MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-Chapter 1 scary jungle

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Another world, primitive continent, southern barren mountain range.

"Xuan, hold on, we'll be able to escape right away."

In a daze, a girl's voice came from Jiang Xuan's ear. He opened his eyes with great effort, and saw a virgin forest with towering ancient trees and old vines.

Jiang Xuan found himself lying on the girl's back, and the girl was running fast, which made him, who was already drowsy, feel very uncomfortable.

At the same time, a tingling sensation continued to come from his chest, and he was obviously bleeding. It must have been a serious injury. The drowsy Jiang Xuan closed his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, the panting girl finally stopped and placed him under a big tree.

"Xuan, open your eyes and look at me, don't scare my sister."

Hearing the girl's call, Jiang Xuan opened his eyes again with difficulty, and saw a girl in a fur coat with a flustered expression.

Where is this? who are you?

Jiang Xuan really wanted to ask, but he found that he no longer had the strength to speak.

"Wait for me here, I'll find herbs to stop the bleeding."

The girl ran away in a hurry, leaving Jiang Xuan lying on the ground unable to move, looking at this strange world, smelling the strange smell of grass and blood mixed with blood.

What's going on here?

Jiang Xuan clearly remembered that he just slept while working overtime late at night, why did he come here? Is it a dream?

Suddenly, he felt a whirlwind, and a lot of information was stuffed into his mind.

After a while, he recovered and digested the information.

First of all, he crossed, and crossed into the extremely dangerous primitive world.

The original body is a twelve-year-old boy named "Xuan", a member of a small primitive tribe. The girl is his sister, one year older than him, named Chi Shao.

Primitives don't pay much attention to the names they choose, so choose whatever they think of.

In the tribe, "Xuan" represents red and black, and it also represents rope, because the word looks like a woven rope.

And red peony is the name of the herb, and has no other meaning.

Secondly, the tribe they belonged to was just overrun by a rival tribe, and their parents used their lives to cover Chishao and Xuan to escape.

During the battle, Xuan was stabbed with a spear by the enemy, and Chi Shao ran away with him on his back.

Actually, in the middle of the run, Xuan died because of his injuries. It happened that Jiang Xuan crossed over at this time and took over everything from him.

The mysterious power of traversal saved his life temporarily, but if the bleeding could not be stopped, or if the wound was seriously infected, he would still die.

Jiang Xuan was no longer able to complain about such a miserable situation. The most important thing right now is how to save his life.


At this moment, Jiang Xuan suddenly heard a continuous voice, he turned his head, his face stiffened, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

I saw a giant centipede more than half a meter long, which seemed to smell blood, and was crawling towards him quickly.

This centipede was red all over, and it was many times bigger than the centipedes he had seen before. The iron-clad body, icy eyes, sharp mouthparts, and hook-shaped feet made the scalp numb.

It's over, it's over, are you going to die here just after crossing over?

Jiang Xuan watched the ferocious centipede crawling closer and closer, with its poison glands and palate teeth constantly opening and closing. As long as it got close, it would plunge into Jiang Xuan's body and inject venom, and Jiang Xuan would surely die by then!

"no no…"

Jiang Xuan felt that the blood all over his body was about to solidify, and he made a faint sound, but he couldn't stop the half-meter-long centipede from continuing to approach.

Just when Jiang Xuan fell into despair, suddenly, a short spear flew over with a "swoosh", penetrated through the back of the centipede, and nailed it firmly to the ground.

At this time, the huge centipede was already less than thirty centimeters away from Jiang Xuan. If the short spear was a little slower, he would be dead.

"Xuan, are you alright?"

Chi Shao hurried over, holding a handful of herbs in her hand.

She walked to the centipede pinned by the short spear, ignoring its twisting body, stepped on the centipede's head with one foot, and then pulled out a sharp stone knife from her waist, which cut off the big centipede's head. brain.


Jiang Xuan let out a long sigh of relief, and finally saved his life for the time being. He was really scared to death just now.

The centipede's body was still twisting slightly, but it couldn't sting any more.

Jiang Xuan looked at Chi Shao gratefully, thanks to this sister who saved his life.

"I'll give you medicine first."

Chishao put those herbs in his mouth and chewed quickly.

After the herbs were thoroughly chewed, she undid the animal skin coat on Jiang Xuan's body and applied the chewed herbs to his wound.

Strange to say, after these herbs were applied, Jiang Xuan's wound had a cool feeling, and the bleeding speed had obviously slowed down.

Chishao opened the animal skin bag hanging from his waist again, took out a cotton-like white spider web, sealed the wound with herbs, and then helped him put on the animal skin coat.

"It's not safe here, my sister will take you to a safe place."

After Chishao dealt with Jiang Xuan's wound, she put the big centipede that had its head cut off in the animal skin bag, and then carried Jiang Xuan on her back and continued to run.

On the way, Jiang Xuan saw many animals and plants that made the scalp numb.

For example, a spider the size of a washbasin, a scorpion the size of a watermelon, a mantis that can chop off a branch as thick as an arm, etc...

Even plants are not good stubble.

After Jiang Xuan saw a bird approaching a bright flower, the barbed petals closed instantly, turning the bird into flower fat.

If he was watching a documentary, Jiang Xuan would definitely find these animals and plants interesting, but when he was there, all he felt was fear.

The virgin forests of this world are extremely dangerous, as long as you are a little careless, you may die.

Chishao's physical strength is beyond Jiang Xuan's imagination.

After walking on his back for three or four hours, during which time he had to avoid all kinds of dangers, Chishao still kept his speed and breathed steadily.

It was not until evening when Chishao found a cave that she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The cave is not deep, there is a lot of dry wood in it, and there are some ash and charcoal on the ground. Obviously, someone has made a fire here before.

There was still a pile of hay on the ground. Chishao first opened the hay and checked it carefully. There were no poisonous insects hidden before spreading it out, leaving Jiang Xuan to lie on the hay.

"It's getting dark, my husband is hot."

Chishao found a relatively hard wooden stick from the dry wood pile, a relatively soft piece of firewood with a groove in the middle.

She sharpened one end of the stick with a stone knife, then placed it in the groove of the firewood and rubbed it quickly.

Jiang Xuan has watched many outdoor survival programs in his previous life. He knows that this is called the method of making fire with a plough. It generates heat by friction, rubs out the fire, and then ignites the fire.

While rubbing, Chi Shao explained to Jiang Xuan: "I used to go out hunting with the hunting team. If I couldn't go back at night, I would stay here for one night. There are several places like this."

"Crack clap..."

Under the friction of the red peony, a lot of fine sawdust was rubbed out of the grooves of the firewood, and the end of the stick became charred.

A small wisp of smoke rose up, Chishao put down the stick, picked up the piece of firewood with both hands, and blew lightly into it.

A spark burned quickly, igniting the fine sawdust to form a fire.

Chishao grabbed a few handfuls of dry moss, kneaded it into a large ball, and then used a stone knife to pick the fire into the dry moss, blowing slowly.

A lot of thick smoke came out of the moss, and then a bunch of flames suddenly burst out.

Chishao quickly put the burning moss on the ground, then added small dead branches on top, and after the small dead branches were ignited, added larger dead branches.

Soon, a fire rose, illuminating the cave.

Chishao went outside the cave to find a fresh branch, used a stone knife to peel off the fork and the outer skin, returned to the cave, and poured the half-meter-long centipede out of the animal skin bag, UU read www. skewered it with whole sticks and grilled it by the fire.

When a centipede is alive, it is poisonous, but when it is roasted, it becomes a non-toxic food that can be eaten.

The shell of the centipede made a crackling sound, and the meat inside quickly released its fragrance under the high temperature roasting.

After the big centipede was roasted, Chishao peeled off the shell, tore off the centipede flesh, and handed it to Jiang Xuan's mouth: "Eat it, eat more, the wound will heal faster."

Jiang Xuan was injured, and he hadn't eaten for a long time. He was already very hungry. He smelled the smell of meat now, and he didn't care whether it was a centipede or something else, so he just opened his mouth to eat.

Half of the centipede went down, Jiang Xuan had a feeling of being alive again.

" eat too..." Jiang Xuan spoke with great effort, speaking in the language of the tribesmen.

Chi Shao smiled and nodded, and ate the rest of the centipede meat. She must maintain sufficient physical strength so that she can better protect Jiang Xuan.

After eating the centipede meat, Chishao fed Jiang Xuan some water and changed the medicine once. Then, he found a lot of thick dead trees and blocked the entrance of the cave to prevent the beasts from breaking in in the middle of the night.

After everything was done, Chishao sat beside the fire, Jiang Xuan lay on the haystack, and the firewood was burning "crackling".

When I'm busy, I can't think about it.

Now that I'm free, my mood suddenly rises.

Chi Shao looked at the beating flames and said in a low voice, "The tribe is gone, what should we do in the future..."

Jiang Xuan said with difficulty: "Big... big deal, we... let's rebuild a tribe."

Chi Shao smiled, but did not speak.

In this dangerous virgin forest, how could it be so easy for the two of them to establish a tribe?