MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 151 Bailian Space

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Gu Yuan's footsteps froze in place.

The puppets and puppets on the ground were tall and heroic, and their A-level strength was rising. Many people also looked at him with kind weapons and equipment.

Gu Yuan: ...

Gu Yuan took a deep breath, held onto the shaky hairline, and carefully moved his steps back again.


"This is the boy who is said to have escaped from hell?"

The headed youth carried a super-caliber super-particle cannon, and after finishing his lines, he dismissed and swept around him: "Too thin, not high ..."

"Be careful, I heard that they are very powerful, and several teams have folded in their hands."

The young man in uniform next to him picked up a sentence dutifully, and the words turned around to help explain: "They are all children now and haven't grown up. They will probably grow stronger when they grow up."

"I've seen him when he grew up. It's very strong, but he can still hold the small lamp-just the waist is not good, everything else is pretty good."

As soon as Mu Jinchu returned from the mission to the world below, he was crammed into a yawning headache when he was stuck in the last days before the jet lag. The important thing is that small lights like ... "

"Which line is not good? The small lights are so good, they can't unlock them in many poses—"

"Don't say such things in front of the junior. It doesn't matter if you are in poor health, it has something to do with the world. When you go out, you can ask someone to customize a stronger body for him."

"Wait out and give it to Dynatec for two years. After a few more meals, it will probably be about the same quality as a small lamp."

"It's better to try it now and see if you can carry it-if it is too weak, it will be suspected of being handed over to Dana."

"Come here! It's better to hit the sun than to choose another day. Rarely we are all together today ..."

The film emperor could not take the lead, and the rest also threw out their lines and exchanged enthusiastic discussions.

Gu Yuan was sweating coldly behind, and was about to take a step back. The familiar Runliang behind him had covered it and quietly took his hand.

"Stop light, we--"

Feeling that Lu Deng was approaching, Gu Yuan was relieved. Turning around and about to speak, Lu Deng has suddenly grasped his hand, and his body suddenly swept up the treetop.

The attack behind him suddenly poured down.

It is not a fatal attack, and the power is just as important. The moves are all run on the buttocks.

Gu Yuan, already aware of his parental identity, did not dare to resist, and feared that the aftermath of the power would hurt Lu Zhiguang. He wrapped the man in his chest in a circle, stood still at a treetop, and quickly avoided a shot and went straight to his feet. Super Particle Cannon.


Lu Deng finally made a head out of his lover's arms, screamed anxiously, struggling to free his arms: "Wait a second, it's not like this-"

"Well, don't worry, they always have a sense."

His arm was slightly torn, and before he could react, he was easily carried on his shoulder by a tall figure, and he patted him comfortably twice.

"It was just that the two of us were uneasy and wanted to come in and see you. I didn't know how to be stabbed by them. They knew ..."

At the sound of his voice, Lu Deng sagged slightly, quietly in an instant, and whispered, "Father, I--"

Secretly talking about love in so many worlds, I dare not tell my elders at home. He originally wanted to take Gu Yuan to pass this assessment world and went home to meet parents.

Unexpectedly, before the two had time to go out, they were blocked by their elders.

Lu Deng, who has always been an excellent intern in the system, has not done such a bold act. He opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but felt blushed, but he couldn't say anything, only his face became hotter.

"It doesn't matter, you're all grown up, not early love."

Almost already guessed what he was going to say, and the comer shoved him on his shoulders, and he patted it with relief: "Going out to do the task will solve the family members, but we will not be ashamed of our family-use the family Is it a gift? Your dad and I have prepared some ... "

Land Light :!

What to prepare is not something like Cai Li so that his father knows that people who go to Gu Yuan will probably have one more.

Lu lights do not lie, but really worried about love and then was hit even worse, tangled for a long while did not know how to reply, and finally in his father's shoulders shrunk to a grilled steak does not have to open a small group.

Gu Yuan, who had lost a person while running, stood staggered and couldn't react, and the puppets who had been slammed into the ground by the punches pressed relentlessly to the ground.

There are still three days left before the assessment can pass.

According to the requirements of Bailian Space, these three days should be "continuously besieged by all parties".

In order to ensure that the baby nephew and the casual nephew object were not surrounded by the system's native npc, we worked together and chased Gu Yuan into the sky for three days, seeing all the strange plants in the bloodthirsty jungle Only then was he contented and finally succumbed, blocking Gu Yuan at the entrance of Infinite City.

Gu Yuan had few pieces of clothing left, and was covered by a few leaves and leaves that were kindly contributed by the bloodthirsty vine. Still, he couldn't find where his lover was lost when he ran away.

The number of followers has been increasing.

From the beginning, those puppets and puppets had twelve more elder brothers, a group of imperial swords, and an old **** who did n’t know why he shouted “junk juniors to my disciples”.

The main system was still thundering above his head with stitches.

Gu Yuan ran for three full days, reaching the limit of willpower and strength, squatting on the ground with a pant. Hair is already half burned because of excessive use of energy, and from time to time, a small electric spark is emitted.

The bloodthirsty vine came out thoughtfully, took the leaves and rolled it to him with a small glass of water, and patted him kindly again.

Gu Yuan smiled faintly, thanked him warmly, and just took the drink. The last thunder blast suddenly fell out of thin air, and accurately split the last intact hair.


The buzzing sound of thunder from my ears has not yet ended, congratulations for the announcement of passing the trial of Bailian Space.

Gu Yuan is still lingering, all the illusions around him have faded quickly, and they have returned to a long staircase with no head. He was at the very top of the stairs, and a beautiful heavy door fell in front of him.

The people around him changed back to their normal and elegant attire, and they smiled and looked back at the excitement. Many people are still climbing on their own stairs. Seeing his passing smoothly, many envious expressions appear in their eyes.

Gu Yuanzhang, still stingy, stood, looking subconsciously at his hands.

"Go out, so you pass the trial."

Mu Jinchu and his early acquaintance, followed him with a smile, and patted his shoulder: "Remember to pick a better body for yourself. Dana ’s devil training is terrible, you have to keep up with the light combat literacy, you at least It will take months to strengthen special training ... "


Gu Yuan stopped him in a hurry, and finally opened his mouth and said, "I can't leave here. I haven't found the light, I have to find him ..."

Although there are bloodthirsty vines to help along the way, I can feel that my lover is safe, but maybe Lu Zhiguang was brought back to prison by the parents who are strictly not allowed to fall in love.

Shut up Lu Zhiguang, and then send the gangsters all the way to the exit of Bailian Space. As long as they go out, the two can't meet again ...

These days, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this possibility is possible, Gu Yuan is full of worries and has planned to give up the assessment and run back to find someone secretly.

Unexpectedly, he didn't know the situation over Lu Deng, Mu Jin raised his eyebrows at the beginning and was about to open his mouth, but a figure came slowly to himself.

"Qingguang? How can you--"

Mu Jin was slightly surprised at first, but was about to open his mouth, but he had already raised his hands and held his shoulders, blocking the next words, and set his eyes on Gu Yuan: "I'm coming to see him. I heard you're looking for a marriage -How are you looking? "

Mu Jinchu: ...

After so many years, I haven't seen old friends change their habit of seeing the blood.

Mu Jin took a light breath and was about to speak, but Gu Yuan suddenly turned his eyes slightly, and hurried forward to salute: "Sir!"

He remembered the person in front of him—when Lu Zhiguang's pseudonym Cheng Ru, when the two of them passed the Mid-Autumn Festival in an ancient street market, the stranger with extraordinary magnificence was obviously the one in front of them.

Already guessed that the other party was probably the master of Bailian Space. Gu Yuan looked behind him. Sure enough, he saw the young man holding the piano again. There is a heartless invitation. "

"It's okay to help you, but the rules are unbreakable-if you go back to him and get in here again, it's going to be difficult."

The comer had already guessed what he was going to say, Mei Feng slightly raised his head, and looked at him thoughtfully, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"If you think about it, you can enter the Bailian space. You didn't know how much data you dreamed of. You are now stepping out, but you can't come back to find him, and you don't have to be in a hurry ..."

"I have agreed with Zhiguang, and I will be together in the future. I will not call him alone."

Gu Yuan smiled resolutely, still respectful in his posture, but he was shocked by his whole body, and he showed that he was almost relaxed and relaxed in front of his parents.

"If he could only accompany him in the system world ... there would be no need to go out."

His expression was calm, he barely glanced at the door behind him, and walked down the steps.

Behind him, the door quietly disappeared.


The resistance to going down was much greater than expected. Gu Yuan only took more than ten steps, and a lot of sweat had fallen from his forehead.

The scene beside him gradually disappeared into a strange universe.

There is a dazzling galaxy beside him, and the stars twinkle, trying their best to emit a bright light in the almost pure black universe.

The universe is absolutely quiet, except for the starlight, there is only darkness.

Without the flow of wind and the temperature of light, the tension at the time of the fall has dissipated, and it has fallen for a long time, but there is only loneliness that is unknown.

Gu Yuan didn't know where this was going, but he didn't stop. He still trudged down step by step, touching the piece of Ningshen tree between his neck gently, squinting his eyes and touching his lips.

"Persistent light ..."

No sound can be transmitted in the universe, and the sound that comes out quickly fades away as soon as it exits.

Gu Yuan was dumb, holding Ning Shenmu slowly and clenching, thinking of the future arrangements, but suddenly a crisp bell sounded in his ear.

The bell is crisp and clangs in the cosmic space where transmission is impossible.

He reached the last stage.

Gu Yuan's eyes lighted up, and he took a few steps forward to meet the familiar figure that he thought about again and again.

The teenager led by the two parents set his eyes on him. He probably did not pass through the door of Bailian Space. He was still pale and thin, with red eyes, but his eyes were clear and bright .

Gu Yuan also looked at him with a smile in his eyes, and was about to open his arms at him, but Lu Zhiguang had flew towards him.

Gu Yuan stood still, his eyes flashed.

He watched as his teenager ran over, losing his childishness all the way, becoming gentle and soft, and calm and quiet. The soft and tender leaf tips are jointed all the way, and they have unwittingly become tall and straight green bamboo.

The special effects of Bailian Space disappeared little by little, and all the time he had been absent seemed to be played quickly by one click, falling directly into his eyes.

Gu Yuan took a step forward and steadily embraced him.

The warm chest was close to the chest, the heart beat fiercely, and the breath followed. Lu Deng raised his head in his arms, his eyes twinkled, but his eyebrows bent sharply, his head tightened and he touched his lips.

The moist air flow hits the lips, and the soft and soft touch sticks up, but it is clearly eager and hot that cannot be ignored.

Gu Yuan could not help holding his breath, and smiled down and responded to him, taking people into his arms: "How many count?"

"Only to 42."

Lu Deng rubbed his eyes, cheerfully smiled at him, and clenched his hands: "I know you must come, and it will not count."

Gu Yuan couldn't help but chuckled and hugged people, holding hands to find the source together, but suddenly noticed the two figures not far away.

To meet his gaze, one of them stepped slowly and shoved open a door completely hidden in the darkness.

There are lines that are parents.

Just kissed in person, Gu Yuan instinctively gave birth to a puppet, and slightly hesitated to breathe his head. Just waiting for Lu Zhiguang to give a hint, the comer smiled slightly and offered to reach out to him.

"My name is Su Shi, and I am the legal guardian of the light --- go out through this door, do you want to go home and sit?"

In the distant sky, the stars flickered suddenly, spreading bright silver.

The author has something to say: 苏 · Guardian · Preparing for the ceremony · Daddy · Hour: ψ (〃 \ '▽ \' 〃) ψ

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Write here, the text is over! At midnight tonight, there will probably be more and more extra o (* //// ▽ //// *) q

When I take a break, I will start to write "Bao Guo Wai Chuan"! "My Agent Can Read the Heart" is probably more in mid-September!

Super super super thank you all for coming all the way together qwq hugged high circle circle 唧 唧 唧 唧 唧 dear! !! I bow! I am very lucky to meet everyone, I am really super happy and happy!

_ (≧ ▽ ≦ ∠) _ Bow vigorously! !! !!


Everyone's encouragement, crab crab qwq will definitely cheer! !! !!

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