MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-v2 Chapter 258 new god

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"Crack!" Although the giant frog didn't like this kind of icy environment, but since it was here, there was no other choice. It uttered a cry, and the power of the soul surged wildly, and the strands of magic rushed towards the frog tribe. The frog tribe witch's skin was already slack and her hair was gray. But when he absorbed the power of the frog god, the scalp turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye, the skin like old tree bark also regained its luster, and the cloudy eyes became even more breathtaking. "Wu Li, it's Wu Li!" The frog tribe witch trembled with excitement. Since the fall of the old frog god, the witch of the frog tribe has lost his magic power. He can no longer perform sorcery, can no longer communicate with the frog god, and even his ability to cure diseases is much worse. Because of this, the status of the frog tribe witch became lower and lower, and finally the entire tribe listened to the leader, and the witch became a mascot and had no real power at all. However, now, with the appearance of the new frog god, the frog tribe witch has regained the magic power, and he will regain the right to speak in the tribe in the future. Almost at the moment when the witch power was infused, the frog tribe witch wanted to understand these things, and directly transferred the belief in the old frog **** to the new frog god, even more pious than before! "Thank you Frog God!" The frog tribe witch knelt down and pressed her forehead directly into the icy snow. On the way from the Western Wilderness to the Southern Wilderness, he has experienced a lot of hardships, and his mentality has also undergone certain changes. At that time, he completely ceded the power to Huomeng, which was also a self-defeating approach, because he had no ability to manage the frog tribe. Now, the new frog **** has appeared, and he has also obtained the magic power he dreamed of, and his mentality has changed a little again. He doesn't want to be a mascot that can only be used for sacrifices and totems. "Crack!" The giant frog chirped again, this time, the divine power within its body surged wildly and spread around. Huo Meng was first shrouded in divine power, and under the nourishment of divine power, his whole body underwent tremendous changes. Previously, he had always been a three-color warrior, and he had no way to break through, and was weaker than the leaders of other small tribes. Now, with the help of the giant frog, Huo Meng broke through in one fell swoop and became a four-color warrior! "Thank you Frog God!" Huo Meng also fell into ecstasy, and bowed to the giant frog like a witch. Next, there were the frog tribe warriors one by one. Although they did not get as many benefits as the witch and the leader, their strength was also improved to varying degrees. The people of the Frog Tribe were ecstatic and embraced the new Frog God. The giant frog successfully joined the frog tribe and became the new totem **** of the frog tribe in a way that tribesmen could not refuse! After doing all this, the divine power and soul power in the frog god's body were consumed a lot, and he felt relatively weak. It jumped and jumped to the foot of a mountain behind the frog tribe's residential area, then quickly dug a big hole with its claws, and drilled into it to avoid the wind and snow, and by the way, it hibernated for the first time as a frog. The witches and leaders of the frog tribe all stood up, and the frog tribesmen also stood up one after another. Huo Meng walked up to Jiang Xuan and said sincerely: "Thank you, leader Xuan, for bringing a new patron saint to our frog tribe." Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "You don't need to thank me, the frog tribe is strong, and it is also good for our rat tribe. ." Later, Jiang Xuan refused Huo Meng's invitation to invite him to dinner, and walked towards the location where Chi Shao and the others were. He had already seen Chi Shao, Nan Xing, Feng Cao and others waiting by the side, and he couldn't wait to reunite with them. "Squeaky" Jiang Xuan's animal leather boots stepped on the snow on the ground, and the pace was very relaxed. He walked straight to Chi Shao, looked at her, and said, "I'm back." "It's good to come back, it's good to come back." A long-lost smile appeared on Chi Shao's face. Feng Cao on the side was also very excited. Although he did not speak, his eyes were always on Jiang Xuan. Nan Xing said: "Leader, there is a lot of wind and snow here, let's go back to the tribe first." "Okay, go back!" Jiang Xuan readily agreed, and then walked with them to the south gate of the tribe. Tang Yuan thought they were walking too slowly, and then went back to the tribe. I wanted to go home quickly, so I flew back directly. When Jiang Xuan walked under the tall vine wall, the nerves that had been tense outside could finally relax. He passed through the south gate and walked into the Veng tribe. Everyone he met on the way was excitedly saying hello to Jiang Xuan. Jiang Xuan didn't put on any air at all, and responded to these clansmen one by one. Fortunately, it is a cold winter, and there are not many people who know that Jiang Xuan is back, otherwise, Jiang Xuan may not be able to respond at all. "Dong Dongdong!" Jiang Xuan continued to walk forward, and just as he approached the bamboo forest, he heard the sound of hoofs hitting the ground. Soon, a huge figure rushed over and circled around Jiang Xuan excitedly. It is Heifeng Rhinoceros Crescent Moon. Although it has grown very large, its heart is still like a child. I have not seen Jiang Xuan for so long, and I have long missed it. Crescent Moon gently rubbed Jiang Xuan with her head, making a baby-like sound, as if she was acting like a spoiled child. "Okay, Crescent Moon, don't rub, I'm back now." Jiang Xuan was a little dumbfounded, but he still had to appease Crescent Moon. The crescent moon really stopped rubbing, it knelt down on both knees, lowered its body, and motioned Jiang Xuan to sit on its back. Jiang Xuan smiled and sat up, and Crescent Moon immediately ran into the bamboo forest excitedly. Jiang Xuan turned to Chi Shao and said, "Sister, I'll find you later." "Okay." Chi Shao responded with a smile, Jiang Xuan had already returned to the tribe, and he was not in a hurry. "Dong Dongdong" Crescent Moon ran happily with Jiang Xuan, and returned to Jiang Xuan's yard after a while. When Jiang Xuan saw the familiar and clean yard, there was an innumerable sense of comfort in his heart. This is the feeling of home. "Squeaky." Jiang Xuan pushed open the door and walked into the house. The fire was still burning in the fire pond, the whole house was warm, all the tables and chairs were wiped clean, and all the things were neatly arranged. Jiang Xuan asked Feng Cao, who was following behind, "Who cleans this?" Feng Cao said, "It's Mallow, she comes here several times a day to clean the house, burn the fire, wipe the tables and chairs, and then feed them with hay. Crescent moon." Jiang Xuan nodded, Mallow is a diligent and good girl. Jiang Xuan sat on a clean chair and asked Feng Cao to sit down too. "Tell me about the more important things that happened during the time I was not in the tribe." "Yes!" Feng Cao sorted out his thoughts, and then began to report the situation of the Veng tribe to Jiang Xuan. Because it is winter, the external threats are relatively small, so there are not many things happening in the tribe, but some relatively trivial internal problems. Such as clansmen stealing goods, fighting, captives escaping and the like. After Feng Cao finished talking about the information, he wanted to say something, but he stopped. "If you have anything to say, just say it, you are the leader of the thorn vines, don't hesitate." Feng Cao nodded and no longer hesitated: "I think the leader of the thorn mustard has some problems recently." "What's the problem?" "He often uses himself I will bring some catches home and give them to the women in the tribe that he likes, and let those women sleep with him." Jiang Xuan frowned. In the past two years, he has artificially bred fry with the Teng tribe, and went to The fish was put in the river, and there were a lot of fish in the river. This year, the winter fishing has also restarted. Therefore, other teams may have little harvest in winter, but the fishing team has a great harvest in winter. As a leader, it is inevitable for Jing Ji to take a catch at home, but it is wrong for him to use this method to benefit himself. Of course, he didn't make any big mistakes either. The tribesmen never cared much about who they slept with. This is also the reason why Fengcao hesitated whether to say it or not. But seeing the slightest, if the Goto tribe can continue to grow and develop, the power in the hands of these leaders will also increase. At that time, will they still be content to exchange some catches for pleasure? Jiang Xuan said: "I know, I will handle this matter, and if I encounter similar incidents in the future, I will also report it to me." "Yes." After Feng Cao reported all the information, she took the initiative to help Jiang Xuan clean up. Dried animal meat, red crystal rice, boiled in a pot, and then planned to leave. Jiang Xuandao: "Since you're here, let's eat together, I have something to tell you." "Yes." Feng Cao sat down again. Jiang Xuan began to tell her what he encountered and heard when he went to the central part, so that Feng Cao had a concept of the central part of the Southern Wilderness in his mind. UU reading "Fengcao, the reason why I tell you this is that I hope that in the future your thorny vines can be placed in the otter tribe, the crab tribe, and even the crocodile tribe, ant tribe and spider tribe. Go inside." "The central part of the Southern Wilderness is a good place, really a good place, there are too many resources." Feng Cao asked: "What the leader means is, like other big tribes, we will migrate to Going to the central part of the Southern Wilderness?" Jiang Xuan said: "We will talk about whether we will migrate or not, but we must have the resources in the central part. Now that we have a ship, as long as the route is successfully opened, we can pull back the things in the central part one by one. Fengcao said in embarrassment: "But the central part of the Southern Wilderness is too far away. It is very difficult for us, thorns and vines, to install our own people in all the tribes along the way." Jiang Xuan smiled and said: "So, I left it for you in the central part." One person, through this person, we can control more people and make them become thorn vines!" "Who?" "Clansmen of the Rat Tribe!" Then, Jiang Xuan spoke about the Rat Tribe, especially Their ability to burrow and steal, and to disguise themselves as other tribesmen. Feng Cao's eyes lit up when he heard these kinds of abilities: "This rat tribe is so suitable for our Nepeta vine!" "It is indeed suitable, so I asked the Vine God to leave a seed in the squirrel's body, And give him a magical plant fruit that can increase his strength, so that he can quickly become stronger." "As long as the squirrel can become strong enough, he can become the leader. If we help him again, he will become stronger." Maybe we can reintegrate the rat tribe that has been torn apart!" "A complete rat tribe that knows the central region very well will be of great help to us." After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, Feng Cao nodded frequently. The brilliance of yearning in her eyes, she yearns for a wider and more challenging world.

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