MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-v2 Chapter 314 Soil Desertification Prevention and Control

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The latest website: May and June, it should be a rainy summer, but the northern part of the Vine Tribe has not rained for two consecutive months.

Under the scorching heat of summer, the vegetation in the forest in the north dries up rapidly, and the groundwater level also drops rapidly under the dual effects of the expansion of the Great Rift Valley and the drought. Even the Lobster River is inevitably affected.

Fortunately, there is a big swamp, and the nearby tribes can temporarily meet the water demand, but if this situation continues, even if the water area of ​​the big swamp is wide, I am afraid it will shrink day by day.

To the north of the Vine Tribe, Jiang Xuan walked in the dry forest, looked at the dust flying in the sky, frowned and said: "It seems that I still underestimated the impact of the Great Rift Valley. If this continues, I am afraid this place will be like the West Wilderness. , slowly turning into a desert.”

Jiang Xuan stretched out his hand and grabbed a fallen leaf that was swirling around, and whispered: "This is not possible, we must make plans early, we cannot sit still and wait for death."

Jiang Xuan was thinking while walking in the woods. After clearing his mind, he immediately returned to the tribe and discussed his thoughts with Chi Shao.

Because of the training of many witch doctors, and the well-organized arrangement of various affairs in the tribe, Chi Shao is no longer as busy as before, and she has more time to do her own things.

When Jiang Xuan found Chi Shao, she was devoutly divination beside the fire pit.

Jiang Xuan didn't bother Chi Shao, but quietly walked aside and waited patiently.

"Crackling crackling..."

Chi Shao's eyes were closed tightly, and she kept chanting ancient and mysterious witch spells. The flame in front of her was burning fiercely, and there was a palm-sized tortoise shell floating in the center of the flame.

Under the burning of the flame, the tortoise shell was gradually scorched, and some deep or shallow cracks of various shapes appeared.

After Chi Shao finished reciting the incantation, she slowly opened her eyes, and the flames that sprang up from the fire pit gradually receded. She reached out and took the tortoise shell into her hand, and then carefully observed the cracks on it, frowning from time to time , relax from time to time.

After a while, she put away the tortoise shell and turned to look at Jiang Xuan: "Xuan, have you been waiting for a long time? Come and sit down."

Jiang Xuan nodded, and sat down on a stool made of polished tree stumps beside the fire pit.

"Sister, what were you divination just now?"

"I'm divining when it will rain in the north."

"what's the result?"

Chi Shao shook her head, said: "Not too good, maybe for a long time in the future, the north will be shrouded in drought."

Although Jiang Ye had already guessed in his heart, when he heard Chi Shao's words with his own ears, he was still a little disappointed.

"Just now I went to the forest in the north. The situation is very bad. Most of the trees are dead and dust is flying all over the sky. If this continues, the land there will be as deserted as the Western Wilderness in a short time."

"It's so serious, what should we do?"

Jiang Xuan squeezed his chin and said, "Right now we need to do a few things. One is to select drought-resistant and cold-resistant vegetation and artificially plant them in the north to resist the invasion of wind and sand."

"The second thing is that the tribe's planting and breeding industries need to be transferred to places with abundant water sources. Only in this way can we ensure that the harvest will not continue to decline."

"The third thing..." Jiang Xuan looked at Chi Shao solemnly, and said: "We must consider the matter of gradually advancing the territory to the middle."...

"Advance to the middle..."

Chi Shao repeated Jiang Ye's words, thought for a moment, and said: "Is it too urgent? You said before that there are many big tribes in the central region, and their inheritance is longer than ours, and their strength is much stronger than ours. If we want to enter the central region, we will definitely clash with these big tribes, and with our current strength, I am afraid we will not be able to take advantage of it.”

Chi Shao's character is more cautious and stable. She thinks that the Fuji tribe is not strong enough, and the risk of rushing into the central region is too great.

Jiang Xuandao: "Of course I have considered these things. What I mean by advancing to the central region is not to immediately enter the central region to compete with those big tribes for territory, but to expand the territory step by step along the banks of the river toward the central region."

"We have ships that can transport on water, and we have ships that can fight in water

As long as they control the river and the fertile land along the coast, the tribe will definitely develop stronger in the future, and they will be more confident in dealing with the drought. "

After listening to Jiang Xuan's words, Chi Shao was finally relieved: "Xuan, since this is the case, then do as you say, my sister supports you."

At the moment, Jiang Xuan discussed the details of these matters with Chi Shao, and then left Chi Shao's yard and went to the planting team.

Today's planting team is no longer the group of people who didn't understand anything and only knew how to work hard.

With the support of Jiang Xuan, some people are responsible for improving and inventing farming equipment, some people specialize in seed selection and breeding, some people research fertilizers, and some people research pest control...

With the accumulation of experience and the joining of various talents, the planting industry of the Vine Tribe has become more and more prosperous, and the harvest has also continued to grow.

However, as the leader of the planting team, Gan Song feels more and more difficult to lead the team in the past two years.

Gan Song was the first group of tourists to join after the establishment of the Vine Tribe, and his aptitude was limited. After so many years, he was still a two-color warrior.

Besides, he has only one arm, and in this primitive era where the strong are admired, his strength has become more and more difficult to convince the public.

The continuous expansion of the team, the emergence of various talents and new technologies, as well as his own lack of strength, coupled with his growing age, all these made him feel very difficult as a leader.

Today, after Jiang Xuan arrived, Gan Song mentioned to him the idea of ​​resigning.

"Boss, the planting team has now expanded to two or three thousand people. There are too many fields to count. I really don't have the ability to manage it. The leader should choose another person."

While talking, Gan Song poured herbal tea for Jiang Xuan with a clay pot.

Holding the pottery cup, Jiang Xuan smelled the fragrance of herbs in the herbal tea, and said with a smile, "Why, you don't want to work so soon?"

Gan Song was anxious: "Leader, you know me well, am I that lazy person?"

Jiang Xuan looked at his tanned skin and rough, callused hands, and said, "Of course not, since the establishment of the planting team, you have been working in the fields day and night, Everyone is watching."

When Gan Song heard this sentence, his mood eased a little, and he felt comforted in his heart.

Sitting next to Jiang Xuan, he bowed his head and said, "Boss, I'm old, slow to learn, and low in strength. I really can't manage such a big team anymore. I just want to be an ordinary team member and feel at ease every day." Go to work in the field.”  …

Jiang Xuan blew on the steaming herbal tea, sniffed the aroma of the herbal tea for a while, and said, "In your opinion, who is suitable to be the leader of this planting team?"

Gan Song lowered his head and thought carefully for a moment, then raised his head and said: "I think Shui Cang is suitable. He is hardworking, strong, and has many ideas. Thanks to him helping me manage the planting team in the past two years, there will be no trouble."

Shui Cang, Jiang Xuan has a deep impression of this person, because he is a relatively rare three-color fighter in the planting team.

The stronger fighters among the tribes generally prefer hunting and fighting. After the strength of many planting team breakthroughs, they will apply to be transferred to other teams that have a chance to fight. Those who are strong and willing to stay in the planting team are only a few .

Shui Cang is about twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old, and Jiang Xuan has the impression that he is more mature and stable, and he does things in an orderly manner. He is indeed a good candidate for the leader.

Jiang Xuandao: "Changing the leader is a big deal, and you can't make a hasty decision. Since you are optimistic about Shui Cang, then try to give him more management power first. After a while, if he really does a good job and can convince the public, It’s not too late to make a decision.”

"Thank you, leader."

Gan Song heaved a sigh of relief. He is not a person greedy for power. It is a joyful thing for him to hand over this position to the right person.

Of course, there is also some loss and confusion deep in his heart, because he doesn't know how much he can do for the tribe after leaving this position.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan said: "I came to you today, and there is another matter."

Gan Song cheered up: "Leader, please speak.


"The drought in the north, the dead vegetation, you must know about it, right?"

Gan Song nodded: "I know, the fruit trees we planted there have died a lot."

Jiang Xuandao: "If the drought continues, it won't just be a matter of the fruit trees dying. The land over there will gradually turn into a desert like the Western Wilderness, and it will even invade the place where our vine tribe lives."

Gan Song asked nervously, "Leader, what should we do then?"

"I've already discussed it with Wu. There is only one way right now, and that is to prevent and control it in advance. We need to select drought-tolerant plants and plant them on a large scale before the soil becomes desertified to prevent wind and fix sand."

"As long as enough drought-tolerant plants are planted, a green barrier can be built on the north side, preventing desertification from spreading to this side, and preserving our forests and fields."

Jiang Xuan looked at Gan Song and said, "This is very difficult, and I won't see any effect in the short term. I need someone who can endure hardship and endure loneliness to do it."

Gan Song's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Jiang Xuan's words: "Leader, let me go!"

"Think about it, the conditions over there are very difficult, and you may not be able to see returns in a short period of time. UU Reading"

"Leader, I'm not afraid of suffering, nor of not being rewarded, as long as this matter is useful to the tribe."

When Jiang Xuan heard these words, he was very moved. It is really rare for a person like Gan Song who purely wants to work for the tribe.

"In this case, I will leave this matter to you, but don't worry, it is not the season for planting, you can first select some people from the planting team, go to those deserted places to find drought-tolerant plants, wait until the planting season season, dig these plants back and try to plant them slowly.”

"Okay, don't worry, leader, I will definitely take care of this matter!"

With a new goal, Gan Song's whole spirit changed, from being decadent and struggling, to becoming high-spirited again.

Jiang Xuan also taught Gan Song some experience in wind and sand control that he had seen in his previous life, so that he had at least one direction. As for whether this matter will be successful or not, no one knows.

cloud bluestone


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