MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 77 I covered this servant

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Master, slave, body.

give him……

Gu Song's heart fluttered, his thoughts could hardly diverge for a while, but his tight body in his arms quickly pulled back his attention, and he lowered his head anxiously: "Master?"

Lu Qingshi leaned between his arms, his dark eyes cast a dim shadow, and his lips were suddenly pale and worrying.

Even if the illness is so uncomfortable, as long as the pale frowning eyebrows are ignored, those black eyes are usually bright and smiling. It's rare to see a young master with such a serious mind. Gu Song tightened his arms and let his voice be careful to call him: "Master, what's wrong?"

Lu Qingshi shook his head slightly and groped to shake his hand.

The action was too quick, and I found a vacancy. Lu Qingshi groaned uncomfortably, Gu Song quickly raised his hand to catch it, and placed the young master's cold hands in the palm of his arms, "I'm here, young master, what's the matter with me and the young master-"


The drastic mental fluctuations caused the vigilance in the room. Lu Fanghai sighed, his spirits quickly dissipated, and they swept straight towards the two.

Although he hadn't had time to figure out what was going on, Gu Song still responded quickly, opened his eyes and tightly guarded, and protected the young master in his arms.

The Lu family was able to enter the training ground. Lu Fanghai shot for temptation only. The two mental forces collided and blinked away, but his face changed slightly instantly, and his heart was hard to jump.

It is Gu Song's mental power.

Although the core character of the topic listened to it, he did not cause much additional emotional fluctuations because of this kind of thing, but since Gu Song is here, it means that Lu Qingshi must also be here.

They chose to talk about it here, so as not to be heard by irrelevant outsiders, but they did not expect to avoid outsiders, and the one who should not listen the most did not know how much they had heard.

Fearing that the younger brother really heard those words in front, Lu Fanghai was so nervous that he walked quickly and opened the door. Gu Song was rushed to protect the person in his arms, the younger brother was in the arms of his servant, and his pale face barely smiled at him.

"Brother ..."

"Brother is here, where is Kiyoshi uncomfortable?"

Lu Fanghai responded immediately, half kneeling down, carefully holding his brother's wrist, taking the person half over, touching his forehead softly, and opening his mouth softly: "Brother comes to talk to your brother for something, do you want to come? This kind of warship is nothing Interesting place, my brother gave you a new one. Lao Liu just made a memorial valley and left you an elf tree ... "

He was uneasy in his heart, speaking quickly and quickly, but his tone was soft and soft.

Lu Qingshi reluctantly devoted some energy to listening, and his heart vaguely produced some ominous premonitions. Although he tried hard to gather his mind, all the light and shadow in front of him quickly compressed and twisted, turning into a large hazy light spot.

At least-not at this time ...

The body shivered instinctively, and cold sweat slipped down the forehead. Lu Qingshi desperately maintained his consciousness, but his body was still unbearable for a while.


Never seen Lu Qingshi feel uncomfortable like this, Gu Song hugged him to relax, only to realize that both of them were just mental states. Just about to get up and rush back, a figure hastily emerged from the room: "Don't let him move, cut off the connection channel!"


Gu Song hurriedly opened his mouth and saw the shape of the human body, but his voice stopped. He bit his teeth and called up Lu Qingshi's virtual panel, which completely cut off the connection between mental power and body.

The impact of mental power usually does not affect the body, but when it is hit with an extra severe and severe blow, the body is similarly affected.

This emergency method is mostly started when one party in the battle suffers severe pain. It temporarily separates the mental force from the body, and only retains the most basic vital signs in the body. However, if the cut-off time is too long, unintended sequelae such as dizziness, hyperalgesia, and unresponsiveness may occur, and some people even need several weeks to return to their original state.

The man who came out was dressed in a neat white suit, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and had a stern and cool whole body. Almost without a glance, the elder brother who lost his soul was on his knees. He knelt down and held Lu Qingshi's wrist while calling up virtual data to quickly adjust and record.

Lu Jiaming, the second son of the Lu family, worked at the Imperial Research Institute and focused on in-depth research on post-radiation treatment. Gu Song's impression of him was clearer than most people in the Lu family.

Every time Lu Qingshi's body undergoes a comprehensive inspection, Lu Jueming will always accompany him personally, and the results of all daily inspections will also be transferred to him. Although there are not many direct encounters with his younger brother, the person in front of him is the one who knows all about Lu Qingshi's condition best.

He and Lu Fanghai would have such a fierce dispute ...

Suddenly, his heart rose up, Gu Song instinctively hugged the young master in his arms and shivered, looking at Lu Jieming's tight brows: "Second Master?"

"Little stone, listen to the second brother-think of a way to calm down, you are just a mental body, you can do it."

Lu Juming didn't have time to respond to him, transferred a sedative potion to his hand, and speeded up his speech to appease the weak younger brother.

The mental experience refracts the body's response. Lu Qingshi must have heard what they said. The overwhelming emotional fluctuations caused the signs of physical illness, and they first reacted through the spiritual body. Once the mental force is directed back into the body, it will directly cause the illness attack.

Now, although the path is cut off in time, there is no way to watch the younger brother's pain anyway. If there is no other way, only sedatives with side effects can be used.

Lu Qingshi tried hard to gather his gaze, but his eyes were still only changing fuzzy color blocks, and the sounds in his ears became hazy and distant.

The intense pain of bone-running almost drowned his consciousness, but the arm around his shoulder still pulled him tightly, preventing him from falling into the dark abyss.

Lu Qingshi raised his head and frowned as he tried to raise his eyebrows at the figure in front of the cold sweat, and his voice seemed to blow away suddenly: "Second Brother, I'm fine ..."

But the pain in his body was so clear that he only had to say a few words, and he had to bite his lower lip and try his best to endure the pain. The existence of the spiritual body completely simulates reality, but for a moment, the soft lips have opened blood between the teeth.

"Give him something and hold on!"

Lu Jieming couldn't **** his brother. Although he knew that this pain could not be eased by anyone, he could only wait for the younger brother to survive the illness himself, but still couldn't help raising his anxiety, his eyebrows were tense, and Gu Song was loud Opening.

At least do something.

This is not the first time that he has faced such a helpless situation. Lu Jueming glanced back and forth anxiously, searching for something that could cause his younger brother to bite the pain, but his action was suddenly stunted by surprise.

Gu Song leaned down at his end, and under the gaze of the two brothers, he bowed his head and kissed the **** lips.

"Master, bite me when it hurts ..."

Gently kissed the spots of blood between the lips and teeth, Gu Song tightened his arms, and met the shattered rays of light between the black eyes, and clasped his hands firmly behind his back, soothing firmly and gently.

Gu Song couldn't care less.

Master is uncomfortable, this matter is more important than anything. When Lu Qingshi was still awake looking for his hand, it hurt him. Numerous thoughts were entwined in his chest, entangled, and there was only one left.

His young master.

Gu Song closed his eyes and kissed him almost religiously.

The body in her arms was faint and soft under the kiss, Gu Song gently pried open the lips and teeth that were closed because of pain, and allowed him to bite his own indulgence, murmuring softly: "Master, I'm here, don't be afraid ..."

Lu Qingshi chuckled chestnuts in his arms, his fingers were almost convulsive, and he fumbled and looked for nothing. Gu Song's palm was firmly held, and finally his eyebrows were relaxed and his head lifted to draw the warmth and softness between his lips.

Lu Fanghai twitched his eyes, almost couldn't help but rushed to pull away the bold slave, but was lured by Lu Jueming, his eyes fell thoughtfully.

The younger brother, who was always so patient and sorely painful in his chest, finally overflowed faintly sobbing in the other's lips.


The fluctuations of the spiritual body gradually stabilized, and the value of vigilance finally began to slowly decline.

Lu Qingshi's chest was undulating, with a little strength, he just dodged from side to side in Gu Song's arm and refused to bite him again.

Gu Song also has a lot of patience, skillfully massaging his taut to taut body for him, letting the warmth of his body pass, slowly waiting for the master in his arms to calm down completely.

熟悉 In the familiar warm atmosphere, Lu Qingshi's tight eyes opened briefly, and then he was overwhelmed, and he groped to grab his clothes, and buried his head in his neck: "It's hard ..."

"I know, I know Master is uncomfortable."

Gu Songlan patted him gently, and bowed his head to a string of fine water-like kisses.

Such intimate contact is particularly effective for the spiritual body. It kisses like raindrops, and Lu Qingshi gradually calms down strangely, his tight eyebrows slowly loosen, and his face briefly releases a rare look of relaxation.

Lu Jueming pulled his elder brother back and took away the sedative that he could not use.

"Lu Jueming!"

Actually, she must watch her younger brother being so frivolous, but Lu Fanghai was angry, and yelled with his name. To meet the second brother's calm eyes, his heart could not help but suffocate, clenching his teeth and silent.

He can help his brother to recover from such an intense illness. Of course, he knows what this servant means to his brother.

Thinking of those words passed by Lu Jueming, Lu Fanghai felt pain in his heart. The shadow of his mother's rapidly weakening death passed away in his mind, leaving him unable to accept it anyway, maybe one day, or one day soon—they are afraid of hurting their younger brother in their palms. Will follow in the footsteps of his mother, weak, decayed, and then forever closed his eyes quietly forever.

Obviously it should be getting better.

Obviously, when the younger brother grows up, his body will gradually get better.

Gently glanced at the elder brother whose face was about to cry almost immediately, Lu Juming didn't look, still patiently looked at the little brother in front of him, and when he was better, he walked slowly and performed the illness for him. Monitoring inspection.

Although my brother seems to be okay in recent years, his body has begun to weaken. If he does not continue for three years, he may not be able to continue.

You must figure out a solution before that.

Either way.

"Second Brother."

Relieving this episode of illness, Lu Qingshi's condition seems to be a little better than before, and his spirit is also stronger. He held up his body from Gu Songhuai's arms, and fell straight into the elder brother's eyes.

This is the first time he has tried to show a clear rejection, and his heart beats twice, making his voice softer again: "Okay?"

Lu Jueming was silent.

Just now the mental power fluctuations were extremely fierce, and Lu Qingshi has undoubtedly heard something.

The two of them were reluctant to mention the younger brother's body. There were many taboos in their speeches and they were vague. But Lu Qingshi was careful and keen, and when they heard that they had even thought of Gu Song's body, he would not be totally unaware of it anyway.

Moreover, it seems that the younger brother and the slave do not seem to be as simple as the master-slave relationship as originally envisaged ...

Repeatedly measuring the gains and losses in his heart, although Lu Jingming's sight was not harsh, he was not disarmed by his brother's sleeves like several other elder brothers, and still looked at him calmly.

Lu Qingshi was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth and held Gu Song's knee upright.

Gu Song hurriedly raised his hand to help him, but was shaken back by holding his hand, his heart was completely empty: "Master--"

Lu Qingshi narrowed his lips to him, shook his head slightly, stopped him behind him, stood straight and looked at the elder brother in front of him, repeating softly: "Second Brother, I don't want that."

"it is good."

Lu Jieming was silent for a long time, finally nodding his head slightly, and as he got up, he would take the younger brother who had vowed to be healed fifteen years ago into his arms gently, and calmed down in a rare tone: "The second brother came to find a way. "

Huaijian's body tightened slightly, then relaxed again, and actively raised his hand to hug him.

Lu Jueming dropped his eyes and gently rubbed his brother's hair: "Give the second brother a little more time ... Stone, the second brother knows you are the strongest, so give me more time, can you?"

Lu Qingshi looked up in his chest, Chengjing's black eyes met his gaze, Hua An's infinite light converged into the bottom of his eyes, and he bent gently: "Okay."

Lu Juming smiled at him and landed on his back with one hand, pushing him lightly into Gu Songhuai, who had been smoking so quickly: "Go back, it's time to take medicine."

Only then did they realize that they had stayed in the training ground for nearly two hours. Gu Song woke up suddenly, thanked him quickly, hugged the young master's still cool body, and looked at the side of Lu Fanghai. We go back first. "

As soon as he spoke, he met Lu Fanghai's sudden sharp eyes.

The majestic courage fell down, but Gu Song's heart shook slightly, but he couldn't hold back anymore, his body leaned a little apologetically, and his arm was stubbornly holding in front of Lu Qingshi.

I just had to rush into power, and now watching my brother slow down, Lu Fanghai's anger could not stop rising. The spirit behind him slammed into a forty-meter-long knife, staring in a murderous manner. he.

Lu Qingshi's footsteps were stunned, his figure was standing in front of Gu Song, and he raised his hand to hold his cuff.

Lu Fanghai: ...

Lu Fanghai fluttered the street, and the big knife on the back turned into smoke to dissipate. He leaned down and rubbed his brother's forehead: "Qing Shibei, is there anything uncomfortable? Go back and lie down, and the big brother will let him check his body, and soon , Never disturb you. "

Lu Qingshi nodded obediently, Wen Wen frowned and raised his hand to hug him.

The full of anger was completely extinguished by the younger brother's soft hug. Lu Fanghai finally couldn't bear it, and he whispered to his younger brother and whispered, "Let the father find out ... Big Brother doesn't care about you, but if he dares to bully you, you will come Big brother, big brother killed him. "

The last few words were gritted, and obviously there was still a lot of resentment.

Lu Qingshi nodded obediently, his pale lips turned soft and forbearing, and took the initiative to hold his hand: "Thank you brother."

The younger brother was almost exactly the same as when he was a kid. When he heard his own title, Lu Fanghai turned red instantly, responded with two murmurs, rubbed his hair and let go of the road: "Come back, go to bed and go to sleep by yourself , Big Brother will go back to see you. "

The younger brother is undoubtedly simple and unintelligible. In any case, he can't let this villain take advantage.

Gu Song carefully supported the landing Qingshi and went out. He took a few steps and nodded his temper with the willful insistence of the young master. He leaned over and hugged people to work hard.

Looking at the back of the two, Lu Fanghai took a deep breath and exhaled lightly.

Knowing that your body has been impressed, it should not be this reaction anyway.

He knows that Gu Song's intimate concern for Lu Qingshi has not been faked over the years. He also knows that this younger brother has always been close to this servant and grew up almost like a playmate of a childhood friend.

It seems that even this relationship is more than that.

But since Lu Jieming had to start accepting his father's intentions, he made such a plan, which shows that there is too little room for change, and he has to do more consideration and preparation in advance ...

Lu Juming came to him, and his momentum remained close to the rare softness of his younger brother, which made Lu Fanghai's rare illusion of getting along with him: "Do you really have a way?"

"I don't know, but I have to try."

Lu Jueming shook his head, and then said again for a moment of silence: "Xiao Shi is very strong, and he will give me three years."

The voice only came to an end. His body had suddenly retreated a few meters away, but he still could not escape the fierce attack of his elder brother, and was pressed against the wall with a choke on his neck. "You just now-what do you mean by asking him? Do you know, do you know-- "

He was fashionable and failed to completely calm down his mind. He didn't even hear the meaning of Lu Juming's words. Now listening to him again, he suddenly realized how cruel the question was.

His younger brother was asking them if they could take care of the children in the palm of their hands if they could live longer.

For young and sensitive youngsters who have always been quiet and sensitive, this kind of problem can be reflected in almost an instant. However, hearing this kind of almost verdict interrogation is undoubtedly straightforward and cruel.

"Do you think he doesn't know?"

Lu Juming was pressed on the wall by him, but he did not mean to resist at all, even his tone remained calm.

"When I checked him last time, he asked me how long he can live. His body is getting weaker every day. He knows better than me and any of you, but he doesn't want to worry us. , Want to make us happy to think that everything is all right-he was dizzy just now, and it is getting worse, do you see it? He doesn't want us to see it ... "

The light in Lu Fanghai's eyes violently surged, but his hands were slackened, but he let go slowly, and asked him dumbly: "How sure are you, can you think of a way? Is it the slave? Is there anything I can do? Help me, you tell me, I'll find a way ... "

If it was Gu Song, my brother would be sad.

The well-behaved child was so tender and full of arms that he had to start thinking about it. He naturally expected his brother to continue to live well, but he could not sacrifice the child's smile anyway.

Even if there is any way ...

Lu Juming coughed a few times, bowed his head, and the corners of his lips were bitter and bitter: "Brother, hit me."

He rarely called a big brother once, but Lu Fanghai instead let go, and half a moment backed away and turned quickly to escape this virtual space.

The author has something to say: Lu · Introducing the wolf into the room · Chopping hands · Drawing a sword · Big brother: Just like my brother ... I like it ... Okay ... ╰ ひ ╯> 8 (#qETTEq) == o))  ̄0  ̄ \ ") o

Department · Qianlang died on the beach · Poisoning rebellion · System: 噫 噫 噫 噫 噫 噫 The host does not hurt to hug in love and talk about wild boar 拱 拱 拱 还要 还要 还要 猪 我 我 我 我 我 我 呜 * (* q 口 q)

Didn't Gu say to the body? Nie servant: e = e = e =? ? ?

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