MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 85 I covered this subject [Next to 10pm to 11pm]

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Perceiving a slight familiarity with mental power fluctuations, Land Lantern raised his head subconsciously, and the sound of a positive encounter with the protagonist sounded in his mind.

Anyone's mental strength has a unique quality, and even if it is not deliberately released, there will be some traces. Lu Deng has always been extremely sensitive to these. The two sides were only a little closer and they had linked the person to the silver mech.

In the training field, it just happened on the whim, and hit a hand, but did not expect to bully the head of the world again.

Lu Deng blinked in surprise, and ordered the system to retrieve the protagonist's information. At the same time, the commander of the First Army also noticed his mental fluctuations, his body reacted before his consciousness, hit a violent spirit, and looked up in horror.

After all, the two played against each other. Even if they didn't realize it at the time, their physical and mental powers would instinctively retain some self-protection memories. Doing nothing like this, the commander of the First Army might guess his identity.

At least you can't make the other person realize that you are the one who is stingy.

Lu Deng's mind moved slightly, his mental strength was fully restrained, and the momentum was completely eliminated, allowing the system to weaken the visible senses for himself.

The protagonist set this time is very special. It is a variant alpha from an orphan's origin. Because the pheromone is colorless, tasteless and imperceptible, it is ridiculed as "alpha shame". Gu Gui, who missed the pheromone difference when he wandered the street, was thrown into the army by the Marshal.

In the army, his fighting talent was inspired infinitely, and because of the colorless and tasteless pheromone characteristics, he unexpectedly and outstandingly completed countless tasks that needed to be hidden. All the way to the battle, he was quickly promoted to the commander of the First Army and also encountered the only alpha that could detect his pheromone.

The two alphas thundered in countless clashes, broke through the traditional concept of abo, formed a united front alliance with difficulty, and reached the summit together to become the heroes who guard the galaxy.

Throughout the story, Gu Gui's presence is both a clear and important background board and a key figure in the protagonist's last major event.

Already used it once, if the plot is really necessary at that time, it is not impossible to use it again. If the time of the mission is not tight, maybe you can go to the cosmic drift to be a star stealer for two years.

Lu Deng looked into his eyes, archived the backed-up data, and calculated the next intervention measures.

The horror that had just passed away was fleeting, but the commander of the First Army was still in a state of frightened hamsters, glancing around vigilantly. Gaze settled on the marshal who was protecting a delicate young man, and there was a rush of coolness behind him.

No wonder.

It must have been scared by the ruthlessness of the Marshal.

Quickly found a reasonable explanation for his terror. The commander of the First Army dared to anger but did not dare to speak, and shifted backwards without any traces. He wanted to temporarily escape the fate of the martial arts criticized by the marshal as the level of battle fell.

Kankan took two steps, but Gu Gui had already held up his body, and looked over with the sight of the young man in his arms.

The energy bunker that was exploded in the lower abdomen was faintly painful. The first legionary commander took a footstep and was firmly nailed in place.

Gu Gui raised the eyebrow slightly, and looked at it with a moan.

It's a pot.

The first army commander appeared in time carrying a huge black pot, and the Marshal of the Empire was very pleased. He took the little wife's hand in peace, circled the person in his arms, and pointed at the subordinates who supported Yiyi: "Look, today's house was borrowed from him."

First Army Commander: ...

He had even forgotten it.

Inexplicably got a house and was violently beaten because it was necessary to accept it. The First Corps Chief once felt that the Marshal must have been a pheromone imbalance recently. When he saw the particularly delicate and delicate omega in the Marshal's arms, he only vaguely linked the whole story.

The Military Department has fry the pancake because the marshal of the iron tree blossoms holding his young wife everywhere, and he also heard about it. After all, omega are mostly extravagant, weak and irritable. The marshal must be because Xiaojiao's wife doesn't like the house, and in a hurry, she dumped the pot on him.

As an excellent and considerate subordinate, he must share this sorrow for his boss.

The two of them are now holding each other's handles. As long as he bravely takes over the pot, the Marshal should not take the initiative to raise his defeat today to reprimand him.

Immediately rejuvenated from the nagging state, the commander of the First Army immediately showed a standard smile, and quickly stepped forward: "Good marshal, good lady. The house is mine, not others, and I usually like the mess of pure metal. style of……"

The eyes fell on the marshal's legendary wife, his voice gradually lowered, and his consciousness flickered for a moment.

Although most of his body was protected by the marshal, he could still see that omega's extraordinarily handsome appearance.

The clean and conformed broken hair hangs meekly, the facial features are delicate, but because the eyebrows are beautiful, they dilute the whole person's warmth and softness, but they faintly reveal a little meaning of special elegance.

Now that omega's style is getting more and more biased, it is rare to find such an example that is as clean as a clear spring. The entire person protected by the Marshal was soft and rimless, and his body was thin and thin. One could not help wondering if he was using a little more strength, and he would be broken.

However, he glanced in front of the Marshal's chest and shoulders, before even smelling any pheromone, the mind of the First Army Commander could hardly shake himself for a moment.

When the subordinate's eyes were noticed, the marshal's whole body was instantly imposing, the side of the figure completely blocked the young wife, and his eyes swept over the frosty snow.

The commander of the First Army narrowed his neck and hid, instantly sober, and a cold sweat broke out behind him.

It ’s an energy warehouse.

The marshal's young wife is terrible.

Watching him put away his unpleasant gaze, Gu Gui's expression was only slightly slower, but he still glanced at him coldly.

Frightened by the marshal's sight, he took a nap. Under the strong desire to survive, the commander of the First Army stiffly moved backwards: "Marshal-is it for the inhibitor bracelet? I am here Lightheaded, first, I will not disturb ... "

His light brain was so painful in today ’s actual combat drill that he smashed the screen on the controller and felt shame when he wanted to repair it. After all, it was hard to get to the end of work. Instead, he bumped into the person he least wanted to see.

The commander of the First Army felt that he should find a fortune.

It is clear that the subordinates are only disturbed by the alpha instinct. When he saw his expression, he immediately recovered his clarity. The tolerant marshal was not overly displeased by such an episode. With a moment of nodding, he pulled up his little wife's hand and walked into the duty room.

Tall Xuan Ting's figure is particularly sharply lined by military uniforms, holding the delicate and soft omega, deliberately cooperating with the pace and walking gently, casting a gentle shadow in the dim evening twilight.

The commander of the First Army stood there for a while, and was almost moved by tears in his eyes, and suddenly realized that he didn't seem to perceive the smell of pheromone from that omega.

... probably using a special masking agent.

After all, this type with such terrible talent skills and looks particularly unplayable. If you don't need to cover up the taste with a masking agent, maybe you haven't taken two steps away from the marshal, you will be overwhelmed by an alpha that won't control yourself. On the ground.

Omega's combat power is infinitely close to nothing, and unlike alpha, it can freely release pheromones. It can only rely on a special omega special masking agent to avoid being spotted during non-estrus. Although the use of masking agents has been harmful to the body to some extent, it is really the only option.

Unable to disturb the two men, the commander of the First Corps stepped lightly down the stairs, carefully slipped down a few floors, got into the floating boat, and ran to the new house that had just fallen from the sky and hit his own house with curiosity.

Taking the bracelet out of the house, holding the young wife to board the suspension, Gu Gui still faintly embarrassed with the sense of urgency that just emerged.

——The commander of the First Army is the one with the most self-control.

And also with a bracelet.

Probably because the pheromone is not very useful, the commander of the First Army does not have a cold about omega. Each anti-pheromone training is the one who is the fastest and soberest except him.

But this time, after he deliberately released his mental power to frighten him, he would be able to recover.

He does not have any additional dissatisfaction due to the unintentional loss of his subordinates, but he can't control his own worries. The attractiveness of his young wife is so strong that he will encounter it when he does not take care of it. To an intractable crisis.

If you are really alpha, you can mark him in time to prevent others from yelling ...

A gentle breath fluttered across the neck, and a fresh grassy breath came up. Gu Guiqing cleared his mind, straightened up and took the young wife into his arms. He couldn't help but get close to his neck and took a deep breath--

There is still only a very fresh fragrance after the rain.

Suddenly, a fluffy head came up from the neck. Lu Chiqiu blinked, and couldn't help raising his lip angle, but he didn't raise his hand to push Gu Gui, his arm fell to his back comfortably, in his eyes Show concerns.

I really want to know what it smells like ...

How can I not hold down this idea, Gu Gui took the rough and cocoon of the hand and gently held the young wife's slender wrist, raised it with his fingers across the clothing, and put a post in his arms.

This matter is beyond his usual cognition in any direction-he has always disagreed with the need to worry about irrelevant matters. Such cares can make people distracted, softened and hesitant. Although there were no bad snoring, Marshal Gu's Marshal Gu never took the initiative to support the subordinates to develop intimate relationships beyond the scope.

But now he has to admit that he seems to have completely removed the "embrace" from the disapproval list.

His young wife leaned meekly in his arms, and he could easily get around with one hand on his wrist, and his back was undulating with breathing.

Gu Gui hugged him for a while, tentatively moving his hand, using his knuckles to open the broken hair hanging on the side of Qingxiu's cheek, dropping his eyes, and the empty hand hesitated into the side pocket.

The emperor has married, and they are legal partners, so it makes sense for him to do so ...

Gu Gui's action is very concealed, but her gaze is completely incomprehensible, straight and pure, falling into the pure and gentle black eyes of her arms.

He felt this feeling for the first time. The eagerness in his heart could not help but want to bend his lips. The coldness of the past had been lost for a long time. The belated tenderness overflowed his chest and he just wanted to fall down.

The little wife in his arms also undoubtedly accepted his intentions that he didn't know how to express. Qingxiu's eyebrows raised a moist smile, suddenly raised his hand to stop his shoulders, and leaned forward straightly, and touched his lips lightly. .

Gu Gui's hand shook, and the whole man was in place.

Lu Chiqiu's kiss receded with a touch of rain, still looking at him quietly, with a bright smile in his eyes.

Gu Gui held his breath, his hot eyes burned in his eyes, and white smoke barely cooled down, and the Qinliang Qingchi was scalded into a warm spring water.

...... Kissing has to be erased from the ban.

When he got home, Marshal's Jagged Marshal was already red enough to bake the eggs on the spot.

Worried that she would burn her tender skin and tender tenderness, Gu Gui could only wrong him by walking. Hold that soft and cool hand in the palm, and walk through the ever-changing garden of evergreen plants, and lead people into the home just bought.

Despite the slump winter, the courtyard is still alive. The specially-developed tender grass was neatly laid on the ground, the green willows fluttered in the wind, and several cuckoo birds flapped their wings and flew in front of strange visitors curiously.

Looking at the stiff short beak of the Cuckoo bird, Gu Gui was nervous and was about to stop, but Lu Chiqiu had already raised his hand and let the chubby fluffy lump fall on the palm of his hand, curiously teasing with his fingertips, with a bright smile between his brows meaning.

... Obviously his spiritual body is also fluffy with wings.

The marshal's heart gave birth to subtle jealousy, staring at the little wife and playing with the fat bird that flapped its wings for a while, raised its hand to let it fly away, and then consciously awoke from the abnormal state of mind.

This time I wore a bracelet.

The effect of putting on the bracelet is obviously no better than not wearing it. The marshal with a sense of anxiety has been faintly disturbed, and his eyebrows are raised with no trace.

Lu Chiqiu didn't have the pressure of His Excellency the Marshal, took his hand and walked around happily, every time staying curious. Gu Gui, who was finally cooled down, insisted to be taken back from the group of fledglings, and it was completely dark.

Winter days are short and cold is fast, and Lu Chiqiu has revealed a clear coolness.

The Decathlon Marshal of the Empire embraced Xiaojiao's wife and put it in the bathtub, soaking warmly, and apron to cook milk for him.

Single soldiers don't use the kitchen. Gu Gui stubbornly followed the steps to heat up the pot, boiled the milk accurately with time, raised his hand to the end, and was beaten hot with a slap.


You must think of a way.

Unlabeled omega is very dangerous. In the eyes of some scummed alphas, they are good prey. If you do not declare your sovereignty in advance, it is likely that your young wife will be in crisis again.

The idea of ​​being abruptly interrupted on the suspended boat made a comeback, Gu Gui twisted his fingers that were almost scalded with blisters, took a few steps back and forth, resolutely took out the spray bottle that had been prepared from his pocket, and hid it carefully in his cuff.

Lu Chiqiu had just taken a bath, wrapped in Gu Gui's large bathrobe, and a small half was still dragged to the ground. He was heading into the kitchen for half a head, blinking his eyes and waiting for his good night milk.

Gu Gui was stunned and calmly passed, holding one hand on the bed, peeling off his clothes, exposing the soft waxy body soaked in hot water.

Lu Chiqiu's body is not as delicate as it looks, especially when the palm is gently covered, the delicate white skin texture always fascinates him, and even shakes his mind easily.

You must protect your omega.

Gu Gui took a light breath, set the milk aside, and held the young wife's shoulder and body with one hand: "Close your eyes."

Lu Chiqiu blinked and closed his eyes obediently.

Marshal Gu shot lightningly, a small high-pressure spray bottle slipped from his sleeve into his hand, held it firmly between his strong fingers, and sprayed twice quickly.

The hearing of Land Lantern is far more acute than ordinary people. In the darkness blocked by the sight, two very slight spray sounds came from the ears, and the delicate cool touch fell on the back of the neck and chest.

The sharp, sharp breath of ice and snow permeated instantly, and the branches were covered with a thin layer of cedar, like the early cold jumping in the forest in the morning, full on the tip of the nose.

"Chi Qiu."

Gu Gui held his shoulder in one hand and shoved the perfume spray bottle into the sweeping robot next to the bed, and stroked the little wife's thin eyelids with his fingers, letting him open his eyes.

"I marked you."

The author has something to say: system · sweeping robot · bumper · system: = □ =


# 没人要 #

# 我 扑 啦 #

(● — ●) ノ ︵. ☆


Add more! I think, I want a lot of comments ... (* / w\ *)

The perfume is heeley white cedar Σ (っ ° Д °;) っ not six gods! Our marshal is rich! !!

Sleepy and floating ... The second one is at [ten to eleven o'clock in the evening]. Recently, jj smoked a lot. If you ca n’t open it, you can go in the directory! !!

Continue to cover your face and ask for nutrition solution o (* //// ▽ //// *) qThank you all for Lei and nutrition solution, we will continue to work hard! !! 2k novel reading network

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