MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 87 I covered this object

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Seventeenth Army Commander: "omega ...?"

He and the first legionary chief Ren Renren complained, accidentally smashed the first legionary chief's feet, the whole hardest wood in the universe, the whole new plan, a brand new desk.

It was broken into a piece of wood by an omega who seemed to be able to poke with one finger.


There was still silence inside and outside the office, and the weak and helpless omega who pressed the broken table crossed the ruins and walked towards the door.

Consciously no worse than the twenty or so legionnaires who are stronger than Tiexingmu. The seventeenth army chief still tried to prove that everything was an illusion. He was hurriedly pulled back by his colleagues, and watched that omega went to a loss. In front of the First Corps.

"meet again."

Lu Chiqiu is a little shorter than the First Army Commander. He raised his head slightly when he spoke, and his broken hair slipped down his ears.

The eyes of Omega who approached were long and bright. With the exception of the eyebrows and eyebrows, the facial features were delicate and not aggressive, and the whole person was weak and unable to fight.

It still looks like there is no fighting power just now, and only a soft milk cat with a small paw can be vainly pinched and pinched.

No one in the group of twenty or more regiments wanted to remember how the milk cat used its small claws to crush the desk.

His greeting can naturally be understood as the follow-up to the hurried meeting at the door of the duty room that day, but the head of the First Army still did not dare to carelessly and carefully released his mental strength: "Husband, Madam, actually--"

After just a few words, the familiar extreme fear quickly rushed up along the back of the spine.

The head of the First Corps keenly retreated and instantly retreated, watching the pale cyan mental power quickly turn into the marshal's bloodthirsty vine of the same style, and stood up suddenly, behind the marshal's wife who seemed unable to fight He opened his fierce and brutal mouth.

Lu Chiqiu: "I've seen your mech, it's very powerful and it's full of functions. I can take you with me and it won't break."

It ’s not really bad at all. After all, it was cut in the face when it was cut, the energy store was broken, the protection was unloaded, and I did n’t really want to go together ...

The First Corps commander almost brushed into a human-shaped barrage, and was about to retreat into the warm and safe group of commanders. When he looked back, he found that twenty colleagues had withdrawn silently and silently. In the distance, they huddled up at the end of the narrow corridor.

The obedient and soft omega's eyes were red and timid, raising his head softly: "Can you qaq?"

The bloodthirsty rattan with mental power came out in a half circle, rubbing his neck with a sharp wind, stopped, circled, and shook blood-stained leaves.

First Army Commander: ...

Why is this marvelous marshal's horrible combat power able to embody the cute emoji.

Why is the marshal and marshal his aesthetics so highly unified to this point that he cannot live in the house where he had a nightmare for half a month.

The first army commander who was forced to leave the group by the **** dared not to speak, and tried to distance himself from the blood bowl of the bloodthirsty vine, and spoke hard: "Father, madam, I can lend me the mech, you can Why drive, I won't follow ... "

"It's better to go together, I may not drive it back."

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Lu Deng nodded a little, and the Bloodthirsty Vine had retracted the pale green spiritual power seed, and quietly returned to the palm, Qingxiu's eyebrows still flexed softly and softly.

"Rest assured that nothing will happen with me."

Gu Gui's condition is still uncertain, but as long as the pure black mech still has the ability to sail, he will definitely return with Gu Gui on a mech.

Just throwing the protagonist's mech floating on the edge of the galaxy, it was still a little bit cruel.

First Army Commander: .........

Five minutes later, the commander of the First Corps cried and marched into the gorgeous and beautiful silver mech with one hand by the Marshal's wife, and disappeared into the faint morning light under the watch of the commanders of the Corps.

Five hours later, the commander of the First Army wanted to go home.

As soon as Lu Chiqiu touched the mech, the familiar fear quickly spread over his body.

Strictly speaking, Gu Gui's combat method is more inclined to make full use of various thermal weapons, precise angles and strong instincts that almost require no aiming, which will always allow that pure black mech to easily occupy an absolute advantage in the battle. .

However, Lu Chiqiu did not even touch those high-end high-end guns and cannons. The six or seven waves of space beasts they encountered all the way were whipped by the sharp teeth and wheels to run away and cry. of.

The pain and fear brought by the close combat is completely different from the bombardment by the polymer. The chief of the First Army trembled and hugged the seat, feeling that he could understand the brutal beast that was disastrously scattered at this moment. mood.

Breaking through the blockade of a meteor belt, the unscathed silver mech completely bathed in the bright light of the star.

Lu Deng stood in front of the console.

The scope of the universe is really too wide. The location of Gu Gui can only be roughly determined. The connection has not been completely repaired. There is no better way to continue to search a little bit in the most primitive way.

The land light presses the speed-increasing boost button, and his gaze falls intently on the projection screen of the monitor in front.

In such a long and non-combat space voyage, turning on the mech's synaesthesia state will only unnecessarily waste mental and physical power. He is now driving the mech as a spacecraft and can only detect the surroundings through a monitor environment of.

Fortunately, the driving skill pack was replaced by the system.

Lu Deng didn't have the habit of wasting skills. At the beginning, the system took the driving skill pack back from the mall, thoroughly studied and mastered it, and brushed all the drivable vehicles to the legendary level. Now it really comes in handy.

In such a space voyage, the range that the monitor can detect is limited. The driver needs to make adjustments on his own, move the area to be observed to the middle of the window of the display screen, and perform a check before replacing the new area. The angle of each movement must be controlled below 15 ° to ensure that there will be no missing parts.

Lu Deng supported the operation platform with one hand, keeping his eyes on the frequency of one second, and carefully scanning the visible area in the monitor in front of him.

"Lu—Mr. Lu, let me drive for a while ..."

Although the textbooks do ask for this, except for the rigorous evaluation of the mech standard, the commander of the First Army has never seen anyone who can maintain a uniform and accurate investigation for such a long time.

Such a search is undoubtedly extremely labor-intensive, and even if Lu Chiqiu's strength is indeed horrible to their unimaginable degree, it may not be able to persist for long.

Looking at the still steady figure, the commander of the First Army took a deep breath, and his heart of excitement was irritated by himself, but briefly suppressed the instinct panic under the absolute suppression of strength.

None of the enthusiastic youth does not dream of trying to turn the tide at the crucial moment. The Marshal did not know where to go, the mechs were all out. After all, the commander of the First Army was far better than other colleagues. In any case, he was not reconciled to just watching from the side.

Lu Chiqiu leaned slightly to the side, his eyes still staying on the monitoring screen, listening to him distracted, and suddenly frowning: "Sit tight!"

The head of the First Corps looked up in surprise and hugged the seat instinctively.

At the next moment, the originally stable mech has been suddenly lifted upwards, pulled upwards at a large angle, and turned half a circle with unimaginable technical difficulty, which avoided the gravel meteorites swarming from the sky.

If the marshal sees such a perfect mecha operation, he will certainly be praised in public, and maybe he will also be rewarded with a meal ticket for a high-level cafeteria for a week.

The sudden and abrupt position change prevented the internal gravity adjustment of the mech in time. The head of the First Army was dizzy, holding the seat tightly to stabilize his figure, and looked at the silence in front of the console with shock. Figure.

He didn't think it was an omega.

Thinking of his painful energy warehouse, the commander of the First Army felt that he really needed to remind the marshal.

Lu Chiqiu tossed him a traction rope, which was simple and concise, and his voice was still smooth: "It will be better tied, we should find the right place."

The stumps of these meteorites are sharp and mostly covered with white frost, and many of them even faintly refract thin light under the illumination of stars. Extremely fierce battles must have occurred not long ago.

Lu Deng was preparing to connect the system to reset the search range, and a mechanical sound of the system suddenly came to his mind: "Host, the target character has been searched. It is on the edge of your nebula, at eight o'clock, and there are a lot of ice armor beasts. over there!"

Finally, an accurate reply was received. The light on the land was slightly bright, and the mech accelerated again, and shot towards the eight o'clock.

The pure black mech has been covered with a thick layer of frost.

Gu Gui's eyebrows were tight, and the body shuddered because the synaesthesia mode was turned on. Consumption of the remaining energy to melt the ice again, but the chest has been rapidly undulating under the heavy consumption of physical and mental strength.

He wondered if he could make it, how long.

Intelligence Ice Armor beast that appears is true, the number was a serious deviation. Military intelligence undoubtedly be brought to intervene treated the people, and before "accidentally" revealed the anti-pheromones training results, led to his identity was questioned handwriting is exactly the same.

While all year round will focus on the war on military affairs, Gu go see about these means no light is not unfamiliar.

There will be a battle right to the place he occupies the number two position in the empire, inevitably someone will see him dislike, delusion trying to replace.

The skepticism of his identity in the previous army is probably also a means used by those people.

Although the emperor always worried about this, he always insisted that he didn't deal with these rumors. On the one hand, he avoids the desire to cover up, and on the other hand, because-for the people and the army he protects, he always maintains a trust that he does not want to obliterate.

It was his compatriots defended by countless life-long battles. He has always been reluctant to believe that just because of his non-alpha identity, he will be wiped out of all his achievements and become the object of questioning or even abandonment.

The ice blade severely cut through the protective layer of the mech, Gu Gui's body suddenly stunned, and she knelt down in a half-force, staring into the wide and dark universe.

There is infinite danger in the universe.

Under the once population invasion of silicon-based organisms, the evolutionary course of the cosmic beasts has changed. From the initial stage that originally relied on airbags to store oxygen and briefly move in a vacuum environment, it has evolved to be able to do without breathing support or even fear. Radiant and strange creatures with strange energy recipes.

These alien beasts develop into swarms, wandering in the universe, and may invade and grab living areas at any time, even feeding directly on humans, which is the most serious threat encountered by interstellar humans.

Compared to futile and meaningless internal fighting, as a soldier, he is more willing to put all his mind in the guarding area of ​​human beings, blocking these death threats from the peaceful life of the people. This is more important. Things up.

If he had told him the scale of the Ice Armor invasion as early as possible, he would be able to respond as soon as possible, open the planet shield, and deploy the army for combat readiness. With the destined war damage, it is possible to avoid the greatest loss of the people and the army.

But now this opportunity has undoubtedly been missed.

The communication system was maliciously cut off, he could not contact his subordinates, and he was trapped here and could not get away. He could only do his best to confide his life with these strange beasts that were strong enough to ignore the laser fire, and try to slow down their Steps, think of a way to reduce the number of alien beasts.

The specially made mechs have been shattered in the fight. Although they will not leave real scars on the body, the pain is real. The giant eagle transformed into mental power is also scarred, and can only barely support and protect his body.

Cold sweat lay down along the forehead, blurring his vision.

Every nerve was clamoring for severe pain, Gu Gui barely supported his body, his eyes were chaotic with sweat, and the tight eyes suddenly appeared faint and soft.

No matter how they have to go back ...... there are people waiting for him at home yet.

His little wife so charming and can not fight, soft weak weak touched on the back, if not he will certainly suffer bullying.

He agreed to buy the stars Forest cake, and now still did not come home on the outside, do not know the little wife will not be angry with him.

Physical signs of the collapse has occurred under high pressure, throat spread out fishy sweet flesh. Gu go deep breath, trying to swallow the Xue Mo, is preparing to rush out and then desperately try once, but suddenly the action of micro Dayton, showing vaguely startled eyes.

Originally the darkness of the field of vision, a silver armor being incredibly smart to bypass a few head posture Ice Armor beast siege, tooth edges expertly up anti-tease, easily Xiaoduan forelimb an ice armor beast.

Gu owned micro-light eyes, raising his hand to wipe the sweat flowing into the eyes.

The first is the Army chief of armor.

Although these stringent requirements under the command are not allowed to own no tampering, but see themselves under risk your life to save the environment in the body scraped, or let Reichsmarschall hard mind briefly so soft moment.

He would bring people to, to know where the danger is, do not want subordinates to follow their own territory scraped up a narrow escape. After all, Ice Armor combat power of the herd is too strong, even if his bad luck really die here, I do not want to pull those still buried in vain promising young subordinates.

Apart rational part can, when you see a subsidiary would have risked their lives recklessly rushed over, would rather live and die with him, and touched the heart of sorrow and grief but also indescribable.

For the military, in dealing with many things, in fact, they are far better than those politicians is much simpler.

Gu go deep breath, forced to blink faint tidal fundus, taut lips still slightly eased.

These days did not how to concentrate on the training, I do not know the first Army chief actually secretly practicing out such a good skill.

Wait for the kid to be detained when he returns.

Although long-distance communication was cut off, but just be able to close the connection. Gu Gui cheered up, stood upright, and tried to introduce communication, but he couldn't help but look out of the window.

During the brief interval of the buffer circle, the Marshal of the Empire watched the mech belonging to the commander of the First Army suddenly flipped in place three times, and avoided the combo of an ice armor beast again and again. Severely inserted into the only lower abdomen of the Ice Armor Beast without the protection of the carapace, exposing the tragic blood mist of the original beautiful silver mech.

The communication was connected, and the scream of the First Army Corps ghost crying and crying, "Marshal helps me ah ah ah oh oh wow!"

Gu Gui: ...

It doesn't seem that simple.

The addition of the silver mech quickly aroused the high vigilance of the ice armor herd.

More and more ice armor beasts have re-entered the combat state, and far more intense attacks have erupted one after another, hitting fiercely on the protective cover that has produced countless cracks.

The roaring sound waves of the beast's rage broke through the protection and hit the eardrum directly.

Gu Gui's consciousness was briefly blurred for a moment, and he barely stood still, but found that the ice armor beasts also seemed to have developed a preliminary intelligence. They saw that the two mechas wanted to unite, constantly blocking them from drawing closer to each other. The distance, even constantly pushed him to the farther interstellar boundary.

Gu Gui has been fighting with these ice beasts for three days, and his physical and mental strength are on the limit. Although he tries his best to break the siege of the herd, he is still powerless, and he is pushed away by an inch.

He has to go back alive ...

His consciousness was very vague and his body was extremely tired, but Lu Chiqiu's appearance became clearer in his mind. The one who looked at him with a smile, followed behind him obediently waiting for milk, sat on a swing to feed the bunch of small wool balls, and raised his head in his arms-he would not be willing to just fall down like this, down In this unknown nebula without Lu Chiqiu.

He didn't even know what his young wife's pheromone taste was ...

Such an idea was born all his life, and he seemed to have a faint smell of something that he hadn't even noticed.

It looks like spring grass after the rain, and it looks like a bamboo forest quenching the bright morning dew in the morning. The wind jumped through the forest, brushing the dust off the leaves, and taking away the ray of sunlight that fell from the branches.

Fresh, vigorous, hard to perceive but cannot be ignored, belongs to the soft but tough breath of life.

His mech was shrouded in pale cyan light.

The spiritual power seeds that Lu Chiqiu quietly buried began to grow, and a steady stream of vitality poured silently, and the mist was falling down like a fine mist, soothing the spiritual power and body of the Marshal Empire almost at the limit.

The ice armor beast that belongs to the cold winter is completely unfamiliar with this kind of breath, and flees vigilantly. The silver mech quickly approached, two light green beams protruded from the respective mechs, and the light instantly dissipated in the universe. Two tenacious vines emerged, kinked, and steadily supported a strong bridge.

The mech, whose energy was almost on the verge of exhaustion, was slowly shaken to stop the fall. The silver mech approached and issued a docking application with a signal.

The two mechs opened their ports at the same time, and abundant energy was continuously delivered into the pure black mech.

Gu Gui stood up steadily under the help of the vines. The familiar figure jumped over the airsickness and stunned the first legionary commander of the first legion, and deftly jumped forward and flew towards him.

Gu Guizhang hurriedly opened his arms and steadily caught the soft body falling into his arms.

Looking at the clear and tangible face in the arms through the blurred water, taking a deep breath through the battle-hardened Marshal of the Empire, trying to show a gentle smile that was easy and soothing to the young wife, but the fierce joy of his lover suddenly smashed the rest of the life after the disaster It turned black before his eyes.

Countless shocks stuck in his chest. He wanted to speak, but his voice was in his chest.

"Why--how so disobedient?"

Finally reluctantly found his voice, Gu Gui was supported by the vine and sat on the ground, carefully touching the back of his hand with his wife's cheek, holding his arm, and hurriedly examining it carefully.

"Let me see-I see if I have hurt ... are they all thin, haven't I eaten well at home? It's so dangerous here, how can you run over here too, what to do if you get hurt? Don't be afraid to see the blood ... "

He is not afraid at all!

He also uses his mental strength to scare the ice armor beast! Scared a little ice armor beast!

Thinking of the blood-thirsty **** mouth of the fierce bloodthirsty vine, the head of the First Army now looked at the vines surrounding the marshal, and felt a chill in his body, screaming in his heart with tears.

The Marshal has an idea that the energy warehouse will be worrying.

In order to marshal the future of the blessing of life, the commander of the First Army resolutely moved over and reminded: "Marshal, in fact, his wife is particularly powerful! His mental strength can be scary-"

His words were stuck.

Seeing the marshal's thin omega, he returned to the soft look of crooked eyes, and his bright eyes were full of small smiles. Obediently let the marshal hold his hand around to examine the body, nodded or shook his head, patiently responding to the endless problems of the marshal and the kindergarten principal.

The horrible spiritual power of the vines made a comfortable rocking chair, and one of them also came along, sprouting green buds in front of the marshal, and dangled small leaves on the marshal's face.

Quickly accepted the little wife, who was also a spiritual marshal, raised her hand with a smile, pinched two times, picked up a leaf, and gave a gentle kiss gently.

The author has something to say: 元 · My daughter-in-law is the most obedient · My daughter-in-law is the cutest · Shut up · Handsome: Oh :)

First · Withdraw from the group · Not like this · Marshal, listen to me explain · Head: Bloodthirsty vine! Great fangs too! !! Blood stained hula mosaic too! !! !!

∑ (q 口 q 三 qДq;) っ

# 我 可以 是 #

# 梦梦 了 吧 #

# 睡一觉 就好 了 #

_ (┐e:) _


Today continues to draw red envelopes wow o (* //// ▽ //// *) q hug everyone around! Continue to cover your face and ask for nutrient solution Wow!

Thank you everyone for your encouragement and I will continue to cheer! !! !!

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