MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-v2 Chapter 282 The incurable locust

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With a muffled sound, the huge dumpling fell to the ground.

Even though it had spread its wings as much as possible to reduce the noise when it landed, there were still two rows of large and deep holes on the ground.

It was the claws of the dumplings poked out.

"Hahaha, Chief Xuan, I haven't seen you for a while, you are getting stronger and stronger!"

Shan Jia went to the door in time to greet him, and before he walked over, he began to praise Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan jumped off the back of the dumplings, landed on the ground with ease, and then walked towards the mountain armor.

He is nineteen years old this year, and his strength has reached the level of a five-color warrior. He is tall and burly, and looks very oppressive.

"Leader of the mountain armor, long time no see." A smile appeared on Jiang Xuan's face.

He has been to the Mountain Turtle Tribe many times, and he is as familiar as his own home. After landing, his mood is relatively relaxed.

"Boss Xuan, it's too late for you to come. Today our tribe's warriors just collected some fresh ice lotus root, let's go, I'll take you to taste it."

"it is good."

The two walked shoulder to shoulder, chatting while walking into the tribe. The mountain turtle tribesmen on the road were very familiar with Jiang Xuan, and some warriors even greeted Jiang Xuan, and Jiang Xuan responded one by one.

After a while, the two came to the house where Shan Jia lived.

In addition to the fire pond, a set of wooden furniture is particularly conspicuous. It is a gift from the rattan tribe to the mountain turtle tribe. There are two sets in total, one for the witch and one for the leader.

After Jiang Xuan sat down on the chair, Shan Jia immediately put some washed ice lotus root on the table and let Jiang Xuan eat it casually.

Jiang Xuan took a piece of ice lotus, put it in his mouth and took a bite, the cold and sweet taste made him refreshed.

It's a real treat to eat something like this on a hot summer day.

On the other hand, the ice lotus root transplanted by the vine tribe does not have this cooling effect, the taste is much worse, and it does not have the effect of being as cold as ice cubes.

Jiang Xuan said in surprise: "Is this dug from the place where the Otter tribe lived?"

Shan Jia said honestly: "That's right, but our warriors are not as good at diving as the Otter Tribe. They can only pull up the ice lotus root. Most of them can only get the upper part, and it is difficult to pull them out completely."

Jiang Xuan took another bite and said, "It's a pity, those ice lotus roots under the silt are bigger and sweeter."

Shan Jia said helplessly: "I want to eat the ice lotus root under the silt. It is estimated that only the big otters of the Otter tribe can dig it out."

Are only those big otters able to dig out?

Jiang Xuan thought about it carefully, and thought to himself: That's not necessarily true. There are many animals that are good at diving, and it's not just the big otter!

For example, the frog tribe, those giant frogs are particularly good at diving, and it should be no problem to dig an ice lotus root.

However, Jiang Xuan would not say such words in front of the mountain armor. He pondered that after the territory of the Goto tribe expanded to the Great Swamp, he must try to plant ice lotus root again on the Great Swamp.

It stands to reason that as long as the environment is similar, the ice lotus root should be the same, and there will be no significant drop in taste and yield after transplanting by the vine tribe.

After Jiang Xuan finished eating a piece of ice lotus root, he put this matter aside for the time being, because he didn't come for the ice lotus root today.

"Leader of the mountain armor, in fact, I came here this time to report to you."

"A letter?"

"Yes, do you know that there are a large number of locusts flying over here?"

"Locusts? What is that?"

"It's a grasshopper, but it's much more ferocious than the grasshoppers we usually see."

"It turned out to be a grasshopper..."

When Yamagata heard that it was a grasshopper, his mood suddenly relaxed.

Grasshoppers have a very long history of birth, and their distribution range is extremely wide. Tribal people are not unfamiliar with them at all.

Usually when the tribesmen go out hunting, if they come across a big grasshopper, they will also catch them, thread them into a string with thin wooden sticks, roast them and eat them, and the taste is okay.

Jiang Xuan saw Shan Jia's expression and knew that he knew nothing about the locust plague, and thought it was some grasshoppers hopping in the grass and eating grass leaves.

"Leader of the mountain gills, the locusts we encounter now are not the ones you usually see, but they are overwhelming, and you can't count them. They can eat up a forest in a few days."

"Think about it, if these locusts eat up the plants in the forest, the animals will definitely run away, so where are we going to hunt?"

Shan Jia listened to Jiang Xuan's serious words, and finally paid some attention in his heart, but he still asked with a little doubt: "Is it really that powerful?"

"It's more powerful than you think, otherwise I wouldn't have come all the way to remind you."

Jiang Xuan continued: "Our Vine Tribe has already started to deal with these locusts, but the strength of the Vine Tribe alone is not enough, we need the help of other tribes."

"You can't even deal with the Vine tribe?"

Shan Jia was taken aback and finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

You must know that the nearby tribes have already regarded the Vine tribe as a quasi-big tribe, and what even the Vine tribe can't deal with, other tribes are even more unable to resist.

"Leader of the mountain armor, it's useless if I say more, why don't I take you to see it with your own eyes, how about it?"

Yamagata hesitated, then nodded.

In any case, he could never imagine how the grasshopper, which usually looks harmless to humans and animals, and even regarded as food, can have such terrifying destructive power.

He wouldn't fully believe it without seeing it with his own eyes.

"Okay, then I'll trouble the leader of the mountain armor to go to the Que Tribe and the Unicorn Tribe with me. I believe they will, like you, want to see the locust plague with their own eyes."

Shan Jia nodded again, he was no longer in the mood to eat ice lotus root, he ate a little animal meat to satisfy his hunger, and then explained a few words to Wu, and left the mountain turtle tribe with Jiang Xuan.

The Que Tribe and the Unicorn Tribe were not far from the Mountain Turtle Tribe, and the dumplings flew fast. In the evening, the leaders of these two tribes were also persuaded by Jiang Xuan to follow Jiang Xuan to see the locusts.

In the middle of the night, the dumplings took them back to the forest where the first hunting team and the breeding team were located to rest.

Early the next morning, when the sky was just dawn, Jiang Xuan got up with the leaders of the three tribes and climbed to the highest tree nearby.

Just looking at it, the leaders of the three tribes were shocked and speechless.

I saw a vast expanse of forest in front of me, and all the green color had disappeared, leaving only the bare trunks and branches, a piece of withered yellow.

You know, it's summer now!

"This this…"

Shan Jia was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

Jiang Xuan had anticipated their reaction, and he said calmly, "Let's see."

The habit of locusts is day and night. At this time, most of the locusts are still lying on the trees and sleeping.

When the sky was getting brighter and the sun was rising from Dongfang Ran Ran, all the locusts slowly woke up.


After the locusts woke up one after another, they flapped their wings and flew up.

At first, only a few scattered locusts flew up, and soon, more and more locusts flew up, so densely packed that they could not be counted.

These locusts are all khaki, and when they gather, they look like a large cloud of yellow clouds. The humming of their wings makes people feel numb on their scalps.

After these locusts flew up, they quickly rushed towards the nearest green plant.

"Crack clap..."

The locusts frantically gnawed at the leaves, grass blades and plant shoots. In the blink of an eye, a big tree was gnawed with holes, and all the green leaves were eaten by the locusts.


Shan Jia swallowed hard and said, "Are these really grasshoppers? It's terrible."

The leaders of the Que Tribe and the Unicorn Tribe nodded one after another.

Jiang Xuandao: "You can think of them as mutated grasshoppers. If you leave them alone, it won't take long for them to eat up all the forests near the swamp and even further away."

"By that time, how will we survive here?"

Jiang Xuan's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of Shan Jia and others.

When it comes to tribal survival, no one can remain indifferent.

The leader of the Unicorn tribe hurriedly asked, "Leader Xuan, what should we do?"

Jiang Xuandao: "Of course, unite and deal with these locusts together."

He thought about it for a while, and UU Reading added: "Not only our four tribes, but also other tribes near the Great Swamp must join forces to deal with these locusts together, they must be eliminated, no Let them continue to invade our territory!"

The three nodded in succession. After seeing the horror of the locust plague, they absolutely did not want the locust plague to happen on their own territory.

At the moment, Jiang Xuan discussed with them the feasible methods of killing locusts. After the discussion was completed, he sent them back to their respective tribes without stopping, and asked them to organize manpower to deal with the locust plague together.

On the Veng tribe's side, in addition to the first hunting team and the breeding team, more people were mobilized to participate in the slaughter of locusts.


Two days later, the frog tribe rushed over first, and a large group of giant frogs immediately jumped into the forest, frantically preying on the locusts.

Soon, other tribes came one after another to join in this big operation against the locust plague.

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