MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-v2 Chapter 251 caught

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After Jiang Xuan listened to Wu Yu's speech, he gained some understanding of the Rat Tribe and developed some interest.

According to Wu Yu, the rat tribe stole so many tribes, and there should be a lot of good things in it.

If you can get the things collected by the rat tribe, it must be a lot of wealth.

At this time, the Rat Tribe would never have imagined that they, who have always liked to steal, would be targeted by their own treasure house.

Of course, Jiang Xuan could not accomplish this feat alone. He needed to wait for the power of the Teng tribe to enter the central region before he could plan this.

Jiang Xuan and Wu Yu strolled around the tribe for a while. Jiang Xuan thought that he could not gain more things in the Black Teeth tribe, so he said goodbye to Wu Yu.

"Boss Xuan, are you leaving so soon? Stay a few more days."

Wu Yu's polite reservation.

"Come here next time. I have been away from the Vine tribe for a long time. I plan to go to another tribe to gain knowledge and return to the tribe."

"Which tribe does the leader Xuan want to go to?"

"Spider Tribe."

"The spider tribe is not close to here. Even the black-toothed bird has to fly for five or six days. The road is too long to find."

"It doesn't matter, if the head of Wuyu can show me a way, I think I will find the spider tribe."

"Okay, since Chief Xuan insists on going, I'll show you the way."

Wu Yu pointed to the south and told the Jiang Xuanzhu tribe about where it was, which tribes it would pass through along the way, and some of the more conspicuous landforms.

Jiang Xuan wrote down the tribes that he would pass by on the road, which was more useful than memorizing landforms.

As long as he pays attention to the positions of these tribes when flying along the way, the route will not deviate too much.

Of course, because the road is too long, it is very difficult to fly to the spider tribe accurately, and most of the time will be delayed on the road.

Jiang Xuan is also mentally prepared for this, it is best to find the spider tribe.

It has been a long time since Jiang Xuan came out this time. He must rush back to the Vine tribe before spring, and he cannot delay in the middle for too long.

As for those places that have not been visited, the tribes that have not been to, will be left for later.

"Thanks to the leader of Wu Yu for pointing the way, then let's say goodbye and see you next time."

"Okay, see you next time."

Jiang Xuan walked to the place where the Black Teeth Tribe stored the mounts, found the dumplings, and left the Black Teeth Tribe with the dumplings.

Wu Yu watched Jiang Xuan leave, and then returned to the trading area. He had to deal with the dirt holes dug up by the Rat Tribe, otherwise it would be used by the Rat Tribe next time.

Jiang Xuan took the dumplings to the side of the small lake again. According to his usual habits, Jiang Xuan would definitely leave the Black Teeth tribe directly on the dumplings.

This time he felt that the scenery beside the lake was good, so he took a slow walk by the lake to enjoy the scenery.

However, before he took a few steps, he sensed that someone was spying on him.

Jiang Xuan glanced around with the corner of his eyes, but found no one. Even so, he still believed in his intuition, because the intuition of five-color warriors was more reliable.

Who is spying on him?

Jiang Xuan had no fear, and still walked forward in a calm manner. He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

There is a dense forest next to the lake. At this time, in a bush in the forest, three rat tribesmen looked at Jiang Xuan furtively.

"His skin bag looks weird."

"There are good things in the animal skin bag. When he was in the trading area, he opened it and I saw it."

"Then are we going to start?"

"He is a five-colored warrior, and he has that fierce bird. It's terrible."

The three were itchy and unbearable, but they were afraid of Jiang Xuan's powerful strength and the ferocity of the dumplings, so they didn't dare to approach.

Jiang Xuan walked by the lake for a while and found that the other party hadn't shot, so he turned and walked into the forest.

Those three rat tribesmen were nervous, could they have been discovered?

There was a big rock in the bushes, and there was a hole at the bottom of the stone, which they had dug before. If Jiang Xuan came over, they would immediately get into the hole and escape.

Fortunately, Jiang Xuan didn't get close to the bush, just wandering in the forest.

After walking for a while, he seemed a little tired, so he sat under a big tree to rest, and opened the double-shouldered animal skin backpack, and took out a golden yellow knife coin from it to play with.

When the three rat tribesmen saw the golden-yellow knife coin, their eyes immediately went straight.

"Baby, what a beautiful baby!"

Perhaps because of the frequent cutting of buns, the people of the Rat tribe are very fascinated by knives, not to mention the dazzling short knives they have never seen before.

For a time, the three were itching for it, wishing they could immediately steal the big knife coins in Jiang Xuan's hand.

But that's still the problem. Their combat effectiveness is not strong, and they don't dare to provoke Jiang Xuan directly. This feeling of seeing but not being able to steal is very tormenting for the people of the rat tribe.

On the other side, Jiang Xuan was sitting under the big tree. When he took out the big knife coin, he obviously felt that the prying eyes were more intense.

Jiang Xuan suddenly knew that he should be targeted by those rat tribesmen hiding in the dark.

Jiang Xuan not only was not afraid, but became excited.

Although Wu Yu told him a lot about the Rat Tribe, if you want to truly understand the Rat Tribe, it is better to catch a Rat Tribe directly.

Jiang Xuan looked at the sky and said deliberately, "It's getting late, so let's spend the night in this forest tonight."

"Tangyuan, unload the things first, and hunt for food by yourself."

Jiang Xuan really climbed onto the back of the dumplings, unloaded the animal skin bags, and stacked them under the big tree.

Tangyuan is relatively simple, Jiang Xuan let it go to prey, and it went to prey, without hesitation at all.


I saw it swaying to an open space, then kicked its legs, flapped its wings, and flew directly into the sky. After circling a few times, it went to the nearby forest to hunt for food.

Jiang Xuan himself quickly built a simple shelter, picked up some firewood, lit a bonfire with the method of drilling wood, and took out some animal meat to roast and eat.

At this time, the sky had gradually darkened, Jiang Xuan was full, and closed his eyes against the tree, and after a while, there was an even sound of breathing.

Tribes do not snore when they sleep, because they are very alert even when sleeping and do not make noises easily.

"He seems to be asleep."

"That vicious bird hasn't come back yet."

"Good opportunity!"

The three rat tribesmen kept staring at Jiang Xuan, and they were overjoyed when they saw this scene.

At this time, it was very dark, and the various shadows in the woods were very favorable for their actions.

Jiang Xuan fell asleep, and the ominous bird went out to hunt and hasn't come back yet, which is an excellent opportunity.

Especially when Jiang Xuan was sleeping, the big knife coin in his hand slipped aside, shining brightly under the firelight.

How can the warriors of the rat tribe endure this?

"He has a lot of babies by his side."

"Are you going to steal?"

"If you miss this opportunity, you won't have it. Give it a try."

The three Rat Tribe warriors were unbearable, and after discussing in a low voice for a while, they decided to give it a try, not to miss this excellent opportunity.

They gently left the bushes, and then took advantage of the various shadows in the woods to slowly approach Jiang Xuan.

As they walked, they carefully observed the situation of Jiang Xuan and the sky.

If the dumplings came back, or Jiang Xuan showed signs of waking up, they would not hesitate to give up this operation.

After all, no matter how good the baby is, it is not as important as his own life.

Gradually, they got closer and closer to Jiang Xuan.

They went around behind the big tree, so that even if Jiang Xuan woke up, he would not see them for the first time.

Closer, closer.

Jiang Xuan's breathing was still even, and the three rat tribesmen could already reach out and get the big animal skin bag that Jiang Xuan had piled under the tree.

One of the rat tribesmen licked his dry lips, and bit by bit, he reached out and grabbed the golden big knife coin beside Jiang Xuan.

At this time, he was already close to Chi Chi, and the shadow of the big knife coin was reflected in his eyes.

The other two rat tribesmen went to grab a large animal skin bag and planned to carry it away.

Finally, the hand of the rat tribe man caught the big knife coin, and a happy smile appeared on his face, because this treasure that he had never seen before was about to belong to him!

However, just when he was about to take the big knife coin away, a powerful palm grabbed his wrist like lightning.

"Dare to steal my stuff?"

Jiang Xuan's voice sounded, scaring the three rat tribesmen to pieces.

Two of them threw the animal skin bag and ran away, so fast that they were like frightened rabbits.

The man who went to steal the big knife coins was grabbed by Jiang Xuan's wrist and could not break free at all.

"let me go!"

The rat tribe was panicked, he pulled out a short knife from his waist with his left hand, and stabbed Jiang Xuan fiercely.

Jiang Xuan easily dodged the knife, and then pulled hard, pulling the rat tribe over, his knees slammed into his stomach.


The rat tribe was hit hard in the abdomen, and his face suddenly turned pale. He only heard a scream, and the whole person was bent into a ball like a boiled prawn.

Jiang Xuan easily grabbed the hand of the Rat Tribe that held the knife, and squeezed it The Rat Tribe was in pain, and instinctively let go of the knife.

The sharp dagger fell directly to the ground with a "pop".

"Let me loose this hand too!"

Jiang Xuan squeezed the hand holding the big knife coin again, and the big knife coin also fell to the ground.

Afterwards, Jiang Xuan twisted the hands of the rat tribe man behind his back, pulled out a rope, and tied the man directly.

After he had subdued this man, the other two rat tribesmen had already run away, and they didn't know which hole they went into.

Jiang Xuan didn't care either, as long as he caught one person, he would be able to ask about the situation of the rat tribe.


At this moment, the glutinous rice **** also came back from prey. It first threw a wild beast from the air to the vicinity of the bonfire, and then found a place to land.

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