MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 108 projection

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Mu Feibai stared at the bracelet and waited anxiously for a long time before receiving the message from Qi Zhefeng—

"I tried it for you."

Mu Feibai immediately sat up straight: "What did he say?"

After a while, Qi Zhefeng replied: "Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have considered marrying you yet."

Mu Feibai: "...Oh."

In fact, Mu Feibai had been psychologically prepared for this result.

He didn't know what the specific reason was, let alone where the source was. In short, the closer he was to Qiu Yu, the more he could feel that Qiu Yu seemed far away from him.

This sentence may sound hypocritical, but only by experiencing it personally can you grasp the feeling that seems to be nothingness but is real.

Even when the two of them were in contact with each other at a negative distance, Mu Feibai felt the sense of alienation from Qiu Yu's body, and a thought that made him even unbelievable popped up in his mind-could Qiu Yu really be Tianwai? Are you coming?

Of course, this kind of weird thought that popped up suddenly was often denied by himself in the next second.

What a joke, the lover with such a seductive expression in his arms and such a sweet voice, how could it be really an alien.

The bracelet vibrated twice again, pulling back Mu Feibai's thoughts that were gradually diverging.

The message this time was not from Qi Zhefeng, but from a high-end jewelry customization brand.

"Hello, the new design has been modified according to your requirements, please confirm again."

A hologram file is also included in the message attachment.

Mu Feibai took a deep breath slowly, and clicked on the attachment.

Light was projected from the bracelet, and a fine spot of light was condensed in the space above his wrist, forming a delicately carved ring, which was slowly rotating 360 degrees.

After staring at the image of the ring for a long time, Mu Feibai turned it off and replied to the message:

"Change again."

"If the design is more low-key, he won't like something so ostentatious."

"How about this, diamonds are embedded in the inner ring, and the shape is simpler."

After a while, the other person replied: "Okay, the designer will make adjustments."

But Mu Feibai said: "Forget it. Don't be in a hurry, wait. I'll think about it."

A polite and commercial smile came across.

No matter how Mu Feibai looked at it, he felt that the brand designer might already be cursing him.

While Mu Feibai was staring at the holographic projection of the ring in a daze, Qiu Yu also received a message from Xu Qingqing who had been in touch with him intermittently—

"Brother Qiu, I'm getting married."

Speaking of which, it has been almost a year since distance and Xu Weiwei separated.

Qiu Yu is usually busy with training and competitions, and he is not the kind of character who likes to cultivate friendship. The contact between the two is that Xu Qingqing sent messages first, and Qiu Yu just tries to reply every time. This friendship It's not completely broken.

During this period of time, Xu Qingqing used civil affairs matching to date three Alphas, but she never got matched to A-level suitability. In the end, for some reason, after going around and going around, I actually reconciled with the "Xiao Chen" who I dated and broke up with at the beginning.

According to Xu Qingqing, the two just reconciled before the Spring Festival. It's only been a few days since the Spring Festival, and they are about to get married.

Xu Qingqing: "Hey, I was originally rushing to get married to get matched. Since I feel good talking about it, it's good to get married early. I can stabilize early and have a baby while I am young. The body will recover quickly."

Xu Qingqing: "Besides, when I was in love a few days ago, I asked him to give me a temporary mark... I don't know what happened to others, anyway, after I experienced the mark, I knew that I would definitely not be able to go back to that kind of I've been struggling with inhibitors. He also loves me a lot, and immediately proposed after marking it, saying that he will be responsible for me for the rest of his life. I agreed."

Although it seemed a bit plain to say, Qiu Yu knew that even if there was no vigorous passion between the two, there must be feelings. Otherwise, with Xu Qingqing's pungent personality, she would never turn back.

So he said sincerely: "Congratulations. I wish you all happiness and a happy union for a hundred years."

Xu Weiwei sent a happy expression: "Thank you! I am so happy to receive your blessing! I am happier than when I was proposed by him!!"

Qiu Yu: "...Don't let him see you."

Xu Qingqing smiled: "He is watching me send you a message, and now he is eating lemon beside him."

Before Qiu Yu could reply, Xu Qingqing sent two more messages:

"Speaking of the proposal, I'm a little curious."

"You have been marked by Mushen for so long, and you have been with him even during Chinese New Year. Could it be that you are already preparing to get married behind our fans' backs?"

Qiu Yu considered it for a while, but did not disclose any more information: "Confidential."

Xu Qingqing: "Ah, disappointed, you actually kept it a secret from me! Hmph!"

After joking, she continued: "We plan to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register at the end of this month, but the wedding will be arranged in mid-March during the spring break. I will send you an invitation later. If you want to come, you can come and have fun. Of course not It’s okay to come! You are a public figure after all, I understand!”

For this invitation, Qiu Yu didn't directly refuse, but he didn't agree immediately, he only said that we'll see when the time comes.

This year's Early Spring Invitational Tournament was held in the Eastern Seventh Star District, and the first match was on February 15th.

Those who are eligible to receive the invitation letter of the Early Spring Invitational Tournament are only the teams that ranked first in points in each star area in the previous year. Therefore, there are only 16 teams participating in the Early Spring Invitational Tournament. Coupled with the tight schedule, every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are game days, and the entire Early Spring Invitational Tournament is completed in just one month.

The league station in the seventh star region in the east is not too far from the capital of the first star region in the east where Eagle Cavalry is located. It only takes 22 hours for a one-way spaceship and two long-distance jumps to get there.

But considering the tight schedule, the team will still stay in the hotel there until the end of the game.

As soon as they arrived at the resident hotel of the league in the seventh sector, everyone in the Eagle Rider team met their old enemy—the MIG of the third sector in the east.

Surprisingly, Vie was not in their team.

Now even Mu Feibai was a little surprised.

Because he knew that the lawsuit filed by the Oga Federation of the Star Alliance against Vie would end in nothing. After all, Oga was not seriously injured. In the end, Vie only paid a sum of compensation, which was transferred to Qiu Yu's account through the federation.

But now Vie has left MIG, and there is no news of him changing jobs during the winter offseason.

However, more or less is a good thing.

Without the troublesome Alpha, the other members of MIG were quite rational. When the other captain and Mu Feibai passed by, they nodded politely as a greeting.

Mu Feibai only found out what happened to Vie later when he was chatting with friends from other star regions.

It turned out that Vie's dissatisfaction with Oga reached its peak after being severely abused by Qiu Yu in the Star Alliance Cup final. As soon as he returned to the third sector, he immediately ran to the red alley, and vented his anger on those Oga who were in the flesh business. As a result, because he played too much, he offended a certain Oga's other benefactors, and was finally sent down by the other party. Confused, infected with banned drugs... It is said that he is currently locked up in a rehabilitation institution.

After hearing these gossips, Mu Feibai was simply amazed.

And immediately made up his mind that if the Covenant Cup or the Early Spring Invitational Tournament was held in the third star region in the east, he must tie Qiu Yu firmly to himself, and he could not separate it for a second.

That star sector is too dangerous!

In contrast, even the Eastern Seventh Star District, which is famous for its gaming industry, seems to be cute.

Yes, the Eastern Seventh Star District, where the Early Spring Invitational Tournament was held this year, is a place where gambling is legal.

The natural planet where the league is located is also the birthplace of the gaming and pan-entertainment industry in this star area. There are many casinos of various forms near the hotel—there are traditional chess and card games, racecourses, arenas, boxing rings, and robots fighting arena.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, Qiu Yu looked at the large expanse of resplendent and resplendent buildings not far from the hotel, and couldn't help sighing, "What a luxurious night view."

Mu Feibai hugged him from behind. Hearing this, he gave a low laugh and asked, "Want to go and have a look? It's legal here, if you want to have fun..."

"I don't know how to gamble." Qiu Yu interrupted him without hesitation, "Don't try to kidnap me."

The wasteland of the end of the world also advocates instant gratification, although the level of luxury is far less than the scene in front of him.

Qiu Yu has seen the kind of people whose vitality was emptied by **** and gambling, as if they were walking dead. In the stories he had heard, there were many mercenaries who were originally quite powerful, but became more and more powerful after becoming addicted to gambling. The more decadent, until all dignity is lost in order to get gambling money.

Mu Feibai just laughed: "Okay, okay, don't touch gambling, I won't kidnap you."

Although he had come to play when he was just an adult, and he knew that for a person like Qiu Yu, a little play or two would not cause any serious consequences.

However, Qiu Yu didn't want to touch it, and he wouldn't mention it again.

After all, he had touched it himself, but he didn't find it interesting.

"Actually, besides the casino itself, gaming has also brought a lot of surrounding industries." Mu Feibai said, "The food in the seventh star district in the east is also very famous in the Star Alliance. I still remember the gold we tasted in the cafeteria of the game before. King crab? I remember you liked it."

Hearing him mention it, Qiu Yu remembered it, and immediately said with saliva, "I remember."

Mu Feibai said: "Golden king crab is a special product of the seventh star district in the east, and because the ingredients and ingredients are very particular, so only here—"

He pointed to the resplendent buildings outside the window: "—that's the most authentic."

Qiu Yu turned around and looked at him: "I think you just want to kidnap me."

Mu Feibai immediately raised his hand and surrendered, aggrieved: "How wronged! I really just want to take you to eat delicious food, but who made all the high-end restaurants in this wonderful star area open next to the casino?"

As long as he is determined not to gamble, Qiu Yu has no resistance to eating. In addition, although golden king crab is expensive, it is not a food that he can't afford now, and he doesn't eat it every day. Since he is here, he is still willing to experience what he can experience.

After all, he had originally planned to travel in this world and experience things that he had never experienced before. Now that there is an opportunity, there is really no need to hold back.

"We'll talk about it after the game." Qiu Yu said, "Don't always think about going out."

"Okay." Mu Feibai lightly pecked Qiu Yu's ear, "I listen to my brother in everything."

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