his lip corner and tapped the top of his head with his fingers: "Go to school, I will give it to you when you are done."

Reading is eaten with fried dumplings. Lu Deng nodded happily, ran back and ran back, looked at the book seriously and looked at it, Gu Yanhan smiled at him for a while before walking to the kitchen.

Lu Deng's drama today also took a lot of thoughts. I was a bit sleepy when I ate something. I was dozing while turning the book. Suddenly I heard someone reporting that the three princes were injured by the emperor's order.

Hearing someone said that he was the third prince, Lu Deng couldn't help but be slightly surprised, stood up and sat upright: "Please come in."

On the age of the third prince, he was older than him. It was only a short while after the crown that the emperor was sent by the emperor to do things. He came back today, and he got this errand that anyone was destined to receive.

The eldest prince came out, the prince was the eldest son, and the three princes were the protagonists. But as the plot continued to develop, the prince would be led astray by being tempted, and the divergence with the emperor deepened. The rest of the princes had long been taken care of by the emperor. When they originally thought that there was no one to take over, the three princes suddenly emerged and became new princes of the Chu, eventually inheriting the throne.

The emperor is really mean and indifferent to talents. Except for the prince, the emperor does not have much affection for the father and son. The three princes have been oppressed and squashed since childhood. If they were not good at their hard work and hard work, it would not be the case anymore, and they have no admiration for the emperor.

As long as the protagonist successfully inherits the throne, the plot line is not too much changed ...

Lu Deng groaned, and sent someone to report a letter to Gu Xi, and then the three princes who were said to be "gentle and indifferent" and "free and easy" were welcomed in.

The three princes Lu Liang rushed back to the capital all the way, and before taking a seat, they came to the little uncle's ancestral palace to inspect the wound, without changing their clothes, and the whole body was hungry. Only then came to salute and sat down, but Gu Xun also happened to bring the golden crispy glutinous fried dumplings into the study.

The author has something to say: 主 · 风尘 尘 服 ·· 饥肠辘辘 · 角: _ (┐ ☆ ﹃☆) _

#let me go#

# 什么 人 置 #

# 什么 主角 #

#do not know#

. °°° (≧ □ ≦) °°°.


Thanks everyone for encouraging qwq to continue to cheer! !! !!

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