MTL - This Cannon Fodder is Covered by Me!-Chapter 99 I covered this object

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Under the almost horrified gaze of the head of a legion, a bloodthirsty rattan stood up suddenly, the fierce spiritual giant eagle shook for two times, and then breathed out silently.

In the rising smoke, their marshals who were wise and brave to turn the tide are holding their crying little wife, hurriedly apologizing and persuading. The Field Marshal's wife dangled in the Field Marshal's strong and powerful arms, and as soon as her eyes blinked, tears slammed on the back of the Field Marshal's hand.

The heads of the legions felt that their marshal might have been smashed.

Gu Gui, who was smashed, was at a loss, his mental strength barrier had completely collapsed with his mentality, and he patted his lover who drank fake wine carefully. —Never fight again, I'll let you call back when I get home, just a few times ... ”

The current situation is not urgent, and the system does not help suppress drunkenness. Even if the host who drank the fake wine is drunk and strong, lying in the arms of the Field Marshal grieved and wiped his tears: "Three?"

"Thirty times, you hit it with your own hands."

Gu Gui shook his hand softly and coaxed, and wiped his tears with his palms: "No more crying, okay?"

The psychic little hamster stumbled into the corner, and the head of the First Corps took a nap, lying on the bloodthirsty vine with horror.

They marshal hit Marshal!

The wife of the marshal who broke the table with her hands was crying.

I can't imagine how hard I could cry the Marshal's wife. The First Army Commander was worried, and felt that he accidentally broke the complicated dark inside of the Marshal's bright exterior.

The Marshal's wife was resting on the Marshal's shoulder, and water vapor was still flowing from the bottom of the black eyes, while raising her hands and wiping tears, she tried to count more thirty or three times.

The psychic hamster secretly drilled up, stepped on the mech wheel twice, and anxiously wondered whether to comfort the marshal.

"Let them have the mech ready for you to play in a week, and I will take you personally."

Gu Gui kissed the short hair of his wife's forehead, and slowly and patiently stroked it on the thin back of his palm. He continued to coax him softly: "If you want to play any game, if you think the virtual training ground is not fun, we'll find one. Fight the Norut herd. "

Lu Chiqiu lifted his head, and he took his attention smoothly, his black eyes moistened with water vapor blinked: "Silver?"

"Silver, I specifically ordered them."

Seeing the hope of coaxing his lover, the Marshal's eyes were bright, and he didn't hesitate to sell his subordinates: "It just happened to be repaired tomorrow. I'll go back in a moment and let the first army commander change the individual color, and you will be silver. Brush twice and add phosphor. "

First Army Commander :? !!

The drunkenness swelled even more when the wind blew. Lu Chiqiu rubbed his eyes and was so sleepy that he couldn't open, but he still had a hard line of conscience: "The commander of the First Army will not be happy ..."

"Let him paint a rainbow, he won't be upset."

Gu Gui looked softer and looked at the crystal tears still hanging on his young wife's thick eyelashes. With a helpless smile, he raised his hand to erase the color of his lover's eyelashes: "I think he is suitable for this, and it looks good when we fly behind us ..."

First Army Commander :? !! ? !!

Lu Chiqiu looked up at him, dazzling his eyes and trying to condense. After thinking for a while, his eyebrows finally melted and bent, and he raised his hand to touch the marshal's lashes that were plated with pale gold by the setting sun: "It looks good."

Coaxed and laughed.

The young wife is obedient even if drunk, looking at the fine and bright burrows in the darkened eyes, Gu Gui's heart flows warmly, and she protects people in her arms: "Give me a little time, it will be fine soon . "

Although I really wanted to coax my little wife a little bit more happily, after all, there was extra work to be done. Gu Gui held the hand that was not sure where to drop, touched his lips, raised his head and straightened up, the smile in his eyes faded.

He still has something to figure out.

Political struggle is a political struggle, and in any case should not interfere in combat.

He was willing to endure these people, because in addition to being the marshal of the military headquarters, he was the second person at the peak of empire power. He was in his position, and whether he wanted to or not, these could not be allowed to him-so he would prefer Don't bother to see.

But once someone reached into the war, he could no longer turn a blind eye.

The other things can be left to the emperor and the investigation team. At least he must find out the traitors who broke the line of defense. No matter how strong the combat ability is, such people can no longer stay in the military department-

The thought was not yet clear enough, and the situation in front of him had opened the eyes of the heavily depressed Marshal unexpectedly.

Busy coaxing his lover who was crying badly in his arms, he didn't even remember the bloodthirsty rattan to deal with. Before Lu Chiqiu's emotions stabilized, the deliberately growing bloodthirsty vines were crying and the leaves were flying around, while they were chased by dozens of individuals and tied up.

The eighteenth regiment commander was particularly tightly tied, and the bloodthirsty rattan's fierce blood basin hung above his head. Whoever pulled up was a mosaic. Among the crowds who were hard to get around, there were also several figures quietly crawling out, fastened by the bloodthirsty vines tightly, and pulled back and **** firmly.


Seeing that the Marshal finally came out, the leader of the Nineteenth Army stepped forward and wanted him to get his wife to soothe the bloodthirsty vine as soon as possible, but was pulled back by the seventeenth Army commander: "Let ’s say a few words, without yours thing."

The chiefs of the regiment were trapped in fuss, but most of them did not encounter any worse treatment, but only the eighteenth regiment chief was tied firmly. The reaction is a little bit quicker, and the glances in the past have faintly shown a bad taste.

Lu Chiqiu once hijacked the mech to bring the marshal back. Anyone may be bad for the marshal. Only the handsome and gentle young man definitely will not.

The situation at that time was too urgent, and no one could tell how the line of defense suddenly broke, but the almost desperate crisis that the Marshal encountered was clearly visible.

Humans in the interstellar era broke through the third-order evolutionary lock, and the war once again returned to the individual-centric fighting style. The marshal's strength is there, as long as he can fight, it is a dam protecting the planet Solin.

And all they can do is try to ensure that the impact of dispersing the beast tide is tried to protect the marshal behind, so that the pure black mech can be put into battle without worries.

The commanders of the regiment have cooperated with each other too many times, and the situation at that time was not serious at first. The breach of the defense line may only be deliberately done.

As soon as the line of defense is broken, Gu Gui will be in crisis. In order to avoid the large-scale herd that comes later, no one can respond, and can only choose to sacrifice part of the loss to stop the battle. At that time, people will doubt the military, and those politicians will be able to attack the marshal.

Thousands of miles of dyke, collapsed in the anthill. They don't want this kind of companion.

The heads of the legions turned to the marshal, Gu Gui retracted his eyes, his arms were slightly tight, and his eyes fell on the lover in his arms.

The young wife slept soundly, her warm body lying on her shoulders, her arms wrapped around her shoulders tenderly, and her soft cheeks sticking unsuspectingly to her neck, apparently inappropriate to just call it and put away the bloodthirsty vine.

Don't accept it.

The marshal's figure was still calm and steady, and the **** **** swayed indifferently, bringing people into his arms completely. I was about to turn around and leave, and suddenly there was a shouting cry behind me: "Gu Gui-Gu Gui!"

Gu Gui Xunsheng turned around, his eyes paused for a moment, and Mei Feng raised slightly: "Is there something wrong with Minister Zhen?"

Although not often involved in political affairs, Gu Gui still has the most basic understanding of people in politics. The cousin in front of the Minister of Planetary Resources, named Zhen Fanren, is currently the most powerful competitor of the director of the Imperial Office.

Except for the Eighteenth Army Commander, this man is probably the most securely **** by vines.

Although I don't know what method the young wife used to distinguish the camps of these people, it is not that the person's name is particularly annoying to look for trouble alone.

Seeing Gu Guiyi faction was arrogant, obviously there was no intention to take the rescue. Zhen Fanren gritted his teeth, his eyes showed some harshness, and he threatened to pass by with mental force.

"I know what you are and what's going on with your omega ... don't force me to expose you! Why do you think your eighteenth army commander betrayed you suddenly? You can try to see if the people and the army will accept it. A non-a marshal ... "

"You can say it, I probably don't have any vacations anyway."

His mental strength was not enough to cut off, but Gu Gui had twitched the corners of his lips, interrupted his words, opened the public hand, and glanced at everyone with different looks: "There was nothing to hide. ——I am definitely not alpha, and Chi Qiu is not omega. "

His voice fell, and the crowd died instantly.

Gu Gui's identity has always been the top secret of the empire. Only a small number of people know that the emperor has also severely sealed his password. No matter who knows it in advance or not, he couldn't think of it anyway. In the end, it would be so easily spoken by himself.

"You can distrust me, and when the next alpha that is sufficient for the marshal position grows up, I will automatically give up this position."

In those eyes, shock and misunderstanding were clearly seen. Gu Gui was reluctant to think about whether those emotions were hidden under suspicion or resistance. He just walked slowly back to the huge pure black mech and held his hands up. Scarred body.

In everyone's gaze, the marshal who was always calm, sharp, and indestructible dropped his gaze. For the first time, he could even call it a soft smile, but his body faintly cast a glimmer of fatigue that couldn't be ignored.

"I always prefer to believe that the people trust me because I protect our homeland and my comrades trust me because I bring them to victory."

"Today we are fighting a small Noorte herd. According to experience, at most one month, there will be a large-scale herd invasion. That will be the battle of our planet.-My only request is to please Keep your trust in me after that battle. "

A marshal with a quiet voice, still holding a sleeping lover in his arms, with firmness and soft, quiet and sharp contrast, suddenly pulled him infinitely from the fixed impression of the fighting machine of the past, and pulled back to people, Pull back into a completely real, complete emotion.

"There will be no more herds approaching in the course of the Norut herd in thirty years-after the battle, you will not see me again in the position of marshal. Either I will die as a marshal or I will Win back and return it to you. "

He faintly heard the harsh words he mentioned, Lu Chiqiu woke briefly, looked up instinctively, Gu Gui bowed his head and smiled at him, rubbed the little wife's neck comfortably, and lowered her head to kiss.

Of course, they have to survive well, and then he took his young wife to travel to the interstellar, you can go to Orka Star to see, and then collect the good wine of other galaxies.

When the marshal was too busy, he didn't have time to spend time with his lover.

Lu Chiqiu blinked and looked up at him stupidly.

The crowd was completely quiet.

"Now-please allow me to give orders as Field Marshal, Norut invasion, the entire empire issued special combat readiness, everything is war-first."

Mo Yan replied, and cut off a variety of eyes. Gu Gui released his mental strength and bowed his head slightly to the rest of the regiment: "Go back to the whole team, and today-tomorrow morning military meeting room to summarize the battle experience, everyone will go back tonight to write a 10,000-word summary report and dissolve."

The army commanders who were not intimidated by the bloodthirsty vine and were not defeated by a were instantly overwhelmed by 10,000 words, desperate to want to go up to stop the marshal, but Gu Gui had turned back and left with Lu Chiqiu, and his mental strength was restored. The giant eagle, with a pair of wings and a pair of wings, carried them steadily into the air.


The beginning and end of the battle were too hasty. When the emperor rushed to the place with a man, the head of the regiment rushed back to write a summary. On the empty field, there was only the black cricket mech, silently guarding the deliberately growing bloodthirsty vine.

Those who were tied to Fujima have passed out with horror.

"Your Majesty ... Do you care?"

I was once murdered by a bloodthirsty vine in a warehouse in the suburbs. The guards behind the emperor didn't want to care about it. They shook their heads at the bloodthirsty vine that was approaching Kazakhstan.

The emperor was silent for a long time, his eyes matched the figure strangled by the vine body: "Uncle, my uncle is still looking for you."

The chaos within the empire was to this point, his negligence as emperor.

When Gu Gui brought people to battle, he was also ousting the rebels. Gu Gui shot in time, most of the rebels had already fumed in time, and only the uncle who left him did not know where he had fled.

He got the news, saying that it was the other party who had mixed in to welcome the return of the army. He deliberately brought someone in a hurry, but did not expect that Lu Qiqiu was one step ahead of him.

The man didn't look at him, and looked away with a cold hum. The emperor didn't think it was embarrassing either. He just released the rattan lightly and continued to walk forward.

Failed to give Gu Gui enough protection, even forced Gu Gui to hesitate to confess his identity, and even said his resignation-it was also his emperor's failure.

"His Majesty!"

The emperor was walking with a stuffy head, and there was a sudden call from the sidelines.

It was an immature child's voice. The emperor was slightly surprised and followed the reputation. They were a group of boys wearing the military uniform of the Soling Star Fighting School, rushing over the vines.

The headed teenager runs the fastest, and his immature face has turned red because of sprinting and severe cold, standing upright in breath.

"Can you please-can you convey Marshal? We don't care if he is alpha or not, we only know that every time he runs away the beast tide, our teacher also told his story today ... He is the greatest of Sorin Star Marshal! We also want to fight with him! Can we let him-let him wait for us, we will grow up soon ... "

The emperor was half a while, his eyes gradually dipped in warm colors, he waved at him with a smile, and bowed his head and said a few words.

The teenager's eyes brightened, and he nodded hard, and turned and flew back without turning back.

Lu Chiqiu woke up again on the way back, and again, with the soft pats behind him, squinted and fell asleep again.

Gu Gui always embraced him steadily.

The thick big cricket completely cuts off the cold wind, leaving only the warmth of the chest. The heartbeat was truly pasted across the chest, and the intense fear was finally fading away.

Almost lost it.

Fighting and reluctant to fight, saying and reluctant to say, his young wife is good everywhere, just throw him down and fight for it, have to--

Have to change with him.

Thinking of his choice of where to go in fact, the Marshal's face was scalded, his arms were tightened subconsciously, and he drew the man into his arms, burying his head in his lover's neck, and gradually relaxed his tightness.

The threat of the beast tide has been temporarily resolved, but the other end is still gnawing at the throat. He broke the road for those guys today without paying a salary, but he didn't know what kind of response such a move would receive.

If only I could hide people in my heart.

Hidden on the apex of the heart, wrapped in pain, no one can be hurt, no one can touch.

Gu Gui took a deep breath and tried to blink off the moisture in his eyes. He was about to stand upright, but was suddenly attracted by the strangeness below.

In the icy cold wind, more and more people went out of the house, shouted, jumped, and waved desperately at the giant eagle—he couldn't hear what those people were saying, and couldn't see their expressions, but The closeness and trust delivered by the spiritual power are completely and completely transmitted without reservation, forming an invisible warm power, which is constantly injected into his spiritual world.

The military headquarters that should have been lined up, the standard mechs roared slowly, and silently arranged the highest greeting.

Gu Gui lowered his head, his expression gradually eased, and the giant eagle cried back to Qingyue.

Lu Chiqiu moved, opened his eyes in his arms, and let the system temporarily suppress the drunkenness for himself, looking down.

People sometimes forget things for a short time, and even make wrong judgments and choices when they are deceived and incited, but they will change after all-most people still have goodwill in their hearts, and that light may Being temporarily shielded, but as long as they are given the opportunity and time, they will still come back in a more turbulent and fierce posture.

In the original plot, people also regret it. Therefore, there will be subsequent tours and reforms. Until a long time later, nostalgia for Gu Gui has not stopped.

But it was too late at that time, incitement and confusion appeared in the most critical wartime, even a little hesitation was fatal. When they regretted, the marshal who always guarded them had paid the price of life.

Some things are wrong or wrong, and too late is too late. Even if you regret, worry, and remember, you can no longer communicate.

But this time there is still a chance.

To meet Gu Gui's gaze, Lu Chiqiu raised his lips and smiled, but suddenly felt that his lover's look seemed vaguely different.

Lu Chiqiu blinked, pulled the system to search the video, and staggered.

He cried.

Still trouble.

Also playing Gu Gui's eyelashes in front of everyone.

He also took bloodthirsty rattan and tied the rogue list.


The excellent system intern employee who has never really been drunk, his face scalded hot, plunged into the fur between the neck of the giant eagle, his figure slipped and almost fell, and he was quickly retrieved by Gu Gui's eyes, and he took a bite on the tip of his nose "Wake up?"

Lu Chiqiu: "..."

Gu Gui gave a cough, covered his lips, smiled, and unrolled him to wrap him up again, letting the giant eagle fall to his house: "Wake up, just agree on it. I will let you hit me when I go back, three Ten times-- "

The young wife apparently forced to wake up with mental power, and the alcohol in her body was not metabolized, so she would still feel uncomfortable when she was sober.

Gu Gui didn't want to talk about business at this time, tried his best to say something easy, and tried to make him laugh, but suddenly Lu Qiqiu gently held his finger.

Gu Guiwei looked down at him.

"Should hit ..."

Lu Chiqiu's lip corner, seeing that he was still holding still, took the initiative to lie down, holding the giant eagle to light up behind him: "I'm wrong, so I should fight."

When Gu Gui was pulled back into the mech, he actually knew he had done wrong.

He forgot that Gu Gui would be so uncomfortable, just as he looked at Gu Gui in distress.

The way to sacrifice yourself to protect your lover can only be taken when there is no way to choose-he can appreciate Gu Gui's mood at that time, if he changes, he will probably be anxious and unbearable. What would never be done.

Gu Guizhang's lips fainted gradually, trying his best to pull his hand with a smile, holding him back to his arms: "Okay, it's all over, let's not say this ..."

The warm body was attached, and the real and lively atmosphere was infinitely close. Gu Gui's body was slightly paused, and finally he could not speak.

At that time, it was true ... it was so uncomfortable.

Seeing that his lover is involved in danger for himself, but has no ability to stop, or even to help and protect more, he can only wander between strong self-blame and fear-he doesn't even want to think about the situation at that time, but As soon as he closed his eyes, the figure in the dark night could startle him with cold sweat.

It's so uncomfortable.

Gu Gui lowered his head, his lips curled into Chi Qiu's soft short hair, and after a long silence he finally said softly: "Next time ... not like this, okay?"

Lu Chiqiu raised his head, his soft black eyes quietly reflected his shadow, and nodded gently.

"Neither am I. We didn't do well this time. We all have a long lesson. Next time, we will turn on the armor to clean them up-in fact, if you open the mech this time, we may not be in danger. The commander of the First Corps is still far behind you, and I don't know if I can catch up with him for thirty years ... "

Gu Gui's eyes were so desperate that he could only find the words utterly incoherently, trying his best to cover his throat. Seeing that the topic was almost the same, I was about to talk about how the naive Lanfeng really cold home was so far away, but Lu Chiqiu suddenly hugged his shoulders and kissed his head.

A real, warm, vivid and lively atmosphere.

Alive Lu Chiqiu.

This is the first time that he is grateful for the reality in front of him. Gu Gui took a deep breath and tried his best to control the giant eagle to land in the courtyard of his home, tighten his arms and hug him.

Lu Chiqiu raised his hand and gently touched his hair: "It's okay."

Gu Gui's body stiffened stiffly, and he tightened his teeth and breathed faster. While trying to show a calm and gentle smile to his young wife, the giant eagle suddenly flung its wings and threw two people into a hammock made of rattan nets, sitting on the ground with a pair of claws, and opened its wings and cried.

The author has something to say: Gu Gu · Super calm · Super cold · Super majestic · Marshal: …… (` _ ゝ

# 我 无 我 不 我 可以 翻译 #

# 这 谁家 鹰 #

#No one wants to throw it #

(▼ _ ▼) ノ ⌒ ● ~ *


Continue to draw red envelopes today! Cover, cover your face and continue to ask for nutrient solution! Hold up and circle high!

The main part of this world has come to an end here. Tomorrow, by the way, I will give the First Corps Commander a cp and open a new world with a rainbow mech! o (((* ° ▽ ° *) eight (* ° ▽ ° *)))

New World Preview: You, hello, I am your demon | ▽ //) っ

Thanks everyone for encouraging qwq to cheer! !! !!

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